コード例 #1
 public IEnumerable <EvaluationReport> getEvaluationreport(int EID)
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         var re = (from o in club.Evaluations
                   where o.ID == EID
                   select o).First();
         EvaluationReport report = new EvaluationReport();
         report.Assessment  = re.Assessment;
         report.Diagnosis   = re.Diagnosis;
         report.DOB         = re.Client.DOB.ToString();
         report.EmpName     = re.Employee.Name;
         report.FileID      = re.ClientID.ToString();
         report.Goals       = re.Goals;
         report.History     = re.History;
         report.Nation      = re.Client.Nationality;
         report.Objective   = re.Objective;
         report.PatientName = re.Client.FullName();
         report.Phone       = re.Client.Phone.ToString();
         report.Date        = re.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
         report.Treatment   = re.Treatment;
         List <EvaluationReport> ll = new List <EvaluationReport>();
コード例 #2
 public IEnumerable <EvaluationReport> getEvaluationreport(string EID)
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         int id     = Convert.ToInt32(EID);
         var result = club.Evaluations.Where(a => a.ClientID == id).ToList().Select(re => new EvaluationReport()
             Assessment  = re.Assessment,
             Diagnosis   = re.Diagnosis,
             DOB         = re.Client.DOB.ToString(),
             EmpName     = re.Employee.Name,
             FileID      = re.ClientID.ToString(),
             Goals       = re.Goals,
             History     = re.History,
             Nation      = re.Client.Nationality,
             Objective   = re.Objective,
             PatientName = re.Client.FullName(),
             Phone       = re.Client.Phone.ToString(),
             Date        = re.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
             ID          = re.ID.ToString(),
             Treatment   = re.Treatment,
コード例 #3
        public IEnumerable <VisitReport> getVisitReport(int subID)
            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                var visitResult = club.Visits.Where(a => a.SubID == subID).ToList().Select(s => new VisitReport()
                    DateOfVisit = s.Date.ToShortDateString(),
                    SigninTime  = s.SigninTime.ToString(),
                    SizeAfter   = s.SizeAfter,
                    SizeBefore  = s.SizeBefore

                var rest = (from o in club.Subscribtions
                            where o.SubID == subID
                            select new
                    serviceName = o.Service.Name,
                    fileID = o.ClientID,
                    clientName = o.Client.FirstName + " " + o.Client.SecondName + " " + o.Client.LastName + " " + o.Client.FamilyName,
                    dateOfSub = o.Date
                int index = 1;
                foreach (var row in visitResult)
                    row.DateOfSub   = rest.dateOfSub.ToShortDateString();
                    row.FileID      = rest.fileID.ToString();
                    row.Name        = rest.clientName;
                    row.ServiceName = rest.serviceName;
                    row.Ser         = index.ToString();

コード例 #4
        public IEnumerable <DischargeReport> getDischargeReport(string EID)
            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(EID);
                var re = club.Discharges.Where(a => a.ClientID == id).ToList().Select(a => new DischargeReport()
                    Diagnosis      = a.Diagnosis,
                    DOB            = a.Client.DOB.ToString(),
                    EmpName        = a.Employee.Name,
                    FileID         = a.ClientID.ToString(),
                    Goals          = a.Goals,
                    Nation         = a.Client.Nationality,
                    PatientName    = a.Client.FullName(),
                    Phone          = a.Client.Phone.ToString(),
                    Date           = a.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                    Comments       = a.Comments,
                    Discharge      = a.Discharge1,
                    FinalSession   = a.FinalSession,
                    GoalsBool      = a.GoalsBool,
                    InitialSession = a.InitialSession,
                    PreReferral    = a.PreReferral,
                    TotalSessions  = a.TotalNSession,
                    Treatment      = a.Treatment,
                    ID             = a.ID.ToString(),

