public static bool ApproveRent(Rent r) { MySqlConnection mConnect = null; MySqlCommand mCommand = null; try { mConnect = new MySqlConnection("server=localhost;user id=root;Password=;database=classroomad"); mCommand = new MySqlCommand(); mCommand.Connection = mConnect; mConnect.Open(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("FAILED to link MySQL in ApproveRent()"); return false; } mCommand.CommandText = "UPDATE rent SET approved = true , "; mCommand.CommandText += " cId=" + r.cId + " WHERE "; mCommand.CommandText += " rId=" + r.rId; mCommand.Prepare(); int i = mCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); mConnect.Close(); return i > 0; }
public static bool DeleteRent(Rent r) { MySqlConnection mConnect = null; MySqlCommand mCommand = null; List<SysMsg> list = new List<SysMsg>(); try { mConnect = new MySqlConnection("server=localhost;user id=root;Password=;database=classroomad"); mCommand = new MySqlCommand(); mCommand.Connection = mConnect; mConnect.Open(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("FAILED to link MySQL in DeleteRent(" + r.Info + ")"); return false; } mCommand.CommandText = "DELETE FROM rent WHERE rId=" + r.rId + ";" + " DELETE FROM takepartin WHERE rId=" + r.rId + ";"; mCommand.Prepare(); int i = mCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); mConnect.Close(); return i > 0; }
public WindowRent(Rent r, WindowIndex fatherWindow) { InitializeComponent(); rent = r; father = fatherWindow; if (father.WindowState == WindowState.Maximized) { this.Width = 450; this.Height = 450; BorderBackground.Width = 450; BorderBackground.Height = 450; TBinfo.FontSize = 40; TBhost.FontSize = TBrentTime.FontSize = TBtakepartinInfo.FontSize = TBclassroom.FontSize = TBclassroom_Copy.FontSize = TBChoose.FontSize = TBexit.FontSize = TBOK.FontSize = TBDecline.FontSize = 22; } }
//Rent Control public void MoveRentToFirst(int rId) { Rent r = GetRent(rId); if (r == null) { return; } if (Rents.Contains(r)) { Rents.Remove(r); } Rents.Insert(0, r); }
public WindowRent(Rent r, WindowIndex fatherWindow,string str) { InitializeComponent(); if (str == "big") { this.Width = 450; this.Height = 450; BorderBackground.Width = 450; BorderBackground.Height = 450; TBinfo.FontSize = 40; TBhost.FontSize = 22; TBrentTime.FontSize = 22; TBclassroom.FontSize = 22; TBChoose.FontSize = 22; TBexit.FontSize = 22; } rent = r; father = fatherWindow; }
private TextBlock Hightlight(TextBlock tbh, Rent r, Grid grid) { if (grid.Children.Contains(tbh)) { tbh.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; grid.Children.Remove(tbh); } if (r == null) { return(null); } tbh = new TextBlock(); grid.Children.Add(tbh); TextBlockInitialize(tbh, r, false); tbh.Background = MyColor.NameBrush(r.Info, 1); return(tbh); }
//初始化单个课程 private void TextBlockInitialize(TextBlock tb, Rent r, bool MouseShow = true) { tb.Tag = r; tb.Background = MyColor.NameBrush(r.Info); tb.Text = r.Info; if (!r.Approved) { tb.Text += "(未审核)"; } Classroom c = Building.GetClassroom(r.cId); if (c != null) { tb.Text += ("@" + c.Name); } if (Father.WindowState == WindowState.Maximized) { tb.FontSize = 16; } else { tb.FontSize = 14; } tb.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(WindowIndex.textColor); tb.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; tb.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, r.Time.WeekDay); tb.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, r.Time.StartClass - 1); tb.SetValue(Grid.RowSpanProperty, r.Time.KeepClass); tb.MouseDown += tb_MouseDown; if (MouseShow) { tb.MouseEnter += tb_MouseEnter; tb.MouseLeave += tb_MouseLeave; } }
