public LoginScene() { SoundManager.PlaySound(SoundList.IntroMusic, true); Disposing += (o, e) => SoundManager.StopSound(SoundList.IntroMusic); _background = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = false, AnimationCount = 19, AnimationDelay = 100, Index = 0, Library = Libraries.ChrSel, Loop = false, Parent = this, }; _login = new LoginDialog {Parent = _background, Visible = false}; _login.AccountButton.Click += (o, e) => { _login.Hide(); _account = new NewAccountDialog { Parent = _background }; _account.Disposing += (o1, e1) => _login.Show(); }; _login.PassButton.Click += (o, e) => { _login.Hide(); _password = new ChangePasswordDialog { Parent = _background }; _password.Disposing += (o1, e1) => _login.Show(); }; Version = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, BackColour = Color.FromArgb(200, 50, 50, 50), Border = true, BorderColour = Color.Black, Location = new Point(5, 580), Parent = _background, Text = string.Format("Version: {0}", Application.ProductVersion), }; _connectBox = new MirMessageBox("Attempting to connect to the server.", MirMessageBoxButtons.Cancel); _connectBox.CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Program.Form.Close(); Shown += (sender, args) => { Network.Connect(); _connectBox.Show(); }; }
public NewCharacterDialog() { Index = 73; Library = Libraries.Prguse; Location = new Point((Settings.ScreenWidth - Size.Width)/2, (Settings.ScreenHeight - Size.Height)/2); Modal = true; TitleLabel = new MirImageControl { Index = 20, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(206, 11), Parent = this, }; CancelButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 281, Index = 280, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(425, 425), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 282 }; CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Dispose(); OKButton = new MirButton { Enabled = false, HoverIndex = 361, Index = 360, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(160, 425), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 362, }; OKButton.Click += (o, e) => CreateCharacter(); NameTextBox = new MirTextBox { Location = new Point(325, 268), Parent = this, Size = new Size(240, 20), MaxLength = Globals.MaxCharacterNameLength }; NameTextBox.TextBox.KeyPress += TextBox_KeyPress; NameTextBox.TextBox.TextChanged += CharacterNameTextBox_TextChanged; NameTextBox.SetFocus(); CharacterDisplay = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = true, AnimationCount = 16, AnimationDelay = 250, Index = 20, Library = Libraries.ChrSel, Location = new Point(120, 250), Parent = this, UseOffSet = true, }; CharacterDisplay.AfterDraw += (o, e) => { if (_class == MirClass.Wizard) Libraries.ChrSel.DrawBlend(CharacterDisplay.Index + 560, CharacterDisplay.DisplayLocationWithoutOffSet, Color.White, true); }; WarriorButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 2427, Index = 2427, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(323, 296), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 2428, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; WarriorButton.Click += (o, e) => { _class = MirClass.Warrior; UpdateInterface(); }; WizardButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 2430, Index = 2429, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(373, 296), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 2431, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; WizardButton.Click += (o, e) => { _class = MirClass.Wizard; UpdateInterface(); }; TaoistButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 2433, Index = 2432, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(423, 296), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 2434, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; TaoistButton.Click += (o, e) => { _class = MirClass.Taoist; UpdateInterface(); }; AssassinButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 2436, Index = 2435, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(473, 296), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 2437, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; AssassinButton.Click += (o, e) => { _class = MirClass.Assassin; UpdateInterface(); }; ArcherButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 2439, Index = 2438, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(523, 296), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 2440, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; ArcherButton.Click += (o, e) => { _class = MirClass.Archer; UpdateInterface(); }; MaleButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 2421, Index = 2421, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(323, 343), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 2422, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; MaleButton.Click += (o, e) => { _gender = MirGender.Male; UpdateInterface(); }; FemaleButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 2424, Index = 2423, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = new Point(373, 343), Parent = this, PressedIndex = 2425, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; FemaleButton.Click += (o, e) => { _gender = MirGender.Female; UpdateInterface(); }; Description = new MirLabel { Border = true, Location = new Point(279, 70), Parent = this, Size = new Size(278, 170), Text = WarriorDescription, }; }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { Background = null; _character = null; ServerLabel = null; CharacterDisplay = null; StartGameButton = null; NewCharacterButton = null; DeleteCharacterButton = null; CreditsButton = null; ExitGame = null; CharacterButtons = null; LastAccessLabel = null;LastAccessLabelLabel = null; Characters = null; _selected = 0; } base.Dispose(disposing); }
public SelectScene(List<SelectInfo> characters) { SoundManager.PlaySound(SoundList.SelectMusic, true); Disposing += (o, e) => SoundManager.StopSound(SoundList.SelectMusic); Characters = characters; SortList(); KeyPress +=SelectScene_KeyPress; Background = new MirImageControl { Index = 64, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, }; Title = new MirImageControl { Index = 40, Library = Libraries.Title, Parent = this, Location = new Point(364, 12) }; ServerLabel = new MirLabel { Location = new Point(322, 44), Parent = Background, Size = new Size(155, 17), Text = "Legend of Mir 2", DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter }; StartGameButton = new MirButton { Enabled = false, HoverIndex = 341, Index = 340, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(110, 568), Parent = Background, PressedIndex = 342 }; StartGameButton.Click += (o, e) => StartGame(); NewCharacterButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 344, Index = 343, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(230, 568), Parent = Background, PressedIndex = 345, GrayScale = true }; NewCharacterButton.Click += (o, e) => _character = new NewCharacterDialog { Parent = this }; DeleteCharacterButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 347, Index = 346, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(350, 568), Parent = Background, PressedIndex = 348 }; DeleteCharacterButton.Click += (o, e) => DeleteCharacter(); CreditsButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 350, Index = 349, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(470, 568), Parent = Background, PressedIndex = 351 }; ExitGame = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 353, Index = 352, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(590, 568), Parent = Background, PressedIndex = 354 }; ExitGame.Click += (o, e) => Program.Form.Close(); CharacterDisplay = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = true, AnimationCount = 16, AnimationDelay = 250, FadeIn = true, FadeInDelay = 75, FadeInRate = 0.1F, Index = 220, Library = Libraries.ChrSel, Location = new Point(200, 300), Parent = Background, UseOffSet = true, Visible = false }; CharacterDisplay.AfterDraw += (o, e) => { // if (_selected >= 0 && _selected < Characters.Count && characters[_selected].Class == MirClass.Wizard) Libraries.ChrSel.DrawBlend(CharacterDisplay.Index + 560, CharacterDisplay.DisplayLocationWithoutOffSet, Color.White, true); }; CharacterButtons = new CharacterButton[4]; CharacterButtons[0] = new CharacterButton { Location = new Point(447, 122), Parent = Background, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; CharacterButtons[0].Click += (o,e) => { if (characters.Count <= 0) return; _selected = 0; UpdateInterface(); }; CharacterButtons[1] = new CharacterButton { Location = new Point(447, 226), Parent = Background, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; CharacterButtons[1].Click += (o, e) => { if (characters.Count <= 1) return; _selected = 1; UpdateInterface(); }; CharacterButtons[2] = new CharacterButton { Location = new Point(447, 330), Parent = Background, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; CharacterButtons[2].Click += (o, e) => { if (characters.Count <= 2) return; _selected = 2; UpdateInterface(); }; CharacterButtons[3] = new CharacterButton { Location = new Point(447, 434), Parent = Background, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; CharacterButtons[3].Click += (o, e) => { if (characters.Count <= 3) return; _selected = 3; UpdateInterface(); }; LastAccessLabel = new MirLabel { Location = new Point(140, 509), Parent = Background, Size = new Size(180, 21), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.Left | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter, Border = true, }; LastAccessLabelLabel = new MirLabel { Location = new Point(-80, -1), Parent = LastAccessLabel, Text = "Last Online:", Size = new Size(100, 21), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.Left | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter, Border = true, }; UpdateInterface(); }