コード例 #5
        public IEnumerable <DischargeReport> getDischargeReport(int EID)
            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                var re = (from o in club.Discharges
                          where o.ID == EID
                          select o).First();
                DischargeReport report = new DischargeReport();
                report.Diagnosis      = re.Diagnosis;
                report.DOB            = re.Client.DOB.ToString();
                report.EmpName        = re.Employee.Name;
                report.FileID         = re.ClientID.ToString();
                report.Goals          = re.Goals;
                report.Nation         = re.Client.Nationality;
                report.PatientName    = re.Client.FullName();
                report.Phone          = re.Client.Phone.ToString();
                report.Date           = re.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                report.Comments       = re.Comments;
                report.Discharge      = re.Discharge1;
                report.FinalSession   = re.FinalSession;
                report.GoalsBool      = re.GoalsBool;
                report.InitialSession = re.InitialSession;
                report.PreReferral    = re.PreReferral;
                report.TotalSessions  = re.TotalNSession;
                report.Treatment      = re.Treatment;

                List <DischargeReport> ll = new List <DischargeReport>();
コード例 #6
        public IEnumerable <InvoiceReport> getInvoiceHeader(int invID)
            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                //var result = club.InvoiceHeaders.Where(a => a.InvID == invID);
                // get the services
                var result = club.InvoiceServices.Where(a => a.InvID == invID).ToList().Select(
                    a => new InvoiceReport
                    ServiceName  = a.Service.Name,
                    ServicePrice = a.Service.Price.ToString("0.00")

                var invoice = club.InvoiceHeaders.Where(a => a.InvID == invID).First();
                var paid    = club.Deposits.Where(a => a.InvID == invID).Count() == 0 ? 0 : club.Deposits.Where(a => a.InvID == invID).Sum(a => a.Amount);
                var remain  = invoice.FinalAmount - paid;
                foreach (var row in result)
                    row.ClientName   = invoice.Client.FullName();
                    row.Date         = invoice.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                    row.Discount     = invoice.Discount.ToString();
                    row.FileID       = invoice.ClientID.ToString();
                    row.FinalAmount  = invoice.FinalAmount.ToString("0.00");
                    row.InvoiceID    = invoice.InvID.ToString();
                    row.PaidAmount   = paid.ToString("0.00");
                    row.Receptionist = invoice.RecepName;
                    row.RemainAmount = remain.ToString("0.00");
                    row.TotalAmount  = invoice.TotalAmount.ToString("0.00");
                    row.Notes        = invoice.Notes;
コード例 #7
 public IEnumerable <IncomeReport> getIncomeReport(DateTime date)
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         int                 month  = date.Month;
         int                 year   = date.Year;
         DateTime            start  = new DateTime(year, month, 1);
         DateTime            end    = start.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
         CultureInfo         cul    = new CultureInfo("ar-SA");
         List <IncomeReport> result = new List <IncomeReport>();
         IncomeReport        one;
         int                 index = 1;
         for (DateTime d = start; d <= end; d = d.AddDays(1))
             one           = new IncomeReport();
             one.Ser       = index.ToString();
             one.Date      = d.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
             one.Income    = club.Deposits.Where(a => a.Date == d).Count() == 0 ? "0" : club.Deposits.Where(a => a.Date == d).Sum(a => a.Amount).ToString("0.00");
             one.Day       = cul.DateTimeFormat.DayNames[(int)d.DayOfWeek];
             one.Withdrawl = club.Withdraws.Where(a => a.Date == d && a.BankID == null).Sum(a => (decimal?)a.Amount) == null ? "0" : club.Withdraws.Where(a => a.Date == d && a.BankID == null).Sum(a => (decimal)a.Amount).ToString("0.00");
             one.Total     = (Convert.ToDecimal(one.Income) - Convert.ToDecimal(one.Withdrawl)).ToString();
コード例 #8
 public string FullName()
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         string name = FirstName + " " + SecondName + " " + LastName + " " + FamilyName;
コード例 #9
        public IEnumerable <JointReport> getMovReportWithCash(DateTime date)
            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                var result = club.Deposits.Where(i => i.Date == date).ToList().Select(i => new JointReport()
                    ClientName = i.InvoiceHeader.Client.FullName(),
                    FileID     = i.InvoiceHeader.ClientID.ToString(),
                    Phone      = i.InvoiceHeader.Client.Phone.ToString(),
                    InvNum     = i.InvID.ToString(),
                    VoucherNum = i.ID.ToString(),
                    Amount     = i.InvoiceHeader.FinalAmount.ToString("0.00"),
                    Services   = arrayToString(club.InvoiceServices.Where(p => p.InvID == i.InvoiceHeader.InvID).Select(o => o.Service.Name)),
                    Notes      = i.Notes,
                    Paid       = i.Amount.ToString("0.00"),
                    Date       = date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                int index   = 1;
                var cresult = (from o in club.CashMovs
                               where o.Date == date
                               select o).FirstOrDefault();

