static async Task UpdateSubtitles() { _ = ActionPopup.StartIndeterminateLoadinbar("Loading Subtitles..."); if (subtitleIndex != -1) { await ChangeSubtitles(subtitles[subtitleIndex].data, subtitles[subtitleIndex].name, subtitleDelay); } else { await ChangeSubtitles("", "", 0); } await ActionPopup.StopIndeterminateLoadinbar(); }
public Download() { InitializeComponent(); OffBar.Source = App.GetImageSource("gradient.png"); OffBar.HeightRequest = 3; OffBar.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Fill; OffBar.ScaleX = 100; OffBar.Opacity = 0.3; OffBar.TranslationY = 9; if (Settings.IS_TEST_BUILD) { #pragma warning disable CS0162 // Unreachable code detected return; #pragma warning restore CS0162 // Unreachable code detected } try { baseImg.Source = App.GetImageSource("NoDownloads.png"); bool hasDownloads = App.GetKey("Settings", "hasDownloads", false); baseTxt.IsVisible = !hasDownloads; baseImg.IsVisible = !hasDownloads; /* * RefreshView refresh = new RefreshView() { BackgroundColor = Color.Black, RefreshColor = Color.Blue, Command = RefreshCommand }; * refresh.SetBinding(RefreshView.IsRefreshingProperty, new Binding(nameof(IsRefreshing))); * ScrollView scrollView = new ScrollView(); * scrollView.Content = episodeView; * refresh.Content = episodeView;*/ // ytBtt.Source = App.GetImageSource("round_movie_white_48dp.png"); ytBtt.Source = App.GetImageSource("ytIcon.png"); ytrealBtt.Clicked += async(o, e) => { string txt = await Clipboard.GetTextAsync(); string ytUrl = await ActionPopup.DisplayEntry(InputPopupResult.url, "", "Youtube link", confirmText : "Download"); if (!ytUrl.IsClean() || ytUrl == "Cancel") { return; } await YouTube.HandleDownload(ytUrl); }; MyEpisodeResultCollection = new ObservableCollection <EpisodeResult>(); BindingContext = this; BackgroundColor = Settings.BlackRBGColor; ChangeStorage(); } catch (Exception _ex) { error(_ex); } }
public static async Task ShowUpdate(bool skipIntro = false) { if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android) { var recommendedArc = (App.AndroidVersionArchitecture)App.PlatformDep.GetArchitecture(); string option = skipIntro ? "Download Update" : await ActionPopup.DisplayActionSheet($"App update {githubUpdateTag}", "Download Update", "Ignore this time", "Dont show this again"); if (option == "Download Update") { List <string> options = new List <string>() { }; var arcs = App.GetEnumList <App.AndroidVersionArchitecture>(); foreach (var ver in arcs) { options.Add(App.GetVersionPublicName(ver) + (recommendedArc == ver ? " (Recommended)" : " ")); } string version = await ActionPopup.DisplayActionSheet("Download App Architecture", options.ToArray()); if (version == "Cancel" || version == "") { return; } foreach (var ver in arcs) { if (version.StartsWith(App.GetVersionPublicName(ver) + " ")) { App.DownloadNewGithubUpdate(githubUpdateTag, ver); break; } } } else if (option == "Dont show this again") { Settings.ShowAppUpdate = false; } } }
async void WaitChangeChromeCast() { if (MainChrome.IsCastingVideo) { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { OpenChromecastView(1, EventArgs.Empty); }); } else { List <string> names = MainChrome.GetChromeDevicesNames(); if (MainChrome.IsConnectedToChromeDevice) { names.Add("Disconnect"); } string a = await ActionPopup.DisplayActionSheet("Cast to", names.ToArray()); //await DisplayActionSheet("Cast to", "Cancel", MainChrome.IsConnectedToChromeDevice ? "Disconnect" : null, names.ToArray()); if (a != "Cancel") { MainChrome.ConnectToChromeDevice(a); } } }
