コード例 #1
ファイル: Photos.cs プロジェクト: khrabrovart/vkontakte-net
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new comment on the photo.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <int?> > CreateCommentApi(int?ownerId = null, int?photoId = null, string message = null, IEnumerable <string> attachments = null, bool?fromGroup = null, int?replyToComment = null, int?stickerId = null, string accessKey = null, string guid = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["owner_id"]         = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["photo_id"]         = photoId?.ToString(),
                ["message"]          = message,
                ["attachments"]      = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(attachments),
                ["from_group"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(fromGroup),
                ["reply_to_comment"] = replyToComment?.ToString(),
                ["sticker_id"]       = stickerId?.ToString(),
                ["access_key"]       = accessKey,
                ["guid"]             = guid,

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <int?>("photos.createComment", null, request));
コード例 #2
        public Task <ApiRequest <MessagesGetLongPollHistoryResponse> > GetLongPollHistory(GroupAccessToken accessToken, int?ts, int?pts, int?previewLength, bool?onlines, IEnumerable <string> fields, int?eventsLimit, int?msgsLimit, int?maxMsgId)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"]   = accessToken?.Value,
                ["ts"]             = ts?.ToString(),
                ["pts"]            = pts?.ToString(),
                ["preview_length"] = previewLength?.ToString(),
                ["onlines"]        = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(onlines),
                ["fields"]         = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),
                ["events_limit"]   = eventsLimit?.ToString(),
                ["msgs_limit"]     = msgsLimit?.ToString(),
                ["max_msg_id"]     = maxMsgId?.ToString(),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <MessagesGetLongPollHistoryResponse>("messages.getLongPollHistory", accessToken, request));
コード例 #3
ファイル: WallApi.cs プロジェクト: khrabrovart/vkontakte-net
        public Task <ApiRequest <WallSearchExtendedResponse> > SearchExtended(ServiceAccessToken accessToken, int?ownerId, string domain, string query, bool?ownersOnly, int?count, int?offset, bool?extended, IEnumerable <string> fields)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"] = accessToken?.Value,
                ["owner_id"]     = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["domain"]       = domain,
                ["query"]        = query,
                ["owners_only"]  = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(ownersOnly),
                ["count"]        = count?.ToString(),
                ["offset"]       = offset?.ToString(),
                ["extended"]     = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(extended),
                ["fields"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <WallSearchExtendedResponse>("wall.search", accessToken, request));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of the current user's private messages that match search criteria.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <MessagesSearchResponse> > SearchApi(string q = null, int?peerId = null, int?date = null, int?previewLength = null, int?offset = null, int?count = null, bool?extended = null, IEnumerable <string> fields = null, int?groupId = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["q"]              = q,
                ["peer_id"]        = peerId?.ToString(),
                ["date"]           = date?.ToString(),
                ["preview_length"] = previewLength?.ToString(),
                ["offset"]         = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]          = count?.ToString(),
                ["extended"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(extended),
                ["fields"]         = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),
                ["group_id"]       = groupId?.ToString(),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <MessagesSearchResponse>("messages.search", null, request));
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns statistics of a community or an application.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <IEnumerable <StatsPeriod> > > GetApi(int?groupId = null, int?appId = null, int?timestampFrom = null, int?timestampTo = null, string interval = null, int?intervalsCount = null, IEnumerable <string> filters = null, IEnumerable <string> statsGroups = null, bool?extended = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["group_id"]        = groupId?.ToString(),
                ["app_id"]          = appId?.ToString(),
                ["timestamp_from"]  = timestampFrom?.ToString(),
                ["timestamp_to"]    = timestampTo?.ToString(),
                ["interval"]        = interval,
                ["intervals_count"] = intervalsCount?.ToString(),
                ["filters"]         = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(filters),
                ["stats_groups"]    = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(statsGroups),
                ["extended"]        = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(extended),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <IEnumerable <StatsPeriod> >("stats.get", null, request));
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns message history for the specified user or group chat.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <MessagesGetHistoryResponse> > GetHistoryApi(int?offset = null, int?count = null, int?userId = null, int?peerId = null, int?startMessageId = null, int?rev = null, bool?extended = null, IEnumerable <UsersFields> fields = null, int?groupId = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["offset"]           = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]            = count?.ToString(),
                ["user_id"]          = userId?.ToString(),