                foreach (var row in result)
                    if (cresult != null)
                        //row.Date = date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                        row.CBalance    = cresult.Balance.ToString("0.00");
                        row.CBank       = cresult.Bank.ToString("0.00");
                        row.CExpenses   = cresult.Expenses.ToString("0.00");
                        row.CInvIncome  = cresult.InvIncome.ToString("0.00");
                        row.CMigBalance = cresult.MigBalance.ToString("0.00");
                        row.CPreBalance = cresult.PreBalance.ToString("0.00");
                    row.Ser = index.ToString();
                    int invNum = Convert.ToInt32(row.InvNum);
                    var r      = (from o in club.Deposits
                                  where o.Date != date && o.InvID == invNum
                                  select o.Amount);
                    if (r.Count() <= 0)
                        row.PrePaid = "0";
                        row.PrePaid = r.Sum().ToString();
                    row.Remain = (Convert.ToDecimal(row.Amount) - Convert.ToDecimal(row.PrePaid) - Convert.ToDecimal(row.Paid)).ToString();

コード例 #10
 public IEnumerable <WithTypeReport> getWithTypes()
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         var result = club.WithTypes.OrderBy(a => a.Department).ToList().Select(a => new WithTypeReport()
             ID         = a.ID.ToString(),
             Name       = a.Name,
             Department = a.Department1.Name,
コード例 #11
 public IEnumerable <SubsOfTheDay> getSubsOfTheDay()
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         DateTime date   = DateTime.Now.Date;
         var      result = club.Subscribtions.Where(a => a.Date == date).ToList().GroupBy(k => k.ClientID).Select(a => new SubsOfTheDay()
             ClientName = club.Clients.Where(p => p.ClientID == a.Key).First().FullName(),
             FileID     = a.Key.ToString(),
             Services   = arrayToString(a.Select(p => p.Service.Name)),
コード例 #12
 public IEnumerable <EmpReport> getEmployees()
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         var result = club.Employees.ToList().Select(a => new EmpReport()
             Name  = a.Name,
             ID    = a.EmpID.ToString(),
             Phone = a.PhoneNum.ToString(),
             Dep   = a.Type == "Manager"? "إدارة":"عيادات",
コード例 #13
 public IEnumerable <TodayVisits> getVisitsByDate(DateTime date)
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         var result = club.Visits.Where(a => a.Date == date).ToList().Select(a => new TodayVisits()
             ClientID   = a.ClientID.ToString(),
             ClientName = a.Client.FullName(),
             Sub        = a.Subscribtion.Service.Name,
             Time       = a.SigninTime.ToString()
コード例 #14
 public IEnumerable <BuffetReport> getBuffetExpenseReport(DateTime date)
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         var bresult = (from o in club.BuffetMovs
                        where o.Date == date
                        select o).FirstOrDefault();
         var cresult = (from o in club.CashMovs
                        where o.Date == date
                        select o).FirstOrDefault();
         var eresult = (from o in club.ExpensesMovs
                        where o.Date == date
                        select o).FirstOrDefault();
         BuffetReport buffet = new BuffetReport();
         if (eresult != null)
             buffet.Date         = date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
             buffet.EBalance     = eresult.Balance.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.EExpenses    = eresult.Expenses.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.EMigBalance  = eresult.MigBalance.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.EPlusBalance = eresult.PlusBalance.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.EPreBalance  = eresult.PreBalance.ToString("0.00");
