public void ParseSettings() { var list = new Dictionary<int, Settings>(); if (masterorgid.HasValue) { foreach (var o in UserSelectClasses(masterorg)) list[o.OrganizationId] = DbUtil.Db.CreateRegistrationSettings(o.OrganizationId); list[masterorg.OrganizationId] = DbUtil.Db.CreateRegistrationSettings(masterorg.OrganizationId); } else if (_orgid == null) return; else if (org != null) list[_orgid.Value] = DbUtil.Db.CreateRegistrationSettings(_orgid.Value); HttpContext.Current.Items["RegSettings"] = list; if (org == null || !org.AddToSmallGroupScript.HasValue()) return; var script = DbUtil.Db.Content(org.AddToSmallGroupScript); if (script == null || !script.Body.HasValue()) return; Log("Script:" + org.AddToSmallGroupScript); try { var pe = new PythonModel(Util.Host, "RegisterEvent", script.Body); HttpContext.Current.Items["PythonEvents"] = pe; } catch (Exception ex) { Log("PythonError"); org.AddToExtraText("Python.errors", ex.Message); throw; } }
public void RunPyScript() { var content = DbUtil.Db.ContentOfTypePythonScript(Report); if (content == null) throw new Exception("no script named " + Report); if (!CanRunScript(content)) throw new Exception("Not Authorized to run this script"); if (!content.Contains("BlueToolbarReport") && !content.Contains("@BlueToolbarTagId")) throw new Exception("Missing Call to Query Function 'BlueToolbarReport'"); if (Id == Guid.Empty) throw new Exception("Must be run from the BlueToolbar"); var pe = new PythonModel(Util.Host); pe.DictionaryAdd("BlueToolbarGuid", Id.ToCode()); foreach (var key in HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.AllKeys) pe.DictionaryAdd(key, HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString[key]); pe.RunScript(content); Results = pe.Output; }
public static string ExecutePython(string script, PythonModel model, bool fromFile = false) { ScriptEngine engine = CreateEngine(fromFile); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(ms)) { engine.Runtime.IO.SetOutput(ms, sw); engine.Runtime.IO.SetErrorOutput(ms, sw); try { var sc = fromFile ? engine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile(script) : engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(script); var code = sc.Compile(); var scope = engine.CreateScope(); scope.SetVariable("model", model); scope.SetVariable("Data", model.Data); var qf = new QueryFunctions(model.db, model.dictionary); scope.SetVariable("q", qf); code.Execute(scope); ms.Position = 0; using (var sr = new StreamReader(ms)) { var s = sr.ReadToEnd(); return(s.Replace("\r\r\n", "\n")); } } catch (Exception ex) { var err = engine.GetService <ExceptionOperations>().FormatException(ex); throw new Exception(err); } } }
public ActionResult PyScriptForm() { try { var pe = new PythonModel(Util.Host); foreach (var key in Request.Form.AllKeys) pe.DictionaryAdd(key, Request.Form[key]); pe.HttpMethod = "post"; var script = FetchPyScriptForm(pe.Data.pyscript); return Content(pe.RunScript(script)); } catch (Exception ex) { return RedirectShowError(ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult PyScriptForm(string name) { try { var script = FetchPyScriptForm(name); if (!script.HasValue()) return Message("no script named " + name); var pe = new PythonModel(Util.Host); foreach (var key in Request.QueryString.AllKeys) pe.DictionaryAdd(key, Request.QueryString[key]); pe.Data.pyscript = name; pe.HttpMethod = "get"; pe.RunScript(script); return View(pe); } catch (Exception ex) { return RedirectShowError(ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult PyScript(string name, string p1, string p2, string v1, string v2) { try { var script = DbUtil.Db.ContentOfTypePythonScript(name); if (!script.HasValue()) return Message("no script named " + name); if (!CanRunScript(script)) return Message("Not Authorized to run this script"); if (script.Contains("model.Form")) return Redirect("/PyScriptForm/" + name); script = script.Replace("@P1", p1 ?? "NULL") .Replace("@P2", p2 ?? "NULL") .Replace("V1", v1 ?? "None") .Replace("V2", v2 ?? "None"); if (script.Contains("@qtagid")) { var id = DbUtil.Db.FetchLastQuery().Id; var tag = DbUtil.Db.PopulateSpecialTag(id, DbUtil.TagTypeId_Query); script = script.Replace("@qtagid", tag.Id.ToString()); } var pe = new PythonModel(Util.Host); if (script.Contains("@BlueToolbarTagId")) { var id = DbUtil.Db.FetchLastQuery().Id; pe.DictionaryAdd("BlueToolbarGuid", id.ToCode()); } foreach (var key in Request.QueryString.AllKeys) pe.DictionaryAdd(key, Request.QueryString[key]); pe.RunScript(script); = name; ViewBag.url = Request.Url?.PathAndQuery; return View(pe); } catch (Exception ex) { return RedirectShowError(ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult PyScript(Guid id, string report) { var content = DbUtil.Db.ContentOfTypePythonScript(report); if (content == null) return Content("no script named " + report); if (!CanRunScript(content)) return Message("Not Authorized to run this script"); if (!content.Contains("BlueToolbarReport") && !content.Contains("@BlueToolbarTagId")) return Content("Missing Call to Query Function 'BlueToolbarReport'"); if (id == Guid.Empty) return Content("Must be run from the BlueToolbar"); var pe = new PythonModel(Util.Host); pe.DictionaryAdd("BlueToolbarGuid", id.ToCode()); foreach (var key in Request.QueryString.AllKeys) pe.DictionaryAdd(key, Request.QueryString[key]); pe.RunScript(content); return View(pe); }
public static IHandlebars RegisterHelpers(CMSDataContext db, PythonModel pm = null, IHandlebars handlebars = null) { handlebars = handlebars ?? Handlebars.Create(); handlebars.RegisterHelper("BottomBorder", (writer, context, args) => { writer.Write(CssStyle.BottomBorder); }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("AlignTop", (writer, context, args) => { writer.Write(CssStyle.AlignTop); }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("AlignRight", (writer, context, args) => { writer.Write(CssStyle.AlignRight); }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("DataLabelStyle", (writer, context, args) => { writer.Write(CssStyle.DataLabelStyle); }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("LabelStyle", (writer, context, args) => { writer.Write(CssStyle.LabelStyle); }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("DataStyle", (writer, context, args) => { writer.Write(CssStyle.DataStyle); }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("ServerLink", (writer, context, args) => { writer.Write(db.ServerLink().TrimEnd('/')); }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("FmtZip", (writer, context, args) => { writer.Write(args[0].ToString().FmtZip()); }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("HtmlComment", (writer, context, args) => { #if DEBUG writer.Write($"<h6>{args[0].ToString()} {args[1].ToString()}</h6>"); #else writer.Write($"<!--{args[0].ToString()} {args[1].ToString()}-->"); #endif }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("IfEqual", (writer, options, context, args) => { if (IsEqual(args)) { options.Template(writer, (object)context); } else { options.Inverse(writer, (object)context); } }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("IfNotEqual", (writer, options, context, args) => { if (!IsEqual(args)) { options.Template(writer, (object)context); } else { options.Inverse(writer, (object)context); } }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("IfCond", (writer, options, context, args) => { var op = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(args[1].ToString()); bool b = false; switch (op) { case "==": b = Compare(args) == 0; break; case "!