public void GetTileDataTest() { string mapFileName = "testMap"; string mapTitle = "Test"; uint mapWidth = 1; uint mapHeight = 1; Map target = new Map(mapTitle, mapFileName, mapWidth, mapHeight); Tile testTile = new Tile(); testTile.IsPassable = true; Tile[] expected = { testTile }; Tile[] actual = target.GetTileData(); for (int i = 0; i < actual.Length; i++) { if (expected.Length != actual.Length) Assert.Fail("Expected size does not equal actual size"); Assert.AreEqual(expected[i].Effect, actual[i].Effect); Assert.AreEqual(expected[i].EventID, actual[i].EventID); Assert.AreEqual(expected[i].Height, actual[i].Height); Assert.AreEqual(expected[i].ID, actual[i].ID); Assert.AreEqual(expected[i].IsPassable, actual[i].IsPassable); Assert.AreEqual(expected[i].ObjectID, actual[i].ObjectID); Assert.AreEqual(expected[i].Type, actual[i].Type); } }
public void CreateMapTest() { string mapFileName = "testMap"; string mapTitle = "Test"; uint mapWidth = 2; uint mapHeight = 2; Map target = new Map(mapTitle, mapFileName, mapWidth, mapHeight); Assert.AreEqual("testMap", target.FileName); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the current map being played /// </summary> private void GetCurrentMap() { Options options = ServiceManager.Game.Options; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentMap)) { throw new Exception("No map is currently being played."); } try { FileInfo f = new FileInfo(String.Format( "{0}{1}{2}", options.MapsFolder, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, currentMap)); if (f.Exists) { currentMapInstance = new Map(f.FullName); string mapHash = currentMapInstance.SHA1Hash; string currentHash = Hash.CalculateSHA1OfFile(f.FullName); bool valid = ServiceManager.Echelon.GetProxy().HashIsValid( currentMap, currentHash); if (!valid) { f.Delete(); f = null; DownloadMap(currentMap); } } else { DownloadMap(currentMap); } } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceManager.Game.Console.DebugPrint("[WARNING] Cannot open map: {0}", ex.Message); if (currentMapInstance == null) { try { DownloadMap(currentMap); } catch { } } } }
/// <summary> /// Download the map from Echelon. /// </summary> /// <param name="mapName">Filename of the map to be downloaded.</param> private void DownloadMap(string mapName) { Options options = ServiceManager.Game.Options; Message = String.Format("Downloading map {0}...", mapName); Value = 25; VTankObject.Map map = ServiceManager.Echelon.GetProxy().DownloadMap(mapName); Message = "Reading map..."; Console.WriteLine("Finished downloading map {0}.", map.filename); try { DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(options.MapsFolder); if (!directory.Exists) { directory.Create(); } } catch (Exception) { options.MapsFolder = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}\maps\", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA"), "VTank"); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(options.MapsFolder); } catch (Exception) { } } Map realMap = new Map( map.title, map.filename, (uint)map.width, (uint)map.height); List<int> buf = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < map.supportedGameModes.Length; i++) { buf.Add(map.supportedGameModes[i]); } realMap.SetGameModes(buf); VTankObject.Tile[] tiles = map.tileData; // Set the tile data. for (uint y = 0; y < (uint)map.height; y++) { for (uint x = 0; x < (uint)map.width; x++) { int position = (int)(y) * map.width + (int)(x); VTankObject.Tile tempTile = tiles[position]; Tile tile = new Tile( (uint), (ushort)tempTile.objectId, (ushort)tempTile.eventId, tempTile.passable, (ushort)tempTile.height, (ushort)tempTile.type, (ushort)tempTile.effect); realMap.SetTile(x, y, tile); } } try { realMap.SaveMap(options.MapsFolder); } catch (Exception) { options.MapsFolder = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}\maps\", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA"), "VTank"); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(options.MapsFolder); realMap.SaveMap(options.MapsFolder); } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceManager.Game.Console.DebugPrint("[WARNING] Cannot save map: {0}", ex.Message); } } currentMapInstance = realMap; }
/// <summary> /// Unloads content. /// </summary> public override void UnloadContent() { if (thread.IsAlive) { try { thread.Interrupt(); } catch (Exception e) { ServiceManager.Game.Console.DebugPrint( "[ERROR] At LoadingScreenState#UnloadContent(): {0}", e.Message); } } if (futureGame != null) { ServiceManager.Game.BackgroundMovie.Pause(); ServiceManager.MP3Player.Stop(); ServiceManager.MP3Player.PlayPlaylist(); futureGame.OnGameFinished += new GamePlayState.GameFinishHandler(OnGameFinished); } currentMap = null; currentMapInstance = null; thread = null; server = null; form = null; futureGame = null; clientCallback = null; buffer = null; }
public void GetTileTest() { string mapFileName = "testMap"; string mapTitle = "Test"; uint mapWidth = 1; uint mapHeight = 1; Map target = new Map(mapTitle, mapFileName, mapWidth, mapHeight); uint x = 0; uint y = 0; Tile expected = new Tile(); expected.IsPassable = true; Tile actual; actual = target.GetTile(x, y); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void SetTileTest() { string mapFileName = "testMap"; string mapTitle = "Test"; uint mapWidth = 2; uint mapHeight = 2; Map target = new Map(mapTitle, mapFileName, mapWidth, mapHeight); uint x = 1; uint y = 1; Tile tile = new Tile(); target.SetTile(x, y, tile); Assert.IsFalse(target.GetTile(x, y).IsPassable); }
public void SetGameModesTest() { string mapFileName = "test"; string mapTitle = "Test"; uint mapWidth = 2; uint mapHeight = 2; Map target = new Map(mapTitle, mapFileName, mapWidth, mapHeight); List<int> gameModes = new List<int>(); gameModes.Add(1); gameModes.Add(2); target.SetGameModes(gameModes); Assert.IsTrue(target.GameModeSupported(1)); Assert.IsFalse(target.GameModeSupported(3)); }
// False meaning, do not load/draw the background. public GamePlayState(GameCallback _callback, Map _map, EventBuffer _buffer) : base(false) { map = _map; //form = new InGameMenu(ServiceManager.Game.Manager); ServiceManager.Game.FormManager.RemoveWindow( ServiceManager.Game.FormManager.currentWindow); callback = _callback; buffer = _buffer; prevFrameScrollWheelValue = 0f; }
/// <summary> /// Unload any content (textures, fonts, etc) used by this state. Called when the state is removed. /// </summary> public override void UnloadContent() { /*try { ServiceManager.Game.GraphicsDevice.Reset(); ServiceManager.Game.GraphicsDevice.VertexDeclaration = null; ServiceManager.Game.GraphicsDevice.Vertices[0].SetSource(null, 0, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { // If the graphics device was disposed already, it throws an exception. Console.Error.WriteLine(ex); }*/ if (mouseCursor != null) { mouseCursor.DisableCustomCursor(); mouseCursor = null; } EnvironmentEffects = null; Bases = null; buffbar = null; cd = null; hud = null; renderer = null; fps = null; map = null; visibleTiles = null; Scores = null; Players = null; Projectiles = null; Chat = null; buffer = null; miniMap.Dispose(); miniMap = null; if (OnGameFinished != null) { EventArgs args = new EventArgs(); OnGameFinished.Invoke(this, args); } }