コード例 #1
		protected override void ProcessFile(Model.WorkQueueUid queueUid, DicomFile file, ClearCanvas.Dicom.Utilities.Xml.StudyXml stream, bool compare)
            Platform.CheckFalse(compare, "compare");

			SopInstanceProcessor processor = new SopInstanceProcessor(Context);

			FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file.Filename);
			long fileSize = fileInfo.Length;
			processor.InstanceStats.FileSize = (ulong)fileSize;
			string sopInstanceUid = file.DataSet[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].GetString(0, "File:" + fileInfo.Name);
			processor.InstanceStats.Description = sopInstanceUid;

			if (Study != null)
				StudyComparer comparer = new StudyComparer();
				DifferenceCollection list = comparer.Compare(file, Study, ServerPartition.GetComparisonOptions());
				if (list != null && list.Count > 0)
					Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "Dicom file contains information inconsistent with the study in the system");

		    string groupID = ServerHelper.GetUidGroup(file, StorageLocation.ServerPartition, WorkQueueItem.InsertTime);
			processor.ProcessFile(groupID, file, stream, false, false, null, null);

			Statistics.StudyInstanceUid = StorageLocation.StudyInstanceUid;
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(processor.Modality) == false)
				Statistics.Modality = processor.Modality;

			// Update the statistics
コード例 #2
        protected override void ProcessItem(Model.WorkQueue item)
            Platform.CheckForNullReference(item, "item");
            Platform.CheckForNullReference(item.StudyStorageKey, "item.StudyStorageKey");

            var context = new StudyProcessorContext(StorageLocation, WorkQueueItem);
            // TODO: Should we enforce the patient's name rule?
            // If we do, the Study record will have the new patient's name 
            // but how should we handle the name in the Patient record?
            const bool enforceNameRules = false;
            var processor = new SopInstanceProcessor(context) { EnforceNameRules = enforceNameRules};

            var seriesMap = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

            bool successful = true;
            string failureDescription = null;
            // The processor stores its state in the Data column

            if (_queueData.State == null || !_queueData.State.ExecuteAtLeastOnce)
                // Added for ticket #9673:
                // If the study folder does not exist and the study has been archived, trigger a restore and we're done
                if (!Directory.Exists(StorageLocation.GetStudyPath()))
                    if (StorageLocation.ArchiveLocations.Count > 0)
                                     "Reprocessing archived study {0} for Patient {1} (PatientId:{2} A#:{3}) on Partition {4} without study data on the filesystem.  Inserting Restore Request.",
                                     Study.StudyInstanceUid, Study.PatientsName, Study.PatientId,
                                     Study.AccessionNumber, ServerPartition.Description);

                        PostProcessing(item, WorkQueueProcessorStatus.Complete, WorkQueueProcessorDatabaseUpdate.ResetQueueState);

                        // Post process had to be done first so the study is unlocked so the RestoreRequest can be inserted.

                        RaiseAlert(WorkQueueItem, AlertLevel.Warning,
                                       "Found study {0} for Patient {1} (A#:{2})on Partition {3} without storage folder, restoring study.",
                                       Study.StudyInstanceUid, Study.PatientsName, Study.AccessionNumber, ServerPartition.Description));                        

				if (Study == null)
					             "Reprocessing study {0} on Partition {1}", StorageLocation.StudyInstanceUid,
					             "Reprocessing study {0} for Patient {1} (PatientId:{2} A#:{3}) on Partition {4}",
					             Study.StudyInstanceUid, Study.PatientsName, Study.PatientId,
					             Study.AccessionNumber, ServerPartition.Description);

                if (_queueData.State.Completed)
                    #region SAFE-GUARD CODE: PREVENT INFINITE LOOP

                    // The processor indicated it had completed reprocessing in previous run. The entry should have been removed and this block of code should never be called.
                    // However, we have seen ReprocessStudy entries that mysterously contain rows in the WorkQueueUid table.
                    // The rows prevent the entry from being removed from the database and the ReprocessStudy keeps repeating itself.