=": b = Compare(args) != 0; break; case "<": b = Compare(args) < 0; break; case ">": b = Compare(args) > 0; break; case ">=": b = Compare(args) >= 0; break; case "<=": b = Compare(args) <= 0; break; case "&&": b = NumTrue(args) == 2; break; case "||": b = NumTrue(args) >= 1; break; } if (b) { options.Template(writer, (object)context); } else { options.Inverse(writer, (object)context); } }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("IfGT", (writer, options, context, args) => { if (Compare2(args) > 0) { options.Template(writer, (object)context); } else { options.Inverse(writer, (object)context); } }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("IfLT", (writer, options, context, args) => { if (Compare2(args) < 0) { options.Template(writer, (object)context); } else { options.Inverse(writer, (object)context); } }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("IfGE", (writer, options, context, args) => { if (Compare2(args) <= 0) { options.Template(writer, (object)context); } else { options.Inverse(writer, (object)context); } }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("IfLE", (writer, options, context, args) => { if (Compare2(args) <= 0) { options.Template(writer, (object)context); } else { options.Inverse(writer, (object)context); } }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("GetToken", (writer, context, args) => { var s = args[0].ToString(); var n = args[1].ToInt(); var ntoks = args.Length > 2 ? args[2].ToInt() : 2; var sep = args.Length > 3 ? args[3].ToString() : " "; var a = s.SplitStr(sep, ntoks); writer.Write(a[n]?.Trim() ?? ""); }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("FmtMDY", (writer, context, args) => { DateTime dt; var s = args[0].ToString(); if (DateTime.TryParse(s, out dt)) { writer.Write(dt.ToShortDateString()); } }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("FmtDate", (writer, context, args) => { DateTime dt; var s = args[0].ToString(); if (DateTime.TryParse(s, out dt)) { writer.Write(dt.ToShortDateString()); } }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("FmtMoney", (writer, context, args) => { decimal d; var s = args[0].ToString(); if (decimal.TryParse(s, out d)) { writer.Write(d.ToString("C")); } }); // Format helper in form of: {{Fmt value "fmt"}} // ex. {{Fmt Total "C"}} // fmt is required. Uses standard/custom dotnet format strings handlebars.RegisterHelper("Fmt", (writer, context, args) => { var fmt = $"{{0:{args[1]}}}"; writer.Write(fmt, args[0]); }); // FmtPhone helper in form of: {{FmtPhone phone# "prefix"}} handlebars.RegisterHelper("FmtPhone", (writer, context, args) => { writer.Write(args[0].ToString().FmtFone($"{args[1]}")); }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("ReplaceCode", (writer, context, args) => { EmailReplacements r = context.Replacements as EmailReplacements ?? (context.Replacements = new EmailReplacements(db)); var code = args[0].ToString(); var p = db.LoadPersonById(args[1].ToInt()); int?oid = null; if (args.Length == 3) { oid = args[2].ToInt2(); } writer.Write(r.RenderCode(code, p, oid)); }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("Json", (writer, options, context, args) => { dynamic a = JsonDeserialize2(args[0].ToString()); foreach (var item in a) { options.Template(writer, item); } }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("Calc", (writer, context, args) => { var calcAmt = args[0].ToDouble() - args[1].ToDouble(); var calcAmtfmt = $"{{0:{'c'}}}"; writer.Write(calcAmtfmt, calcAmt); }); handlebars.RegisterHelper("ThrowError", (writer, context, args) => { throw new Exception("ThrowError called in Handlebars Helper"); }); return(handlebars); }
public static ExcelWorksheet AddSheet(this ExcelPackage ep, DataTable dt, string filename, bool useTable = false) { var sheetname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); var ws = ep.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetname); ws.Cells["A1"].LoadFromDataTable(dt, true); var count = dt.Rows.Count; using (var header = ws.Cells[1, 1, 1, dt.Columns.Count]) { header.Style.Font.Bold = true; header.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid; header.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(91, 154, 212)); header.Style.Font.Color.SetColor(Color.White); } ExcelTable table = null; if (useTable) { var range = ws.Cells[1, 1, count + 1, dt.Columns.Count]; table = ws.Tables.Add(range, sheetname); table.TableStyle = TableStyles.Light9; table.ShowFilter = false; } for (var i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { var col = i + 1; var name = dt.Columns[i].ColumnName; var type = dt.Columns[i].DataType; if (table != null) { table.Columns[i].Name = name; } var colrange = ws.Cells[1, col, count + 2, col]; if (name.Contains("Info") || name.Contains("Classes") || name == "Questions") { colrange.Style.WrapText = true; ws.Column(col).Width = 40.0; } else if (!name.ToLower().EndsWith("id") && type == typeof(int)) { colrange.Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0"; colrange.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right; colrange.AutoFitColumns(); } else if (type == typeof(decimal)) { colrange.Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0.00"; colrange.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right; colrange.AutoFitColumns(); } else if ((type == typeof(float) || type == typeof(double)) && PythonModel.StartsEndsWith("Pct", name)) { colrange.Style.Numberformat.Format = "#####0.0"; colrange.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right; colrange.AutoFitColumns(); } else if (type == typeof(DateTime)) { if (name.EndsWith("Time")) { colrange.Style.Numberformat.Format = "m/d/yy h:mm AM/PM"; ws.Column(col).Width = 16; } else { colrange.Style.Numberformat.Format = "m/d/yy"; ws.Column(col).Width = 12; } colrange.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right; } else { colrange.AutoFitColumns(); } } return(ws); }
private string OtherLinkReplacement(string code) { return(PythonModel.CreateTinyUrl(code)); }
public bool TryRunPython(int pid) { var ev = Organization.GetExtra(DbUtil.Db, OrgId, "OrgMembersPageScript"); if (!ev.HasValue()) return false; var script = DbUtil.Db.ContentOfTypePythonScript(ev); if (!script.HasValue()) return false; var pe = new PythonModel(Util.Host); pe.Data.OrgId = OrgId; pe.Data.PeopleId = pid; Results = pe.RunScript(script); return true; }
private static string ExecutePython(string scriptContent, PythonModel model) { var engine = Python.CreateEngine(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(ms)) { engine.Runtime.IO.SetOutput(ms, sw); engine.Runtime.IO.SetErrorOutput(ms, sw); try { var sc = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(scriptContent); var code = sc.Compile(); var scope = engine.CreateScope(); scope.SetVariable("model", model); scope.SetVariable("Data", model.Data); var qf = new QueryFunctions(model.db, model.dictionary); scope.SetVariable("q", qf); code.Execute(scope); ms.Position = 0; using (var sr = new StreamReader(ms)) { var s = sr.ReadToEnd(); return s; } } catch (Exception ex) { var err = engine.GetService<ExceptionOperations>().FormatException(ex); throw new Exception(err); } } }
public static string RunScript(string dbname, string script, DateTime time) { var pe = new PythonModel(dbname) {ScheduledTime = time.ToString("HHmm")}; return ExecutePython(script, pe); }
public ActionResult VoteLinkSg(string id, string message, bool? confirm, FormCollection formCollection) { var li = new LinkInfo(votelinkSTR, confirmSTR, id); if (li.error.HasValue()) return Message(li.error); try { var smallgroup = li.a[4]; if (!li.oid.HasValue) throw new Exception("orgid missing"); if (! throw new Exception("peopleid missing"); var q = (from pp in DbUtil.Db.People where pp.PeopleId == let org = DbUtil.Db.Organizations.SingleOrDefault(oo => oo.OrganizationId == li.oid) let om = DbUtil.Db.OrganizationMembers.SingleOrDefault(oo => oo.OrganizationId == li.oid && oo.PeopleId == select new {p = pp, org, om}).Single(); if ( == null && DbUtil.Db.Host == "trialdb") { var oid = li.oid + Util.TrialDbOffset; q = (from pp in DbUtil.Db.People where pp.PeopleId == let org = DbUtil.Db.Organizations.SingleOrDefault(oo => oo.OrganizationId == oid) let om = DbUtil.Db.OrganizationMembers.SingleOrDefault(oo => oo.OrganizationId == oid && oo.PeopleId == select new {p = pp, org, om}).Single(); } if ( == null) { throw new Exception("org missing, bad link"); } if (( ?? RegistrationTypeCode.None) == RegistrationTypeCode.None) throw new Exception("votelink is no longer active"); if ( == null && <= throw new Exception("sorry, maximum limit has been reached"); if ( == null && ( == true || == OrgStatusCode.Inactive)) throw