private bool CheckGenericStart() { // Store the old state. int oldLine = line; int oldColumn = column; int oldLook = look; long oldPosition = stream.Position; // Start with GENERIC_START. int token = Token.GENERIC_START; // Make sure there are only comments, ',', '.', '*', '<' and identifiers // before hitting '>'. int genericCheckCount = 1; bool foundDot = false; for(;;) { // Preprocess int firstLook = Preprocess(); if(firstLook == 0) firstLook = look; // If hit EOF, end loop. if(firstLook == EOF) { token = '<'; break; } if(genericCheckCount == 0) { foundDot = firstLook == '.'; break; } // Check for identifiers. if(IsAlpha(firstLook) || firstLook == '_') { // Identifier. Next(); while(IsAlpha(look) || IsDigit(look) || look == '_') Next(); // Consume the next token. continue; } // Check for end single character tokens. if(firstLook == ',' || firstLook == '.' || firstLook == '*') { // Consume the token. Next(); } else if(firstLook == '<') { // Consume the token. Next(); ++genericCheckCount; } else if(firstLook == '>') { // Consume the token. Next(); --genericCheckCount; if(genericCheckCount == 0) continue; } else { // This is not a generic. token = '<'; break; } } // Restore the old state. line = oldLine; column = oldColumn; look = oldLook; stream.Seek(oldPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Increase the generic count. if(token == Token.GENERIC_START) { if(foundDot) { token = Token.GENERIC_START_DOT; genericStack.Add(Token.GENERIC_END_DOT); } else { genericStack.Add(Token.GENERIC_END); } } // Return the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(token, fileName, line, column); return true; }
public Lexer(string fileName, Stream stream) { this.fileName = fileName; = stream; this.line = 1; this.column = 0; this.tokenValue = null; this.keywords = new Dictionary<string, int> (); this.definitions = new Dictionary<string, bool> (); this.preprocessorStates = new List<bool> (); this.ignoring = false; this.ignoreCount = 0; this.hasBeenTruePrep = false; this.start = true; this.genericStack = new List<int> (); // Look the first character. Next(); // Set the keywords. this.keywords.Add("bool", Token.KBOOL); this.keywords.Add("byte", Token.KBYTE); this.keywords.Add("sbyte", Token.KSBYTE); this.keywords.Add("char", Token.KCHAR); this.keywords.Add("uchar", Token.KUCHAR); this.keywords.Add("double", Token.KDOUBLE); this.keywords.Add("float", Token.KFLOAT); this.keywords.Add("int", Token.KINT); this.keywords.Add("uint", Token.KUINT); this.keywords.Add("long", Token.KLONG); this.keywords.Add("ulong", Token.KULONG); this.keywords.Add("short", Token.KSHORT); this.keywords.Add("ushort", Token.KUSHORT); this.keywords.Add("object", Token.KOBJECT); this.keywords.Add("string", Token.KSTRING); this.keywords.Add("size_t", Token.KSIZE_T); this.keywords.Add("ptrdiff_t", Token.KPTRDIFF_T); this.keywords.Add("void", Token.KVOID); this.keywords.Add("vec2", Token.KVEC2); this.keywords.Add("vec3", Token.KVEC3); this.keywords.Add("vec4", Token.KVEC4); this.keywords.Add("dvec2", Token.KDVEC2); this.keywords.Add("dvec3", Token.KDVEC3); this.keywords.Add("dvec4", Token.KDVEC4); this.keywords.Add("ivec2", Token.KIVEC2); this.keywords.Add("ivec3", Token.KIVEC3); this.keywords.Add("ivec4", Token.KIVEC4); this.keywords.Add("bvec2", Token.KBVEC2); this.keywords.Add("bvec3", Token.KBVEC3); this.keywords.Add("bvec4", Token.KBVEC4); this.keywords.Add("mat2" , Token.KMAT2); this.keywords.Add("mat2x3", Token.KMAT2x3); this.keywords.Add("mat2x4", Token.KMAT2x4); this.keywords.Add("mat3x2", Token.KMAT3x2); this.keywords.Add("mat3" , Token.KMAT3); this.keywords.Add("mat3x4", Token.KMAT3x4); this.keywords.Add("mat4x2", Token.KMAT4x2); this.keywords.Add("mat4x3", Token.KMAT4x3); this.keywords.Add("mat4" , Token.KMAT4); this.keywords.Add("dmat2" , Token.KDMAT