public void updateReorderItemGF(ReorderItem ri) { reorderItem r = ctx.reorderItems.FirstOrDefault(o => o.reorderId == ri.ReorderItemId); r.status = ri.Status; r.rejectReason = ri.RejectReason; ctx.SaveChanges(); if (ri.Status == "Rejected") { UserFacade userFacade = new UserFacade(); user us = userFacade.getUser_Lingna(ri.UserId); string subject = "Purchase reorder Rejected"; string bodyStart = "<HTML>" + "<HEAD>" + "</HEAD>" + "<BODY>" + "<BR/>" + "<P>Dear "; string body = ",</P><BR/><P>The purchase reorder you submitted with ID : " + ri.ReorderItemId + ", has been rejected.</P>" + "<BR/><P>Reject Reason : " + ri.RejectReason + "</P>"; body = body + "<BR/>" + "<P>From,</P>" + "<P>SSIS.</P>" + "</BODY>" + "</HTML>"; NotifyUserController notifyUserController = new NotifyUserController(); notifyUserController.sendEmail(, subject, bodyStart + + body); } }
public void run() { List<Item> itemCollection = catalogueFacade.getItemsForReorder("Active"); if (itemCollection.Count != 0) { List<string> itemList = new List<string>(); string subject = "Notification for items below reorder level"; string bodyStart = "<HTML>" + "<HEAD>" + "</HEAD>" + "<BODY>" +"<BR/>" +"<P>Dear "; string body = ",</P><BR/><P>The following items have fallen below reorder level :- </P>" + "<UL>"; foreach (Item item in itemCollection) { body = body + "<LI>" + item.ItemId + " " + item.Description + "</LI>"; } body = body + "</UL>" + "<BR/>" + "<a href=\"\">Click this link to reorder</a>"//TODO LINK + "<BR/>" + "<P>From,</P>" + "<P>SSIS.</P>" + "</BODY>" + "</HTML>"; List<User> userCollection = new List<User>(); userFacade = new UserFacade(); userCollection = userFacade.getUsersWithRole("storeClerk"); notifyUserController = new NotifyUserController(); foreach(User user in userCollection) { notifyUserController.sendEmail(user.Email,subject,bodyStart+user.UserName+body); } } }
public void updateDiscrepancyStatusGF(Discrepancy dis) { discrepancy d = ctx.discrepancies.FirstOrDefault( o => o.discrepancyId == dis.DiscrepancyId); d.status = dis.Status; d.rejectReason = dis.RejectReason; d.approveDate = dis.ApproveDate; ctx.SaveChanges(); if (dis.Status == "Rejected") { UserFacade userFacade = new UserFacade(); user us = userFacade.getUser_Lingna(dis.UserId); string subject = "Discrepency Rejected"; string bodyStart = "<HTML>" + "<HEAD>" + "</HEAD>" + "<BODY>" + "<BR/>" + "<P>Dear "; string body = ",</P><BR/><P>The discrepency you submitted with ID : " + dis.DiscrepancyId + ", has been rejected.</P>" + "<BR/><P>Reject Reason : " + dis.RejectReason + "</P>"; body = body + "<BR/>" + "<P>From,</P>" + "<P>SSIS.</P>" + "</BODY>" + "</HTML>"; NotifyUserController notifyUserController = new NotifyUserController(); notifyUserController.sendEmail(, subject, bodyStart + + body); } }
public void insertDiscrepancyGF(Discrepancy dis) { discrepancy d = new discrepancy(); d.discrepancyId = dis.DiscrepancyId; d.itemId = dis.ItemId; d.userId = dis.UserId; d.quantity = dis.Qunatity; d.supplierId = dis.SupplierId; d.amount = dis.Amount; d.reason = dis.Reason; d.submitDate = dis.SubmitDate; d.approveDate = dis.ApproveDate; d.status = dis.Status; d.rejectReason = dis.RejectReason; ctx.discrepancies.Add(d); ctx.SaveChanges(); UserFacade userFacade = new UserFacade(); List<User> userCollection; if(dis.Amount>250) { userCollection= userFacade.getUsersWithRole("storeManager"); } else { userCollection= userFacade.getUsersWithRole("storeSupervisor"); } string subject = "New Discrepency Submitted."; string bodyStart = "<HTML>" + "<HEAD>" + "</HEAD>" + "<BODY>" + "<BR/>" + "<P>Dear "; string body = ",</P><BR/><P>A discrepency has been raised from your department.