private void TBChoose_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (rent.Time.BeenOver) { MessageBox.Show("这个课程或活动已经结束了。"); return; } if (father.personRentTable.Contains(rent.rId)) { if (MessageBox.Show("确定删除 \"" + rent.Info + "\"?", "删除课程", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { DatabaseLinker.DeleteTakepartin(father.Peron.pId, rent.rId); father.personRentTable.Remove(rent); father.RefreshSchedule(); this.Close(); } } else { Rent rr = father.personRentTable.Add(rent.rId); if (rr == null) { DatabaseLinker.AddTakepartin(father.Peron.pId, rent.rId); } else { MessageBox.Show("添加失败。此课程同您的课程 \"" + rr.Info + "\" 存在冲突。"); if (!rent.Time.OnceActivity) { father.GotoDateClass(rr.Time.StartDate, rr.Time.StartClass); } } father.RefreshSchedule(); this.Close(); } }
//(管理员功能)查看未审核课程 private void TextBlockUnapprovedRentInitialize(TextBlock tb, Rent r) { string applicantName = DatabaseLinker.GetName(r.pId); string s = r.Info; Classroom c = Building.GetClassroom(r.cId); if (c != null) { s += ("@" + c.Name); } tb.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run(applicantName + ":\r\n"))); tb.Inlines.Add(new Run(" " + s)); tb.FontSize = 24; tb.Padding = new Thickness(16); tb.MouseDown += tbRent_MouseDown; tb.MouseEnter += tbRent_MouseEnter; tb.MouseLeave += tbRent_MouseLeave; tb.Tag = r; }
//检查选中的时间点的课程 public void ChosenRentControl() { if (Owner == null || Owner.RentTable == null) return; chosenRent = Owner.RentTable.GetRentFromDateClass(CurrDate, CurrClass); TBHighlight = Hightlight(TBHighlight, chosenRent, GridSchedule); }
//全体键盘托管 private void Window_PreviewKeyDown_1(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { //换肤 switch (e.Key) { case Key.F1: SetSkin(skin.Starry); break; case Key.F2: SetSkin(skin.ColorBox); break; case Key.D1: SetStatus(status.Info); break; case Key.D2: SetStatus(status.Table); break; case Key.D3: RentTable rt = new RentTable(DatabaseLinker.GetDateRentTable(Schedule.CurrDate).GetFromDateClass(Schedule.CurrDate, Schedule.CurrClass)); new WindowClassroomList(rt, this).ShowDialog(); break; case Key.D4: SetStatus(status.Message); break; } switch (currStatus) { case status.Table: //课程表控制 if (!TextBoxCId.IsKeyboardFocused) { switch (e.Key) { case Key.Up: if (Schedule.CurrClass > 1) { --Schedule.CurrClass; } break; case Key.Down: if (Schedule.CurrClass < cntRow) { ++Schedule.CurrClass; } break; case Key.Left: if (Schedule.CurrDate > RentTime.FirstDate) { Schedule.CurrDate -= new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0); } break; case Key.Right: if (Schedule.CurrDate < RentTime.LastDate) { Schedule.CurrDate += new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0); } break; case Key.Home: Schedule.CurrClass = 1; break; case Key.End: Schedule.CurrClass = cntRow; break; case Key.PageUp: if (Schedule.CurrWeek > 1) { Schedule.CurrDate -= new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0); } break; case Key.PageDown: if (Schedule.CurrWeek < 23) { Schedule.CurrDate += new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0); } break; case Key.Enter: Rent r = sch1.ChosenRent; if (r == null) { break; } new WindowRent(r, this).ShowDialog(); break; } SetDateClass(Schedule.CurrDate, Schedule.CurrClass); } else //教室控制 { int b, c; if (classroom == null) { b = 0; c = 0; } else { b = classroom.Building.bId; c = classroom.cId; } switch (e.Key) { case Key.Up: while (c < Classroom.MaxCId) { ++c; if (Building.GetClassroom(c) != null) { break; } } break; case Key.Down: while (c > Classroom.MinCId) { --c; if (Building.GetClassroom(c) != null) { break; } } break; case Key.PageUp: while (b < Building.MaxBId) { ++b; if (Building.GetBuilding(b) != null) { c = Building.GetBuilding(b).Classrooms[0].cId; break; } } break; case Key.PageDown: while (b > Building.MinBId) { --b; if (Building.GetBuilding(b) != null) { c = Building.GetBuilding(b).Classrooms[0].cId; break; } } break; } SetCId(c); } break; } }
private TextBlock Hightlight(TextBlock tbh, Rent r, Grid grid) { if (grid.Children.Contains(tbh)) { tbh.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; grid.Children.Remove(tbh); } if (r == null) return null; tbh = new TextBlock(); grid.Children.Add(tbh); TextBlockInitialize(tbh, r, false); tbh.Background = MyColor.NameBrush(r.Info, 1); return tbh; }
