protected override IDatabaseEntity[] GetContentList() { Entities.Content content = Provider.Content; FilterParser filterForContent = new FilterParser(this.filter, "Content"); string whereMevcutIcerik = "and Content.Id<>" + (content == null ? 0 : content.Id); string where = filterForContent.GetWhere(); string sql = @" select distinct top " + this.HowManyItems + @" Content.Id, Content.ClassName, Content.Hierarchy, Content.Title, Content.SpotTitle, TCategoryId.Title as CategoryName, Content.PublishDate, TAuthorId.Name as AuthorName, Content.Picture, Content.Description, " + (this.ShowMetin ? "Content.Metin," : "") + @" Content.ShowInPage, Product.ListPrice, Product.DiscountRate from Content inner join Content as TCategoryId ON Content.CategoryId = TCategoryId.Id inner join Product ON Product.ContentId = Content.Id left join Author as TAuthorId ON TAuthorId.Id = Content.AuthorId where Content.Visible=1 " + (this.showCurrentContent ? "" : whereMevcutIcerik) + (where != "" ? " AND " + where : "") + @" order by " + this.OrderBy + " " + (this.Ascending ? "asc" : "desc"); IDatabaseEntity[] contents = Provider.Database.ReadList(typeof(Entities.Content), sql, filterForContent.GetParams()).SafeCastToArray<IDatabaseEntity>(); return contents; }
protected override IDatabaseEntity[] GetContentList() { Entities.Content content = Provider.Content; FilterParser filterForContent = new FilterParser(this.filter, "Content"); string whereMevcutIcerik = "and Content.Id<>" + (content == null ? 0 : content.Id); string where = filterForContent.GetWhere(); string sql = String.Format(@" select distinct top " + this.HowManyItems + @" Content.Id, Content.CategoryId, Content.ClassName, Content.Hierarchy, Content.Title, Content.SpotTitle, Content.PublishDate, Content.Description, {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} Content.ShowInPage from Content {5} {6} {7} where Content.Visible=1 {8} order by {9} {10}", this.ShowPicture ? (this.WhichPicture == "Content.Picture2" ? "Content.Picture2,Content.Picture," : this.WhichPicture + ",") : "", this.ShowMetin ? "Content.Metin," : "", (this.ShowAuthor || this.WhichPicture.Contains("Author")) ? "TAuthorId.Name as AuthorName," : "", (this.ShowSource || this.WhichPicture.Contains("Source")) ? "TSourceId.Name as SourceName," : "", this.ShowCategory ? "TCategoryId.Title as CategoryName," : "", this.ShowCategory ? "inner join Content as TCategoryId ON Content.CategoryId = TCategoryId.Id" : "", (this.ShowAuthor || this.WhichPicture.Contains("Author")) ? "left join Author as TAuthorId ON TAuthorId.Id = Content.AuthorId" : "", (this.ShowSource || this.WhichPicture.Contains("Source")) ? "left join Source as TSourceId ON TSourceId.Id = Content.SourceId" : "", (this.showCurrentContent ? "" : whereMevcutIcerik) + (where != "" ? " AND " + where : ""), this.OrderBy, this.Ascending ? "asc" : "desc" ); IDatabaseEntity[] contents = Provider.Database.ReadList(typeof(Entities.Content), sql, filterForContent.GetParams()).SafeCastToArray<IDatabaseEntity>(); return contents; }
protected override IDatabaseEntity[] GetContentList() { Entities.Content content = Provider.Content; FilterParser filterForContent = new FilterParser(this.filter, "Content"); string whereMevcutIcerik = "and Content.Id<>" + (content == null ? 0 : content.Id); string tagJoin = "inner join ContentTag ON Content.Id = ContentTag.ContentId and ContentTag.TagId=" + (Provider.Tag != null ? Provider.Tag.Id : 0); string where = filterForContent.GetWhere(); string sql = String.Format(@" select distinct top " + this.HowManyItems + @" Content.Id, Content.CategoryId, Content.ClassName, Content.Hierarchy, Content.Title, Content.SpotTitle, TCategoryId.Title as CategoryName, Content.PublishDate, TAuthorId.Name as AuthorName, TSourceId.Name as SourceName, {0}, Content.Description, {1} Content.ShowInPage from Content inner join Content as TCategoryId ON Content.CategoryId = TCategoryId.Id {5} left join Author as TAuthorId ON TAuthorId.Id = Content.AuthorId left join Source as TSourceId ON TSourceId.Id = Content.SourceId where Content.Visible=1 {2} order by {3} {4}", this.WhichPicture, this.ShowMetin ? "Content.Metin," : "", (this.showCurrentContent ? "" : whereMevcutIcerik) + (where != "" ? " AND " + where : ""), this.OrderBy, this.Ascending ? "asc" : "desc", Provider.Tag != null ? tagJoin : ""); IDatabaseEntity[] contents = Provider.Database.ReadList(typeof(Entities.Content), sql, filterForContent.GetParams()).SafeCastToArray<IDatabaseEntity>(); return contents; }
