コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the list of client who should receive my notification
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="notification"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private List <Clients> getClientsForCurrentNotification(DTONotification notification)
     //->per ora è molto semplice: c'è una tabella NotificationRules dove vado per tipoEntità e creator a prendere tutti i client che la devono ricevere
     //(escluso me stesso)
     //torno la lista
     using (var ctx = new OrmPendingNotifications())
             (ctx.NotificationRules.Where(x => x.ClientCreatorID == notification.CreatorIdentifier && notification.NotificationDTOType.Equals(x.NotificationDTOType)
                                          //escludo il loopback: il mio client non ci deve essere
                                          && x.ClientReceiverID != notification.CreatorIdentifier
              .Select(x => x.ReceiverClient)
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// since i know the datetime in wich the notification has been created,
 /// and i asked for the last status, i can flag as handled all the statusChange for the entity prior to the processed notification
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clientIdentifier"></param>
 /// <param name="Notification"></param>
 public void SetStatus(Guid clientIdentifier, DTONotification Notification)
     using (var ctx = new OrmPendingNotifications())
         var notificationsToFlag = ctx.NotificationToClient.Where(
             //-->Notifications not handled
             x => x.Status != PendingNotificationStatus.Handled
             //-->created before the date of the notification i want to flag
             && x.NotificationQueue.CreationDateTime <= Notification.CreationDateTime
             //For my client
             && x.ClientID == clientIdentifier
             //ofcourse for the same entity
             && x.NotificationQueue.NotificationDTOkey.Equals(Notification.Key) &&
         foreach (var t in notificationsToFlag)
             t.Status           = Notification.Status;
             ctx.Entry(t).State = EntityState.Modified;
コード例 #3
        public void AppendNotification(DTONotification notification)
            notification.Status           = PendingNotificationStatus.Queued;
            notification.CreationDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var clients = getClientsForCurrentNotification(notification);

            if (clients == null || !clients.Any())

            //-->appendo la modifica
            var tabNotifica = new NotificationQueue
                CreationDateTime    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                CreatorID           = notification.CreatorIdentifier,
                NotificationDTOType = notification.NotificationDTOType,
                NotificationDTOkey  = notification.Key,
                OperationType       = notification.NotificationType

            using (var ctx = new OrmPendingNotifications())
                foreach (var cl in clients)
                    var tabClient = new NotificationToClient();
                    tabClient.ClientID          = cl.ID;
                    tabClient.Status            = PendingNotificationStatus.Queued;
                    tabClient.NotificationID    = tabNotifica.ID;
                    tabClient.NotificationQueue = tabNotifica;
                    //ctx.Entry(tabClient).State = EntityState.Added;