コード例 #1
ファイル: Main.cs プロジェクト: jparicka/agent_nt
 private void settings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Form login = new Settings(true);
     DialogResult result=login.ShowDialog();
     if (result == DialogResult.OK)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Main.cs プロジェクト: jparicka/agent_nt
 public Main()
     if (Properties.Settings.Default.mode == "standard")
         mode = Mode.Standard;
     else if (Properties.Settings.Default.mode == "expert")
         mode = Mode.Expert;
     mutex = new Mutex(true, Application.ProductName, out is_single_instance);   //Create Mutex
     if (!is_single_instance)    //If second instance of application is running
         this.Close();   //Close current application
     this.Hide();    //Hide window
     cpu = new PerformanceCounter(); //Create CPU usage counter object
     ram = new PerformanceCounter(); //Create RAM usage counter object
     harddisk_read = new PerformanceCounter();   //Create harddisk read usage counter object
     harddisk_write = new PerformanceCounter();  //Create harddisk write usage couter object
     network_interface = new PerformanceCounterCategory("Network Interface");    //Create network interface
     network_instances = network_interface.GetInstanceNames();   //Get all instances from network interface
     network_download = new PerformanceCounter[network_instances.Length];    //Get number of all network instances (download)
     server_uptime = new PerformanceCounter();
     for (int instance = 0; instance < network_download.Length; instance++)  //For all network instances (download)
         network_download[instance] = new PerformanceCounter();  //Add network instance (download) to an array
     network_upload = new PerformanceCounter[network_instances.Length];  //Get number of all network instances (upload)
     for (int instance = 0; instance < network_upload.Length; instance++)  //For all network instances (upload)
         network_upload[instance] = new PerformanceCounter(); //Add network instance (upload) to an array
     harddisk_read.CategoryName = "PhysicalDisk";  //Get Harddisk counter category
     harddisk_read.CounterName = "Disk Read Bytes/sec";  //Get Harddisk counter name
     harddisk_read.InstanceName = "_Total"; //Get Harddisk counter instance name
     if (login_showed == false)  //If login dialog was not showed
         //If values in registry is null or values are default
         if (server_petname == null || contact_email == null || secret_key == null || server_petname == "server_petname" || contact_email == "*****@*****.**" || secret_key == "secret_key")
             Form login = new Settings();   //Create form Login
             login.ShowDialog(); //Show login
         login_showed = true;    //Set Login dialog was showed
         timerSender.Start(); //Start timer update
     hostname = Dns.GetHostName();
     ip_host_entry = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostname);
     ip_addresses = ip_host_entry.AddressList;
     startToolStripMenuItemStartStop.Text = "Stop";
     startToolStripMenuItemStartStop.Image = Properties.Resources.stop;
     sending = Sending.Run;
     updater = Process.GetProcessesByName("Cloudiff updater");
     if (updater.Length != 0)
         foreach (Process process in updater)
     if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem)
         operation_system_32_64bit = "64bit";
         operation_system_32_64bit = "32bit";
     cpu_cores = Environment.ProcessorCount;
     RegistryKey cpu_32_64bit_key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0");
     if (cpu_32_64bit_key.GetValue("Identifier").ToString().IndexOf("64") > 0)
         cpu_32_64bit = "64bit";
         cpu_32_64bit = "32bit";
     cpu_architecture = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE");
     power = SystemInformation.PowerStatus;
     power_line_status = power.PowerLineStatus;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Main.cs プロジェクト: jparicka/agent_nt
 private void LoadLoginForm()
     Form login = new Settings(true);
     DialogResult result = login.ShowDialog();
     if (result == DialogResult.OK)