protected override IDatabaseEntity[] GetContentList() { Entities.Content content = Provider.Content; FilterParser filterForContent = new FilterParser(this.filter, "Content"); string whereMevcutIcerik = "and Content.Id<>" + (content == null ? 0 : content.Id); string ids = ""; string showPictureOf = this.groupBy == "CategoryId" ? "Content" : ("T" + this.groupBy); string where = filterForContent.GetWhere(); string distSQL = @" select top " + this.howManyItems + @" Content." + groupBy + @" as GroupId, max(Content.Id) as Id from Content " + (groupBy == "AuthorId" ? "inner" : "left") + @" join Author as TAuthorId ON TAuthorId.Id = Content.AuthorId " + (groupBy == "SourceId" ? "inner" : "left") + @" join Source as TSourceId ON TSourceId.Id = Content.SourceId " + (groupBy == "CategoryId" ? "inner" : "left") + @" join Content as TCategoryId ON TCategoryId.Id = Content.CategoryId where Content.Visible=1 " + (this.showCurrentContent ? "" : whereMevcutIcerik) + (where != "" ? " AND " + where : "") + @" group by Content." + groupBy; DataTable dt = Provider.Database.GetDataTable(distSQL, filterForContent.GetParams()); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception(Provider.GetResource("There is no content with this criteria.")); } ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { al.Add(dr["Id"].ToString()); } ids = String.Join(",", (string[])al.ToArray(typeof(String))); string sql = @" select Content.Id, Content.Title, Content.ClassName, Content.Hierarchy, Content.PublishDate, TAuthorId.Name as AuthorName, TSourceId.Name as SourceName, TCategoryId.Title as CategoryName, Content.ShowInPage, Content.Description, " + (this.ShowMetin ? "Content.Metin," : "") + @" " + showPictureOf + @".Picture from Content " + (groupBy == "AuthorId" ? "inner" : "left") + @" join Author as TAuthorId ON TAuthorId.Id = Content.AuthorId " + (groupBy == "SourceId" ? "inner" : "left") + @" join Source as TSourceId ON TSourceId.Id = Content.SourceId " + (groupBy == "CategoryId" ? "inner" : "left") + @" join Content as TCategoryId ON TCategoryId.Id = Content.CategoryId where Content.Id in (" + ids + @") order by " + this.OrderBy + " " + (this.Ascending ? "asc" : "desc"); return(Provider.Database.ReadList(typeof(Entities.Content), sql).SafeCastToArray <IDatabaseEntity>()); }
private void newEntity() { string error = ""; string where = context.Request["filter"] ?? ""; string entityName = context.Request["entityName"]; Type entityType = Provider.GetEntityType(entityName); if (entityType != null) { IDatabaseEntity entity = Provider.CreateEntity(entityType); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { FilterParser filterParser = new FilterParser(where, entityName); where = filterParser.GetWhere(); foreach (var item in filterParser.GetNameValuePairs()) entity.SetMemberValue(item.Key, item.Value); } context.Response.Write(@"{ success: true, data: " + entity.ToJSON() + "}"); return; } else error = "Entity tipi bulunamadı."; context.Response.Write(@"{ success: false, errorMessage: " + error.ToJS() + "}"); }
private void saveEntity() { string id = context.Request["Id"]; string where = context.Request["filter"]; string entityName = context.Request["entityName"]; int mid = 0; if (!Int32.TryParse(id, out mid)) { context.Response.Write("{success:false, errorMessage:'ID geçersiz!'}"); return; } // bu istisnai durum, sadece konfigürasyon veritabanına kaydedilmiyor if (entityName == "Configuration") { Provider.Configuration.SetFieldsByPostData(context.Request.Form); Provider.Configuration.Save(); context.Response.Write("{success:true}"); return; } // entitiyi kaydedelim BaseEntity entity = null; if (mid > 0) entity = (BaseEntity)Provider.Database.Read(Provider.GetEntityType(entityName), mid); else entity = Provider.CreateEntity(entityName); entity.SetFieldsByPostData(context.Request.Form); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { FilterParser filterParser = new FilterParser(where, entityName); where = filterParser.GetWhere(); foreach (var item in filterParser.GetNameValuePairs()) if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Form[item.Key])) entity.SetMemberValue(item.Key, item.Value); } entity.Save(); // entitiye ait Lang kayıtlarını kaydedelim Type langEntityType = Provider.GetEntityType(entityName + "Lang"); if (langEntityType != null) { Dictionary<int, NameValueCollection> langEntities = new Dictionary<int, NameValueCollection>(); Dictionary<int, string> langEntityFieldSum = new Dictionary<int, string>(); for (int i = 0; i < context.Request.Form.Count; i++) { string key = context.Request.Form.GetKey(i); if (key.Contains("_lang_")) { string[] parts = key.Split(new string[] { "_lang_" }, StringSplitOptions.None); int langId = int.Parse(parts[1]); string fieldName = parts[0]; string fieldVal = context.Request.Form[key]; if (!langEntities.ContainsKey(langId)) langEntities.Add(langId, new NameValueCollection()); langEntities[langId].Add(fieldName, fieldVal); if (!langEntityFieldSum.ContainsKey(langId)) langEntityFieldSum.Add(langId, ""); langEntityFieldSum[langId] += fieldVal; } } // içi boş olan langEntitileri kaldıralım foreach (var item in langEntityFieldSum) if (item.Value.Trim() == "") langEntities.Remove(item.Key); foreach (var item in langEntities) { BaseEntity langEntity = (BaseEntity)Provider.Database.Read(langEntityType, entityName + "Id = {0} AND LangId={1}", entity.Id, item.Key); if (langEntity == null) langEntity = Provider.CreateEntity(langEntityType); langEntity.SetFieldsByPostData(item.Value); langEntity.SetMemberValue(entityName + "Id", entity.Id); langEntity.SetMemberValue("LangId", item.Key); langEntity.Save(); } } context.Response.Write("{success:true}"); }