new Exception("sorry, registration has been closed"); var setting = DbUtil.Db.CreateRegistrationSettings(li.oid.Value); if (IsSmallGroupFilled(setting, li.oid.Value, smallgroup)) throw new Exception("sorry, maximum limit has been reached for " + smallgroup); var omb = OrganizationMember.Load(DbUtil.Db,, li.oid.Value) ?? OrganizationMember.InsertOrgMembers(DbUtil.Db, li.oid.Value,, MemberTypeCode.Member, DateTime.Now, null, false); if ( { var script = DbUtil.Db.Content(; if (script != null && script.Body.HasValue()) { try { var pe = new PythonModel(Util.Host, "RegisterEvent", script.Body); pe.instance.AddToSmallGroup(smallgroup, omb); } catch (Exception) { } } } omb.AddToGroup(DbUtil.Db, smallgroup); li.ot.Used = true; DbUtil.Db.SubmitChanges(); DbUtil.LogActivity($"{votelinkSTR}{confirmSTR}: {smallgroup}", li.oid,; if (confirm == true) { var subject = Util.PickFirst(setting.Subject, "no subject"); var msg = Util.PickFirst(setting.Body, "no message"); msg = APIOrganization.MessageReplacements(DbUtil.Db, q.p,,,,, msg); msg = msg.Replace("{details}", smallgroup); var NotifyIds = DbUtil.Db.StaffPeopleForOrg(; try { DbUtil.Db.Email(NotifyIds[0].FromEmail, q.p, subject, msg); // send confirmation } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtil.Db.Email(q.p.FromEmail, NotifyIds,, "There was a problem sending confirmation from org: " + ex.Message); } DbUtil.Db.Email(q.p.FromEmail, NotifyIds,, $"{q.p.Name} has registered for {}<br>{smallgroup}<br>(from votelink)"); } } catch (Exception ex) { DbUtil.LogActivity($"{votelinkSTR}{confirmSTR}Error: {ex.Message}", li.oid,; return Message(ex.Message); } return Message(message); }
private string SpecialLinkReplacement(string code, SMSItem item) { // remove the non url parts and reformat code = code.Replace("\"", string.Empty); code = code.Replace("&", "&"); code = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(code); // parse the special link url to get the component parts Uri specialLink = new Uri(code); string type = specialLink.Host; var querystring = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(specialLink.Query); string orgId = querystring.Get("org"); string meetingId = querystring.Get("meeting"); string groupId = querystring.Get("group"); string confirm = querystring.Get("confirm"); string message = querystring.Get("msg"); // result variables string qs; // the unique link combination for the db // set some defaults for any missing properties bool showfamily = false; if (!message.HasValue()) { message = "Thank you for responding."; } if (!confirm.HasValue()) { confirm = "false"; } // generate the one time link code and update any vars based on the link type switch (type) { case "rsvplink": case "regretslink": qs = $"{meetingId},{item.PeopleID},{item.Id},{groupId}"; break; case "registerlink": case "registerlink2": showfamily = (type == "registerlink2"); qs = $"{orgId},{item.PeopleID},{item.Id}"; break; case "sendlink": case "sendlink2": showfamily = (type == "sendlink2"); qs = $"{orgId},{item.PeopleID},{item.Id},{(showfamily ? "registerlink2" : "registerlink")}"; break; case "votelink": string pre = ""; var a = groupId.SplitStr(":"); if (a.Length > 1) { pre = a[0]; } qs = $"{orgId},{item.PeopleID},{item.Id},{pre},{groupId}"; break; default: return(code); } var ot = CreateOrFetchOneTimeLink(qs, oneTimeLinkList); var url = CreateUrlForLink(type, ot, confirm, message, showfamily); return(PythonModel.CreateTinyUrl(url)); }
public void AddToSmallGroup(CMSDataContext Db, OrganizationMember om, PythonModel pe) { if (om == null) return; if (pe != null) pe.instance.AddToSmallGroup(SmallGroup, om); om.AddToGroup(Db, SmallGroup); if (MeetingTime.HasValue) Attend.MarkRegistered(Db, om.OrganizationId, om.PeopleId, MeetingTime.Value, 1); }
public static string ExecutePythonFilex(string dbname, string file) { var model = new PythonModel(dbname); return(ExecutePython(file, model, fromFile: true)); }
public static string ExecutePythonFile(string dbname, string file) { var model = new PythonModel(dbname); return(ExecutePythonFile(file, model)); }