         if (cresult != null)
             buffet.Date          = date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
             buffet.CBalance      = cresult.Balance.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.CBank         = cresult.Bank.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.CBuffetIncome = cresult.BuffetIncome.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.CExpenses     = cresult.Expenses.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.CInvIncome    = cresult.InvIncome.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.CMigBalance   = cresult.MigBalance.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.CPreBalance   = cresult.PreBalance.ToString("0.00");
         if (bresult != null)
             buffet.Date        = date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
             buffet.BBalance    = bresult.Balance.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.BMigBalance = bresult.MigBalance.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.BPreBalance = bresult.PreBalance.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.BPurchase   = bresult.Purchase.ToString("0.00");
             buffet.BSales      = bresult.Sales.ToString("0.00");
         List <BuffetReport> ii = new List <BuffetReport>();
コード例 #15
 public IEnumerable <ServiceReport> getServices()
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         var result = club.Services.Where(a => a.Deleted == false).OrderBy(a => new { a.DepID, a.Name }).ToList().Select(a => new ServiceReport()
             ID      = a.ServiceID.ToString(),
             Name    = a.Name,
             Price   = a.Price.ToString(),
             Dep     = a.Department.Name,
             SubDays = a.TotalDays.ToString(),
             SubType = a.Sub ? "اشتراك شهري" : "جلسة واحدة",
コード例 #16
        public List <Subs> getSubs(int ClientID)
            ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities();
            var            sub  = club.Subscribtions.Include("Service")
                                  .Where(i => i.ClientID == ClientID)
                                  .Select(item =>
                                          new Subs
                ServiceName = item.Service.Name,
                DaysLeft    = item.LeftDays,
                SubDate     = item.Date,
                SubID       = item.SubID

コード例 #17
 public IEnumerable <IncompleteInv> getIncompleteInvoices()
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         var result = club.InvoiceHeaders.Where(a => a.FinalAmount > club.Deposits.Where(o => o.InvID == a.InvID).Sum(l => (int?)l.Amount)).ToList().Select(i => new IncompleteInv()
             InvID      = i.InvID.ToString(),
             FileID     = i.ClientID.ToString(),
             Date       = i.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
             ClientName = i.Client.FullName(),
             Amount     = i.FinalAmount.ToString("0.00"),
             EmpName    = i.RecepName,
             Remain     = (i.FinalAmount - club.Deposits.Where(a => a.InvID == i.InvID).Sum(o => o.Amount)).ToString()
コード例 #18
        public IEnumerable <TRequestReport> getTRequestReport(DateTime EID)
            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                var o = club.TReaquests.Where(a => a.Date == EID).ToList().Select(re => new TRequestReport()
                    Diagnosis   = re.Diagnosis,
                    EmpName     = re.Employee.Name,
                    FileID      = re.ClientID.ToString(),
                    PatientName = re.Client.FullName(),
                    Phone       = re.Client.Phone.ToString(),
                    Date        = re.ID.ToString(),

コード例 #19
        public IEnumerable <TransReport> getTransReport(int month, int year)
            CultureInfo cul = new CultureInfo("ar-SA");

