private void BrowseForEditorToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_sourceBtn == null) { _sourceBtn = (AttachPanel)mnuAttach.SourceControl; } if (_sourceBtn == null) return; BrowseAndOpenFile(_sourceBtn.Pointer); }
private void MnuAttachOpening(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { _sourceBtn = mnuAttach.SourceControl as AttachPanel; }
private void UseDefaultApplicationToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_sourceBtn == null) { _sourceBtn = (AttachPanel)mnuAttach.SourceControl; } if (_sourceBtn == null) return; OpenFile(_sourceBtn.Pointer); }
private void SaveToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_sourceBtn == null) { _sourceBtn = (AttachPanel)mnuAttach.SourceControl; } SaveFile(_sourceBtn.Pointer); }
private void PreviewToolStripMenuItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { //fire click to preview attachment if (_sourceBtn == null) { _sourceBtn = (AttachPanel)mnuAttach.SourceControl; } AttachmentClick(_sourceBtn.Pointer); }
internal static void LoadAttachments(Outlook.MailItem item, string[] pointers,string baseUrl, Account account, string senderAddress, string serverName, string serverPort, string encryptKey, string encryptKey2, List<string> EmbeddedFileNames, ref Dictionary<string,Attachment> attachList, ref Dictionary<string, Redemption.Attachment> embedded, ref Panel panelAttach, ref int upperWidth, ref int upperHeight) { const string SOURCE = CLASS_NAME + "LoadAttachments"; SafeMailItem safMail; try { safMail = RedemptionLoader.new_SafeMailItem(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warning(SOURCE,string.Format( "unable to load attachments for {0}, error instantiating SafeMailItem: {1}", item.Subject,ex.Message)); return; } safMail.Item = item; var safAttachments = safMail.Attachments; var index = 0; foreach (Redemption.Attachment safAttach in safAttachments) { index++; var attach = new Attachment { Index = index, Name = safAttach.DisplayName }; if (EmbeddedFileNames.Contains(safAttach.DisplayName)) continue; var btn = new AttachPanel { Caption = safAttach.DisplayName }; switch (safAttach.Type) { case 1: //byvalue if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pointers[index])) continue; //is it hidden or have contentId string contentId; bool hidden; GetAttachProps(safAttach, out contentId, out hidden); if (hidden) { continue; } attach.Pointer = pointers[index]; //get the image var container = ShellIcons.GetIconForFile( attach.Name, true, false); btn.Picture = container.Icon.ToBitmap(); btn.Pointer = attach.Pointer; attachList.Add(attach.Pointer, attach); break; case 5: //embedded - will have null/0 pointer btn.Pointer = "embedded:" + index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); embedded.Add(btn.Pointer, safAttach); //use default envelope picture for button break; } panelAttach.Controls.Add(btn); if (btn.Width > upperWidth) upperWidth = btn.Width; if (btn.Height > upperHeight) upperHeight = btn.Height; } }
private void LoadAttachments() { var index = 0; var upperWidth = 0; var upperHeight = 0; panelAttach.Controls.Clear(); foreach (Redemption.Attachment rdoAttach in _attachments) { index++; var btn = new AttachPanel { Caption = rdoAttach.DisplayName, Pointer = index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }; switch (rdoAttach.Type) { case 1: //byvalue //is it hidden or have contentId string contentId; bool hidden; Utils.GetAttachProps(rdoAttach, out contentId, out hidden); if (!hidden) { //get the image var container = ShellIcons.GetIconForFile( rdoAttach.DisplayName, true, false); btn.Picture = container.Icon.ToBitmap(); } break; case 5: //embedded //use default envelope picture for button break; default: //skip other types continue; } panelAttach.Controls.Add(btn); if (btn.Width > upperWidth) upperWidth = btn.Width; if (btn.Height > upperHeight) upperHeight = btn.Height; } //adjust all to same (upper) Width for (var i = 0; i < panelAttach.Controls.Count; i++) { var btn = (AttachPanel)panelAttach.Controls[i]; //hook up the event handler btn.PanelDblClick += AttachmentDoubleClick; if (btn.Width < upperWidth) { btn.AutoSize = false; btn.Width = upperWidth; btn.Height = upperHeight; } } }