public void FillGridWithCardTypes(List <Ship> ships) { var names = ships.Select(p => p.Name).Distinct().ToList(); ClickableToRemove = new List <IClickable>(); gridCards.RemoveChildren(); int i = 0; foreach (var name in names) { cardCouple couple = new cardCouple(); Label lbl = new Label(coupleWidth, coupleHeight, Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, Gui, Gui.smediumFont, true) { Text = name }; Button button = new Button(coupleWidth, coupleHeight, Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, Gui, Gui.mediumFont, true) { Text = "Select skin" }; button.clickEventObject += setTexture; Clickable.Add(button); ClickableToRemove.Add(button); couple.lbl = lbl; couple.button = button; couples.Add(couple); gridCards.AddChild(lbl); gridCards.AddChild(button); i++; } gridCards.DrawBackground = false; gridCards.UpdateP(); gridCards.UpdateActive(true); layout.Update(); }
public override void Initialize(ContentManager Content) { Gui = new GUI(Content); layout = new RelativeLayout(); grid = new Grid(); buttonsGrid = new Grid(); cardsGrid = new Grid(5, 3, CardWidth, CardHeight); slots = new List <CardSlot>(); for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < 5; column++) { CardSlot c = new CardSlot(CardWidth, CardHeight, Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, Gui); grid.AddChild(c, row, column); c.clickEvent += CardSlotClick; slots.Add(c); Clickable.Add(c); } } grid.Origin = new Point(50, 50); grid.UpdateP(); cardsGrid.WitdhAndHeightColumnDependant = false; cardsGrid.Width = (int)((int) * CardGridWidthMulti); cardsGrid.Height = (int)((int) * CardGridHeightMulti); buttonsGrid.Origin = new Point( / 2 - 100, - 200); cardsGrid.Origin = new Point(50, buttonsGrid.Origin.Y - 200); Button up = new Button(new Point(cardsGrid.Origin.X + (int)(cardsGrid.Width / 2), cardsGrid.Origin.Y), 60, 30, Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, Gui, Gui.mediumFont, true) { Text = "up" }; up.clickEvent += upClick; Button down = new Button(new Point(cardsGrid.Origin.X + (int)(cardsGrid.Width / 2), cardsGrid.Origin.Y + 30), 60, 30, Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, Gui, Gui.mediumFont, true) { Text = "down" }; down.clickEvent += downClick; save = new Button(200, 100, Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, Gui, Gui.mediumFont, true) { text = "Ready" }; save.clickEvent += onSave; tipLabel = new Label(new Point(grid.Origin.X + grid.Width + 50, grid.Origin.Y), - 150 - grid.Width, 150, Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, Gui, Gui.mediumFont, true) { Text = "You have 2 minutes to choose your fleet's shape. There's no difference between positions in rows, all the ships in the end will be put to the left border." }; // tipLabel.HeightDerivatingFromText = true; // tipLabel.Update(); layout.AddChild(tipLabel); Grid popupGrid = new Grid(); Button popupExitButton = new Button(200, 100, Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, Gui, Gui.mediumFont, true) { text = "Exit to menu" }; popupExitButton.DrawBackground = false; popupExitButton.clickEvent += onExit; Clickable.Add(popupExitButton); lbl = new Label(200, 200, Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, Gui, Gui.mediumFont, true) { Text = "You lost the game due to not choosing shape of fleet for longer than 2 minutes" }; lbl.DrawBackground = false; popupGrid.AddChild(lbl, 0, 0); popupGrid.AddChild(popupExitButton, 1, 0); Point popupOrigin = new Point( / 2 - 100, / 2 - 150); popup = new Popup(popupOrigin, 200, 300, Game1.self.GraphicsDevice, Gui); popup.grid = popupGrid; popup.SetToGrid(); buttonsGrid.AddChild(save, 0, 0); Clickable.Add(save); layout.AddChild(up); layout.AddChild(down); Clickable.Add(up); Clickable.Add(down); cardsGrid.AllVisible = false; cardsGrid.VisibleRows = 1; cardsGrid.ConstantRowsAndColumns = true; cardsGrid.MaxChildren = true; cardsGrid.ChildMaxAmount = 15; cardsGrid.UpdateP(); buttonsGrid.UpdateP(); SetClickables(true); layout.Update(); }