            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                var result = club.Withdraws.Where(a => a.Date.Month == month && a.Date.Year == year && a.BankID == null).OrderBy(a => a.Date).GroupBy(a => new { a.Date, a.WithType1 }).ToList().Select(a => new TransReport()
                    Date    = a.Key.Date,
                    Day     = a.Key.Date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), //cul.DateTimeFormat.DayNames[(int)a.Key.Date.DayOfWeek] + " - " + a.Key.Date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"),
                    Type    = a.Key.WithType1.Name,              //club.WithTypes.Where(o=>o.ID == a.Key.WithType1).Select(o=>o.Name).FirstOrDefault(),
                    Expense = club.Withdraws.Where(i => i.Date == a.Key.Date && i.BankID == null).Sum(i => i.Amount).ToString("0.00"),
                    Income  = club.Deposits.Where(i => i.Date == a.Key.Date).Count() == 0 ? "0" : club.Deposits.Where(i => i.Date == a.Key.Date).Sum(i => i.Amount).ToString(),
                    Value   = club.Withdraws.Where(i => i.Date == a.Key.Date && i.BankID == null && i.WithType == a.Key.WithType1.ID).Select(i => i.Amount).Sum(),
コード例 #20
        public IEnumerable <TRequestReport> getTRequestReport(string EID)
            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(EID);
                var o  = club.TReaquests.Where(a => a.ClientID == id).ToList().Select(re => new TRequestReport()
                    Diagnosis   = re.Diagnosis,
                    EmpName     = re.Employee.Name,
                    FileID      = re.ClientID.ToString(),
                    PatientName = re.Client.FullName(),
                    Phone       = re.Client.Phone.ToString(),
                    Date        = re.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                    ID          = re.ID.ToString(),

コード例 #21
 public IEnumerable <EandIReport> getEandIReport(int month, int year, int dep)
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         // get the expenses from withdrawal
         var withResult = club.Withdraws.Where(a => a.Date.Month == month && a.Date.Year == year && a.BankID == null).Where(a => a.WithType1.Department == dep).GroupBy(a => a.WithType).ToList().Select(a => new EandIReport()
             Expenses      = club.WithTypes.Where(o => o.ID == a.Key).Select(o => o.Name).First(),
             ExpenseAmount = a.Sum(o => o.Amount).ToString("0.00"),
             Month         = month.ToString(),
             Year          = year.ToString(),
         if (withResult.Count == 0)
             withResult = new List <EandIReport>();
             EandIReport re = new EandIReport();
             re.Month         = month.ToString();
             re.Year          = year.ToString();
             re.ExpenseAmount = "لايوجد مصاريف";
         // TODO:
         // get the paid amount of each service in the Invoice Services Table
         var income = club.Deposits.Where(a => a.Date.Month == month).Where(a => a.Date.Year == year)
                      .Where(a => a.InvoiceHeader.InvoiceServices.Any(p => p.Service.DepID == dep))
                      .Sum(a => (decimal?)a.Amount * (a.InvoiceHeader.InvoiceServices.Where(p => p.InvID == a.InvID).Where(p => p.Service.DepID == dep).Sum(p => (decimal?)p.Percentage)));
         decimal incomeResult = 0;
         if (income != null)
             incomeResult = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(income));
         //var incomeResult = club.Deposits.Where(a => a.Date.Year == year && a.Date.Month == month)
         //    .Where(a => a.InvoiceHeader.Dep == dep).Count() == 0 ? 0 : club.Deposits.Where(a => a.Date.Year == year && a.Date.Month == month)
         //    .Where(a => a.InvoiceHeader.Dep == dep).Sum(a => a.Amount);
         string depname = club.Departments.Where(a => a.DepID == dep).Select(a => a.Name).First();
         foreach (var i in withResult)
             i.Income = incomeResult.ToString();
             i.Dep    = depname;
コード例 #22
        public IEnumerable <SubDetails> getSubDetails(int subID)
            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                var result = club.Subscribtions.Where(a => a.SubID == subID).ToList()
                             .Select(item => new SubDetails
                    ServiceName  = item.Service.Name,
                    SubDate      = item.Date,
                    TotalDays    = item.SubDays,
                    AttDays      = item.AttDays,
                    LeftDays     = item.LeftDays,
                    Measurements = item.Measurements,
                    Diagnosis    = item.Diagnosis,
                    History      = item.History,

