コード例 #1

        private async Task Suggest(Player player, Player[] players, int roomID, MurderScenario murderScenario)
            int personChoice = -1;
            int weaponChoice = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < murderScenario.weaponList.Count; i++)
                if (suggestedWeapon == murderScenario.weaponList[i])
                    weaponChoice = i;

            for (int i = 0; i < murderScenario.personList.Count; i++)
                if (suggestedPerson == murderScenario.personList[i])
                    personChoice = i;
            if (personChoice == -1 || weaponChoice == -1)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid suggestion. Check ?list to see which cards are available!");

                suggestionInProgress = false;

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(players[playerTurn].usernameNoID + " suggested that " + suggestedPerson +
                                                   " committed the murder with the " + suggestedWeapon + " in the " + murderScenario.roomList[roomID] + ".");

            Player nearestPlayerWithCards = CheckPlayersForCards(player.playerNumber, players, murderScenario.personList[personChoice], murderScenario.roomList[roomID], murderScenario.weaponList[weaponChoice]); //removed -1 from all indexes

            if (nearestPlayerWithCards == null)
                await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("The cards you suggested are not held by any of your fellow detectives...");

                //await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(nearestPlayerWithCards.userID + " holds one or more of the cards you suggested. They will now decide which card to reveal.");
                string cardToShow = ChooseCardToShow(nearestPlayerWithCards, player, murderScenario.personList[personChoice], murderScenario.roomList[roomID], murderScenario.weaponList[weaponChoice]); //removed -1 from all indexes
                shownCardsBuffer = (nearestPlayerWithCards.usernameNoID + " shows you " + cardToShow + ".");
コード例 #2

        void SendListToBuffer(ref string buffer, MurderScenario murderScenario)
            buffer = "Weapons: ";
            foreach (string weapon in murderScenario.weaponList)
                buffer += weapon + ", ";

            buffer += ".\nPlayers: ";
            foreach (string person in murderScenario.personList)
                buffer += person + ", ";

            buffer += ".\nRooms: ";
            foreach (string person in murderScenario.roomList)
                buffer += person + ", ";
コード例 #3
        public async Task StartGame()
            if (gamePlaying == true)
            currentPlayers = 0;
            foreach (Player playerNum in player)
                if (playerNum != null)

            if (currentPlayers < 2)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("There are not enough players to start the game.");


            await PrintGrid();

            MurderScenario murderScenario = new MurderScenario(player);

            listOfEverything = "";
            SendListToBuffer(ref listOfEverything, murderScenario);

            //DEBUG BLOCK (displays the three murder cards, and then each player's hand
            foreach (string card in murderScenario.murderList)
                Console.Write(card + ", ");
            foreach (Player player in player)
                if (player != null)
                    Console.Write("Player " + (player.playerNumber + 1) + "'s cards: ");
                    foreach (string card in player.cards)
                        Console.Write(card + ", ");
            //DEBUG BLOCK END

            for (int i = 0; i < currentPlayers; i++)

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The game has begun!");

            gamePlaying = true;
            playerTurn  = 0;
            gameState   = "Roll";

            while (gamePlaying)
                string winner = "";
                switch (GameStatus(player)) //checks if game has ended
                case 1:                     //if ended due to a player winning
                    for (int i = 0; i < player.Length; i++)
                        if (player[i] != null)
                            if (player[i].gameStatus == 1)     //find the winner
                                winner = player[i].usernameNoID;
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("GAME WON BY " + winner + " VIA ACCUSATION");

                    gameState   = "Won";
                    gamePlaying = false;
                    await CloseGame();


                case -1:     //if ended due to all but one players losing
                    for (int i = 0; i < player.Length; i++)
                        if (player[i] != null)
                            if (player[i].gameStatus != -1)     //the winner is the one that isn't a loser
                                winner = player[i].usernameNoID;
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("GAME WON BY " + winner + " BY LAST MAN STANDING");

                    gameState   = "Won";
                    gamePlaying = false;
                    await CloseGame();


                default:     //if the game hasn't ended, do the following
                    if (player[playerTurn] != null && player[playerTurn].gameStatus != -1)
                    // the != null check comes into play if there are less than 6 players
                    // gameStatus != -1 checks if the player hasn't lost and can no longer have turns
                        await Turn(player[playerTurn], player, grid, murderScenario);