</P>"; body = body + "<BR/>" + "<a href=\"\">Click this link to view the discrepency</a>"//TODO LINK + "<BR/>" + "<P>From,</P>" + "<P>SSIS.</P>" + "</BODY>" + "</HTML>"; NotifyUserController notifyUserController = new NotifyUserController(); foreach (User user in userCollection) { notifyUserController.sendEmail(user.Email, subject, bodyStart + user.UserName + body); } }
public GetBackAuthorityController() { userFacade = new UserFacade(); }
// modify in 3/11 protected void SubmitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["orderList"] != null) { List<ReorderItem> orderList = (List<ReorderItem>)Session["orderList"]; for (int i = 0; i < orderList.Count; i++) { ReorderItem r = orderList[i]; controller.createReorderItem(r); } Session["orderList"] = null; UpdateGridView.DataSource = null; UpdateGridView.DataBind(); } string subject = "Purchase Order Raised"; string bodyStart = "<HTML>" + "<HEAD>" + "</HEAD>" + "<BODY>" + "<BR/>" + "<P>Dear "; string body = ""; UserFacade userFacade = new UserFacade(); List<User> userCollection = userFacade.getUsersWithRole("storeManager"); body = ",</P><BR/><P>A purchase order has been raised.</P>" + "<BR/>" + "<a href=\"\">Please click this link to view it</a>"; //TODO LINK body = body + "<BR/>" + "<P>From,</P>" + "<P>SSIS.</P>" + "</BODY>" + "</HTML>"; NotifyUserController notifyUserController = new NotifyUserController(); foreach (User user in userCollection) { notifyUserController.sendEmail(user.Email, subject, bodyStart + user.UserName + body); } }
public ManageDeputyController() { userFacade = new UserFacade(); }
public void completeDelivery(Disbursement disbursement) { List<DisbursementDetails> disbursementDetailsCollection = disbursement.DisbursementDetailsCollection; requisitionFacade.updateDisbursment(disbursementDetailsCollection, disbursement.DisbursementId); foreach (DisbursementDetails disbursementDetails in disbursementDetailsCollection) { catalogueFacade.updateStock(disbursementDetails.ItemId, disbursementDetails.DeliveredQty); List<DisbursementHelper> disbursementHelperCollection = requisitionFacade.getRequisitionsForCompleteDisbursement(disbursementDetails.ItemId,disbursement.DepartmentId); if (disbursementHelperCollection.Count > 0) { foreach (DisbursementHelper d in disbursementHelperCollection) { if (disbursementDetails.DeliveredQty > 0) { int req = d.RequestedQty - d.DeliveredQty; if (disbursementDetails.DeliveredQty<=req) { d.DeliveredQty = d.DeliveredQty+disbursementDetails.DeliveredQty; disbursementDetails.DeliveredQty -= disbursementDetails.DeliveredQty; } else { d.DeliveredQty = d.DeliveredQty+req; disbursementDetails.DeliveredQty -= req; } requisitionFacade.updateRequisitionDelivery(d, disbursementDetails.ItemId); } else { break; } } } } requisitionFacade.updateDisbursementRequisitions(disbursement.DepartmentId); string subject = "Disbursement Update"; string bodyStart = "<HTML>" + "<HEAD>" + "</HEAD>" + "<BODY>" + "<BR/>" + "<P>Dear "; string body = ""; userFacade = new UserFacade(); List<User> userCollection = userFacade.getUsersWithRole("departmentHead",disbursement.DepartmentId); body = ",</P><BR/><P>Disbursement update for Disbursement Id : "+disbursement.DisbursementId+" delivered on date : "+disbursement.DeliveryDate+" </P>" + "<BR/>" + "<P>The details are :- </P>" + "<UL>"; NotifyUserController notifyUserController; List<DisbursementDetails> disbursementDetailCol = disbursement.DisbursementDetailsCollection; foreach (DisbursementDetails disdetail in disbursementDetailCol) { body = body + "<LI>" + disdetail.ItemName + " " + disdetail.RequestedQty + " "+ disdetail.DeliveredQty+"</LI>"; } body = body + "</UL>" + "<BR/>" + "<P>From,</P>" + "<P>SSIS.