2); this.keywords.Add("dmat2x3", Token.KDMAT2x3); this.keywords.Add("dmat2x4", Token.KDMAT2x4); this.keywords.Add("dmat3x2", Token.KDMAT3x2); this.keywords.Add("dmat3" , Token.KDMAT3); this.keywords.Add("dmat3x4", Token.KDMAT3x4); this.keywords.Add("dmat4x2", Token.KDMAT4x2); this.keywords.Add("dmat4x3", Token.KDMAT4x3); this.keywords.Add("dmat4" , Token.KDMAT4); this.keywords.Add("imat2" , Token.KIMAT2); this.keywords.Add("imat2x3", Token.KIMAT2x3); this.keywords.Add("imat2x4", Token.KIMAT2x4); this.keywords.Add("imat3x2", Token.KIMAT3x2); this.keywords.Add("imat3" , Token.KIMAT3); this.keywords.Add("imat3x4", Token.KIMAT3x4); this.keywords.Add("imat4x2", Token.KIMAT4x2); this.keywords.Add("imat4x3", Token.KIMAT4x3); this.keywords.Add("imat4" , Token.KIMAT4); this.keywords.Add("typedef", Token.KTYPEDEF); this.keywords.Add("class", Token.KCLASS); this.keywords.Add("delegate", Token.KDELEGATE); this.keywords.Add("event", Token.KEVENT); this.keywords.Add("interface", Token.KINTERFACE); this.keywords.Add("enum", Token.KENUM); this.keywords.Add("namespace", Token.KNAMESPACE); this.keywords.Add("struct", Token.KSTRUCT); this.keywords.Add("operator", Token.KOPERATOR); this.keywords.Add("public", Token.KPUBLIC); this.keywords.Add("internal", Token.KINTERNAL); this.keywords.Add("protected", Token.KPROTECTED); this.keywords.Add("private", Token.KPRIVATE); this.keywords.Add("extern", Token.KEXTERN); this.keywords.Add("kernel", Token.KKERNEL); this.keywords.Add("virtual", Token.KVIRTUAL); this.keywords.Add("static", Token.KSTATIC); this.keywords.Add("override", Token.KOVERRIDE); this.keywords.Add("abstract", Token.KABSTRACT); this.keywords.Add("sealed", Token.KSEALED); this.keywords.Add("const", Token.KCONST); this.keywords.Add("readonly", Token.KREADONLY); this.keywords.Add("unsafe", Token.KUNSAFE); this.keywords.Add("partial", Token.KPARTIAL); this.keywords.Add("__cdecl", Token.KCDECL); this.keywords.Add("__stdcall", Token.KSTDCALL); this.keywords.Add("__apicall", Token.KAPICALL); this.keywords.Add("break", Token.KBREAK); this.keywords.Add("case", Token.KCASE); this.keywords.Add("catch", Token.KCATCH); this.keywords.Add("continue", Token.KCONTINUE); this.keywords.Add("default", Token.KDEFAULT); this.keywords.Add("do", Token.KDO); this.keywords.Add("else", Token.KELSE); this.keywords.Add("finally", Token.KFINALLY); this.keywords.Add("fixed", Token.KFIXED); this.keywords.Add("for", Token.KFOR); this.keywords.Add("foreach", Token.KFOREACH); this.keywords.Add("goto", Token.KGOTO); this.keywords.Add("if", Token.KIF); this.keywords.Add("in", Token.KIN); this.keywords.Add("lock", Token.KLOCK); this.keywords.Add("return", Token.KRETURN); this.keywords.Add("while", Token.KWHILE); this.keywords.Add("using", Token.KUSING); this.keywords.Add("switch", Token.KSWITCH); this.keywords.Add("throw", Token.KTHROW); this.keywords.Add("try", Token.KTRY); this.keywords.Add("null", Token.KNULL); this.keywords.Add("this", Token.KTHIS); this.keywords.Add("base", Token.KBASE); this.keywords.Add("bitand", Token.BITAND); this.keywords.Add("bitor", Token.BITOR); this.keywords.Add("compl", Token.BITNOT); this.keywords.Add("xor", Token.BITXOR); this.keywords.Add("and", Token.LAND); this.keywords.Add("or", Token.LOR); this.keywords.Add("not", Token.LNOT); this.keywords.Add("sizeof", Token.SIZEOF); this.keywords.Add("typeof", Token.TYPEOF); this.keywords.Add("is", Token.IS); this.keywords.Add("as", Token.AS); this.keywords.Add("new", Token.NEW); this.keywords.Add("heapalloc", Token.HEAPALLOC); this.keywords.Add("stackalloc", Token.STACKALLOC); this.keywords.Add("delete", Token.KDELETE); this.keywords.Add("reinterpret_cast", Token.REINTERPRET_CAST); this.keywords.Add("checked", Token.CHECKED); this.keywords.Add("unchecked", Token.UNCHECKED); this.keywords.Add("ref", Token.KREF); this.keywords.Add("out", Token.KOUT); this.keywords.Add("params", Token.KPARAMS); }
