public void SignIn_should_add_adminUser_to_session_when_email_and_password_match_user_in_database() { var adminUser = new AdminUser(); var fakeSession = new Mock<HttpSessionStateBase>(); fakeSession.Setup(x => x.Add(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<object>())).Verifiable(); service.SignIn(adminUser, fakeSession.Object); fakeSession.Verify(x=>x.Add(It.Is<string>(y=>y == "adminUser"), It.IsAny<object>()), Times.AtLeastOnce()); }
public void SignIn(AdminUser adminUser, HttpSessionStateBase session) { if (adminUser == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Invalid authentication"); } formsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(adminUser.Name, false); session.Add("adminUser", adminUser); }
public void LogOn_should_redirect_to_Index_action_on_HomeController_when_user_is_valid_and_url_is_not_local() { AdminUser adminUser = new AdminUser(); service.Setup(x => x.IsValidUser(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), out adminUser)).Returns(true).Verifiable(); service.Setup(x => x.SignIn(It.IsAny<AdminUser>(), It.IsAny<HttpSessionStateBase>())).Verifiable(); //var mockUrlHelper = new Mock<UrlHelper>(); //mockUrlHelper.Setup(x => x.IsLocalUrl(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(false); var controllerContext = Fakes.MockedContext(); var routes = new RouteCollection(); controller.ControllerContext = controllerContext.Object; controller.Url = new UrlHelper(new RequestContext(controllerContext.Object.HttpContext, new RouteData()), routes); var action = controller.LogOn(new LogOnModel(), "") as RedirectResult; Assert.That(action.Url, Is.EqualTo("/Home/Index")); }
public void ThisMethod_should_create_data_for_ChopShop_when_it_is_executed() { using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)) { // Create Categories var engines = new Category { Name = "Engines", Description = "All the engines you can imagine" }; var tyres = new Category { Name = "Tyres", Description = "We have round tyres and square tyres!" }; var parts = new Category { Name = "Body Parts", Description = "Doors, Wings and all sorts of Panels" }; var cars = new Category { Name = "Cars", Description = "All shapes, most sizes, lots of prices" }; var lorries = new Category { Name = "Lorries", Description = "Red ones, Yellow ones and even Blue ones" }; var bicycles = new Category { Name = "Bicycles", Description = "Some of these have two wheels - some have only one" }; var bicycleParts = new Category { Name = "Bicycle Parts", Description = "Derailleurs, Gears, Pedals" }; engines.Parent = cars; tyres.Parent = cars; bicycleParts.Parent = bicycles; parts.Parent = lorries; var categories = new List<Category> { engines, tyres, parts, cars, lorries, bicycles, bicycleParts }; foreach (var category in categories) { session.Save(category); } // Create Products var bluepedal = new Product { Name = "Blue Pedal", Description = "This pedal is blue", Quantity = 10, Sku = "BluePedal0001" }; var redpedal = new Product { Name = "Red Pedal", Description = "This pedal is red", Quantity = 3, Sku = "RedPedal0002" }; var bigEngine = new Product { Name = "3.0 L V12", Description = "This is a fast one", Sku = "Eng00v12", Quantity = 2 }; var products = new List<Product> { bluepedal, redpedal, bigEngine }; products.AddRange(GetProducts()); foreach (var product in products) { session.Save(product); } // Associate Categories To Products bicycleParts.Products = new List<Product> { bluepedal, redpedal }; engines.Products = new List<Product> { bigEngine }; session.SaveOrUpdate(bicycleParts); session.SaveOrUpdate(engines); var adminUser = new AdminUser { Email = "*****@*****.**", Name = "admin", Password = "******" }; session.SaveOrUpdate(adminUser); tx.Commit(); } }
public bool IsValidUser(string email, string password,out AdminUser adminUser) { adminUser = adminService.GetUserForLogin(email, password); return adminUser != null; }
public void LogOn_should_redirect_to_URL_requested_when_user_is_valid_and_url_is_local() { AdminUser adminUser = new AdminUser(); service.Setup(x => x.IsValidUser(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), out adminUser)).Returns(true).Verifiable(); service.Setup(x => x.SignIn(It.IsAny<AdminUser>(), It.IsAny<HttpSessionStateBase>())).Verifiable(); var routes = new RouteCollection(); controller.ControllerContext = Fakes.MockedContext().Object; controller.Url = new UrlHelper(new RequestContext(Fakes.MockedContext().Object.HttpContext, new RouteData()), routes); var action = controller.LogOn(new LogOnModel(), "/Product/List") as RedirectResult; Assert.That(action.Url, Is.EqualTo("/Product/List")); }