public void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { // Signal the main thread to continue. allDone.Set(); // Get the socket that handles the client request. Socket listener = (Socket)ar.AsyncState; Socket handler = listener.EndAccept(ar); ClientConnection connection = new ClientConnection(); connection.socket = handler; connection.setInfoFromSocket(); System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { clientsToConnect.Add(connection.stringId, connection); txbNewConnections.Text = "" + clientsToConnect.Count; })); connection.Receive(); }
private void disconnectClient(ClientConnection client, bool notifyOthers = false) { removeClient(client.stringId); if (notifyOthers) { sendMessageToAll(new MessageLIS('D', client.stringId)); } }
private void addNewClientConnection(string host, int port, bool onlyConnect = false) { ClientConnection client = new ClientConnection(); client.stringId = + ":" + client.port; //this.client = client; = 1; = host; client.port = port; client.onlyConnect = onlyConnect; client.startConnecting(); addClient(client); }
private void addClient(ClientConnection client) { if(clients.ContainsKey(client.stringId)) { clients.Remove(client.stringId); } clients.Add(client.stringId, client); updateGUICounters(); }
internal void handleClientException(ClientConnection client, Exception ex) { System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { if (ex is SocketException || ex is ObjectDisposedException) { disconnectClient(client, true); checkActions(); } })); }