                // get rest of data if there is any
                var nut = (from n in club.NutSubs
                           where n.SubID == subID
                           select n).FirstOrDefault();
                var iint = (from n in club.IntSubs
                            where n.SubID == subID
                            select n).FirstOrDefault();
                if (!(nut == null))
                    result.Fat    = nut.Fat;
                    result.Hieght = nut.Hight;
                    result.Weight = nut.Weight;
                else if (!(iint == null))
                    result.BPressure = iint.BloodPressure;
                    result.BSugar    = iint.BloodSugar;

                List <SubDetails> ii = new List <SubDetails>();

コード例 #23
        public IEnumerable <WithdrawReport> getWithReport(int WithID)
            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                var result = club.Withdraws.Where(a => a.ID == WithID).ToList().Select(o => new WithdrawReport()
                    Amount       = o.Amount.ToString("0.00"),
                    AmountW      = o.AmountW,
                    Bank         = o.BankName,
                    CheckNum     = o.CheckNum.ToString(),
                    Date         = o.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                    EmployeeName = o.Employee.Name,
                    ID           = o.ID.ToString(),
                    Notes        = o.Notes,
                    ToPerson     = o.ToPerson,

コード例 #24
        public IEnumerable <WithdrawReport> getDepositReport(int depID)
            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                var result = club.Deposits.Where(a => a.ID == depID).ToList().Select(o => new WithdrawReport()
                    Amount       = o.Amount.ToString("0.00"),
                    AmountW      = o.AmountW,
                    Bank         = o.Bank,
                    CheckNum     = o.CheckNum.ToString(),
                    Date         = o.Date.ToShortDateString(),
                    EmployeeName = o.Employee,
                    ID           = o.ID.ToString(),
                    Notes        = o.Notes,
                    ToPerson     = o.InvoiceHeader.Client.FullName(),

コード例 #25
        public IEnumerable <BankStatement> getBankStatemnet(DateTime from, DateTime to)
            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                var sum = club.BankTrans.Where(a => a.Date < from).Sum(a => (decimal?)a.Amount);
                if (sum == null)
                    sum = 0;
                var result = club.BankTrans.Where(a => a.Date >= from && a.Date <= to).ToList().Select(a => new BankStatement()
                    Date    = a.Date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"),
                    Debit   = a.Amount < 0?a.Amount.ToString("0.00"):"0",
                    Credit  = a.Amount >= 0?a.Amount.ToString("0.00"):"0",
                    Note    = a.Note,
                    Balance = (sum = sum + a.Amount).ToString(),

コード例 #26
 public IEnumerable <InvoiceReport> getInvoice(int invID)
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         var result = club.InvoiceHeaders.Where(a => a.InvID == invID).ToList().Select(o => new InvoiceReport()
             ClientName   = o.Client.FullName(),
             Date         = o.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
             Discount     = o.Discount.ToString(),
             FileID       = o.ClientID.ToString(),
             FinalAmount  = o.FinalAmount.ToString("0.00"),
             InvoiceID    = o.InvID.ToString(),
             PaidAmount   = club.Deposits.Where(a => a.InvID == o.InvID).Count() == 0 ? "0" : club.Deposits.Where(a => a.InvID == o.InvID).Sum(a => a.Amount).ToString("0.00"),
             Receptionist = o.RecepName,
             RemainAmount = (o.FinalAmount - (club.Deposits.Where(a => a.InvID == o.InvID).Count() == 0? 0 : club.Deposits.Where(a => a.InvID == o.InvID).Sum(a => a.Amount))).ToString("0.00"),
             TotalAmount  = o.TotalAmount.ToString("0.00"),
             Notes        = o.Notes,
コード例 #27
        public IEnumerable <WithdrawReport> getDepositReport(int depID)
            using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
                var result = club.Deposits.Where(a => a.ID == depID).ToList().Select(o => new WithdrawReport()
                    Amount       = o.Amount.ToString("0.00"),
                    AmountW      = o.AmountW,
                    Bank         = o.Bank,
                    InvNum       = o.InvID.ToString(),
                    PrePaid      = club.Deposits.Where(a => a.InvID == o.InvID && a.ID != depID && a.Date < o.Date).Sum(a => (decimal?)a.Amount).HasValue ? club.Deposits.Where(a => a.InvID == o.InvID && a.ID != depID && a.Date < o.Date).Sum(a => a.Amount).ToString() : "0",
                    CheckNum     = o.CheckNum.ToString(),
                    Date         = o.Date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"),
                    EmployeeName = o.Employee,
                    ID           = o.ID.ToString(),
                    Notes        = o.Notes,
                    ToPerson     = o.InvoiceHeader.Client.FullName(),

