Inheritance: IModifiable
コード例 #1
ファイル: Pawn.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        public override bool IsLegalMove(Square[][] board, Move move, IEnumerable<Move> pastMoves = null)
            var defender = GetDestinationPiece(board, move);

            if (move.RowChange != LegalDirectionByTeam())
                if (!ValidOpeningPushWithNoDefender(board, move))
                    return false;

            if (move.ColumnChange != 0)


                if (defender == null && !IsLegalEnPassant(board, move, pastMoves))
                    return false;

                ValidateNotAttackingSameTeam(board, move);

                return true;

            if (defender != null)
                throw new Exception("There is a piece in the way!");

            return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Knight.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        public override IEnumerable<Move> GetValidMoves(Square[][] board)
            var legalMoves = new List<Move>();

            if (!CurrentColumn.HasValue || !CurrentRow.HasValue || !Alive) return legalMoves;

            var column = CurrentColumn.Value;
            var row = CurrentRow.Value;

            var possibleEndPositions = PossibleEndPositions(column, row);

            foreach (var position in possibleEndPositions)
                var newRow = position.Row;
                var newColumn = position.Column;

                if (EndPositionIsWithinBounds(newRow, newColumn))
                    var occupant = board[newRow][newColumn].ChessPiece;

                    if (occupant == null || occupant.Team != Team)
                        legalMoves.Add(SetupNewMove(newRow, newColumn));

            return legalMoves;
コード例 #3
ファイル: King.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        public bool IsLegalCastle(Square[][] board, Move move)
            var source = board[move.StartRow][move.StartColumn];
            var destination = board[move.EndRow][move.EndColumn];
            var direction = GetMovementModifier(move.ColumnChange);

            var rook = direction > 0
                ? board[move.EndRow][7].ChessPiece
                : board[move.EndRow][0].ChessPiece;

            if (move.RowChange != 0)
                throw new Exception("Illegal move.");
            if (MoveCount > 0)
                throw new Exception("You may only castle if your king has not moved yet.");
            if (destination.ChessPiece != null)
                throw new Exception("You may not castle to an occupied square.");
            if (rook == null || rook.PieceType != Data.Enum.PieceType.Rook || rook.MoveCount > 0)
                throw new Exception("The rook on that side has already moved.");
            if (HasCollision(board, move))
                throw new Exception("There is a piece in the way of the castle.");
            if (IsInCheck(board))
                throw new Exception("You may not castle while in check.");
            if (destination.TargetedByTeam(board, GetOppositeTeam()))
                throw new Exception("You may not castle into check.");

            return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Rook.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        public override bool IsLegalMove(Square[][] board, Move move, IEnumerable<Move> pastMoves = null)
            ValidateNotAttackingSameTeam(board, move);

            if (move.RowChange != 0 && move.ColumnChange != 0)
                throw new Exception("You only move horizontal or vertical with a rook.");
            if (HasCollision(board, move))
                throw new Exception("There is a piece between you and your destination.");

            return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Bishop.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        public override bool IsLegalMove(Square[][] board, Move move, IEnumerable<Move> pastMoves = null)
            ValidateNotAttackingSameTeam(board, move);

            if (Math.Abs(move.RowChange) != Math.Abs(move.ColumnChange))
                throw new Exception("You may only move diagonally with a bishop.");
            if (HasCollision(board, move))
                throw new Exception("There is a piece between your bishop and your destination!");

            return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Queen.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        public override bool IsLegalMove(Square[][] board, Move move, IEnumerable<Move> pastMoves = null)
            ValidateNotAttackingSameTeam(board, move);

            if (!HasLegalMovementModifiers(move))
                throw new Exception("You may move diagonal, vertical, or horizontal with a queen.");
            if (HasCollision(board, move))
                throw new Exception("There is a piece between your queen and your destination!");

            return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Knight.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        public override bool IsLegalMove(Square[][] board, Move move, IEnumerable<Move> pastMoves = null)
            ValidateNotAttackingSameTeam(board, move);

            if (!InBounds(move.EndRow, move.EndColumn))
                throw new Exception("You have moved out of bounds!");
            if (!IsValidKnightMove(move)) //L-movement
                throw new Exception("You may only move in a proper 'L' pattern for a knight.");

            return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: King.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        public bool IsInCheck(Square[][] board)
            if (Alive && CurrentColumn.HasValue && CurrentRow.HasValue)
                var square = board[CurrentRow.Value][CurrentColumn.Value];

                var team = GetOppositeTeam();

                if (square.TargetedByTeam(board, team))
                    return true;
            return false;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Bishop.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        public override IEnumerable<Move> GetValidMoves(Square[][] board)
            var legalMoves = new List<Move>();

            if (!CurrentColumn.HasValue || !CurrentRow.HasValue || !Alive) return legalMoves;

            var column = CurrentColumn.Value;
            var row = CurrentRow.Value;

            var endPositions = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();

