/** * This method is triggered when the network goes down. * It triggers the alarm. */ private void OnNetworkDown(GTM.Module.NetworkModule sender, GTM.Module.NetworkModule.NetworkState state) { Debug.Print("Network down!"); NetworkUp = false; multicolorLED.TurnRed(); if (proxy != null) { proxy.closeChannel(); proxy.Dispose(); proxy.Dispose(); proxy = null; } if (streaming) { streaming = false; camera.StopStreaming(); button.ButtonPressed -= button_ButtonPressed; if (timer_joystick.IsRunning) { timer_joystick.Stop(); } } if (setupComplete) { timer_keepAlive.Stop(); if (!throw_allarm) { ThrowAllarm(); } WindowsManager.showWindowInsertPin(); } else { camera.StopStreaming(); Thread.Sleep(250); WindowsManager.showWindowNetworkDown(); return; } }
/** * This method is triggered when the button is pressed. */ private void button_ButtonPressed(GTM.GHIElectronics.Button sender, GTM.GHIElectronics.Button.ButtonState state) { Debug.Print("Button pressed!"); button.ButtonPressed -= button_ButtonPressed; streaming = false; camera.StopStreaming(); camera.StopStreaming(); timer_joystick.Stop(); WindowsManager.showWindowLoadingStatic(); Thread.Sleep(200); if (NetworkUp) { initServer(); } else { Debug.Print("Network_Down!!!"); WindowsManager.showWindowNetworkDown(); } }
public int checkLogin(String pin) { // HashAlgorithm hashSHA256 = new HashAlgorithm(HashAlgorithmType.MD5); Byte[] dataToHmac = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pin); if ((setupComplete && !NetworkUp && VolatilePin.Length == 8) || (setupComplete && NetworkUp && VolatilePin.Length == 8)) { if (VolatilePin.Equals(pin)) { deactivateSystem(); return(2); } } if (setupComplete && NetworkUp) { try { var data = proxy.isValid(new isValid() { mac = myMac, pin = dataToHmac }); if (data.isValidResult) { deactivateSystem(); return(2); } return(-1); } catch (Exception e) { WindowsManager.showWindowServiceDown(); return(1); } } if (!NetworkUp) { WindowsManager.showWindowNetworkDown(); return(2); } bindProxyService(); try { var data2 = proxy.isValid(new isValid() { mac = myMac, pin = dataToHmac }); if (data2.isValidResult) { VolatilePin = pin; return(0); } else { return(-1); } } catch (Exception e) { WindowsManager.showWindowServiceDown(); return(1); } }