                ["peer_id"]          = peerId?.ToString(),
                ["start_message_id"] = startMessageId?.ToString(),
                ["rev"]      = rev?.ToString(),
                ["extended"] = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(extended),
                ["fields"]   = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),
                ["group_id"] = groupId?.ToString(),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <MessagesGetHistoryResponse>("messages.getHistory", null, request));
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns media files from the dialog or group chat.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <MessagesGetHistoryAttachmentsResponse> > GetHistoryAttachmentsApi(int?peerId = null, string mediaType = null, string startFrom = null, int?count = null, bool?photoSizes = null, IEnumerable <UsersFields> fields = null, int?groupId = null, bool?preserveOrder = null, int?maxForwardsLevel = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["peer_id"]            = peerId?.ToString(),
                ["media_type"]         = mediaType,
                ["start_from"]         = startFrom,
                ["count"]              = count?.ToString(),
                ["photo_sizes"]        = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(photoSizes),
                ["fields"]             = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),
                ["group_id"]           = groupId?.ToString(),
                ["preserve_order"]     = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(preserveOrder),
                ["max_forwards_level"] = maxForwardsLevel?.ToString(),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <MessagesGetHistoryAttachmentsResponse>("messages.getHistoryAttachments", null, request));
コード例 #8
ファイル: LikesApi.cs プロジェクト: khrabrovart/vkontakte-net
        public Task <ApiRequest <LikesGetListResponse> > GetList(string type = null, int?ownerId = null, int?itemId = null, string pageUrl = null, string filter = null, bool?friendsOnly = null, int?offset = null, int?count = null, bool?skipOwn = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["type"]         = type,
                ["owner_id"]     = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["item_id"]      = itemId?.ToString(),
                ["page_url"]     = pageUrl,
                ["filter"]       = filter,
                ["friends_only"] = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(friendsOnly),
                ["offset"]       = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]        = count?.ToString(),
                ["skip_own"]     = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(skipOwn),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <LikesGetListResponse>("likes.getList", null, request));
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of IDs of users who selected specific answers in the poll.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <IEnumerable <PollsVoters> > > GetVotersApi(int?ownerId = null, int?pollId = null, IEnumerable <int> answerIds = null, bool?isBoard = null, bool?friendsOnly = null, int?offset = null, int?count = null, IEnumerable <UsersFields> fields = null, string nameCase = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["owner_id"]     = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["poll_id"]      = pollId?.ToString(),
                ["answer_ids"]   = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(answerIds),
                ["is_board"]     = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(isBoard),
                ["friends_only"] = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(friendsOnly),
                ["offset"]       = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]        = count?.ToString(),
                ["fields"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),
                ["name_case"]    = nameCase,

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <IEnumerable <PollsVoters> >("polls.getVoters", null, request));
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns comments list for an item.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <MarketGetCommentsResponse> > GetCommentsApi(int?ownerId = null, int?itemId = null, bool?needLikes = null, int?startCommentId = null, int?offset = null, int?count = null, string sort = null, bool?extended = null, IEnumerable <UsersFields> fields = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["owner_id"]         = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["item_id"]          = itemId?.ToString(),
                ["need_likes"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(needLikes),
                ["start_comment_id"] = startCommentId?.ToString(),
                ["offset"]           = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]            = count?.ToString(),
                ["sort"]             = sort,
                ["extended"]         = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(extended),
                ["fields"]           = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <MarketGetCommentsResponse>("market.getComments", null, request));
コード例 #11
ファイル: WallApi.cs プロジェクト: khrabrovart/vkontakte-net
        public Task <ApiRequest <WallGetCommentsResponse> > GetComments(ServiceAccessToken accessToken, int?ownerId, int?postId, bool?needLikes, int?startCommentId, int?offset, int?count, string sort, int?previewLength)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"]     = accessToken?.Value,
                ["owner_id"]         = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["post_id"]          = postId?.ToString(),
                ["need_likes"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(needLikes),
                ["start_comment_id"] = startCommentId?.ToString(),
                ["offset"]           = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]            = count?.ToString(),
                ["sort"]             = sort,