                    // update the state first, increment the CompleteAttemptCount
                    _queueData.State.ExecuteAtLeastOnce = true;
                    _queueData.State.Completed = true;
                    SaveState(item, _queueData);

                    if (_queueData.State.CompleteAttemptCount < 10)
                        // maybe there was db error in previous attempt to remove the entry. Let's try again.
                        Platform.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Resuming Reprocessing study {0} but it was already completed!!!", StorageLocation.StudyInstanceUid);
                        PostProcessing(item, WorkQueueProcessorStatus.Complete, WorkQueueProcessorDatabaseUpdate.ResetQueueState);
                        // we are definitely stuck.
                        Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "ReprocessStudy {0} for study {1} appears stuck. Aborting it.", item.Key, StorageLocation.StudyInstanceUid);
                        item.FailureDescription = "This entry had completed but could not be removed.";
                        PostProcessingFailure(item, WorkQueueProcessorFailureType.Fatal);



                if (Study == null)
								 "Resuming Reprocessing study {0} on Partition {1}", StorageLocation.StudyInstanceUid,
                             "Resuming Reprocessing study {0} for Patient {1} (PatientId:{2} A#:{3}) on Partition {4}",
                             Study.StudyInstanceUid, Study.PatientsName, Study.PatientId,
                             Study.AccessionNumber, ServerPartition.Description);

            StudyXml studyXml = LoadStudyXml();

            int reprocessedCounter = 0;
            var removedFiles = new List<FileInfo>();
                // Traverse the directories, process 500 files at a time
                FileProcessor.Process(StorageLocation.GetStudyPath(), "*.*",
                                      delegate(string path, out bool cancel)
                                              #region Reprocess File

                                              var file = new FileInfo(path);
                                              // ignore all files except those ending ".dcm"
                                              // ignore "bad(0).dcm" files too
                                              if (Regex.IsMatch(file.Name.ToUpper(), "[0-9]+\\.DCM$"))
                                                      var dicomFile = new DicomFile(path);
                                                      dicomFile.Load(DicomReadOptions.StorePixelDataReferences | DicomReadOptions.Default);
                                                      string seriesUid = dicomFile.DataSet[DicomTags.SeriesInstanceUid].GetString(0, string.Empty);
                                                      string instanceUid =dicomFile.DataSet[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].GetString(0,string.Empty);
                                                      if (studyXml.Contains(seriesUid, instanceUid))
                                                          if (!seriesMap.ContainsKey(seriesUid))
                                                              seriesMap.Add(seriesUid, new List<string>());
                                                          if (!seriesMap[seriesUid].Contains(instanceUid))
                                                              Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "SOP Instance UID in {0} appears more than once in the study.", path);
                                                          Platform.Log(ServerPlatform.InstanceLogLevel, "Reprocessing SOP {0} for study {1}",instanceUid, StorageLocation.StudyInstanceUid);
                                                          string groupId = ServerHelper.GetUidGroup(dicomFile, StorageLocation.ServerPartition, WorkQueueItem.InsertTime);
                                                          ProcessingResult result = processor.ProcessFile(groupId, dicomFile, studyXml, true, false, null, null, SopInstanceProcessorSopType.ReprocessedSop);
                                                          switch (result.Status)
                                                              case ProcessingStatus.Success:
                                                                  if (!seriesMap.ContainsKey(seriesUid))
                                                                      seriesMap.Add(seriesUid, new List<string>());

                                                                  if (!seriesMap[seriesUid].Contains(instanceUid))
                                                                      Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "SOP Instance UID in {0} appears more than once in the study.", path);

                                                              case ProcessingStatus.Reconciled:
                                                                  Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "SOP was unexpectedly reconciled on reprocess SOP {0} for study {1}. It will be removed from the folder.", instanceUid, StorageLocation.StudyInstanceUid);
                                                                  failureDescription = String.Format("SOP Was reconciled: {0}", instanceUid);

                                                                  // Added for #10620 (Previously we didn't do anything here)
                                                                  // Because we are reprocessing files in the study folder, when file needs to be reconciled it is copied to the reconcile folder
                                                                  // Therefore, we need to delete the one in the study folder. Otherwise, there will be problem when the SIQ entry is reconciled.
                                                                  // InstanceAlreadyExistsException will also be thrown by the SOpInstanceProcessor if this ReprocessStudy WQI 
                                                                  // resumes and reprocesses the same file again.
                                                                  // Note: we are sure that the file has been copied to the Reconcile folder and there's no way back. 
                                                                  // We must get rid of this file in the study folder.

                                                                  // Special handling: if the file is one which we're supposed to reprocess at the end (see ProcessAdditionalFiles), we must remove the file from the list
                                                                  if (_additionalFilesToProcess != null && _additionalFilesToProcess.Contains(path))

                                                  catch (DicomException ex)
                                                      // TODO : should we fail the reprocess instead? Deleting an dicom file can lead to incomplete study.
                                                      Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "Skip reprocessing and delete {0}: Not readable.", path);
                                                      failureDescription = ex.Message;
                                              else if (!file.Extension.Equals(".xml") && !file.Extension.Equals(".gz"))
                                                  // not a ".dcm" or header file, delete it


											  if (reprocessedCounter>0 && reprocessedCounter % 200 == 0)
												  Platform.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Reprocessed {0} files for study {1}", reprocessedCounter, StorageLocation.StudyInstanceUid);