internal override string show() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(EntityName)) { return(Provider.GetResource("Select entity")); } Cinar.Database.Table tbl = Provider.Database.Tables[EntityName]; if (tbl == null) { return(Provider.GetResource("The table [entityName] coulnd't be found").Replace("[entityName]", EntityName)); } string pageUrl = Provider.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Provider.Request.Url.Authority + Provider.Request.RawUrl; CinarUriParser uriParser = new CinarUriParser(pageUrl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Provider.Request["delete"])) { deleteEntity(); Provider.Response.Redirect(Provider.Request["returnUrl"], true); return(String.Empty); //*** } FilterParser filterParser = new FilterParser(this.Filter, EntityName); string where = filterParser.GetWhere(); string sql = ""; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SQL)) { sql = String.Format(@" select {0} from {1} where {2} {3} order by {4} {5}", "*", this.EntityName, defaultWhere, String.IsNullOrEmpty(where) ? "" : ("and " + where), this.OrderBy, this.Ascending ? "asc" : "desc"); if (!ShowPaging) { sql = Provider.Database.AddLimitOffsetToSQL(sql, HowManyItems, Offset); } } else { Interpreter engine = Provider.GetInterpreter(SQL, this); engine.Parse(); engine.Execute(); sql = engine.Output; if (ShowPaging && sql.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("limit")) { return("Do not use limit in SQL with paging. DataList does it."); } if (!sql.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("order by")) { sql += " order by " + this.OrderBy + " " + (this.Ascending ? "asc":"desc"); } if (!ShowPaging && !sql.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("limit")) { sql = Provider.Database.AddLimitOffsetToSQL(sql, HowManyItems, Offset); } } string countSQL = ""; if (ShowPaging) { countSQL = "SELECT count(*) " + sql.Substring(sql.IndexOf("from", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (countSQL.LastIndexOf("order by", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { countSQL = countSQL.Substring(0, countSQL.LastIndexOf("order by", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } if (countSQL.LastIndexOf("group by", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { countSQL = countSQL.Substring(0, countSQL.LastIndexOf("group by", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } if (countSQL.LastIndexOf("having", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) { countSQL = countSQL.Substring(0, countSQL.LastIndexOf("having", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } sql = Provider.Database.AddPagingToSQL(sql, HowManyItems, pageNo); } data = Provider.Database.GetDataTable(sql, filterParser.GetParams()); Provider.Translate(EntityName, data); if (data.Rows.Count == 0) { return(""); } else { sb.Append(; } // paging if (this.ShowPaging) { /* * <ul class="pagination mbn mtn"> * <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i></a></li> * <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i></a></li> * <li class="active"><a href="#">1</a></li> * <li><a href="#">2</a></li> * <li><a href="#">...</a></li> * <li><a href="#">15</a></li> * <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li> * <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></a></li> * </ul> */ string prevPageLink = "", nextPageLink = ""; uriParser = new CinarUriParser(pageUrl); if (AjaxPaging) { uriParser.Path = "/GetModuleHtml.ashx"; uriParser.QueryPart["name"] = "DataList"; uriParser.QueryPart["id"] = this.Id.ToString(); } if (pageNo > 0) { uriParser.QueryPart["pageNo" + this.Id] = (pageNo - 1).ToString(); prevPageLink = String.Format("<li><a href=\"{0}\"{1}>{2}</a></li>", AjaxPaging ? "javascript:void()" : uriParser.Uri.ToString(), AjaxPaging ? " onclick=\"showDataListPage('" + uriParser.Uri + "', " + this.Id + ");\"" : "", LabelPrevPage == "Previous Page" ? Provider.GetModuleResource("Previous Page") : LabelPrevPage); } int count = Provider.Database.GetInt(countSQL, filterParser.GetParams()); string pagingWithNumbers = ""; //"<div class='pagingWithNumbers'>"; for (int i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling((decimal)count / (decimal)HowManyItems); i++) { uriParser.QueryPart["pageNo" + this.Id] = i.ToString(); pagingWithNumbers += String.Format("<li class=\"{3}\"><a href=\"{0}\"{1}>{2}</a></li>", AjaxPaging ? "javascript:void()" : uriParser.Uri.ToString(), AjaxPaging ? " onclick=\"showDataListPage('" + uriParser.Uri + "', " + this.Id + ");\"" : "", i + 1, pageNo == i ? "active":""); } //pagingWithNumbers += "</div>"; if ((pageNo + 1) * HowManyItems < count) { uriParser.QueryPart["pageNo" + this.Id] = (pageNo + 1).ToString(); nextPageLink = String.Format("<li><a href=\"{0}\"{1}>{2}</a></li>", AjaxPaging ? "javascript:void()" : uriParser.Uri.ToString(), AjaxPaging ? " onclick=\"showDataListPage('" + uriParser.Uri + "', " + this.Id + ");\"" : "", LabelNextPage == "Next Page" ? Provider.GetModuleResource("Next Page") : LabelNextPage); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prevPageLink) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextPageLink)) { sb.AppendFormat("<ul class=\"pagination mbn mtn\">{0} {1} {2}</ul>", prevPageLink, pagingWithNumbers, nextPageLink); } } return(sb.ToString()); }
private void getList() { string entityName = context.Request["entityName"]; string where = context.Request["extraFilter"] ?? ""; string orderBy = (context.Request["sort"] ?? "") + " " + (context.Request["dir"] ?? ""); if (orderBy != null) orderBy = orderBy.Replace("__", "."); string page = String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["start"]) ? "0" : context.Request["start"]; string limit = String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["limit"]) ? "20" : context.Request["limit"]; int fieldNo = 0; while (context.Request.Form["f_" + fieldNo] != null) { string op = context.Request.Form["o_" + fieldNo]; string field = context.Request.Form["f_" + fieldNo]; string val = context.Request.Form["c_" + fieldNo]; where += (where == "" ? "" : " AND ") + field + op + val; fieldNo++; } FilterParser filterParser = new FilterParser(where, entityName); where = filterParser.GetWhere(); object[] parameters = filterParser.GetParams(); DataTable dt = Provider.ReadList(Provider.GetEntityType(entityName), Int32.Parse(page) / Int32.Parse(limit), Int32.Parse(limit), orderBy, where, parameters); int totalCount = Provider.ReadListTotalCount(Provider.GetEntityType(entityName), where, parameters); List<string> jsonItems = new List<string>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string jsonItem = "{"; foreach (DataColumn dc in dr.Table.Columns) jsonItem += string.Format("{0}:{1},", dc.ColumnName.Replace(".", "__").ToJS(), dr[dc].ToJS()); jsonItem = jsonItem.Remove(jsonItem.Length - 1, 1); jsonItem += "}"; jsonItems.Add(jsonItem); } string res = "{root:[" + string.Join(",", jsonItems.ToArray()) + "], totalCount:" + totalCount + "}"; context.Response.Write(res); }
private void getEntityList() { string entityName = context.Request["entityName"]; string orderBy = context.Request["orderBy"] ?? "OrderNo"; string orderAsc = context.Request["orderAsc"] ?? "1"; Type tip = Provider.GetEntityType(entityName); string filter = context.Request["filter"] ?? ""; FilterParser filterParser = new FilterParser(filter, entityName); filter = filterParser.GetWhere(); string where = "where " + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) ? "1=1" : "(" + filter + ")"); IDatabaseEntity[] entities = currentDatabase.ReadList(tip, "select * from [" + entityName + "] " + where + " order by " + orderBy + (orderAsc == "1" ? "" : " desc"), filterParser.GetParams()).SafeCastToArray<IDatabaseEntity>(); context.Response.Write(entities.ToJSON()); }
private void getGridList() { string entityName = context.Request["entityName"]; string where = context.Request["extraFilter"] ?? ""; string orderBy = context.Request["orderBy"] ?? ""; string page = String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["page"]) ? "0" : context.Request["page"]; string limit = String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["limit"]) ? "20" : context.Request["limit"]; int fieldNo = 0; Type entityType = Provider.GetEntityType(entityName); BaseEntity sampleEntity = Provider.CreateEntity(entityType); while (context.Request.Form["f_" + fieldNo] != null) { string op = context.Request.Form["o_" + fieldNo]; string field = context.Request.Form["f_" + fieldNo]; string val = context.Request.Form["c_" + fieldNo]; where += (where == "" ? "" : " AND ") + field + op + val; fieldNo++; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.Request.Form["search"])) { string search = context.Request.Form["search"]; if (!search.Contains("%")) search = "%" + search + "%"; where += " AND " + sampleEntity.GetNameColumn() + "like" + search; } FilterParser filterParser = new FilterParser(where, entityName); where = filterParser.GetWhere(); DataTable dt = Provider.ReadList(entityType, Int32.Parse(page), Int32.Parse(limit), orderBy, where, filterParser.GetParams()); context.Response.Write("<table class=\"bk-grid\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n"); if (dt != null) { context.Response.Write("\t<tr>\n"); foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns) { if (dc.ColumnName == "_CinarRowNumber") continue; //*** string columnName = dc.ColumnName; string columnTitle = Provider.TranslateColumnName(entityName, columnName); context.Response.Write("\t\t<th id=\"h_" + dc.ColumnName + "\">" + columnTitle + "</th>\n"); } context.Response.Write("\t</tr>\n"); } if (dt != null) { if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) context.Response.Write("\t<tr><td style=\"padding:30px;text-align:center\" colspan=\"50\">" + Provider.GetResource("No record") + "</td></tr>\n"); else for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i]; context.Response.Write("\t<tr id=\"r_" + dr[0] + "\">\n"); foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns) { if (dc.ColumnName == "_CinarRowNumber") continue; //*** object valObj = dr[dc.ColumnName]; string dispVal = ""; if (dr.IsNull(dc)) dispVal = ""; else if (dc.DataType == typeof(Boolean)) dispVal = ((bool)valObj) ? Provider.GetResource("Yes") : Provider.GetResource("No"); else if (dc.DataType == typeof(String)) { string str = Regex.Replace(valObj.ToString(), "<.*?>", string.Empty); if (str.Length > 50) dispVal = CMSUtility.HtmlEncode(str.StrCrop(50)); // str.Substring(0, 50) + "..." else dispVal = str; } else if (dc.DataType == typeof(DateTime)) { dispVal = ((DateTime)valObj).ToString(Provider.Configuration.DefaultDateFormat); } else dispVal = valObj.ToString(); context.Response.Write("\t\t<td value=\"" + CMSUtility.HtmlEncode(valObj) + "\">" + dispVal + "</td>\n"); } context.Response.Write("\t</tr>\n"); } } context.Response.Write("</table>"); }
internal override string show() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(EntityName)) return Provider.GetResource("Select entity"); Cinar.Database.Table tbl = Provider.Database.Tables[EntityName]; if(tbl==null) return Provider.GetResource("The table [entityName] coulnd't be found").Replace("[entityName]", EntityName); string pageUrl = Provider.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Provider.Request.Url.Authority + Provider.Request.RawUrl; CinarUriParser uriParser = new CinarUriParser(pageUrl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Provider.Request["delete"])) { deleteEntity(); uriParser.QueryPart.Remove("delete"); pageUrl = uriParser.ToString(); } BaseEntity testEntity = Provider.CreateEntity(EntityName); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ShowFields)) ShowFields = String.Format("{0},Visible", testEntity.GetNameColumn()); StringBuilder sbFrom = new StringBuilder(); sbFrom.AppendFormat("[{0}]\n", EntityName); // generate SQL string[] showFieldsArr = ShowFields.Split(','); string[] showFieldsArrWithAs = new string[showFieldsArr.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < showFieldsArr.Length; i++) { string field = showFieldsArr[i]; PropertyInfo pi = testEntity.GetType().GetProperty(field); EditFormFieldPropsAttribute attrib = (EditFormFieldPropsAttribute)CMSUtility.GetAttribute(pi, typeof(EditFormFieldPropsAttribute)); ColumnDetailAttribute fieldProps = (ColumnDetailAttribute)CMSUtility.GetAttribute(pi, typeof(ColumnDetailAttribute)); string caption = Provider.GetResource(pi.DeclaringType.Name + "." + pi.Name); if (fieldProps.References != null) { BaseEntity testRefEntity = Provider.CreateEntity(fieldProps.References.Name); showFieldsArrWithAs[i] = "T"+field + "." + testRefEntity.GetNameColumn() + " as [" + caption + "]"; sbFrom.AppendFormat("\tleft join [{0}] as {1} ON {1}.{2} = [{3}].{4}\n", fieldProps.References.Name, "T"+field, "Id", EntityName, field); } else showFieldsArrWithAs[i] = EntityName + "." + field + " as [" + caption + "]"; } ShowFields = String.Join(",", showFieldsArrWithAs); ShowFields = EntityName+".Id," + ShowFields; FilterParser filterParser = new FilterParser(this.Filter, EntityName); string where = filterParser.GetWhere(); int pageNo = 0; Int32.TryParse(Provider.Request["pageNo"], out pageNo); string sql = Provider.Database.AddPagingToSQL(String.Format(@" select {0} from {1} where 1=1 {2} order by {3} {4} ", ShowFields, sbFrom.ToString(), String.IsNullOrEmpty(where) ? "" : ("and " + where), EntityName + "." + this.OrderBy, this.Ascending ? "asc" : "desc"), HowManyItems, pageNo); DataTable dt = Provider.Database.GetDataTable(sql, filterParser.GetParams()); sb.Append("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">\n"); // header sb.Append("<tr class=\"header\">\n"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) continue; string colName = dt.Columns[i].ColumnName; string img = ""; uriParser.QueryPart["orderBy"] = showFieldsArr[i - 1]; if (this.OrderBy == showFieldsArr[i - 1]) { uriParser.QueryPart["ascending"] = (!this.Ascending).ToString(); img = this.Ascending ? " (asc)" : " (desc)"; } else uriParser.QueryPart["ascending"] = "True"; sb.AppendFormat("<td><a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>{2}</td>\n", uriParser.ToString(), colName, img); } if (this.Editable) sb.