コード例 #1
        private void InitContext()

            CircleToken       = Properties.Settings.Default.CircleToken;
            NumBuilds         = Properties.Settings.Default.NumBuilds;
            lastKnownBuildNum = Properties.Settings.Default.LastKnownBuildNum;

            RunningBuilds = Properties.Settings.Default.RunningBuilds;
            if (RunningBuilds == null)
                RunningBuilds = new SortedSet <int>();

            // Make application run on startup. consider offering way to disable run on startup?
            RegistryKey registryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", true);

            if (registryKey.GetValue("CircleNotifications") == null)
                registryKey.SetValue("CircleNotifications", Application.ExecutablePath);

            component = new Container();
            NotifyIconManager.InitNotifyIcon(this, component);

            timer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnTick);
コード例 #2
        // Refresh builds to display in the system tray.
        // Produces balloontip notifications if there are any newly successful or failed builds.
        public void RefreshBuilds()
            Console.WriteLine("Refresh called from thread: {0}", System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
            if (!refreshing)
                refreshing = true;
            Console.WriteLine("Begin refresh.");

            // Keep track of the number of builds so we can display in a notification.
            Dictionary <string, int> metrics = new Dictionary <string, int> {
                ["success"] = 0,
                ["failed"]  = 0,
                // ["queued"] = 0, ["scheduled"] = 0, ["running"] = 0, Too much work and kind of annoying.
                ["not_run"]            = 0,
                ["canceled"]           = 0,
                ["successfulBuildNum"] = 0,
                ["failedBuildNum"]     = 0

            Requests               requests = new Requests(this);
            NotifyIconManager      nManager = new NotifyIconManager(this);
            CircleContextMenuStrip strip    = nManager.GetCircleContextMenuStrip();

            try {
                // First refresh running builds.
                metrics = strip.RefreshRunningBuilds(metrics);
                if (metrics == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("ERROR: metrics was null. A call to the strip failed.");

                // Then add any new builds to the strip, collecting metrics along the way.
                int numNewBuilds = GetNumNewBuilds();
                if (numNewBuilds > 0)
                    List <Build> builds = DeserializeBuilds(requests.RecentBuilds(numNewBuilds, 0));
                    if (builds == null)
                        throw new NullReferenceException("ERROR: Deserializing " + numNewBuilds + " builds failed.");

                    metrics = strip.AddBuilds(metrics, builds);
                if (metrics == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("ERROR: metrics was null. A call to the strip failed.");

                // Ensure we are displaying the right number of builds.
                if (!strip.IsCorrectNumBuilds(NumBuilds))
                    strip.MatchNumBuilds(NumBuilds, lastKnownBuildNum);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Got exception attempting to refresh builds\n" + e.StackTrace);
                refreshing = false; return;

            // Change icon to reflect the status of the latest build regardles of whether we notified the user
            Build mostRecentBuild = DeserializeBuild(requests.SingleBuild(lastKnownBuildNum));


            // Notify user if we found any failed or successful builds.

            // Save updated values
            Properties.Settings.Default.LastKnownBuildNum = lastKnownBuildNum;
            Properties.Settings.Default.RunningBuilds     = RunningBuilds;
            Properties.Settings.Default.DisplayedLabels   = strip.GetBuildLabels();

            Console.WriteLine("Refresh complete");
            refreshing = false;
コード例 #3
 protected override void ExitThreadCore()