public string ExecuteHTML() { Interpreter pret = new Interpreter(htmlTemplate, null); pret.SetAttribute("ds", GetDataSource(customSQL ?? musTemp.SQLQuery, sqlParams)); pret.Parse(); pret.Execute(); return pret.Output; }
public static void Run() { Interpreter engine = new Interpreter(File.ReadAllText("d:\\"), null); engine.SetAttribute("musteri", new Musteri { Ad="Microsoft"}); engine.Parse(); engine.Execute(); Console.WriteLine(engine.Output); }
private void cmdExecuteScript(string arg) { Interpreter engine = new Interpreter(CurrSQLEditor.SQLEditor.Text, new List<string> { "Cinar.DBTools" }); engine.SetAttribute("db", Provider.Database); engine.SetAttribute("util", new Util()); engine.SetAttribute("table", findSelectedTable()); engine.SetAttribute("tree", treeView); engine.Parse(); engine.Execute(); CurrSQLEditor.ShowInfoText(engine.Output); SetStatusText("Script executed succesfully."); }
protected override void OnTextChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnTextChanged(e); if (Context.debugging) return; try { interpreter = new Interpreter(this.Text, null); interpreter.Parse(); Document.FoldingManager.UpdateFoldings(null, interpreter); } catch { } }
private void executeTask(DBIntegrationTask task) { if (task.Name.StartsWith("[DISABLED]")) return; ConnectionSettings csSrc = Provider.GetConnection(task.SourceDB); ConnectionSettings csDst = Provider.GetConnection(task.DestDB); if(csSrc==null) { Log(task, task.SourceDB + " doesnt exist!"); return; } if(csDst==null) { Log(task, task.DestDB + " doesnt exist!"); return; } string code = integData.ScriptIncludeCode + Environment.NewLine + task.Code; Interpreter pret = new Interpreter(code, null); pret.AddAssembly(typeof(POP3.Pop3Client).Assembly); pret.SetAttribute("dbSrc", csSrc.Database); pret.SetAttribute("dbDst", csDst.Database); pret.SetAttribute("this", task); pret.SetAttribute("form", this); pret.Parse(); pret.Execute(); if (!pret.Successful) Log(task, "Error: " + pret.Output); else Log(task, pret.Output.Trim() + " in " + pret.ExecutingTime + " ms."); }
protected override string getCellHTML(int row, int col) { string html = this.DataTemplate; if (html.Trim() == "") return ""; int index = row * this.cols + col; if (data.Rows.Count <= index) return String.Empty; dr = data.Rows[index]; if (engineCell == null) { engineCell = Provider.GetInterpreter(html, this); engineCell.Parse(); } engineCell.SetAttribute("row", dr); engineCell.SetAttribute("index", index + 1); engineCell.Execute(); html = engineCell.Output; return html; }
private void btnRunTests_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in grid.Rows) { ScriptingTest test = (ScriptingTest) row.DataBoundItem; Interpreter pret = new Interpreter(test.Code, null); pret.AddAssembly(typeof(POP3.Pop3Client).Assembly); pret.SetAttribute("db", Provider.Database); pret.Parse(); pret.Execute(); test.Result = pret.Output; if (pret.Successful && test.Result.Trim() == "OK") row.Cells["Result"].Style.BackColor = Color.Green; else row.Cells["Result"].Style.BackColor = Color.Red; row.Cells["Result"].Style.ForeColor = Color.White; } }
public GeneratedCode GenerateCode(string basePath, Table table) { string path = Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.FileNameTemplate)) { Interpreter engineForPath = new Interpreter(this.FileNameTemplate, null); engineForPath.SetAttribute("this", this); engineForPath.SetAttribute("db", Provider.Database); engineForPath.SetAttribute("table", table); engineForPath.SetAttribute("util", new Util()); engineForPath.Parse(); engineForPath.Execute(); path = engineForPath.Output; } return new GeneratedCode { Path = basePath + "\\" + path, IsFolder = true }; }
private void btnGenerateAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbEntities.CheckedItems.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please check one or more entity first", "Warning"); return; } if (lbTemplates.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please check one or more template first", "Warning"); return; } FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); fbd.Description = "Select the directory in which the code is gonna be generated"; fbd.SelectedPath = @"c:\temp"; if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (Template tmp in lbTemplates.SelectedItems) { foreach (Table selectedTable in lbEntities.CheckedItems) { Interpreter engine = new Interpreter(tmp.Code, null); engine.SetAttribute("table", selectedTable); engine.SetAttribute("util", new Util()); engine.Parse(); engine.Execute(); string code = engine.Output; Interpreter engine2 = new Interpreter(tmp.FileNameFormat.Replace("\\", "|"), null); engine2.SetAttribute("table", selectedTable); engine2.SetAttribute("util", new Util()); engine2.Parse(); engine2.Execute(); string path = fbd.SelectedPath + "\\" + engine2.Output.Replace("|", "\\"); createDirectories(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); File.WriteAllText(path, code, Encoding.UTF8); } } System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fbd.SelectedPath); } }