public bool ApproveRent(Rent r) { r.GetApproved(); return DatabaseLinker.ApproveRent(r); }
//检查选中的时间点的课程 private void ChosenRentControl() { if (schedule1 != null && schedule2 != null) { chosenRent1 = schedule1.GetRentFromDateClass(currDate, currClass); TBHighlight1 = Hightlight(TBHighlight1, chosenRent1, GridSchedule1); chosenRent2 = schedule2.GetRentFromDateClass(currDate, currClass); TBHighlight2 = Hightlight(TBHighlight2, chosenRent2, GridSchedule2); if (schedule1.QuiteFreeTime(currDate, currClass) && schedule2.QuiteFreeTime(currDate, currClass)) { RectangleChosonClass1.Content = "+申请活动"; RectangleChosonClass1.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(230, 255, 255, 255)); RectangleChosonClass2.Content = "+申请活动"; RectangleChosonClass2.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(230, 255, 255, 255)); } else { RectangleChosonClass1.Content = "";//chosenRent1 == null ? "" : "查看信息"; RectangleChosonClass2.Content = "";//chosenRent2 == null ? "" : "查看信息"; } } else if (schedule1 != null) { chosenRent1 = schedule1.GetRentFromDateClass(currDate, currClass); TBHighlight1 = Hightlight(TBHighlight1, chosenRent1, GridSchedule1); } }
//初始化单个课程 private void TextBlockInitialize(TextBlock tb, Rent r, bool MouseShow = true) { tb.Tag = r; tb.Background = MyColor.NameBrush(r.Info); tb.Text = r.Info; if (!r.Approved) tb.Text += "(未审核)"; Classroom c = Building.GetClassroom(r.cId); if (c != null) tb.Text += ("@" + c.Name); if (Father.WindowState == WindowState.Maximized) tb.FontSize = 16; else tb.FontSize = 14; tb.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(WindowIndex.textColor); tb.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; tb.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, r.Time.WeekDay); tb.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, r.Time.StartClass - 1); tb.SetValue(Grid.RowSpanProperty, r.Time.KeepClass); tb.MouseDown += tb_MouseDown; if (MouseShow) { tb.MouseEnter += tb_MouseEnter; tb.MouseLeave += tb_MouseLeave; } }
private void MyTextBlockInitialize(TextBlock tb, Rent r) { tb.Tag = r; tb.Height = 125; tb.Width = 125; tb.Margin = new Thickness(10); tb.Background = MyColor.NameBrush(r.Info); tb.Text = r.Info; if (!r.Approved) tb.Text += "(未审核)"; Classroom c = Building.GetClassroom(r.cId); if (c != null) tb.Text += ("@" + c.Name); tb.FontSize = 16; // tb.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(textColor); tb.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; tb.MouseDown += tb_MouseDown; tb.MouseEnter += tb_MouseEnter; tb.MouseLeave += tb_MouseLeave; }
//(管理员功能)查看未审核课程 private void TextBlockUnapprovedRentInitialize(TextBlock tb, Rent r) { string applicantName = DatabaseLinker.GetName(r.pId); string s = r.Info; Classroom c = Building.GetClassroom(r.cId); if (c != null) s += ("@" + c.Name); tb.Inlines.Add(new Bold(new Run(applicantName + ":\r\n"))); tb.Inlines.Add(new Run(" " + s)); tb.FontSize = 24; tb.Padding = new Thickness(16); tb.MouseDown += tbRent_MouseDown; tb.MouseEnter += tbRent_MouseEnter; tb.MouseLeave += tbRent_MouseLeave; tb.Tag = r; }
private void TBChoose_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (TBinfo.Text.Trim()=="") { MessageBox.Show("活动名称不能为空。"); return; } if (TBinfo.Text.Length>140) { MessageBox.Show("活动名称过长。"); return; } RentTime rt = new RentTime(date, date, 0, classStart, classEnd); Rent r = new Rent(0, TBinfo.Text, classroom.cId, person.pId, false, rt); if (DatabaseLinker.SetRent(r)) { MessageBox.Show("活动申请已发送。"); father.RefreshSchedule(); this.Close(); } else MessageBox.Show("活动申请发送失败。"); }
public void Remove(Rent r) { if (Rents.Contains(r)) Rents.Remove(r); }