public async void SelectSubtitleOption() { List <string> options = new List <string>(); if (subtitles.Count == 0) { options.Add($"Download Subtitles ({Settings.NativeSubLongName})"); } else { // if (subtitleIndex != -1) { // options.Add($"Turn {(HasSubtitlesOn ? "Off" : $"On ({subtitles[subtitleIndex].name})")}"); //} if (HasSubtitlesOn) { //if (subtitleIndex != -1) { // options.Add($"Turn off"); //} options.Add($"Change Delay ({subtitleDelay} ms)"); } options.Add("Select Subtitles"); } options.Add("Download Subtitles"); async Task UpdateSubtitles() { ActionPopup.StartIndeterminateLoadinbar("Loading Subtitles..."); if (subtitleIndex != -1) { await ChangeSubtitles(subtitles[subtitleIndex].data, subtitles[subtitleIndex].name, subtitleDelay); } else { await ChangeSubtitles("", "", 0); } await ActionPopup.StopIndeterminateLoadinbar(); } string action = await ActionPopup.DisplayActionSheet("Subtitles", options.ToArray()); if (action == "Download Subtitles") { string subAction = await ActionPopup.DisplayActionSheet("Download Subtitles", subtitleNames); if (subAction != "Cancel") { int index = subtitleNames.IndexOf(subAction); PopulateSubtitle(subtitleShortNames[index], subAction); } } else if (action == "Select Subtitles") { List <string> subtitlesList = subtitles.Select(t =>; subtitlesList.Insert(0, "None"); string subAction = await ActionPopup.DisplayActionSheet("Select Subtitles", subtitleIndex + 1, subtitlesList.ToArray()); if (subAction != "Cancel") { int setTo = subtitlesList.IndexOf(subAction) - 1; if (setTo != subtitleIndex) { subtitleIndex = setTo; HasSubtitlesOn = subtitleIndex != -1; await Task.Delay(100); await UpdateSubtitles(); } } } else if (action == $"Download Subtitles ({Settings.NativeSubLongName})") { PopulateSubtitle(); } else if (action.StartsWith("Turn off")) { subtitleIndex = -1; await UpdateSubtitles(); // await MainChrome.ToggleSubtitles(!HasSubtitlesOn); HasSubtitlesOn = !HasSubtitlesOn; } else if (action.StartsWith("Change Delay")) { int del = await ActionPopup.DisplayIntEntry("ms", "Subtitle Delay", 50, false, subtitleDelay.ToString(), "Set Delay"); if (del != -1) { subtitleDelay = del; await Task.Delay(100); await UpdateSubtitles(); } } }
public ChromeCastPage(ChromecastData data) { currentChromeData = data; isActive = true; //episodeResult = MovieResult.chromeResult; // chromeMovieResult = MovieResult.chromeMovieResult; InitializeComponent(); if (lastId != currentChromeData.episodeId) // { { lastId = currentChromeData.episodeId; //; subtitles = new List <Subtitle>(); subtitleDelay = 0; subtitleIndex = -1; HasSubtitlesOn = false; print("NOT THE SAME AT LAST ONE"); if (globalSubtitlesEnabled) { PopulateSubtitle(); } } else { //subtitles = lastSubtitles; } Subbutton.Source = App.GetImageSource("outline_subtitles_white_48dp.png"); BindingContext = this; TitleName = currentChromeData.titleName; //; EpisodeTitleName = currentChromeData.episodeTitleName; //episodeResult.Title; PosterUrl = CloudStreamCore.ConvertIMDbImagesToHD(currentChromeData.hdPosterUrl, 