                                              cancel = reprocessedCounter >= 5000;

                                          }, true);

                if (studyXml != null)
                    EnsureConsistentObjectCount(studyXml, seriesMap);

                // Completed if either all files have been reprocessed 
                // or no more dicom files left that can be reprocessed.
                _completed = reprocessedCounter == 0;
            catch (Exception e)
                successful = false;
                failureDescription = e.Message;
                Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, e, "Unexpected exception when reprocessing study: {0}", StorageLocation.StudyInstanceUid);
                Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Study may be in invalid unprocessed state.  Study location: {0}", StorageLocation.GetStudyPath());

                // Update the state
                _queueData.State.ExecuteAtLeastOnce = true;
                _queueData.State.Completed = _completed;
                SaveState(item, _queueData);
                if (!successful)
                    FailQueueItem(item, failureDescription);
                    if (!_completed)
                        // Put it back to Pending
                        PostProcessing(item, WorkQueueProcessorStatus.Pending, WorkQueueProcessorDatabaseUpdate.None);

                        // Run Study / Series Rules Engine.
                        var engine = new StudyRulesEngine(StorageLocation, ServerPartition);

                        // Log the FilesystemQueue related entries

                        PostProcessing(item, WorkQueueProcessorStatus.Complete, WorkQueueProcessorDatabaseUpdate.ResetQueueState);

                        Platform.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Completed reprocessing of study {0} on partition {1}", StorageLocation.StudyInstanceUid, ServerPartition.Description);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// ProcessSavedFile a specific DICOM file related to a <see cref="WorkQueue"/> request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queueUid"></param>
        /// <param name="stream">The <see cref="StudyXml"/> file to update with information from the file.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The file being processed.</param>
        /// <param name="compare">Indicates whether to compare the DICOM file against the study in the system.</param>
        protected virtual void ProcessFile(WorkQueueUid queueUid, DicomFile file, StudyXml stream, bool compare)
            var processor = new SopInstanceProcessor(Context) {EnforceNameRules = true};

        	var fileInfo = new FileInfo(file.Filename);
			long fileSize = fileInfo.Length;

			processor.InstanceStats.FileSize = (ulong)fileSize;
			string sopInstanceUid = file.DataSet[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].GetString(0, "File:" + fileInfo.Name);
			processor.InstanceStats.Description = sopInstanceUid;

            string group = queueUid.GroupID ?? ServerHelper.GetUidGroup(file, ServerPartition, WorkQueueItem.InsertTime);

            ProcessingResult result = processor.ProcessFile(group, file, stream, compare, true, queueUid, null, SopInstanceProcessorSopType.NewSop);

            if (result.Status == ProcessingStatus.Reconciled)
                // file has been saved by SopInstanceProcessor in another place for reconcilation
                // Note: SopInstanceProcessor has removed the WorkQueueUid so we
                // only need to delete the file here.
			Statistics.StudyInstanceUid = StorageLocation.StudyInstanceUid;
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(processor.Modality) == false)
				Statistics.Modality = processor.Modality;

			// Update the statistics
コード例 #4
        private void AddDuplicateToStudy(DicomFile duplicateDicomFile, WorkQueueUid uid, ProcessDuplicateAction action)
            var context = new StudyProcessorContext(StorageLocation, WorkQueueItem);
            var sopInstanceProcessor = new SopInstanceProcessor(context) { EnforceNameRules = true };
            string group = uid.GroupID ?? ServerHelper.GetUidGroup(duplicateDicomFile, ServerPartition, WorkQueueItem.InsertTime);

            StudyXml studyXml = StorageLocation.LoadStudyXml();
            int originalInstanceCount = studyXml.NumberOfStudyRelatedInstances;

            bool compare = action != ProcessDuplicateAction.OverwriteAsIs;
            // NOTE: "compare" has no effect for OverwriteUseExisting or OverwriteUseDuplicate
            // because in both cases, the study and the duplicates are modified to be the same.
            ProcessingResult result = sopInstanceProcessor.ProcessFile(group, duplicateDicomFile, studyXml, compare, true, uid, duplicateDicomFile.Filename, SopInstanceProcessorSopType.UpdatedSop);
            if (result.Status == ProcessingStatus.Reconciled)
                throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected status of Reconciled image in duplicate handling!");

            Debug.Assert(studyXml.NumberOfStudyRelatedInstances == originalInstanceCount + 1);
            Debug.Assert(File.Exists(StorageLocation.GetSopInstancePath(uid.SeriesInstanceUid, uid.SopInstanceUid)));