                        if (gameState == "Won")
                        //runs the current players turn. if they win, return true. if they don't, return false
                            gamePlaying = false;
                            await PrintGrid();

                            gameState = "Roll";
                    playerTurn++;                     //cycle to the next player
                    if (playerTurn >= currentPlayers) //if you go out of the array bounds
                        playerTurn = 0;               //the next player cycles back around to 0
コード例 #4

        private /*static bool */ async Task Accuse(Player player, MurderScenario murderScenario)
            int weaponChoice = -1;
            int roomChoice   = -1;
            int personChoice = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < murderScenario.weaponList.Count; i++)
                if (suggestedWeapon == murderScenario.weaponList[i])
                    weaponChoice = i;

            for (int i = 0; i < murderScenario.personList.Count; i++)
                if (suggestedPerson == murderScenario.personList[i])
                    personChoice = i;

            for (int i = 0; i < murderScenario.roomList.Count; i++)
                if (suggestedRoom == murderScenario.roomList[i])
                    roomChoice = i;

            if (personChoice == -1 || weaponChoice == -1 || roomChoice == -1)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Invalid accusation. Check ?list to see which cards are available!");

                accusationInProgress = false;

            int correctCards = 0;

            foreach (string murderCard in murderScenario.murderList)
                if (murderCard.Equals(murderScenario.personList[personChoice]) ||
                    murderCard.Equals(murderScenario.roomList[roomChoice]) ||

            if (correctCards == 3)
                player.gameStatus = 1;
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("CONGRATULATIONS! You have cracked the case! "
                                                       + murderScenario.personList[personChoice] + " goes behind bars and you win the game!");

                gameState = "Won";

                return /*true*/;

                player.gameStatus = -1;
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("False accusations never solve anything. You got " +
                                                       correctCards + " out of 3 cards correct, and are forced to retire from the case.");

                return /*false*/;
コード例 #5

        public async Task Turn(Player player, Player[] players, Grid grid, MurderScenario murderScenario)
            if (grid.roomID[player.x, player.y] > 0)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Player " + (playerTurn + 1) + "'s turn. You are currently in the " + murderScenario.roomList[grid.roomID[player.x, player.y]] + ". " +
                                                       "Make a ?suggestion, ?accuse someone, or ?roll the dice.");

                gameState = "RollSuggest";

                SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => suggestionInProgress || roll > 0 || accusationInProgress);

                if (suggestionInProgress)
                    await Suggest(player, players, grid.roomID[player.x, player.y], murderScenario);

                    return /*false*/;

                if (accusationInProgress)
                    await Accuse(player, murderScenario);

                    return /*false*/;

            if (roll == 0)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Player " + (playerTurn + 1) + "'s turn. ?Roll the dice or ?accuse someone of murder!");

                gameState = "Roll";

            SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => roll > 0 || accusationInProgress);

            if (accusationInProgress)
                await Accuse(player, murderScenario);

                return /*false*/;

            if (roll > 0)
                gameState = "Move";
                bool movementValid = false;
                int  x             = 0;
                int  y             = 0;
                while (!movementValid)
                    x          = 0;
                    y          = 0;
                    userCoords = "";
                    SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => userCoords != "");
                    if (InterpretCoords(userCoords, ref x, ref y))
                        movementValid = player.MovePlayer(grid, x, y, roll);
                    if (movementError != "")
                        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(movementError);

                        movementError = "";

                if (grid.roomID[x, y] > 0)
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You can now ?suggest a case. (?Suggest [person] [weapon])");

                    gameState = "Suggest";
                    while (!suggestionInProgress)
                        SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => suggestionInProgress);
                        await Suggest(player, players, grid.roomID[player.x, player.y], murderScenario);

                        //return /*false*/;
                    suggestionInProgress = false;

            return /* false*/;