150, 225); //chromeMovieResult.title.hdPosterUrl, 150, 225); EpisodePosterUrl = currentChromeData.episodePosterUrl; //episodeResult.PosterUrl; EpisodeDescription = currentChromeData.descript; //episodeResult.Description; BackgroundColor = Settings.BlackRBGColor; // CloudStreamForms.MainPage.mainPage.BarBackgroundColor = Color.Transparent; ChromeLabel.Text = "Connected to " + MainChrome.chromeRecivever.FriendlyName; try { DescriptName = DescriptSetName;// currentChromeData.MirrorsNames[currentSelected];//episodeResult.Mirros[currentSelected]; } catch (Exception _ex) { print("ERROR LOADING MIRROR " + _ex); } // VideoSlider.DragStarted += (o, e) => { draging = true; }; VideoSlider.DragCompleted += (o, e) => { MainChrome.SetChromeTime(VideoSlider.Value * CurrentCastingDuration); draging = false; UpdateTxt(); }; const bool rotateAllWay = false; const int rotate = 90; const int time = 100; Commands.SetTap(FastForwardBtt, new Command(async() => { SeekMedia(FastForwardTime); FastForward.Rotation = 0; if (rotateAllWay) { await FastForward.RotateTo(360, 200, Easing.SinOut); } else { FastForward.ScaleTo(0.9, time, Easing.SinOut); await FastForward.RotateTo(rotate, time, Easing.SinOut); FastForward.ScaleTo(1, time, Easing.SinOut); await FastForward.RotateTo(0, time, Easing.SinOut); } })); Commands.SetTap(BackForwardBtt, new Command(async() => { SeekMedia(-BackForwardTime); BackForward.Rotation = 0; if (rotateAllWay) { await BackForward.RotateTo(-360, 200, Easing.SinOut); } else { BackForward.ScaleTo(0.9, time, Easing.SinOut); await BackForward.RotateTo(-rotate, time, Easing.SinOut); BackForward.ScaleTo(1, time, Easing.SinOut); await BackForward.RotateTo(0, time, Easing.SinOut); } })); StopAll.Clicked += (o, e) => { // MainChrome.StopCast(); JustStopVideo(); OnStop(); }; if (currentChromeData.isFromFile) { UpperIconHolder.TranslationX = 20; LowerIconHolder.ColumnSpacing = 40; PlayList.IsEnabled = false; PlayList.IsVisible = false; SkipForward.IsEnabled = false; SkipForward.IsVisible = false; SkipBack.IsEnabled = false; SkipBack.IsVisible = false; Grid.SetColumn(Subbutton, 0); Grid.SetColumn(StopAll, 1); Grid.SetColumn(Audio, 2); if (currentChromeData.movieType == MovieType.YouTube) { Subbutton.IsEnabled = false; Subbutton.Opacity = 0; //TODO Add youtube subtitles download } } else { PlayList.Clicked += async(o, e) => { //ListScale(); string a = await ActionPopup.DisplayActionSheet("Select Mirror", currentChromeData.MirrorsNames.ToArray()); //await DisplayActionSheet("Select Mirror", "Cancel", null, episodeResult.Mirros.ToArray()); //ListScale(); for (int i = 0; i < currentChromeData.MirrorsNames.Count; i++) { if (a == currentChromeData.MirrorsNames[i]) { currentSelected = i; SelectMirror(); return; } } }; SkipForward.Clicked += async(o, e) => { currentSelected++; if (currentSelected > currentChromeData.MirrorsNames.Count) { currentSelected = 0; } SelectMirror(); await SkipForward.TranslateTo(6, 0, 50, Easing.SinOut); await SkipForward.TranslateTo(0, 0, 50, Easing.SinOut); }; SkipBack.Clicked += async(o, e) => { currentSelected--; if (currentSelected < 0) { currentSelected = currentChromeData.MirrorsNames.Count - 1; } SelectMirror(); await SkipBack.TranslateTo(-6, 0, 50, Easing.SinOut); await SkipBack.TranslateTo(0, 0, 50, Easing.SinOut); }; } ConstUpdate(); MainChrome.Volume = (MainChrome.Volume); /* * LowVol.Source = GetImageSource("round_volume_down_white_48dp.png"); * MaxVol.Source = GetImageSource("round_volume_up_white_48dp.png");*/ // UserDialogs.Instance.TimePrompt(new TimePromptConfig() { CancelText = "Cancel", Title = "da", Use24HourClock = false, OkText = "OK", IsCancellable = true }); }