private void btnGenerateCode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbEntities.CheckedItems.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please check one or more entity first", "Warning"); return; } if (lbTemplates.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please check one or more template first", "Warning"); return; } List<GeneratedCode> generatedCodes = new List<GeneratedCode>(); foreach (Template tmp in lbTemplates.SelectedItems) { foreach (Table selectedTable in lbEntities.CheckedItems) { Interpreter engine = new Interpreter(tmp.Code, null); engine.SetAttribute("table", selectedTable); engine.SetAttribute("util", new Util()); engine.Parse(); engine.Execute(); string path = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp.FileNameFormat)) { Interpreter engine2 = new Interpreter(tmp.FileNameFormat.Replace("\\", "|"), null); engine2.SetAttribute("table", selectedTable); engine2.SetAttribute("util", new Util()); engine2.Parse(); engine2.Execute(); //TODO: put code generation base path to settings path = @"C:\Work\DealerSafe\DealerSafe2\" + engine2.Output.Replace("|", "\\"); } generatedCodes.Add(new GeneratedCode { Code = engine.Output, Path = path, Template = tmp }); } } FormGeneratedCode form = new FormGeneratedCode(generatedCodes); //form.Text = " - " + tmp.Name + " code for " + selectedTable.Name; //form.Path = path; form.Show(); }
public override object Calculate(Context context, ParserNode parentNode) { if (Name == "write" || Name == "print" || Name == "echo") { if (fArguments.Length > 1 && fArguments[0] is StringConstant) { string s = fArguments[0].Calculate(context, this).ToString(); object[] objParams = new object[fArguments.Length-1]; for(int i=1; i<fArguments.Length; i++) objParams[i - 1] = fArguments[i].Calculate(context, this).ToString(); context.Output.Write(String.Format(s, objParams)); } else foreach (Expression expression in fArguments) context.Output.Write(expression.Calculate(context, this)); } else if (Name == "eval" && fArguments.Length>0) { Interpreter ip = new Interpreter("$" + fArguments[0].Calculate(context, this) + "$", null); ip.Parse(); ip.Execute(); return ip.Output; } else if (Name == "typeof") { if (fArguments.Length == 0 || !(fArguments[0] is Variable)) throw new Exception("typeof operator argument error. Usage: typeof(DateTime)"); string typeName = (fArguments[0] as Variable).Name; return Context.GetType(typeName, context.Using); } else if (context.Functions[Name] != null) { FunctionDefinitionStatement func = (FunctionDefinitionStatement)context.Functions[Name]; Hashtable arguments = new Hashtable(); int i = 0; foreach (Expression expression in fArguments) { object paramVal = expression.Calculate(context, this); if (func.Parameters.Count > i) arguments[func.Parameters[i]] = paramVal; i++; } func.Block.Execute(context, this, arguments); object res = Context.ReturnValue; Context.ReturnValue = null; return res; } else throw new Exception("Undefined function: " + this); return null; }
public GeneratedCode GenerateCode(string basePath, Table table) { string code = null; if (!this.IsBinary) { Interpreter engineForCode = new Interpreter(File.ReadAllText(this.Path), null); engineForCode.SetAttribute("this", this); engineForCode.SetAttribute("db", Provider.Database); engineForCode.SetAttribute("table", table); engineForCode.SetAttribute("util", new Util()); engineForCode.Parse(); engineForCode.Execute(); code = engineForCode.Output; } string path = Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.FileNameTemplate)) { Interpreter engineForPath = new Interpreter(this.FileNameTemplate, null); engineForPath.SetAttribute("this", this); engineForPath.SetAttribute("db", Provider.Database); engineForPath.SetAttribute("table", table); engineForPath.SetAttribute("util", new Util()); engineForPath.Parse(); engineForPath.Execute(); path = engineForPath.Output; } return new GeneratedCode { Code = code, Path = basePath + "\\" + path }; }