コード例 #1
ファイル: PackageManagerTest.cs プロジェクト: coapp/Test
 public void DeleteSystemFeedsTest()
     PackageManager target = new PackageManager();
     IEnumerable<string> feedLocations = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     MessageHandlers messageHandlers = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Task expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Task actual;
     actual = target.DeleteSystemFeeds(feedLocations, messageHandlers);
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
コード例 #2
ファイル: PackageManagerTest.cs プロジェクト: coapp/Test
 public void AddSystemFeedsTest()
     //column name in the data file
     string name = "AddSystemFeedsTest";
     //get the expected result from this data row for this test
     string testval = (string)Context.DataRow[name];
     int val;
     if (int.TryParse(testval, out val))
         if (Test.CoApp.misc.Results.Ignore.Equals(val))
             System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Skipping string " + (string) Context.DataRow["string"] + " for test " +
     PackageManager target = new PackageManager();
     IEnumerable<string> feedLocations = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     MessageHandlers messageHandlers = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Task expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Task actual = target.AddSystemFeeds(feedLocations, messageHandlers);
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
コード例 #3
ファイル: PackageManagerTest.cs プロジェクト: coapp/Test
 public void DoNotScanLocationsTest()
     PackageManager target = new PackageManager();
     IEnumerable<string> expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     IEnumerable<string> actual;
     target.DoNotScanLocations = expected;
     actual = target.DoNotScanLocations;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
コード例 #4
ファイル: PackageManagerTest.cs プロジェクト: coapp/Test
 public void SystemFeedLocationsTest()
     PackageManager target = new PackageManager();
     IEnumerable<string> item = target.SystemFeedLocations;
     Assert.IsNotNull(item, "Object returned by SystemFeedLocations was null.");
コード例 #5
ファイル: PackageManagerTest.cs プロジェクト: coapp/Test
 public void UpgradeTest()
     PackageManager target = new PackageManager();
     IEnumerable<string> packageList = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     MessageHandlers messageHandlers = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Task expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Task actual;
     actual = target.Upgrade(packageList, messageHandlers);
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
コード例 #6
ファイル: PackageManagerTest.cs プロジェクト: coapp/Test
 public void PackageManagerConstructorTest()
     PackageManager target = new PackageManager();
     Assert.IsNotNull(target, "Object returned by constructor was null.");
コード例 #7
ファイル: PackageManagerTest.cs プロジェクト: coapp/Test
        public void SessionFeedLocationsTest()
            PackageManager target = new PackageManager();
            System.Collections.ArrayList expected, actual;
            string[] var = {"c:\\"};
            expected = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            IEnumerable<string> tmp = target.SessionFeedLocations;
            IEnumerator<string> stepper = tmp.GetEnumerator();
            stepper.MoveNext(); //init to first item
            while (stepper.Current != null)
            // The following line generates downstream tasks, and must be waited on to pass the test.
            target.SessionFeedLocations = var;

            // Adding this did not cause the test to run successfully.
            // Tasklet.WaitforCurrentChildTasks();

            actual = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            tmp = target.SessionFeedLocations;
            stepper = tmp.GetEnumerator();
            stepper.MoveNext(); //init to first item
            while (stepper.Current != null)
            Assert.IsNotNull(actual, "Received NULL session feed list after assignment.");

            foreach (object t in expected)
                if (!actual.Contains(t))
                    string Estring = "";
                    for (int j = 0; j < expected.Count; j++)
                        Estring += (string)expected[j] + "\n";
                    string Astring = "";
                    for (int j = 0; j < actual.Count; j++)
                        Astring += (string)actual[j] + "\n";

                    Assert.Fail("Added feed location does not match expectation.\tMay be caused by incompleted child tasks.");
            Assert.IsTrue(true, "Retrieved and altered Session feed locations successfully.");
コード例 #8
ファイル: PackageManagerTest.cs プロジェクト: coapp/Test
 public void InstallPackagesTest()
     PackageManager target = new PackageManager();
     IEnumerable<global::CoApp.Toolkit.Engine.Package> packages = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     MessageHandlers messageHandlers = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Task expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     Task actual;
     actual = target.InstallPackages(packages, messageHandlers);
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
     Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
コード例 #9
ファイル: PackageManagerTest.cs プロジェクト: coapp/Test
 public void GetInstalledPackagesTest()
     PackageManager target = new PackageManager();
     Assert.IsNotNull(target.GetInstalledPackages(), "Returned list of packages was null.");
     //Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
コード例 #10
ファイル: PackageManagerTest.cs プロジェクト: coapp/Test
 public void GenerateAtomFeedTest()
     PackageManager target = new PackageManager();
     string outputFilename = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string packageSource = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     bool recursive = false; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string rootUrl = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string packageUrl = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string actualUrl = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     string title = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
     target.GenerateAtomFeed(outputFilename, packageSource, recursive, rootUrl, packageUrl, actualUrl, title);
     Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified.");
コード例 #11
ファイル: PackageManagerTest.cs プロジェクト: coapp/Test
 public void FlushCacheTest()
     PackageManager target = new PackageManager();
     Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified.");
コード例 #12
ファイル: CoAppClient.cs プロジェクト: coapp/PSClient
        protected override void BeginProcessing()
            BackRef = this;
            output = new List<object>();

            // Remoting...
            if (!ComputerName.IsNullOrEmpty())
                Remotes = new List<Runspace>();
                Remote.ConnectionGenerator Gen = new Remote.ConnectionGenerator(UseSSL, Credential, Port);
                foreach (string comp in ComputerName)
                    Remotes.Add(Gen.Generate(comp, Timeout, true));
            // Not remoting...
                PM = PackageManager.Instance;
                PM.ConnectAndWait("PSClient", SessionID, Timeout ?? 5000);
                messages = new PackageManagerMessages
                                   UnexpectedFailure = UnexpectedFailure,
                                   NoPackagesFound = NoPackagesFound,
                                   PermissionRequired = OperationRequiresPermission,
                                   Error = MessageArgumentError,
                                   RequireRemoteFile = GetRemoteFile,
                                   OperationCancelled = CancellationRequested,
                                   PackageInformation = PackageInfo,
                                   PackageDetails = PackageDetail,
                                   FeedDetails = FeedInfo,
                                   ScanningPackagesProgress = ScanProgress,
                                   InstallingPackageProgress = InstallProgress,
                                   RemovingPackageProgress = RemoveProgress,
                                   InstalledPackage = InstallComplete,
                                   RemovedPackage = RemoveComplete,
                                   FailedPackageInstall = InstallFailed,
                                   FailedPackageRemoval = RemoveFailed,
                                   Warning = WarningMsg,
                                   FeedAdded = NewFeed,
                                   FeedRemoved = LostFeed,
                                   FeedSuppressed = SupressedFeed,
                                   NoFeedsFound = NoFeeds,
                                   FileNotFound = NoFile,
                                   PackageBlocked = BlockedPackage,
                                   FileNotRecognized = NotRecognized,
                                   Recognized = Recognized,
                                   UnknownPackage = Unknown,
                                   PackageHasPotentialUpgrades = PotentialUpgrades,
                                   UnableToDownloadPackage = UnableToDownload,
                                   UnableToInstallPackage = UnableToInstall,
                                   UnableToResolveDependencies = UnableToResolveDeps,
                                   PackageSatisfiedBy = Satisfied