            GetDiagonalMoves(board, row, column, endPositions);

            legalMoves.AddRange(endPositions.Select(p => SetupNewMove(p.Item1, p.Item2)));

            return legalMoves;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Pawn.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        public override IEnumerable<Move> GetValidMoves(Square[][] board)
            var legalMoves = new List<Move>();

            if (!CurrentColumn.HasValue || !CurrentRow.HasValue || !Alive) return legalMoves;

            var column = CurrentColumn.Value;
            var row = CurrentRow.Value;
            var newRow = row + LegalDirectionByTeam();

            var openingMove = SetupNewMove(newRow + 1, column);
            var normalMove = SetupNewMove(newRow, column);

            if (board[normalMove.EndRow][normalMove.EndColumn].ChessPiece == null)

                if (ValidOpeningPushWithNoDefender(board, openingMove))

            if (column - 1 >= 0)
                var attackLeft = SetupNewMove(newRow, column - 1);
                var leftOccupant = board[attackLeft.EndRow][attackLeft.EndColumn].ChessPiece;

                if (leftOccupant != null && leftOccupant.Team != Team)

            if (column + 1 < 8)
                var attackRight = SetupNewMove(newRow, column + 1);
                var rightOccupant = board[attackRight.EndRow][attackRight.EndColumn].ChessPiece;

                if (rightOccupant != null && rightOccupant.Team != Team)

            return legalMoves;
コード例 #11
ファイル: King.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        public override System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Move> GetValidMoves(Square[][] board)
            var legalMoves = new List<Move>();

            if (!CurrentColumn.HasValue || !CurrentRow.HasValue || !Alive) return legalMoves;

            var column = CurrentColumn.Value;
            var row = CurrentRow.Value;

            var possibleEndPosition = new[]
                new Tuple<int, int>(row, column + 1),
                new Tuple<int, int>(row, column - 1),
                new Tuple<int, int>(row + 1, column + 1),
                new Tuple<int, int>(row + 1, column - 1),
                new Tuple<int, int>(row - 1, column + 1),
                new Tuple<int, int>(row - 1, column - 1),
                new Tuple<int, int>(row + 1, column),
                new Tuple<int, int>(row - 1, column),

            foreach (var position in possibleEndPosition)
                var newRow = position.Item1;
                var newColumn = position.Item2;

                if (newRow < 8 && newRow >= 0)
                    if (newColumn < 8 && newColumn >= 0)
                        var occupant = board[newRow][newColumn].ChessPiece;
                        if (occupant == null || occupant.Team != Team)
                            legalMoves.Add(SetupNewMove(newRow, newColumn));

            return legalMoves;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Square.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        public bool TargetedByTeam(Square[][] board, Enum.Team team)
            foreach (var row in board)
                foreach (var square in row.Where(square => square.ChessPiece != null && square.ChessPiece.Team == team))
                    var possibleMove = new Move
                        EndColumn = Column,
                        EndRow = Row,
                        StartColumn = square.Column,
                        StartRow = square.Row

                        if (square.ChessPiece.IsLegalMove(board, possibleMove))
                            return true;
            return false;
コード例 #13
 protected ChessPiece GetAttacker(Square[][] board, Move move)
     return board[move.StartRow][move.StartColumn].ChessPiece;
コード例 #14
 public abstract bool IsLegalMove(Square[][] board, Move move, IEnumerable<Move> pastMoves = null);
コード例 #15
        public void Move(Square[][] board, Move move)
            DestroyOccupant(board, move);

            board[move.EndRow][move.EndColumn].ChessPiece = this;
            board[move.StartRow][move.StartColumn].ChessPiece = null;