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>\n", " "); if (this.Deletable) sb.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>\n", " "); sb.Append("</tr>\n"); string nameField = testEntity.GetNameColumn(); // data uriParser = new CinarUriParser(pageUrl); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { sb.Append("<tr class=\"data\">\n"); string editUrl = this.EditPage + "?item=" + dr[0] + "&returnUrl=" + Provider.Server.UrlEncode(Provider.Request.RawUrl); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) continue; object data = (dr.IsNull(i) || dr[i].Equals("")) ? " " : dr[i]; if (showFieldsArr[i-1] == nameField && this.Editable) data = "<a href=\"" + editUrl + "\">" + data + "</a>"; if (dr.Table.Columns[i].DataType == typeof(bool)) data = ((bool)data) ? Provider.GetResource("Yes") : Provider.GetResource("No"); sb.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>\n", data); } if (this.Deletable) { uriParser.QueryPart["delete"] = dr[0].ToString(); sb.AppendFormat("<td><span class=\"cbtn cdelete\" onclick=\"if(confirm('Kayýt silinecek!')) location.href='{0}'\"></span></td>\n", uriParser.ToString()); } if (this.Editable) sb.AppendFormat("<td><span class=\"cbtn cedit\" onclick=\"location.href='{0}'\"></span></td>\n", editUrl); sb.Append("</tr>\n"); } // paging string prevPageLink = "", nextPageLink = ""; uriParser = new CinarUriParser(pageUrl); if (pageNo > 0) { uriParser.QueryPart["pageNo"] = (pageNo - 1).ToString(); prevPageLink = String.Format("<a href=\"{0}\"><< {1}</a> ", uriParser.Uri.ToString(), Provider.GetModuleResource("Previous Page")); } if (dt.Rows.Count == HowManyItems) { uriParser.QueryPart["pageNo"] = (pageNo + 1).ToString(); nextPageLink = String.Format(" <a href=\"{0}\">{1} >></a>", uriParser.Uri.ToString(), Provider.GetModuleResource("Next Page")); } sb.AppendFormat("<tr class=\"footer\"><td colspan=\"100\">{0} {1}</td></tr>\n", prevPageLink, nextPageLink); sb.Append("</table>\n"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NewRecordLink)) { sb.AppendFormat("<p class=\"newRec\"><a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a></p>\n", this.EditPage + "?returnUrl=" + Provider.Server.UrlEncode(Provider.Request.RawUrl), NewRecordLink); } return sb.ToString(); }
internal override string show() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(EntityName)) return Provider.GetResource("Select entity"); Cinar.Database.Table tbl = Provider.Database.Tables[EntityName]; if (tbl == null) return Provider.GetResource("The table [entityName] coulnd't be found").Replace("[entityName]", EntityName); string pageUrl = Provider.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Provider.Request.Url.Authority + Provider.Request.RawUrl; CinarUriParser uriParser = new CinarUriParser(pageUrl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Provider.Request["delete"])) { deleteEntity(); Provider.Response.Redirect(Provider.Request["returnUrl"], true); return String.Empty; //*** } FilterParser filterParser = new FilterParser(this.Filter, EntityName); string where = filterParser.GetWhere(); string sql = ""; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SQL)) { sql = String.Format(@" select {0} from {1} where {2} {3} order by {4} {5}", "*", this.EntityName, defaultWhere, String.IsNullOrEmpty(where) ? "" : ("and " + where), this.OrderBy, this.Ascending ? "asc" : "desc"); if (!ShowPaging) sql = Provider.Database.AddLimitOffsetToSQL(sql, HowManyItems, Offset); } else { Interpreter engine = Provider.GetInterpreter(SQL, this); engine.Parse(); engine.Execute(); sql = engine.Output; if (ShowPaging && sql.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("limit")) return "Do not use limit in SQL with paging. DataList does it."; if (!sql.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("order by")) sql += " order by " + this.OrderBy + " " + (this.Ascending ? "asc":"desc"); if (!ShowPaging && !sql.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("limit")) sql = Provider.Database.AddLimitOffsetToSQL(sql, HowManyItems, Offset); } string countSQL = ""; if (ShowPaging) { countSQL = "SELECT count(*) " + sql.Substring(sql.IndexOf("from", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (countSQL.LastIndexOf("order by", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) countSQL = countSQL.Substring(0, countSQL.LastIndexOf("order by", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (countSQL.LastIndexOf("group by", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) countSQL = countSQL.Substring(0, countSQL.LastIndexOf("group by", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (countSQL.LastIndexOf("having", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1) countSQL = countSQL.Substring(0, countSQL.LastIndexOf("having", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); sql = Provider.Database.AddPagingToSQL(sql, HowManyItems, pageNo); } data = Provider.Database.GetDataTable(sql, filterParser.GetParams()); Provider.Translate(EntityName, data); if (data.Rows.Count == 0) return ""; else sb.Append(; // paging if (this.ShowPaging) { /* <ul class="pagination mbn mtn"> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i></a></li> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i></a></li> <li class="active"><a href="#">1</a></li> <li><a href="#">2</a></li> <li><a href="#">...