                ["preview_length"]   = previewLength?.ToString(),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <WallGetCommentsResponse>("wall.getComments", accessToken, request));
コード例 #12
ファイル: WallApi.cs プロジェクト: khrabrovart/vkontakte-net
        public Task <ApiRequest <WallGetCommentsExtendedResponse> > GetCommentsExtended(int?ownerId, int?postId, bool?needLikes, int?startCommentId, int?offset, int?count, string sort, int?previewLength, bool?extended)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["owner_id"]         = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["post_id"]          = postId?.ToString(),
                ["need_likes"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(needLikes),
                ["start_comment_id"] = startCommentId?.ToString(),
                ["offset"]           = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]            = count?.ToString(),
                ["sort"]             = sort,
                ["preview_length"]   = previewLength?.ToString(),
                ["extended"]         = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(extended),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <WallGetCommentsExtendedResponse>("wall.getComments", null, request));
コード例 #13
        public Task <ApiRequest <PlacesGetCheckinsResponse> > GetCheckins(UserAccessToken accessToken, double?latitude = null, double?longitude = null, int?place = null, int?userId = null, DateTime?offset = null, DateTime?count = null, DateTime?timestamp = null, bool?friendsOnly = null, bool?needPlaces = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"] = accessToken?.Value,
                ["latitude"]     = latitude?.ToString(),
                ["longitude"]    = longitude?.ToString(),
                ["place"]        = place?.ToString(),
                ["user_id"]      = userId?.ToString(),
                ["offset"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseDateTime(offset),
                ["count"]        = RequestHelpers.ParseDateTime(count),
                ["timestamp"]    = RequestHelpers.ParseDateTime(timestamp),
                ["friends_only"] = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(friendsOnly),
                ["need_places"]  = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(needPlaces),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <PlacesGetCheckinsResponse>("places.getCheckins", accessToken, request));
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns information about the current user's incoming and outgoing friend requests.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <FriendsGetRequestsExtendedResponse> > GetRequestsApi(int?offset = null, int?count = null, bool?extended = null, bool?needMutual = null, bool? @out = null, int?sort = null, bool?needViewed = null, bool?suggested = null, string @ref = null, IEnumerable <UsersFields> fields = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["offset"]      = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]       = count?.ToString(),
                ["extended"]    = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(extended),
                ["need_mutual"] = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(needMutual),
                ["out"]         = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(@out),
                ["sort"]        = sort?.ToString(),
                ["need_viewed"] = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(needViewed),
                ["suggested"]   = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(suggested),
                ["ref"]         = @ref,
                ["fields"]      = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <FriendsGetRequestsExtendedResponse>("friends.getRequests", null, request));
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Edits the message.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <bool?> > EditApi(int?peerId = null, string message = null, int?messageId = null, double?lat = null, double? @long = null, string attachment = null, bool?keepForwardMessages = null, bool?keepSnippets = null, int?groupId = null, bool?dontParseLinks = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["peer_id"]               = peerId?.ToString(),
                ["message"]               = message,
                ["message_id"]            = messageId?.ToString(),
                ["lat"]                   = lat?.ToString(),
                ["long"]                  = @long?.ToString(),
                ["attachment"]            = attachment,
                ["keep_forward_messages"] = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(keepForwardMessages),
                ["keep_snippets"]         = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(keepSnippets),
                ["group_id"]              = groupId?.ToString(),
                ["dont_parse_links"]      = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(dontParseLinks),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <bool?>("messages.edit", null, request));
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Ads a new item to the market.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <MarketAddResponse> > AddApi(int?ownerId = null, string name = null, string description = null, int?categoryId = null, double?price = null, double?oldPrice = null, bool?deleted = null, int?mainPhotoId = null, IEnumerable <int> photoIds = null, string url = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["owner_id"]      = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["name"]          = name,
                ["description"]   = description,
                ["category_id"]   = categoryId?.ToString(),
                ["price"]         = price?.ToString(),
                ["old_price"]     = oldPrice?.ToString(),
                ["deleted"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(deleted),
                ["main_photo_id"] = mainPhotoId?.ToString(),
                ["photo_ids"]     = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(photoIds),
                ["url"]           = url,

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <MarketAddResponse>("market.add", null, request));