</P>" + "</BODY>" + "</HTML>"; notifyUserController = new NotifyUserController(); foreach (User user in userCollection) { notifyUserController.sendEmail(user.Email, subject, bodyStart + user.UserName + body); } }
public AssignRepresentativeController() { userFacade = new UserFacade(); errorobj = new ErrorLog(); }
public void insertRequisitionGF(Requisition re) { requisition newre = new requisition(); newre.requisitionId = re.RequisitionId; = re.Date; newre.userId = re.UserId; newre.departmentId = re.DepartmentId; newre.rejectreason = re.RejectReason; newre.status = re.Status; ctx.requisitions.Add(newre); ctx.SaveChanges(); //gaofan UserFacade userFacade = new UserFacade(); List<User> userCollection = userFacade.getUsersWithRole("departmentDeputy", re.DepartmentId); if(userCollection.Count==0) { userCollection = userFacade.getUsersWithRole("departmentHead", re.DepartmentId); } string subject = "New Requisition Submitted."; string bodyStart = "<HTML>" + "<HEAD>" + "</HEAD>" + "<BODY>" + "<BR/>" + "<P>Dear "; string body = ",</P><BR/><P>A requisition has been raised from your department.</P>"; body = body + "<BR/>" + "<a href=\"\">Click this link to view the requisition</a>"//TODO LINK + "<BR/>" + "<P>From,</P>" + "<P>SSIS.</P>" + "</BODY>" + "</HTML>"; NotifyUserController notifyUserController = new NotifyUserController(); foreach (User user in userCollection) { notifyUserController.sendEmail(user.Email, subject, bodyStart + user.UserName + body); } }
public void selectSubmit(string departmentId, string departmentName, CollectionPoint collectionPoint, bool representative) { try { departmentFacade.updateCollectionPoint(departmentId, collectionPoint.CollectionPointId); userFacade = new UserFacade(); string subject = "Notification for change of collection point"; string bodyStart = "<HTML>" + "<HEAD>" + "</HEAD>" + "<BODY>" + "<BR/>" + "<P>Dear "; string body ; if (representative == true) { List<User> userCollection = userFacade.getUsersWithRole("storeClerk"); body = ",</P><BR/><P>The collection point of the " + departmentName + "department has been changed to " + collectionPoint.Address + " </P>"; body = body + "<BR/>" + "<P>From,</P>" + "<P>SSIS.</P>" + "</BODY>" + "</HTML>"; notifyUserController = new NotifyUserController(); foreach (User user in userCollection) { notifyUserController.sendEmail(user.Email, subject, bodyStart + user.UserName + body); } } else { body = ",</P><BR/><P>The collection point of your department has been changed to " + collectionPoint.Address + " </P>"; body = body + "<BR/>" + "<P>From,</P>" + "<P>SSIS.</P>" + "</BODY>" + "</HTML>"; List<User> userCollection = userFacade.getUsersWithRole("departmentRepresentative",departmentId); notifyUserController = new NotifyUserController(); foreach (User user in userCollection) { notifyUserController.sendEmail(user.Email, subject, bodyStart + user.UserName + body); } } } catch (Exception exception) { errorobj.WriteErrorLog("ChangeCollectionPointController-selectSubmit():::" + exception.ToString()); } }