</a></li> <li><a href="#">15</a></li> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li> <li><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i></a></li> </ul> */ string prevPageLink = "", nextPageLink = ""; uriParser = new CinarUriParser(pageUrl); if (AjaxPaging) { uriParser.Path = "/GetModuleHtml.ashx"; uriParser.QueryPart["name"] = "DataList"; uriParser.QueryPart["id"] = this.Id.ToString(); } if (pageNo > 0) { uriParser.QueryPart["pageNo" + this.Id] = (pageNo - 1).ToString(); prevPageLink = String.Format("<li><a href=\"{0}\"{1}>{2}</a></li>", AjaxPaging ? "javascript:void()" : uriParser.Uri.ToString(), AjaxPaging ? " onclick=\"showDataListPage('" + uriParser.Uri + "', " + this.Id + ");\"" : "", LabelPrevPage == "Previous Page" ? Provider.GetModuleResource("Previous Page") : LabelPrevPage); } int count = Provider.Database.GetInt(countSQL, filterParser.GetParams()); string pagingWithNumbers = ""; //"<div class='pagingWithNumbers'>"; for (int i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling((decimal) count / (decimal)HowManyItems); i++) { uriParser.QueryPart["pageNo" + this.Id] = i.ToString(); pagingWithNumbers += String.Format("<li class=\"{3}\"><a href=\"{0}\"{1}>{2}</a></li>", AjaxPaging ? "javascript:void()" : uriParser.Uri.ToString(), AjaxPaging ? " onclick=\"showDataListPage('" + uriParser.Uri + "', " + this.Id + ");\"" : "", i + 1, pageNo==i ? "active":""); } //pagingWithNumbers += "</div>"; if ((pageNo+1)*HowManyItems<count) { uriParser.QueryPart["pageNo" + this.Id] = (pageNo + 1).ToString(); nextPageLink = String.Format("<li><a href=\"{0}\"{1}>{2}</a></li>", AjaxPaging ? "javascript:void()" : uriParser.Uri.ToString(), AjaxPaging ? " onclick=\"showDataListPage('" + uriParser.Uri + "', " + this.Id + ");\"" : "", LabelNextPage == "Next Page" ? Provider.GetModuleResource("Next Page") : LabelNextPage); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prevPageLink) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextPageLink)) sb.AppendFormat("<ul class=\"pagination mbn mtn\">{0} {1} {2}</ul>", prevPageLink, pagingWithNumbers, nextPageLink); } return sb.ToString(); }
private Content getContent() { if (this.filter == "") return Provider.Content; //*** FilterParser filterForContent = new FilterParser(this.filter, "Content"); string where = filterForContent.GetWhere(); string sql = @" select distinct top 1 * from Content where Content.Visible=1" + (where != "" ? " AND " + where : ""); IDatabaseEntity[] contents = Provider.Database.ReadList(typeof(Entities.Content), sql, filterForContent.GetParams()).SafeCastToArray<IDatabaseEntity>(); Provider.Translate(contents); return contents.Length > 0 ? (Entities.Content)contents[0] : null; }
public static IDatabaseEntity[] GetIdNameList(string entityName, string extraWhere, string simpleWhere) { Type tip = Provider.GetEntityType(entityName); BaseEntity sampleEntity = Provider.CreateEntity(entityName); extraWhere = extraWhere.Replace("_nameField_", sampleEntity.GetNameColumn()); FilterParser filterParser = new FilterParser(extraWhere, entityName); extraWhere = filterParser.GetWhere(); string where = "where " + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(simpleWhere) ? "1=1" : simpleWhere) + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(extraWhere) ? "" : " AND (" + extraWhere + ")"); IDatabaseEntity[] entities = Provider.Database.ReadList(tip, "select Id, [" + sampleEntity.GetNameColumn() + "] from [" + entityName + "]" + where + " order by [" + sampleEntity.GetNameColumn() + "]", filterParser.GetParams()).SafeCastToArray<IDatabaseEntity>(); return entities; }
internal override string show() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(EntityName)) { return(Provider.GetResource("Select entity")); } Cinar.Database.Table tbl = Provider.Database.Tables[EntityName]; if (tbl == null) { return(Provider.GetResource("The table [entityName] coulnd't be found").Replace("[entityName]", EntityName)); } string pageUrl = Provider.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Provider.Request.Url.Authority + Provider.Request.RawUrl; CinarUriParser uriParser = new CinarUriParser(pageUrl); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Provider.Request["delete"])) { deleteEntity(); uriParser.QueryPart.Remove("delete"); pageUrl = uriParser.ToString(); } BaseEntity testEntity = Provider.CreateEntity(EntityName); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ShowFields)) { ShowFields = String.Format("{0},Visible", testEntity.GetNameColumn()); } StringBuilder sbFrom = new StringBuilder(); sbFrom.AppendFormat("[{0}]\n", EntityName); // generate SQL string[] showFieldsArr = ShowFields.Split(','); string[] showFieldsArrWithAs = new string[showFieldsArr.