            CurrentColumn = move.EndColumn;
            CurrentRow = move.EndRow;
コード例 #16
        private void DestroyOccupant(Square[][] board, Move move)
            var occupant = GetDestinationPiece(board, move);

            if (occupant != null)
                occupant.Alive = false;
                occupant.CurrentColumn = null;
                occupant.CurrentRow = null;
コード例 #17
 public abstract IEnumerable<Move> GetValidMoves(Square[][] board);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Board.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
 public Board(Square[][] board)
     Squares = board;
コード例 #19
        protected void ValidateNotAttackingSameTeam(Square[][] board, Move move)
            var attacker = GetAttacker(board, move);
            var occupant = GetDestinationPiece(board, move);

            if (occupant != null && occupant.Team == attacker.Team)
                throw new Exception("You may not attack the same team.");
コード例 #20
 protected void GetHorizontalMoves(Square[][] board, int row, int column, List<Tuple<int, int>> endPositions)
     ChessPiece occupant;
     for (var r = row; r < 8; r++)
         occupant = board[r][column].ChessPiece;
         if (occupant != null && occupant.Team == Team) break;
         endPositions.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(r, column));
         if (occupant != null && occupant.Team != Team) break;
     for (var r = row; r >= 0; r--)
         occupant = board[r][column].ChessPiece;
         if (occupant != null && occupant.Team == Team) break;
         endPositions.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(r, column));
         if (occupant != null && occupant.Team != Team) break;
コード例 #21
 protected void GetVerticalMoves(Square[][] board, int column, int row, List<Tuple<int, int>> endPositions)
     ChessPiece occupant;
     for (var c = column; c < 8; c++)
         occupant = board[row][c].ChessPiece;
         if (occupant != null && occupant.Team == Team) break;
         endPositions.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(row, c));
         if (occupant != null && occupant.Team != Team) break;
     for (var c = column; c < 8; c--)
         occupant = board[row][c].ChessPiece;
         if (occupant != null && occupant.Team == Team) break;
         endPositions.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(row, c));
         if (occupant != null && occupant.Team != Team) break;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Pawn.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
 public bool ValidOpeningPushWithNoDefender(Square[][] board, Move move)
     return MoveCount == 0
         && move.RowChange == LegalDirectionByTeam() * 2
         && move.ColumnChange == 0
         && board[move.EndRow - LegalDirectionByTeam()][move.EndColumn].ChessPiece == null
         && board[move.EndRow][move.EndColumn].ChessPiece == null;
コード例 #23
 protected ChessPiece GetDestinationPiece(Square[][] board, Move move)
     return board[move.EndRow][move.EndColumn].ChessPiece;
コード例 #24
ファイル: Board.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
 private static IOrderedEnumerable<Square> OrderSquaresForBoard(Square[] squares)
     var orderedSquares = squares.OrderBy(s => s.Row).ThenBy(s => s.Column);
     return orderedSquares;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Board.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
 private static void VerifyBoardHasAllSquares(Square[] squares)
     if (squares.Count() != 64)
         throw new InvalidDataException("There must be 64 squares to initialize a board.");
コード例 #26
ファイル: Board.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
 public Board(Square[] squares)
コード例 #27
ファイル: Pawn.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        private bool IsLegalEnPassant(Square[][] board, Move move, IEnumerable<Move> pastMoves)
            if (pastMoves == null) return false;

            var lastMove = pastMoves.LastOrDefault();

            if (lastMove == null) return false;

            var piece = GetDestinationPiece(board, lastMove);

            if (IsPawnsSecondMoveInProperDirection(move, lastMove, piece))
                return true;

            return false;
コード例 #28
        protected bool HasCollision(Square[][] board, Move move)
            var rowModifier = GetMovementModifier(move.RowChange);
            var columnModifier = GetMovementModifier(move.ColumnChange);

            var row = move.StartRow + rowModifier;
            var column = move.StartColumn + columnModifier;

            while (row != move.EndRow || column != move.EndColumn)
                if (!InBounds(row, column))
                    return true; //out of bounds
                if (board[row][column].ChessPiece != null)
                    return true; //collison

                row += rowModifier;
                column += columnModifier;
            return false;
コード例 #29
        private Square[] RepairMissingSquares(Game game, Square[] squares)
            if (!squares.Any())
                var missingSquares = new Board().Squares.SelectMany(s => s).ToArray();

                foreach (var square in missingSquares)
                    square.Game = game;
                    square.ChessPiece = square.ChessPiece;

                squares = missingSquares;
            return squares;
コード例 #30
ファイル: Board.cs プロジェクト: colin-higgins/ChessSharp
        private void SetupSquareMatrix(Square[] squares)
            var orderedSquares = OrderSquaresForBoard(squares);

            var row = new List<Square>();
            var tempSquares = new List<Square[]>();

            foreach (var square in orderedSquares)

                if (row.Count != 8)

                row = new List<Square>();

            Squares = tempSquares.ToArray();