//初始化单个课程 private void TextBlockInitialize(TextBlock tb, Rent r, bool MouseShow = true) { tb.Tag = r; tb.Background = new SolidColorBrush(MyColor.NameColor(r.Info)); tb.Text = r.Info; Classroom c = Building.GetClassroom(r.cId); if (c != null) tb.Text += ("@" + c.Name); tb.FontSize = 16; tb.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 255, 255)); tb.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; tb.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, r.Time.WeekDay); tb.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, r.Time.StartClass - 1); tb.SetValue(Grid.RowSpanProperty, r.Time.KeepClass); if (MouseShow) { tb.MouseEnter += tb_MouseEnter; tb.MouseLeave += tb_MouseLeave; } }
private TextBlock Rent2Block(Rent r) { foreach (TextBlock tb in TextBlockRents1) if ((Rent)tb.Tag == r) return tb; foreach (TextBlock tb in TextBlockRents2) if ((Rent)tb.Tag == r) return tb; return null; }
private TextBlock Hightlight(TextBlock tbh, Rent r, Grid grid) { if (grid.Children.Contains(tbh)) { tbh.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; grid.Children.Remove(tbh); } if (r == null) return null; Console.WriteLine("Rent: " + r.Info); tbh = new TextBlock(); grid.Children.Add(tbh); TextBlockInitialize(tbh, r, false); tbh.Background = new SolidColorBrush(MyColor.NameColor(r.Info, 1)); tbh.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); if (GridSchedule1 == grid) tbh.MouseDown += RectangleChosonRent1_MouseDown; else if (GridSchedule2 == grid) tbh.MouseDown += RectangleChosonRent2_MouseDown; return tbh; }
private void stackPanel_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { switch (WindowIndex.currSkin) { case BorderBack.Background = new ImageBrush(WindowIndex.ChangeBitmapToImageSource(Properties.Resources.listback)); break; case BorderBack.Background = new ImageBrush(WindowIndex.ChangeBitmapToImageSource(Properties.Resources.Color1)); break; } foreach (Building building in Building.AllBuildings) { TextBlock tbTitle = new TextBlock(); tbTitle.Padding = new Thickness(24, 16, 26, 10); tbTitle.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; tbTitle.Text = building.Name; tbTitle.FontSize = 24; // tbTitle.Background = new SolidColorBrush(MyColor.NameColor(building.Name, 0.05)); WrapPanel subPanel = new WrapPanel(); subPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; subPanel.Margin = new Thickness(24, 0, 24, 0); foreach (Classroom classroom in building.Classrooms) { TextBlock tb = new TextBlock(); tb.Height = 125; tb.Width = 125; tb.FontSize = 16; tb.Margin = new Thickness(5); tb.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; Rent rent = rentTable.GetClassroom(classroom.cId); if (rent == null) { tb.Height = 60; tb.Width = 60; tb.FontSize = 12; tb.Text = classroom.Name; tb.Background = MyColor.NameBrush(tb.Text, 0.05); //new SolidColorBrush(MyColor.NameColor(tb.Text, 0.05)); } else { tb.Text = classroom.Name + ":" + rent.Info; tb.Background = MyColor.NameBrush(tb.Text); //new SolidColorBrush(MyColor.NameColor(tb.Text)); } tb.Tag = classroom; tb.MouseDown += tb_MouseDown; tb.MouseEnter += tb_MouseEnter; tb.MouseLeave += tb_MouseLeave; subPanel.Children.Add(tb); } stackPanel.Children.Add(tbTitle); stackPanel.Children.Add(subPanel); } }
public bool ApproveRent(Rent r) { r.GetApproved(); return(DatabaseLinker.ApproveRent(r)); }
public WindowRent(Rent r, WindowIndex fatherWindow) { InitializeComponent(); rent = r; father = fatherWindow; }
public static bool SetRent(Rent r) { MySqlConnection mConnect = null; MySqlCommand mCommand = null; try { mConnect = new MySqlConnection("server=localhost;user id=root;Password=;database=classroomad"); mCommand = new MySqlCommand(); mCommand.Connection = mConnect; mConnect.Open(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("FAILED to link MySQL in SetRent()"); return false; } mCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO rent VALUES( 0 , " + r.cId + " , " + " false , " + r.pId + " , " + "\"" + r.Info + "\" , " + r.Time.ToString() + ");"; mCommand.Prepare(); int i = mCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); mConnect.Close(); return i > 0; }