protected void OnChange(object sender, EventArgs e) { Outage outage = (Outage)Session["Outage"]; if (outage == null) { return; } String platform = this.platformSelect.Items[platformSelect.SelectedIndex].Text; DateTime? start = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.startTime.Text)) ? DateTime.Parse(this.startTime.Text) : (DateTime?)null; //DateTime.Now; DateTime? end = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.returnTime.Text)) ? DateTime.Parse(this.returnTime.Text) : (DateTime?)null; // DateTime.Now; Locations locations = GetLocationStatus(outage.Locations.EnabledImage, outage.Locations.DisabledImage); String services = this.servicesImpacted.Text; String summary = this.problemSummary.Text; outage.Platform = platform; outage.Start = start; outage.Return = end; outage.Locations = locations; outage.ServiceImpacted = services; outage.ProblemSummary = summary; // Session["Outage"] = outage; // OutageObject = outage; // fire event if (ChangeEvent != null) { ChangeEvent(outage); } }
private void OutageChange(Outage outage) { String outageType = this.Outage_RadioButtonList.SelectedValue; Session[outageType] = Session["Outage"] = outage; RefreshPreviewContent(); }
//public Outage OutageObject; internal void Refresh(Outage outage) { platformSelect.Items[platformSelect.SelectedIndex].Text = outage.Platform; startTime.Text = (outage.Start != null) ? ((DateTime)outage.Start).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss") : String.Empty; returnTime.Text = (outage.Return != null) ? ((DateTime)outage.Return).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss") : String.Empty; SetLocationStatus(outage); servicesImpacted.Text = outage.ServiceImpacted; problemSummary.Text = outage.ProblemSummary; }
private void SetLocationStatus(Outage outage) { Locations locations = outage.Locations; string[] keys = locations.Keys; foreach (string key in keys) { bool isChecked = locations[key]; locationsCheckbox.Items.FindByText(key).Selected = isChecked; } }
private void RefreshOutageContent() { Outage outage = null; String value = this.Outage_RadioButtonList.SelectedValue.ToLower(); switch (value) { case "ongoing": outage = (OutageOngoing)Session["Ongoing"]; break; case "update": outage = (OutageUpdate)Session["Update"]; break; case "recovery": outage = (OutageRecovery)Session["Recovery"]; break; default: return; } this.OutageControl.Refresh(outage); Session["Outage"] = outage; ///this.OutageFrame.Attributes["src"] = "Outage_.aspx"; }
private OutageUpdate(String Platform, Outage Ongoing) : base(Platform, "Update") { this._Outage = Ongoing; OutageHeader = "Information update for outage on"; OpeningStatement = "Hello, please be aware of the following update information:"; ReturnTimeHeader = "New Est. <br>Return Time"; Icon = "images/smallIconRed.png"; DSIcon = "images/kb_update.jpg"; SummaryHeaderKB = "Update"; if (Ongoing != null) { base.Start = Ongoing.Start; base.Return = Ongoing.Return; base.ServiceImpacted = Ongoing.ServiceImpacted; base.ProblemSummary = Ongoing.ServiceImpacted; base.Locations = Ongoing.Locations; } }
private OutageRecovery(String Platform, Outage Update) : base(Platform, "Recovery") { this._Outage = Update; OutageHeader = "Outage recovered on"; OpeningStatement = "Hello, please be aware the following incident is now closed:"; ReturnTimeHeader = "Recovery<br>Time"; Icon = "images/smallIconGreen.png"; DSIcon = "images/kb_recovery.jpg"; OpeningStatementKB = "Please be aware that the following issue with the <b>3D</b>EXPERIENCE platform has been resolved:"; SummaryHeaderKB = "Restoring Description"; if (Update != null) { base.Start = Update.Start; base.Return = Update.Return; base.ServiceImpacted = Update.ServiceImpacted; base.ProblemSummary = Update.ServiceImpacted; base.Locations = Update.Locations; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Outage outage = null; if (!IsPostBack) { IsOngoingInit = false; outage = new OutageOngoing("Customers") { Start = DateTime.Now, Return = DateTime.Now, ProblemSummary = String.Empty, ServiceImpacted = String.Empty }; Locations location = outage.Locations; location["Europe"] = false; location["China"] = false; location["Hong-Kong"] = false; location["Singapore"] = false; location["Korea"] = false; location["Tokyo"] = false; location["US-West"] = false; location["US-East"] = false; SetTabDefaults(); Session["Outage"] = Session["Ongoing"] = outage; ReplicateOutage(outage); //OutageMenuItemsEnabled(false); this.OutageControl.Refresh(outage); RefreshPreviewContent(); this.CurrentUserLabel.Text = (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) ? "Welcome, " + System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name : Page.User.Identity.Name; } }
private void RefreshPreviewContent() { String value = this.Preview_RadioButtonList.SelectedValue; String page = String.Empty; Outage outage = (Outage)Session["Outage"]; String ExcelPath = Server.MapPath("~/excel/Blog.xlsx"); switch (value.ToLower()) { case "email": page = "Customers.aspx"; this.EmailControl.Visible = true; this.KBControl.Visible = false; this.ExcelControl.Visible = false; EmailControl.Refresh(outage); break; case "kb": page = "Knowledgebase.aspx"; this.EmailControl.Visible = false; this.KBControl.Visible = true; this.ExcelControl.Visible = false; KBControl.Refresh(outage); break; case "excel": page = "Excel.aspx"; this.EmailControl.Visible = false; this.KBControl.Visible = false; OutageRecovery or = GetOutages(); String newFilePath = new ExcelMarshall(or, ExcelPath, 5).Marshall(); ExcelControl.Refresh("~/excel/" + newFilePath); this.ExcelControl.Visible = true; break; default: return; } ///this.PreviewFrame.Attributes["src"] = page; }
public OutageRecovery(Outage update) : this(update.Platform, update) { }
public OutageUpdate(Outage Ongoing) : this(Ongoing.Platform, Ongoing) { }
private void ReplicateOutage(Outage outage) { Session["Update"] = new OutageUpdate(outage); Session["Recovery"] = new OutageRecovery(outage); }