public IntelligentCreatureDialog() { Index = 468; Library = Libraries.Title; Movable = true; Sort = true; Location = Center; BeforeDraw += IntelligentCreatureDialog_BeforeDraw; #region CreatureButtons CloseButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 361, Index = 360, Location = new Point(Size.Width - 25, 3), Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 362, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide(); HelpPetButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 258, Index = 257, Location = new Point(Size.Width - 48, 3), Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 259, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; CreatureRenameButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 571, Index = 570, Location = new Point(344, 50), Library = Libraries.Title, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 572, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Visible = false, }; CreatureRenameButton.Click += ButtonClick; SummonButton = new MirButton { Index = 576, HoverIndex = 577, PressedIndex = 578, Location = new Point(113, 217), Library = Libraries.Title, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; SummonButton.Click += ButtonClick; DismissButton = new MirButton//Dismiss the summoned pet { HoverIndex = 581, Index = 580, Location = new Point(113, 217), Library = Libraries.Title, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 582, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; DismissButton.Click += ButtonClick; ReleaseButton = new MirButton//Removes the selected pet { HoverIndex = 584, Index = 583, Location = new Point(255, 217), Library = Libraries.Title, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 585, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; ReleaseButton.Click += ButtonClick; OptionsMenuButton = new MirButton//Options { HoverIndex = 574, Index = 573, Location = new Point(375, 160), Library = Libraries.Title, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 575, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; OptionsMenuButton.Click += ButtonClick; AutomaticModeButton = new MirButton//image is wrongly translated should be "Auto" instaid of "Enable" { HoverIndex = 611, Index = 610, Location = new Point(375, 187), Library = Libraries.Title, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 612, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; AutomaticModeButton.Click += ButtonClick; SemiAutoModeButton = new MirButton//image is wrongly translated should be "SemiAuto" instaid of "Disable" { HoverIndex = 614, Index = 613, Location = new Point(375, 187), Library = Libraries.Title, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 615, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; SemiAutoModeButton.Click += ButtonClick; CreatureButtons = new CreatureButton[10]; for (int i = 0; i < CreatureButtons.Length; i++) { int offsetX = i * 81; int offsetY = 259; if (i >= 5) { offsetX = (i - 5) * 81; offsetY += 40; } CreatureButtons[i] = new CreatureButton { idx = i, Parent = this, Visible = false, Location = new Point((44 + offsetX), offsetY) }; } #endregion #region CreatureImage CreatureImage = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = false, AnimationCount = 4, AnimationDelay = 250, Index = 0, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Loop = true, Parent = this, NotControl = true, UseOffSet = true, Location = new Point(50, 110), }; FullnessBG = new MirImageControl { Index = 530, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Location = new Point(185, 129), Parent = this, NotControl = true, }; FullnessBG.MouseEnter += Control_MouseEnter; FullnessBG.MouseLeave += Control_MouseLeave; FullnessFG = new MirImageControl { Index = 531, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Location = new Point(185, 129), Parent = this, DrawImage = false, //NotControl = true, }; FullnessFG.AfterDraw += FullnessForeGround_AfterDraw; FullnessFG.MouseEnter += Control_MouseEnter; FullnessFG.MouseLeave += Control_MouseLeave; FullnessMin = new MirImageControl { Index = 532, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Location = new Point(179, 118), Parent = this, //Visible = false, //NotControl = true, }; FullnessMin.MouseEnter += Control_MouseEnter; FullnessMin.MouseLeave += Control_MouseLeave; FullnessNow = new MirImageControl { Index = 533, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Location = new Point(179, 143), Parent = this, //Visible = false, NotControl = true, }; PearlImage = new MirImageControl { Index = 427, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Location = new Point(29, 348), Parent = this, NotControl = true, }; BlackStoneImageBG = new MirImageControl { Index = 428, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Location = new Point(215, 348), Parent = this, Visible = true, NotControl = true, }; BlackStoneImageBG.MouseEnter += Control_MouseEnter; BlackStoneImageBG.MouseLeave += Control_MouseLeave; BlackStoneImageFG = new MirImageControl { Index = 420, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Location = new Point(242, 353), Parent = this, Visible = true, DrawImage = false, //NotControl = true, }; BlackStoneImageFG.AfterDraw += BlackStoneImageFG_AfterDraw; BlackStoneImageFG.MouseEnter += Control_MouseEnter; BlackStoneImageFG.MouseLeave += Control_MouseLeave; #endregion #region CreatureLabels CreatureName = new MirLabel { Parent = this, Location = new Point(170, 50), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter, Size = new Size(166, 21), NotControl = true, }; CreatureDeadline = new MirLabel { Parent = this, Location = new Point(140, 85), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter, Size = new Size(350, 21), NotControl = true, }; CreaturePearls = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = this, Location = new Point(53, 348), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter, //Size = new Size(350, 21), Text = "0", NotControl = true, }; CreatureInfo = new MirLabel { Parent = this, Location = new Point(19, 161), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter, Size = new Size(350, 15), NotControl = true, }; CreatureInfo1 = new MirLabel { Parent = this, Location = new Point(19, 176), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter, Size = new Size(350, 15), NotControl = true, }; CreatureInfo2 = new MirLabel { Parent = this, Location = new Point(19, 191), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter, Size = new Size(350, 15), NotControl = true, }; CreatureMaintainFoodBuff = new MirLabel { Parent = this, Location = new Point(25, 25), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter, Size = new Size(166, 21), NotControl = true, Visible = false //FAR made invisible as position was wierd - not sure where it's meant to be displayed }; HoverLabel = new MirLabel { Parent = this, Location = new Point(0, 0), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter, Size = new Size(100, 15), NotControl = true, }; #endregion }
public MountDialog() { Index = 167; Library = Libraries.Prguse; Movable = true; Sort = true; Location = new Point(10, 30); BeforeDraw += MountDialog_BeforeDraw; MountName = new MirLabel { Location = new Point(30, 10), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter, Parent = this, NotControl = true, }; MountLoyalty = new MirLabel { Location = new Point(30, 30), DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter, Parent = this, NotControl = true, }; MountButton = new MirButton { Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Location = new Point(262, 70) }; MountButton.Click += (o, e) => { if (CanRide()) { Ride(); } }; CloseButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 361, Index = 360, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 362, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide(); HelpButton = new MirButton { Index = 257, HoverIndex = 258, PressedIndex = 259, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; HelpButton.Click += (o, e) => GameScene.Scene.HelpDialog.DisplayPage("Mounts"); MountImage = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = false, AnimationCount = 16, AnimationDelay = 100, Index = 0, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Loop = true, Parent = this, NotControl = true, UseOffSet = true }; Grid = new MirItemCell[Enum.GetNames(typeof(MountSlot)).Length]; Grid[(int)MountSlot.Reins] = new MirItemCell { ItemSlot = (int)MountSlot.Reins, GridType = MirGridType.Mount, Parent = this, Size = new Size(34, 30) }; Grid[(int)MountSlot.Bells] = new MirItemCell { ItemSlot = (int)MountSlot.Bells, GridType = MirGridType.Mount, Parent = this, Size = new Size(34, 30) }; Grid[(int)MountSlot.Saddle] = new MirItemCell { ItemSlot = (int)MountSlot.Saddle, GridType = MirGridType.Mount, Parent = this, Size = new Size(34, 30) }; Grid[(int)MountSlot.Ribbon] = new MirItemCell { ItemSlot = (int)MountSlot.Ribbon, GridType = MirGridType.Mount, Parent = this, Size = new Size(34, 30) }; Grid[(int)MountSlot.Mask] = new MirItemCell { ItemSlot = (int)MountSlot.Mask, GridType = MirGridType.Mount, Parent = this, Size = new Size(34, 30) }; }