コード例 #28
 public IEnumerable <MovReport> getMovReport(DateTime date)
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         var result = club.Deposits.Where(i => i.Date == date).ToList().Select(i => new MovReport()
             ClientName = i.InvoiceHeader.Client.FullName(),
             Phone      = i.InvoiceHeader.Client.Phone.ToString(),
             InvNum     = i.InvID.ToString(),
             VoucherNum = i.ID.ToString(),
             Amount     = i.InvoiceHeader.FinalAmount.ToString("0.00"),
             Services   = arrayToString(club.InvoiceServices.Where(p => p.InvID == i.InvoiceHeader.InvID).Select(o => o.Service.Name)),
             Notes      = i.Notes,
             Paid       = i.Amount.ToString("0.00"),
             Date       = date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
         int index = 1;
         foreach (var row in result)
             row.Ser = index.ToString();
             int invNum = Convert.ToInt32(row.InvNum);
             var r      = (from o in club.Deposits
                           where o.Date != date && o.InvID == invNum
                           select o.Amount);
             if (r.Count() <= 0)
                 row.PrePaid = "0";
                 row.PrePaid = r.Sum().ToString();
             row.Remain = (Convert.ToDecimal(row.Amount) - Convert.ToDecimal(row.PrePaid) - Convert.ToDecimal(row.Paid)).ToString();
コード例 #29
 public IEnumerable <TRequestReport> getTRequestReport(int EID)
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         var re = (from o in club.TReaquests
                   where o.ID == EID
                   select o).First();
         TRequestReport report = new TRequestReport();
         report.Diagnosis   = re.Diagnosis;
         report.DOB         = re.Client.DOB.ToString();
         report.EmpName     = re.Employee.Name;
         report.FileID      = re.ClientID.ToString();
         report.Goals       = re.Goals;
         report.Precaution  = re.Precautions;
         report.Nation      = re.Client.Nationality;
         report.PatientName = re.Client.FullName();
         report.Phone       = re.Client.Phone.ToString();
         report.Date        = re.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
         List <TRequestReport> ll = new List <TRequestReport>();
コード例 #30
 public IEnumerable <ExpenseReport> getExpenseReport(DateTime date)
     using (ClubDBEntities club = new ClubDBEntities())
         int         month  = date.Month;
         int         year   = date.Year;
         CultureInfo cul    = new CultureInfo("ar-SA");
         var         result = club.Withdraws.Where(a => a.Date.Month == month && a.Date.Year == year && a.BankID == null).OrderBy(q => q.Date).ToList().Select(i => new ExpenseReport()
             Date      = i.Date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"),
             Day       = cul.DateTimeFormat.DayNames[(int)i.Date.DayOfWeek],
             InvNum    = i.ID.ToString(),
             InvAmount = i.Amount.ToString("0.00"),
             Note      = i.Notes
         int index = 1;
         foreach (var row in result)
             row.Ser = index.ToString();