コード例 #17
        public Task <ApiRequest <MarketSearchExtendedResponse> > SearchExtended(UserAccessToken accessToken, int?ownerId = null, string q = null, int?priceFrom = null, int?priceTo = null, IEnumerable <int?> tags = null, int?rev = null, int?offset = null, int?count = null, bool?extended = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"] = accessToken?.Value,
                ["owner_id"]     = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["q"]            = q,
                ["price_from"]   = priceFrom?.ToString(),
                ["price_to"]     = priceTo?.ToString(),
                ["tags"]         = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(tags),
                ["rev"]          = rev?.ToString(),
                ["offset"]       = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]        = count?.ToString(),
                ["extended"]     = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(extended),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <MarketSearchExtendedResponse>("market.search", accessToken, request));
コード例 #18
        public Task <ApiRequest <bool?> > Edit(UserAccessToken accessToken, int?ownerId = null, int?itemId = null, string name = null, string description = null, int?categoryId = null, double?price = null, bool?deleted = null, int?mainPhotoId = null, IEnumerable <int?> photoIds = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"]  = accessToken?.Value,
                ["owner_id"]      = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["item_id"]       = itemId?.ToString(),
                ["name"]          = name,
                ["description"]   = description,
                ["category_id"]   = categoryId?.ToString(),
                ["price"]         = price?.ToString(),
                ["deleted"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(deleted),
                ["main_photo_id"] = mainPhotoId?.ToString(),
                ["photo_ids"]     = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(photoIds),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <bool?>("market.edit", accessToken, request));
コード例 #19
ファイル: Photos.cs プロジェクト: khrabrovart/vkontakte-net
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of a user's or community's photos.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <PhotosGetExtendedResponse> > GetApi(int?ownerId = null, string albumId = null, IEnumerable <string> photoIds = null, bool?rev = null, bool?extended = null, string feedType = null, int?feed = null, bool?photoSizes = null, int?offset = null, int?count = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["owner_id"]    = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["album_id"]    = albumId,
                ["photo_ids"]   = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(photoIds),
                ["rev"]         = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(rev),
                ["extended"]    = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(extended),
                ["feed_type"]   = feedType,
                ["feed"]        = feed?.ToString(),
                ["photo_sizes"] = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(photoSizes),
                ["offset"]      = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]       = count?.ToString(),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <PhotosGetExtendedResponse>("photos.get", null, request));
コード例 #20
        public Task <ApiRequest <NewsfeedGetResponse> > Get(UserAccessToken accessToken, IEnumerable <string> filters, bool?returnBanned, DateTime?startTime, DateTime?endTime, int?maxPhotos, IEnumerable <string> sourceIds, string startFrom, int?count, IEnumerable <string> fields)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"]  = accessToken?.Value,
                ["filters"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(filters),
                ["return_banned"] = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(returnBanned),
                ["start_time"]    = RequestHelpers.ParseDateTime(startTime),
                ["end_time"]      = RequestHelpers.ParseDateTime(endTime),
                ["max_photos"]    = maxPhotos?.ToString(),
                ["source_ids"]    = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(sourceIds),
                ["start_from"]    = startFrom,
                ["count"]         = count?.ToString(),
                ["fields"]        = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <NewsfeedGetResponse>("newsfeed.get", accessToken, request));
コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns data required to show newsfeed for the current user.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <NewsfeedGetResponse> > GetApi(IEnumerable <NewsfeedFilters> filters = null, bool?returnBanned = null, int?startTime = null, int?endTime = null, int?maxPhotos = null, string sourceIds = null, string startFrom = null, int?count = null, IEnumerable <BaseUserGroupFields> fields = null, string section = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["filters"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(filters),
                ["return_banned"] = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(returnBanned),
                ["start_time"]    = startTime?.ToString(),
                ["end_time"]      = endTime?.ToString(),
                ["max_photos"]    = maxPhotos?.ToString(),
                ["source_ids"]    = sourceIds,
                ["start_from"]    = startFrom,
                ["count"]         = count?.ToString(),
                ["fields"]        = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),
                ["section"]       = section,

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <NewsfeedGetResponse>("newsfeed.get", null, request));
コード例 #22
        public Task <ApiRequest <NewsfeedSearchExtendedResponse> > SearchExtended(ServiceAccessToken accessToken, string q, bool?extended, int?count, double?latitude, double?longitude, DateTime?startTime, DateTime?endTime, string startFrom, IEnumerable <string> fields)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"] = accessToken?.Value,