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < showFieldsArr.Length; i++) { string field = showFieldsArr[i]; PropertyInfo pi = testEntity.GetType().GetProperty(field); EditFormFieldPropsAttribute attrib = (EditFormFieldPropsAttribute)CMSUtility.GetAttribute(pi, typeof(EditFormFieldPropsAttribute)); ColumnDetailAttribute fieldProps = (ColumnDetailAttribute)CMSUtility.GetAttribute(pi, typeof(ColumnDetailAttribute)); string caption = Provider.GetResource(pi.DeclaringType.Name + "." + pi.Name); if (fieldProps.References != null) { BaseEntity testRefEntity = Provider.CreateEntity(fieldProps.References.Name); showFieldsArrWithAs[i] = "T" + field + "." + testRefEntity.GetNameColumn() + " as [" + caption + "]"; sbFrom.AppendFormat("\tleft join [{0}] as {1} ON {1}.{2} = [{3}].{4}\n", fieldProps.References.Name, "T" + field, "Id", EntityName, field); } else { showFieldsArrWithAs[i] = EntityName + "." + field + " as [" + caption + "]"; } } ShowFields = String.Join(",", showFieldsArrWithAs); ShowFields = EntityName + ".Id," + ShowFields; FilterParser filterParser = new FilterParser(this.Filter, EntityName); string where = filterParser.GetWhere(); int pageNo = 0; Int32.TryParse(Provider.Request["pageNo"], out pageNo); string sql = Provider.Database.AddPagingToSQL(String.Format(@" select {0} from {1} where 1=1 {2} order by {3} {4} ", ShowFields, sbFrom.ToString(), String.IsNullOrEmpty(where) ? "" : ("and " + where), EntityName + "." + this.OrderBy, this.Ascending ? "asc" : "desc"), HowManyItems, pageNo); DataTable dt = Provider.Database.GetDataTable(sql, filterParser.GetParams()); sb.Append("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">\n"); // header sb.Append("<tr class=\"header\">\n"); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { continue; } string colName = dt.Columns[i].ColumnName; string img = ""; uriParser.QueryPart["orderBy"] = showFieldsArr[i - 1]; if (this.OrderBy == showFieldsArr[i - 1]) { uriParser.QueryPart["ascending"] = (!this.Ascending).ToString(); img = this.Ascending ? " (asc)" : " (desc)"; } else { uriParser.QueryPart["ascending"] = "True"; } sb.AppendFormat("<td><a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>{2}</td>\n", uriParser.ToString(), colName, img); } if (this.Editable) { sb.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>\n", " "); } if (this.Deletable) { sb.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>\n", " "); } sb.Append("</tr>\n"); string nameField = testEntity.GetNameColumn(); // data uriParser = new CinarUriParser(pageUrl); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { sb.Append("<tr class=\"data\">\n"); string editUrl = this.EditPage + "?item=" + dr[0] + "&returnUrl=" + Provider.Server.UrlEncode(Provider.Request.RawUrl); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { continue; } object data = (dr.IsNull(i) || dr[i].Equals("")) ? " " : dr[i]; if (showFieldsArr[i - 1] == nameField && this.Editable) { data = "<a href=\"" + editUrl + "\">" + data + "</a>"; } if (dr.Table.Columns[i].DataType == typeof(bool)) { data = ((bool)data) ? Provider.GetResource("Yes") : Provider.GetResource("No"); } sb.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>\n", data); } if (this.Deletable) { uriParser.QueryPart["delete"] = dr[0].ToString(); sb.AppendFormat("<td><span class=\"cbtn cdelete\" onclick=\"if(confirm('Kayýt silinecek!')) location.href='{0}'\"></span></td>\n", uriParser.ToString()); } if (this.Editable) { sb.AppendFormat("<td><span class=\"cbtn cedit\" onclick=\"location.href='{0}'\"></span></td>\n", editUrl); } sb.Append("</tr>\n"); } // paging string prevPageLink = "", nextPageLink = ""; uriParser = new CinarUriParser(pageUrl); if (pageNo > 0) { uriParser.QueryPart["pageNo"] = (pageNo - 1).ToString(); prevPageLink = String.Format("<a href=\"{0}\"><< {1}</a> ", uriParser.Uri.ToString(), Provider.GetModuleResource("Previous Page")); } if (dt.Rows.Count == HowManyItems) { uriParser.QueryPart["pageNo"] = (pageNo + 1).ToString(); nextPageLink = String.Format(" <a href=\"{0}\">{1} >></a>", uriParser.Uri.ToString(), Provider.GetModuleResource("Next Page")); } sb.AppendFormat("<tr class=\"footer\"><td colspan=\"100\">{0} {1}</td></tr>\n", prevPageLink, nextPageLink); sb.Append("</table>\n"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(NewRecordLink)) { sb.AppendFormat("<p class=\"newRec\"><a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a></p>\n", this.EditPage + "?returnUrl=" + Provider.Server.UrlEncode(Provider.Request.RawUrl), NewRecordLink); } return(sb.ToString()); }