public Home() { InitializeComponent(); baseImg.Source = App.GetImageSource("NoBookmarks.png"); selectTabItems = new BorderView[] { HomeBtt, RelatedBtt, TopBtt, TrendingBtt, }; selectTabLabels = new Label[] { HomeLbl, RelatedLbl, TopLbl, TrendingLbl, }; FastTxtBtt.Clicked += async(o, e) => { string a = await ActionPopup.DisplayActionSheet("Clear watching", "Yes, clear currently watching", "No, dont clear currently watching"); if (a.StartsWith('Y')) { App.RemoveFolder(nameof(CachedCoreEpisode)); UpdateNextEpisode(); } }; ChangeSizeOfTabs(); for (int i = 0; i < selectTabItems.Length; i++) { Commands.SetTap(selectTabItems[i], new Command((o) => { int id = int.Parse(o.ToString()); selectedTabItem = id; ChangeSizeOfTabs(); })); Commands.SetTapParameter(selectTabItems[i], i.ToString()); } if (Settings.IS_TEST_BUILD) { #pragma warning disable CS0162 // Unreachable code detected return; #pragma warning restore CS0162 // Unreachable code detected } try { epView = new MainEpisodeView(); BindingContext = epView; BackgroundColor = Settings.BlackRBGColor; MovieTypePicker = new LabelList(MovieTypePickerBtt, genresNames) { SelectedIndex = 0 }; MovieTypePicker.SelectedIndexChanged += (o, e) => { ClearEpisodes(!IsRecommended); if (IsRecommended) { CoreHelpers.Shuffle(iMDbTopList); LoadMoreImages(); } else { mainCore.PurgeThreads(21); Fething = false; GetFetch(); } }; double lastScroll = 0; episodeView.Scrolled += (o, e) => { MovieTypePickerBttScrollY -= lastScroll - e.ScrollY; lastScroll = e.ScrollY; if (MovieTypePickerBttScrollY > MovieTypePickerBttMinScrollY) { MovieTypePickerBttScrollY = MovieTypePickerBttMinScrollY; } else if (MovieTypePickerBttScrollY < 0) { MovieTypePickerBttScrollY = 0; } MovieTypePickerBtt.TranslationY = MovieTypePickerBttScrollY; double maxY = episodeView.HeightRequest - episodeView.Height; //print(maxY); if (e.ScrollY >= maxY - 200) { LoadMoreImages(); } }; if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.UWP) { // BlueSeperator.IsVisible = false; // BlueSeperator.IsEnabled = false; OffBar.IsVisible = false; OffBar.IsEnabled = false; } else { OffBar.Source = App.GetImageSource("gradient.png"); OffBar.HeightRequest = 3; OffBar.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Fill; OffBar.ScaleX = 100; OffBar.Opacity = 0.3; } episodeView.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = Settings.ScrollBarVisibility; } catch (Exception _ex) { error(_ex); } /* * ImageScroller.Scrolled += (o, e) => { * double maxY = ImageScroller.ContentSize.Height - ImageScroller.Height; * if (e.ScrollY >= maxY - 200) { * LoadMoreImages(); * } * * };*/ }