public void SetDelay() { if (Magic == null) return; int totalFrames = 34; long timeLeft = Magic.CastTime + Magic.Delay - CMain.Time; if (timeLeft < 100 || (CoolDown != null && CoolDown.Animated)) return; int delayPerFrame = (int)(Magic.Delay / totalFrames); int startFrame = totalFrames - (int)(timeLeft / delayPerFrame); if ((CMain.Time <= Magic.CastTime + Magic.Delay) && Magic.CastTime > 0) { CoolDown.Dispose(); CoolDown = new MirAnimatedControl { Index = 1290 + startFrame, AnimationCount = (totalFrames - startFrame), AnimationDelay = delayPerFrame, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Location = new Point(36, 0), NotControl = true, UseOffSet = true, Loop = false, Animated = true, Opacity = 0.6F }; } }
public MagicButton() { Size = new Size(231, 33); SkillButton = new MirButton { Index = 0, PressedIndex = 1, Library = Libraries.MagIcon2, Parent = this, Location = new Point(36, 0), Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; SkillButton.Click += (o, e) => new AssignKeyPanel(Magic); LevelImage = new MirImageControl { Index = 516, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(73, 7), Parent = this, NotControl = true, }; ExpImage = new MirImageControl { Index = 517, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(73, 19), Parent = this, NotControl = true, }; LevelLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = this, Location = new Point(88, 2), NotControl = true, }; NameLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = this, Location = new Point(109, 2), NotControl = true, }; ExpLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = this, Location = new Point(109, 15), NotControl = true, }; KeyLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = this, Location = new Point(2, 2), NotControl = true, }; CoolDown = new MirAnimatedControl { Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Location = new Point(36, 0), NotControl = true, UseOffSet = true, Loop = false, Animated = false, Opacity = 0.6F }; }
private void ProcessSkillDelay() { if (!Visible) return; int offset = Settings.SkillSet ? 0 : 8; for (int i = 0; i < Cells.Length; i++) { foreach (var magic in GameScene.User.Magics) { if (magic.Key != i + offset + 1) continue; int totalFrames = 22; long timeLeft = magic.CastTime + magic.Delay - CMain.Time; if (timeLeft < 100 || (CoolDowns[i] != null && CoolDowns[i].Animated)) { if (timeLeft > 0) CoolDowns[i].Dispose(); else continue; } int delayPerFrame = (int)(magic.Delay / totalFrames); int startFrame = totalFrames - (int)(timeLeft / delayPerFrame); if ((CMain.Time <= magic.CastTime + magic.Delay) && magic.CastTime > 0) { CoolDowns[i].Dispose(); CoolDowns[i] = new MirAnimatedControl { Index = 1260 + startFrame, AnimationCount = (totalFrames - startFrame), AnimationDelay = delayPerFrame, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Location = new Point(i * 25 + 15, 3), NotControl = true, UseOffSet = true, Loop = false, Animated = true, Opacity = 0.6F }; } } } }
public SkillBarDialog() { Index = 2190; Library = Libraries.Prguse; Movable = true; Sort = true; Location = new Point(0, 0); Visible = true; BeforeDraw += MagicKeyDialog_BeforeDraw; _switchBindsButton = new MirButton { Index = 2247, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, Size = new Size(16, 28), Location = new Point(0, 0) }; _switchBindsButton.Click += (o, e) => { Settings.SkillSet = !Settings.SkillSet; Update(); }; for (var i = 0; i < Cells.Length; i++) { Cells[i] = new MirImageControl { Index = -1, Library = Libraries.MagIcon, Parent = this, Location = new Point(i * 25 + 15, 3), }; CoolDowns[i] = new MirAnimatedControl { Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Location = new Point(i * 25 + 15, 3), NotControl = true, UseOffSet = true, Loop = false, Animated = false, Opacity = 0.6F }; } BindNumberLabel = new MirLabel { Text = "1", Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F), ForeColour = Color.White, Parent = this, Location = new Point(0, 1), Size = new Size(10, 25), NotControl = true }; for (var i = 0; i < KeyNameLabels.Length; i++) { KeyNameLabels[i] = new MirLabel { Text = "F" + (i + 1), Font = new Font(Settings.FontName, 8F), ForeColour = Color.White, Parent = this, Location = new Point(i * 25 + 13, 0), Size = new Size(25,25), NotControl = true }; } }
