private void Chat_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete) { Chat.Clear(); } }
/* * Method : SendCrypt_Click() * Description: When the Connection Button Clickedit sent the message with encrepted. * Return value: No */ private void SendCrypt_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { // Check the connection status. If the server is connected // Read the text form textbox and send it to the server if (connect) { if (Chat.Text != "") { StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(clientList[0]); StreamWriter cryptOutput = new StreamWriter(clientList[0]); string x = Chat.Text; History.Items.Add("[ " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm") + " ] You: " + Chat.Text); History.ScrollIntoView(History.Items[History.Items.Count - 1]); string outp = Chat.Text; output.WriteLine(outp); output.Flush(); //Applying the BlowFish encryption to the message string encrypted = blowFish.Encrypt_CBC(outp); cryptOutput.WriteLine(encrypted); //output.WriteLine(outp); cryptOutput.Flush(); Chat.Clear(); } else { Error.Content = ">>!!!Message can not be blank!!!<<"; } } // Otherwiser notify the user Sever is not connected else { Error.Content = ">>!!!You are not connected to the Server!!!<<"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Error.Content = ex; } }
private void clearHistoryToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Chat.Clear(); Log.Clear(); }