public Download() { InitializeComponent(); OffBar.Source = App.GetImageSource("gradient.png"); OffBar.HeightRequest = 3; OffBar.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Fill; OffBar.ScaleX = 100; OffBar.Opacity = 0.3; OffBar.TranslationY = 9; if (Settings.IS_TEST_BUILD) { return; } try { baseImg.Source = App.GetImageSource("NoDownloads.png"); bool hasDownloads = App.GetKey("Settings", "hasDownloads", false); baseTxt.IsVisible = !hasDownloads; baseImg.IsVisible = !hasDownloads; /* * RefreshView refresh = new RefreshView() { BackgroundColor = Color.Black, RefreshColor = Color.Blue, Command = RefreshCommand }; * refresh.SetBinding(RefreshView.IsRefreshingProperty, new Binding(nameof(IsRefreshing))); * ScrollView scrollView = new ScrollView(); * scrollView.Content = episodeView; * refresh.Content = episodeView;*/ // ytBtt.Source = App.GetImageSource("round_movie_white_48dp.png"); ytBtt.Source = App.GetImageSource("ytIcon.png"); ytrealBtt.Clicked += async(o, e) => { string txt = await Clipboard.GetTextAsync(); string ytUrl = await ActionPopup.DisplayEntry(InputPopupResult.url, "", "Youtube link", confirmText : "Download"); if (!ytUrl.IsClean() || ytUrl == "Cancel") { return; } await Device.InvokeOnMainThreadAsync(async() => { //string ytUrl = t.Text; Video v = null; const string errorTxt = "Error Downloading YouTube Video"; try { v = await YouTube.GetYTVideo(ytUrl); } catch (Exception) { App.ShowToast(errorTxt); } if (v == null) { App.ShowToast(errorTxt); } else { try { // string dpath = YouTube.GetYTPath(v.Title); var author = await YouTube.GetAuthorFromVideoAsync(v); var data = await YouTube.GetInfoAsync(v); int id = ConvertStringToInt(v.Id); string vId = v.Id.Value; var t = mainCore.CreateThread(4); mainCore.StartThread("Sponsorblock", () => { try { string _d = mainCore.DownloadString("" + vId, t); if (_d != "") { var smgs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <YTSponsorblockVideoSegments> >(_d); App.SetKey("Sponsorblock", v.Id.Value.ToString(), smgs); } } catch (Exception) { } }); double mb = App.ConvertBytesToAny(data.Size.TotalBytes, 5, 2); ImageService.Instance.LoadUrl(v.Thumbnails.HighResUrl, TimeSpan.FromDays(30)); // CASHE IMAGE DownloadHeader header = new DownloadHeader() { movieType = MovieType.YouTube, id = author.Id, name = author.Title, hdPosterUrl = author.LogoUrl, posterUrl = author.LogoUrl, ogName = author.Title }; //description = v.Description,hdPosterUrl=v.Thumbnails.HighResUrl, };//ConvertTitleToHeader(title); string filePath = YouTube.DownloadVideo(data, v.Title, data, v, id, header, true); // YouTube.client.Videos.ClosedCaptions.GetManifestAsync().Result.Tracks. // YouTube.client.Videos.ClosedCaptions.DownloadAsync(v.,) App.ShowToast("YouTube download started"); App.SetKey(nameof(DownloadHeader), "id" + header.RealId, header); App.SetKey(nameof(DownloadEpisodeInfo), "id" + id, new DownloadEpisodeInfo() { dtype = DownloadType.YouTube, source = v.Url, description = v.Description, downloadHeader = header.RealId, episode = -1, season = -1, fileUrl = filePath, id = id, name = v.Title, hdPosterUrl = v.Thumbnails.HighResUrl }); App.SetKey("DownloadIds", id.ToString(), id); await YouTube.DownloadSubtitles(v, filePath.Replace(".mp4", ".srt")); } catch (Exception _ex) { print("MAINERROR:: " + _ex); App.ShowToast(errorTxt); } } }); }; MyEpisodeResultCollection = new ObservableCollection <EpisodeResult>(); BindingContext = this; BackgroundColor = Settings.BlackRBGColor; ChangeStorage(); } catch (Exception _ex) { error(_ex); } }