                ["q"]            = q,
                ["extended"]     = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(extended),
                ["count"]        = count?.ToString(),
                ["latitude"]     = latitude?.ToString(),
                ["longitude"]    = longitude?.ToString(),
                ["start_time"]   = RequestHelpers.ParseDateTime(startTime),
                ["end_time"]     = RequestHelpers.ParseDateTime(endTime),
                ["start_from"]   = startFrom,
                ["fields"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <NewsfeedSearchExtendedResponse>("newsfeed.search", accessToken, request));
コード例 #23
        public Task <ApiRequest <PhotosGetResponse> > Get(UserAccessToken accessToken, int?ownerId = null, string albumId = null, IEnumerable <string> photoIds = null, bool?rev = null, string feedType = null, DateTime?feed = null, bool?photoSizes = null, int?offset = null, int?count = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"] = accessToken?.Value,
                ["owner_id"]     = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["album_id"]     = albumId,
                ["photo_ids"]    = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(photoIds),
                ["rev"]          = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(rev),
                ["feed_type"]    = feedType,
                ["feed"]         = RequestHelpers.ParseDateTime(feed),
                ["photo_sizes"]  = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(photoSizes),
                ["offset"]       = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]        = count?.ToString(),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <PhotosGetResponse>("photos.get", accessToken, request));
コード例 #24
        public Task <ApiRequest <PhotosGetCommentsResponse> > GetComments(UserAccessToken accessToken, int?ownerId = null, int?photoId = null, bool?needLikes = null, int?startCommentId = null, int?offset = null, int?count = null, string sort = null, string accessKey = null, IEnumerable <string> fields = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"]     = accessToken?.Value,
                ["owner_id"]         = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["photo_id"]         = photoId?.ToString(),
                ["need_likes"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(needLikes),
                ["start_comment_id"] = startCommentId?.ToString(),
                ["offset"]           = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]            = count?.ToString(),
                ["sort"]             = sort,
                ["access_key"]       = accessKey,
                ["fields"]           = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <PhotosGetCommentsResponse>("photos.getComments", accessToken, request));
コード例 #25
        public Task <ApiRequest <AppsGetCatalogResponse> > GetCatalog(string sort = null, int?offset = null, int?count = null, string platform = null, bool?extended = null, bool?returnFriends = null, IEnumerable <string> fields = null, string nameCase = null, string q = null, int?genreId = null, string filter = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["sort"]           = sort,
                ["offset"]         = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]          = count?.ToString(),
                ["platform"]       = platform,
                ["extended"]       = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(extended),
                ["return_friends"] = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(returnFriends),
                ["fields"]         = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),
                ["name_case"]      = nameCase,
                ["q"]        = q,
                ["genre_id"] = genreId?.ToString(),
                ["filter"]   = filter,

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <AppsGetCatalogResponse>("apps.getCatalog", null, request));
コード例 #26
ファイル: VideoApi.cs プロジェクト: khrabrovart/vkontakte-net
        public Task <ApiRequest <VideoSearchResponse> > Search(UserAccessToken accessToken, string q = null, int?sort = null, int?hd = null, bool?adult = null, IEnumerable <string> filters = null, bool?searchOwn = null, int?offset = null, int?longer = null, int?shorter = null, int?count = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"] = accessToken?.Value,
                ["q"]            = q,
                ["sort"]         = sort?.ToString(),
                ["hd"]           = hd?.ToString(),
                ["adult"]        = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(adult),
                ["filters"]      = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(filters),
                ["search_own"]   = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(searchOwn),
                ["offset"]       = offset?.ToString(),
                ["longer"]       = longer?.ToString(),
                ["shorter"]      = shorter?.ToString(),
                ["count"]        = count?.ToString(),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <VideoSearchResponse>("video.search", accessToken, request));
コード例 #27
        public Task <ApiRequest <AuthSignupResponse> > Signup(string firstName = null, string lastName = null, string birthday = null, int?clientId = null, string clientSecret = null, string phone = null, string password = null, bool?testMode = null, bool?voice = null, int?sex = null, string sid = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["first_name"]    = firstName,
                ["last_name"]     = lastName,
                ["birthday"]      = birthday,
                ["client_id"]     = clientId?.ToString(),
                ["client_secret"] = clientSecret,
                ["phone"]         = phone,
                ["password"]      = password,
                ["test_mode"]     = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(testMode),
                ["voice"]         = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(voice),
                ["sex"]           = sex?.ToString(),