public void DisplayItemGridEffect(ulong id, int type = 0) { MirItemCell cell = GetCell(id); if (cell.Item == null) return; MirAnimatedControl animEffect = null; switch(type) { case 0: animEffect = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = true, AnimationCount = 9, AnimationDelay = 150, Index = 410, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Location = cell.Location, Parent = this, Loop = false, NotControl = true, UseOffSet = true, Blending = true, }; animEffect.AfterAnimation += (o, e) => animEffect.Dispose(); SoundManager.PlaySound(20000 + (ushort)Spell.MagicShield * 10); break; } }
public LoginScene() { SoundManager.PlaySound(SoundList.IntroMusic, true); Disposing += (o, e) => SoundManager.StopSound(SoundList.IntroMusic); _background = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = false, AnimationCount = 19, AnimationDelay = 100, Index = 0, Library = Libraries.ChrSel, Loop = false, Parent = this, }; _login = new LoginDialog {Parent = _background, Visible = false}; _login.AccountButton.Click += (o, e) => { _login.Hide(); if(_ViewKey != null && !_ViewKey.IsDisposed) _ViewKey.Dispose(); _account = new NewAccountDialog { Parent = _background }; _account.Disposing += (o1, e1) => _login.Show(); }; _login.PassButton.Click += (o, e) => { _login.Hide(); if (_ViewKey != null && !_ViewKey.IsDisposed) _ViewKey.Dispose(); _password = new ChangePasswordDialog { Parent = _background }; _password.Disposing += (o1, e1) => _login.Show(); }; _login.ViewKeyButton.Click += (o, e) => //ADD { if (_ViewKey != null && !_ViewKey.IsDisposed) return; _ViewKey = new InputKeyDialog(_login) { Parent = _background }; }; Version = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, BackColour = Color.FromArgb(200, 50, 50, 50), Border = true, BorderColour = Color.Black, Location = new Point(5, 580), Parent = _background, Text = string.Format("Version: {0}", Application.ProductVersion), }; //ViolenceLabel = new MirImageControl //{ // Index = 89, // Library = Libraries.Prguse, // Parent = this, // Location = new Point(471, 10) //}; //MinorLabel = new MirImageControl //{ // Index = 87, // Library = Libraries.Prguse, // Parent = this, // Location = new Point(578, 10) //}; //YouthLabel = new MirImageControl //{ // Index = 88, // Library = Libraries.Prguse, // Parent = this, // Location = new Point(684, 10) //}; _connectBox = new MirMessageBox("Attempting to connect to the server.", MirMessageBoxButtons.Cancel); _connectBox.CancelButton.Click += (o, e) => Program.Form.Close(); Shown += (sender, args) => { Network.Connect(); _connectBox.Show(); }; }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { _background = null; Version = null; _login = null; _account = null; _password = null; _connectBox = null; } base.Dispose(disposing); }
public GameShopViewer() { Index = 785; // 314; Library = Libraries.Title; // Libraries.Prguse2; Location = new Point(405, 108); BeforeDraw += GameShopViewer_BeforeDraw; //Click += (o, e) => //{ //Visible = false; //}; CloseButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 362, Index = 361, Location = new Point(230, 8), Library = Libraries.CustomPrguse, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 363, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => { Visible = false; }; WeaponImage = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = false, Location = new Point(105, 160), AnimationCount = 6, AnimationDelay = 150, Index = 0, Library = Libraries.CustomPrguse, Loop = true, Parent = this, UseOffSet = true, NotControl = true, }; WeaponImage2 = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = false, Location = new Point(105, 160), AnimationCount = 6, AnimationDelay = 150, Index = 0, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Loop = true, Parent = this, UseOffSet = true, NotControl = true, }; MountImage = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = false, Location = new Point(105, 160), AnimationCount = 8, AnimationDelay = 150, Index = 0, Library = Libraries.CustomPrguse, Loop = true, Parent = this, UseOffSet = true, NotControl = true, }; PreviewImage = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = false, Location = new Point(105, 160), AnimationCount = 6, AnimationDelay = 150, Index = 0, Library = Libraries.CustomPrguse, Loop = true, Parent = this, UseOffSet = true, NotControl = true, }; RightDirection = new MirButton { Index = 243, HoverIndex = 244, PressedIndex = 245, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Location = new Point(160, 282), Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; RightDirection.Click += (o, e) => { Direction++; if (Direction > 8) { Direction = 1; } UpdateViewer(); }; LeftDirection = new MirButton { Index = 240, HoverIndex = 241, PressedIndex = 242, Library = Libraries.CustomPrguse2, Parent = this, Location = new Point(81, 282), Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; LeftDirection.Click += (o, e) => { Direction--; if (Direction == 0) { Direction = 8; } UpdateViewer(); }; }
