コード例 #1
        private static async Task <tResult> WriteStream(tInputItem oInput, ILambdaContext context)
            const string myStreamName = "CloudEcoPlus";
            string       strInput;
            string       strEncoded;
            tResult      oResult = new tResult();

                context.Logger.LogLine("Putting records in stream : " + myStreamName);

                // Write 10 UTF-8 encoded records to the stream.

                PutRecordRequest requestRecord = new PutRecordRequest();

                requestRecord.StreamName = myStreamName;

                strInput           = JsonSerializer.Serialize(oInput);
                requestRecord.Data = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strInput));
                context.Logger.LogLine("Putting records in stream 1 : " + myStreamName);

                strEncoded = Base64Encode(strInput);  // just for debug base64 encoding

                context.Logger.LogLine("Putting records in stream 2 : " + myStreamName);

                requestRecord.PartitionKey = "partitionKey";

                context.Logger.LogLine("Putting records in stream 3 : " + myStreamName);

                PutRecordResponse PutRecordResult = await kinesisClient.PutRecordAsync(requestRecord);

                context.Logger.LogLine("PutRecordResult ok" + PutRecordResult.HttpStatusCode);

            catch (Exception ex)
                oResult.Ok   = false;
                oResult.Info = ex.Message;
                context.Logger.LogLine("Error WriteStream ");

            context.Logger.LogLine("Putting records in stream 4");
コード例 #2
        public async Task <tResult> FunctionHandler(tInput oInput, ILambdaContext context)
            tResult oResult = new tResult();
            int     intIdx;

            context.Logger.LogLine($"Input string:{JsonSerializer.Serialize<tInput>(oInput) }");

                context.Logger.LogLine("Passed " + oInput.PropertyList.Count.ToString());

                for (intIdx = 0; intIdx <= oInput.PropertyList.Count - 1; intIdx++)
                    oResult = await WriteStream(oInput.PropertyList[intIdx], context);  // Write to Kinesis

                    if (oResult.Ok == false)

                // Validate here

                context.Logger.LogLine("State 1");
            catch (Exception ex)
                oResult.Ok   = false;
                oResult.Info = ex.Message;
                context.Logger.LogLine("Ex in WriteRecord " + ex.Message);