                ["sid"]           = sid,

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <AuthSignupResponse>("auth.signup", null, request));
コード例 #28
        public Task <ApiRequest <UsersSearchResponse> > Search(UserAccessToken accessToken, string q = null, int?sort = null, int?offset = null, int?count = null, IEnumerable <string> fields = null, int?city = null, int?country = null, string hometown = null, int?universityCountry = null, int?university = null, int?universityYear = null, int?universityFaculty = null, int?universityChair = null, int?sex = null, int?status = null, int?ageFrom = null, int?ageTo = null, int?birthDay = null, int?birthMonth = null, int?birthYear = null, bool?online = null, bool?hasPhoto = null, int?schoolCountry = null, int?schoolCity = null, int?schoolClass = null, int?school = null, int?schoolYear = null, string religion = null, string interests = null, string company = null, string position = null, int?groupId = null, IEnumerable <string> fromList = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"]       = accessToken?.Value,
                ["q"]                  = q,
                ["sort"]               = sort?.ToString(),
                ["offset"]             = offset?.ToString(),
                ["count"]              = count?.ToString(),
                ["fields"]             = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fields),
                ["city"]               = city?.ToString(),
                ["country"]            = country?.ToString(),
                ["hometown"]           = hometown,
                ["university_country"] = universityCountry?.ToString(),
                ["university"]         = university?.ToString(),
                ["university_year"]    = universityYear?.ToString(),
                ["university_faculty"] = universityFaculty?.ToString(),
                ["university_chair"]   = universityChair?.ToString(),
                ["sex"]                = sex?.ToString(),
                ["status"]             = status?.ToString(),
                ["age_from"]           = ageFrom?.ToString(),
                ["age_to"]             = ageTo?.ToString(),
                ["birth_day"]          = birthDay?.ToString(),
                ["birth_month"]        = birthMonth?.ToString(),
                ["birth_year"]         = birthYear?.ToString(),
                ["online"]             = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(online),
                ["has_photo"]          = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(hasPhoto),
                ["school_country"]     = schoolCountry?.ToString(),
                ["school_city"]        = schoolCity?.ToString(),
                ["school_class"]       = schoolClass?.ToString(),
                ["school"]             = school?.ToString(),
                ["school_year"]        = schoolYear?.ToString(),
                ["religion"]           = religion,
                ["interests"]          = interests,
                ["company"]            = company,
                ["position"]           = position,
                ["group_id"]           = groupId?.ToString(),
                ["from_list"]          = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(fromList),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <UsersSearchResponse>("users.search", accessToken, request));
コード例 #29
ファイル: VideoApi.cs プロジェクト: khrabrovart/vkontakte-net
        public Task <ApiRequest <VideoSaveResult> > Save(UserAccessToken accessToken, string name = null, string description = null, bool?isPrivate = null, bool?wallpost = null, string link = null, int?groupId = null, int?albumId = null, IEnumerable <string> privacyView = null, IEnumerable <string> privacyComment = null, bool?noComments = null, bool?repeat = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["access_token"]    = accessToken?.Value,
                ["name"]            = name,
                ["description"]     = description,
                ["is_private"]      = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(isPrivate),
                ["wallpost"]        = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(wallpost),
                ["link"]            = link,
                ["group_id"]        = groupId?.ToString(),
                ["album_id"]        = albumId?.ToString(),
                ["privacy_view"]    = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(privacyView),
                ["privacy_comment"] = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(privacyComment),
                ["no_comments"]     = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(noComments),
                ["repeat"]          = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(repeat),

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <VideoSaveResult>("video.save", accessToken, request));
コード例 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows to edit hidden post.
        /// </summary>
        public Task <ApiRequest <bool?> > EditAdsStealthApi(int?ownerId = null, int?postId = null, string message = null, IEnumerable <string> attachments = null, bool?signed = null, double?lat = null, double? @long = null, int?placeId = null, string linkButton = null, string linkTitle = null, string linkImage = null, string linkVideo = null)
            var request = new Dictionary <string, string>
                ["owner_id"]    = ownerId?.ToString(),
                ["post_id"]     = postId?.ToString(),
                ["message"]     = message,
                ["attachments"] = RequestHelpers.ParseEnumerable(attachments),
                ["signed"]      = RequestHelpers.ParseBoolean(signed),
                ["lat"]         = lat?.ToString(),
                ["long"]        = @long?.ToString(),
                ["place_id"]    = placeId?.ToString(),
                ["link_button"] = linkButton,
                ["link_title"]  = linkTitle,
                ["link_image"]  = linkImage,
                ["link_video"]  = linkVideo,

            return(RequestManager.CreateRequestAsync <bool?>("wall.editAdsStealth", null, request));