コード例 #1
ファイル: PivotTag.cs プロジェクト: jden123/ClosedXML.Report
        private void BuildFormatting(PivotTag pivot, DataPivotTag tag, IXLPivotValue pf)
            if (pivot.HasParameter("NoPreserveFormatting") && pivot.HasParameter("CaptionNoFormatting"))
                var fmtRange = tag.Cell;
            // TODO pivot value formatting

             * '    If (Args(14) = True) And (Args(17) = True) Then' + vbCR +
             * '      On Error Resume Next' + vbCR +
             * '      For i = 1 To DataFieldsCount' + vbCR +
             * '        V = Datas(i)' + vbCR +
             * '        Set PF = PT.DataFields(i)' + vbCR + // V(2) & " ")' + vbCR +
             * '        Set FmtRange = SrcRange.Cells(2, V(1) - 1)' + vbCR +
             * '        If PF.DataType <> xlText Then' + vbCR +
             * '          PF.NumberFormat = FmtRange.NumberFormat' + vbCR +
             * '        End If' + vbCR +
             * '        PF.DataRange.Interior.ColorIndex = FmtRange.Interior.ColorIndex' + vbCR +
             * '        PF.DataRange.Font.Name = FmtRange.Font.Name' + vbCR +
             * '        PF.DataRange.Font.Color = FmtRange.Font.Color' + vbCR +
             * '        PF.DataRange.Font.Size = FmtRange.Font.Size' + vbCR +
             * '        PF.DataRange.Font.FontStyle = FmtRange.Font.FontStyle' + vbCR +
             * '        PF.DataRange.HorizontalAlignment = FmtRange.HorizontalAlignment' + vbCR +
             * '        PF.DataRange.VerticalAlignment = FmtRange.VerticalAlignment' + vbCR +
             * '        If Args(17) = True Then' + vbCR +
             * '          Set CaptionRange = SrcRange.Cells(1, V(1) - 1)' + vbCR +
             * '          PF.LabelRange.Interior.ColorIndex = CaptionRange.Interior.ColorIndex' + vbCR +
             * '          PF.LabelRange.Font.Name = CaptionRange.Font.Name' + vbCR +
             * '          PF.LabelRange.Font.Color = CaptionRange.Font.Color' + vbCR +
             * '          PF.LabelRange.Font.Size = CaptionRange.Font.Size' + vbCR +
             * '          PF.LabelRange.Font.FontStyle = CaptionRange.Font.FontStyle' + vbCR +
             * '          PF.LabelRange.HorizontalAlignment = CaptionRange.HorizontalAlignment' + vbCR +
             * '          PF.LabelRange.VerticalAlignment = CaptionRange.VerticalAlignment' + vbCR +
             * '        End If' + vbCR +
             * '      Next' + vbCR +
             * '    End If' + vbCR +
コード例 #2
ファイル: PivotTag.cs プロジェクト: jden123/ClosedXML.Report
        private IXLPivotTable CreatePivot(PivotTag pivot, ProcessingContext context, IXLWorksheet targetSheet, string tableName, IXLCell targetCell)
            IXLRange srcRange = context.Range.Offset(-1, 1, context.Range.RowCount(), context.Range.ColumnCount() - 1);
            var      pt       = targetSheet.PivotTables.AddNew(tableName, targetCell, srcRange);

            pt.MergeAndCenterWithLabels  = pivot.HasParameter("MergeLabels");
            pt.ShowExpandCollapseButtons = pivot.HasParameter("ShowButtons");
            pt.ClassicPivotTableLayout   = !pivot.HasParameter("TreeLayout");
            pt.AutofitColumns            = pivot.HasParameter("AutofitColumns");
            pt.SortFieldsAtoZ            = !pivot.HasParameter("NoSort");
            pt.PreserveCellFormatting    = !pivot.HasParameter("NoPreserveFormatting");
            pt.ShowGrandTotalsColumns    = pivot.HasParameter("ColumnGrand");
            pt.ShowGrandTotalsRows       = pivot.HasParameter("RowGrand");
            pt.SaveSourceData            = true;
            pt.FilterAreaOrder           = XLFilterAreaOrder.DownThenOver;
            pt.RefreshDataOnOpen         = true;
コード例 #3
        private IXLPivotTable CreatePivot(PivotTag pivot, ProcessingContext context, XLPivotTableDestination destination)
            var      rowOffset = context.Range.RangeAddress.FirstAddress.RowNumber > 1 ? -1 : 0;
            IXLRange srcRange  = context.Range.Offset(rowOffset, 1, context.Range.RowCount(), context.Range.ColumnCount() - 1);
            var      pt        = destination.TargetWorksheet.PivotTables.Add(destination.TableName, destination.TargetCell, srcRange);

            pt.MergeAndCenterWithLabels  = pivot.HasParameter("MergeLabels");
            pt.ShowExpandCollapseButtons = pivot.HasParameter("ShowButtons");
            pt.ClassicPivotTableLayout   = !pivot.HasParameter("TreeLayout");
            pt.AutofitColumns            = pivot.HasParameter("AutofitColumns");
            pt.SortFieldsAtoZ            = !pivot.HasParameter("NoSort");
            pt.PreserveCellFormatting    = !pivot.HasParameter("NoPreserveFormatting");
            pt.ShowGrandTotalsColumns    = pivot.HasParameter("ColumnGrand");
            pt.ShowGrandTotalsRows       = pivot.HasParameter("RowGrand");
            pt.SaveSourceData            = true;
            pt.FilterAreaOrder           = XLFilterAreaOrder.DownThenOver;
            pt.RefreshDataOnOpen         = true;