private void RequestConvo(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { KeyValuePair <User, IPEndPoint> keyVal = onlineUsers.ElementAt(this.dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex); if (keyVal.Key.Nick != null && keyVal.Key.Nick != "" && keyVal.Key.Nick != self.Nick) { if (chatWindow.ChatStarted(keyVal.Key.Nick)) { chatWindow.Show(); } else { IMessenger iMessenger = (IMessenger)RemotingServices.Connect(typeof(IMessenger), Util.URL(keyVal.Value)); if (iMessenger.ProcessRequest(self)) { chatWindow.NewTab(self, keyVal.Key, keyVal.Value); chatWindow.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show(keyVal.Key.Nick + " refused your request", "Refused", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + " -- " + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void OpenChatWindow() { ChatWindow chatWindow = new ChatWindow(this.usernameBox.Text); chatWindow.Show(); Close(); }
private void Connector_PrivateMessageEvent(object sender, MessageDictionary e) { bool found = false; Sender s = (Sender)Enum.Parse(typeof(Sender), e[MesKeyStr.Sender]); string targetUserID = s == Sender.others ? e[MesKeyStr.UserID] : e[MesKeyStr.TargetUserID]; foreach (ChatWindow cw in privateWindows) { if (cw.TargetUser.UserID.Equals(targetUserID)) { found = true; Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { cw.MessageArrive(e); }); } } if (found == false) { User target = new User(e[MesKeyStr.UserID], e[MesKeyStr.NickName]); ChatWindow chatWindow = null; Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { chatWindow = new ChatWindow(target); chatWindow.ManualCloseEvent += ChatWindow_ManualCloseEvent; chatWindow.Show(); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { chatWindow.MessageArrive(e); }); }); privateWindows.Add(chatWindow); } }
private void OpenChatWindow() //On successful login takes the user to the ChatWindow { ChatWindow chatWindow = new ChatWindow(this.usernameBox.Text); chatWindow.Show(); Close(); }
public void PushMessage(String mess, Boolean isMe) { chatWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { chatWindow.Show(); chatWindow.PushMessage(mess, false); }); }
public void StartChatting() { currentUser = ((App)Application.Current).CurrentUser; GroupChatWindow = new ChatWindow(); GroupChatWindow.PrivateChatEvent += GroupChatWindow_PrivateChatEvent; GroupChatWindow.Closed += GroupChatWindow_Closed; GroupChatWindow.Show(); }
private void GroupChatWindow_PrivateChatEvent(object sender, User e) { foreach (ChatWindow cw in privateWindows) { if (cw.TargetUser.UserID.Equals(e.UserID)) { cw.Activate(); return; } } ChatWindow privateChatWindow = new ChatWindow(e); privateChatWindow.ManualCloseEvent += ChatWindow_ManualCloseEvent; privateWindows.Add(privateChatWindow); privateChatWindow.Show(); }
private void btn_join_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string username = txt_username.Text; if (!ValidateUsername(username)) { MessageBox.Show("Type in a valid username.", "", MessageBoxButton.OK); return; } ClientChatImpl.ClientName = username; ClientChatImpl.UserEnteredChat(); var window = new ChatWindow(); window.Show(); // open the chat window Close(); // closes this window }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string username = txbUsername.Text; string password = txbPassword.Text; bool isAccepted = this._loginService.CheckLogin(username, password); if (isAccepted) { ChatWindow chatWindow = new ChatWindow(username, _messageService); this.Close(); chatWindow.Show(); } else { lblError.Content = "Username or password is invalid"; } }
private void LoginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.CheckIfLegalIPAddress(this.ipAddressTextBox.Text) == false) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a legal IPv4 address!", "Chat", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } else if (CheckIfLegalPort(this.portTextBox.Text) == false) { MessageBox.Show("The port must be between 3000 and 9000!", "Chat", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } else if (this.usernameTextBox.Text.ToCharArray().Length < 3) { MessageBox.Show("The username must be at least 3 characters long!", "Chat", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); } else { this.networkWatcher = new NetworkWatcher(IPAddress.Parse(this.ipAddressTextBox.Text), int.Parse(this.portTextBox.Text)); this.networkWatcher.ConnectionLost += this.ConnectionLost; this.networkWatcher.DataReceived += this.DataReceived; this.networkWatcher.Start(); if (this.networkWatcher.Connected == true) { this.networkWatcher.Send(ProtocolCreator.LogIn(this.usernameTextBox.Text)); if (this.WaitForSessionKey(1000) == true) { this.networkWatcher.ConnectionLost -= this.ConnectionLost; this.networkWatcher.DataReceived -= this.DataReceived; this.Hide(); ChatWindow chatWindow = new ChatWindow(this.usernameTextBox.Text, this.sessionkey, this.networkWatcher); chatWindow.FormClosed += this.ChatWindowClosed; chatWindow.Show(); } } } }
private void Start_Chat(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChatWindow chatWindow = new ChatWindow((sender as Button).Text); chatWindow.Show(); }