public GameShopViewer() { Index = 785;// 314; Library = Libraries.Title;// Libraries.Prguse2; Location = new Point(405, 108); BeforeDraw += GameShopViewer_BeforeDraw; //Click += (o, e) => //{ //Visible = false; //}; CloseButton = new MirButton { HoverIndex = 362, Index = 361, Location = new Point(230, 8), Library = Libraries.Prguse, Parent = this, PressedIndex = 363, Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => { Visible = false; }; WeaponImage = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = false, Location = new Point(105, 160), AnimationCount = 6, AnimationDelay = 150, Index = 0, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Loop = true, Parent = this, UseOffSet = true, NotControl = true, }; WeaponImage2 = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = false, Location = new Point(105, 160), AnimationCount = 6, AnimationDelay = 150, Index = 0, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Loop = true, Parent = this, UseOffSet = true, NotControl = true, }; MountImage = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = false, Location = new Point(105, 160), AnimationCount = 8, AnimationDelay = 150, Index = 0, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Loop = true, Parent = this, UseOffSet = true, NotControl = true, }; PreviewImage = new MirAnimatedControl { Animated = false, Location = new Point(105, 160), AnimationCount = 6, AnimationDelay = 150, Index = 0, Library = Libraries.Prguse, Loop = true, Parent = this, UseOffSet = true, NotControl = true, }; RightDirection = new MirButton { Index = 243, HoverIndex = 244, PressedIndex = 245, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Location = new Point(160, 282), Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; RightDirection.Click += (o, e) => { Direction++; if (Direction > 8) Direction = 1; UpdateViewer(); }; LeftDirection = new MirButton { Index = 240, HoverIndex = 241, PressedIndex = 242, Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Location = new Point(81, 282), Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; LeftDirection.Click += (o, e) => { Direction--; if (Direction == 0) Direction = 8; UpdateViewer(); }; }
public MagicButton() { Size = new Size(231, 33); MouseEnter += (o, e) => { if (SkillDescriptionLabel.Visible == false) { SkillDescriptionLabel.Visible = true; Update(Magic); } }; MouseLeave += (o, e) => { if (SkillDescriptionLabel.Visible == true) SkillDescriptionLabel.Visible = false; }; SkillDescriptionLabel = new MirLabel { BackColour = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 50, 50), Border = true, AutoSize = true, BorderColour = Color.Gray, DrawControlTexture = true, NotControl = true, Parent = this, Opacity = 0.7F, Location = new Point(-150, 15), Visible = false, ForeColour = Color.DarkGoldenrod, Font = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Bold) }; SkillButton = new MirButton { Index = 0, PressedIndex = 1, Library = Libraries.MagIcon2, Parent = this, Location = new Point(36, 0), Sound = SoundList.ButtonA, }; SkillButton.Click += (o, e) => new AssignKeyPanel(Magic); LevelImage = new MirImageControl { Index = 516, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(73, 7), Parent = this, NotControl = true, }; ExpImage = new MirImageControl { Index = 517, Library = Libraries.Title, Location = new Point(73, 19), Parent = this, NotControl = true, }; LevelLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = this, Location = new Point(88, 2), NotControl = true, }; NameLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = this, Location = new Point(109, 2), NotControl = true, }; ExpLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = this, Location = new Point(109, 15), NotControl = true, }; KeyLabel = new MirLabel { AutoSize = true, Parent = this, Location = new Point(2, 2), NotControl = true, }; CoolDown = new MirAnimatedControl { Library = Libraries.Prguse2, Parent = this, Location = new Point(36, 0), NotControl = true, UseOffSet = true, Loop = false, Animated = false, Opacity = 0.6F }; }