/** move on to next token. @return false if positioned beyond tokens. @throws IOException on input error. */ public virtual bool advance() { // Perform preprocessing. int c1 = Preprocess(); // Store the line and column. int line = this.line; int column = this.column; // Read numbers. bool afterPeriod = false; if(c1 == 0 && look == '.') { afterPeriod = true; Next(); if(!IsDigit(look)) { // It was only a period. tokenValue = new TokenValue('.', fileName, line, column); return true; } } // Check for numbers of the form ([0-9].[0-9]*(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?) | .[0-9]+(e[+-]?[0-9]+)? if(c1 == 0 && IsDigit(look)) { ulong mantissa = 0; int exponent = 0; // Check for octal and hex. bool otherBase = false; if(look == '0' && !afterPeriod) { Next(); if(look == 'x' || look == 'X') { // Set the other base flag. otherBase = true; // Hexadecimal number. Next(); while(IsDigit(look) || (look >= 'a' && look <= 'f') || (look >= 'A' && look <= 'F')) { // Increase the mantissa. mantissa *= 0x10; // Append the digit. if(look >= '0' && look <= '9') { mantissa += (ulong)(look - '0'); } else if(look >= 'a' && look <= 'f') { mantissa += (ulong)(look - 'a' + 0xA); } else if(look >= 'A' && look <= 'F') { mantissa += (ulong)(look - 'A' + 0xA); } // Read the next digit. Next(); } } else { // Set the other base flag. otherBase = true; // Octal number. while(look >= '0' && look <= '7') { // Increase the mantissa. mantissa *= 010u; // Append the digit. if(look >= '0' && look <= '7') mantissa += (ulong)(look - '0'); // Read the next digit. Next(); } if(IsDigit(look) || look == '.' || look == 'e' || look == 'E') { // Unset the other base. otherBase = false; // Convert the octal into decimal. mantissa = ulong.Parse(System.Convert.ToString((long)mantissa, 8)); } } } if(!otherBase) { while(IsDigit(look) || look == '.' || look == 'e' || look == 'E') { if(look == '.') { if(afterPeriod) break; afterPeriod = true; } else if(look == 'e' || look == 'E') { // Set the after period flag, to make sure we output a floating point number. afterPeriod = true; // Read the exponent sign. Next(); bool pos = true; if(look == '+') { Next(); } else if(look == '-') { pos = false; Next(); } // Read the exponent. int extraExponent = 0; while(IsDigit(look)) { extraExponent = extraExponent*10 + look - '0'; Next(); } // Update the full exponent. exponent += pos ? extraExponent : -extraExponent; // Break of the loop. break; } else { mantissa = mantissa*10 + (ulong)(look - '0'); if(afterPeriod) exponent -= 1; } // Read the next character. Next(); } } // Read the suffix. int suffix = 0; if(IsAlpha(look)) { suffix = look; Next(); } // Create the token. if(afterPeriod) { // Check the suffix. int tok = Token.DOUBLE; if(suffix == 'f' || suffix == 'F') tok = Token.FLOAT; else if(suffix != 'd' && suffix != 'D' && suffix != 0) { // Invalid suffix. Error("Invalid floating point suffix '" + (char)suffix + "'"); } // Make the value. double value = (double)mantissa; int exp = exponent; if(exp < 0) exp = -exp; for(int i = 0; i < exp; i++) { if(exponent > 0) value *= 10.0; else value *= 0.1; } // Create the token. tokenValue = new FloatingPointToken(value, tok, fileName, line, column); } else { if(suffix == 'u' || suffix == 'U') { if(look == 'l' || look == 'L') { // ulong constant. Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new UIntegralToken(mantissa, Token.ULONG, fileName, line, column); } else { // Create the token. tokenValue = new UIntegralToken(mantissa, Token.UINTEGER, fileName, line, column); } } else { if(suffix == 'l' || suffix == 'L') { // Create the token. tokenValue = new IntegralToken((long)mantissa, Token.LONG, fileName, line, column); } else // Create the token, using the least capable type. { int tok = Token.INTEGER; if(mantissa > 0x7FFFFFFF) tok = Token.LONG; tokenValue = new IntegralToken((long)mantissa, tok, fileName, line, column); } } } return true; } // Check for C-string. bool cstring = false; string identprefix = null; if(c1 == 0 && look == 'c') { Next(); if(look == '"') cstring = true; else identprefix = "c"; } // Read identifiers. if(c1 == 0 && (IsAlpha(look) || look == '_' || identprefix != null)) { // Build the identifier. string identifier = ReadIdentifier(identprefix); // Boolean values has special treatment. if(identifier == "true") { tokenValue = new BoolToken(true, Token.BOOL, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(identifier == "false") { tokenValue = new BoolToken(false, Token.BOOL, fileName, line, column); return true; } // Check for keywords. int key; if(!keywords.TryGetValue(identifier, out key)) key = Token.IDENTIFIER; // Create the token. tokenValue = new WordToken(identifier, key, fileName, line, column); return true; } // Read raw identifiers. if(c1 == 0 && look == '@') { // Skip the @. Next(); // Read the identifier. string identifier = ReadIdentifier(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new WordToken(identifier, Token.IDENTIFIER, fileName, line, column); return true; } // Read literals. if(c1 == 0 && look == '"') { // Create the token. tokenValue = new WordToken(ReadLiteral(), cstring ? Token.CSTRING : Token.STRING, fileName, line, column); return true; } // Read characters. if(c1 == 0 && look == '\'') { // Skip the ' Next(); // Parse the character. char character = '\0'; if(look == '\\') { // Escape sequence. Next(); switch(look) { case 'a': character = '\a'; break; case 'b': character = '\b'; break; case 'f': character = '\f'; break; case 't': character = '\t'; break; case 'r': character = '\r'; break; case 'n': character = '\n'; break; case 'v': character = '\v'; break; case '0': character = '\0'; break; case 'x': break; default: character = (char)look; break; } Next(); if(look != '\'') Error("unclosed character literal."); } else if(look != '\'') { character = (char)look; Next(); if(look != '\'') Error("unclosed character literal."); } else { Error("empty character literal."); } // Skip the last \' Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new IntegralToken(character, Token.CHARACTER, fileName, line, column); return true; } // Check for end-of-file. if(c1 == 0 && look == EOF) { tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.EOF, fileName, line, column); return true; } // It must be an operator. int c2; if(c1 == 0) { c1 = look; Next(); c2 = look; } else { c2 = look; } // Check for multi character operators. if(c2 == '=') { int tok = -1; switch(c1) { case '<': tok = Token.LEQ; break; case '>': tok = Token.GEQ; break; case '=': tok = Token.EQ; break; case '!': tok = Token.NEQ; break; case '+': tok = Token.ADD_SET; break; case '-': tok = Token.SUB_SET; break; case '*': tok = Token.MUL_SET; break; case '/': tok = Token.DIV_SET; break; case '%': tok = Token.MOD_SET; break; case '&': tok = Token.AND_SET; break; case '|': tok = Token.OR_SET; break; case '^': tok = Token.XOR_SET; break; default: break; } if(tok > -1) { // Advance. Next(); tokenValue = new TokenValue(tok, fileName, line, column); return true; } } else if(c1 == '<' && c2 == '<') { // Advance. Next(); // The operator can be << and <<=; int tok = Token.LBITSHIFT; if(look == '=') { tok = Token.LSHIFT_SET; Next(); } // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(tok, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '>' && c2 == '>') { // Advance. Next(); // The operator can be >> or >>=; int tok = Token.RBITSHIFT; if(look == '=') { tok = Token.RSHIFT_SET; Next(); } // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(tok, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '-' && c2 == '>') { // Advance. Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.ARROW, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '|' && c2 == '|') { // Advance Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.LOR, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '&' && c2 == '&') { // Advance Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.LAND, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == c2 && c2 == '+') { // Advance Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.INCR, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == c2 && c2 == '-') { // Advance Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.DECR, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '(' && c2 == '*') { // Check for function pointer start. long oldPosition = stream.Position; if(stream.ReadByte() == ')') { // Consume the last ')'. ++this.column; Next(); tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.FUNC_PTR, fileName, line, column); return true; } else { // Restore the position. stream.Position = oldPosition; } } else if(c1 == '!') { // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.LNOT, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '&') { tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.BITAND, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '|') { tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.BITOR, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '^') { tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.BITXOR, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '~') { tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.BITNOT, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '<') { return CheckGenericStart(); } else if(c1 == '>' && genericStack.Count > 0) { int lastIndex = genericStack.Count - 1; int tokenId = genericStack[lastIndex]; genericStack.RemoveAt(lastIndex); tokenValue = new TokenValue(tokenId, fileName, line, column); return true; } // Single character token. The token itself is his value. tokenValue = new TokenValue(c1, fileName, line, column); return true; }
/** move on to next token. @return false if positioned beyond tokens. @throws IOException on input error. */ public virtual bool advance () { // Perform preprocessing. int c1 = Preprocess(); // Store the line and column. int line = this.line; int column = this.column; // Read numbers. bool afterPeriod = false; if(c1 == 0 && look == '.') { afterPeriod = true; Next(); if(!IsDigit(look)) { // It was only a period. tokenValue = new TokenValue('.', fileName, line, column); return true; } } // Check for numbers of the form ([0-9].[0-9]*(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?) | .[0-9]+(e[+-]?[0-9]+)? if(c1 == 0 && IsDigit(look)) { ulong mantissa = 0; int exponent = 0; // Check for octal and hex. bool otherBase = false; if(look == '0' && !afterPeriod) { Next(); if(look == 'x' || look == 'X') { // Set the other base flag. otherBase = true; // Hexadecimal number. Next(); while(IsDigit(look) || (look >= 'a' && look <= 'f') || (look >= 'A' && look <= 'F')) { // Increase the mantissa. mantissa *= 0x10; // Append the digit. if(look >= '0' && look <= '9') { mantissa += (ulong)(look - '0'); } else if(look >= 'a' && look <= 'f') { mantissa += (ulong)(look - 'a' + 0xA); } else if(look >= 'A' && look <= 'F') { mantissa += (ulong)(look - 'A' + 0xA); } // Read the next digit. Next(); } } else { // Set the other base flag. otherBase = true; // Octal number. while(look >= '0' && look <= '7') { // Increase the mantissa. mantissa *= 010u; // Append the digit. if(look >= '0' && look <= '7') mantissa += (ulong)(look - '0'); // Read the next digit. Next(); } if(IsDigit(look) || look == '.' || look == 'e' || look == 'E') { // Unset the other base. otherBase = false; // Convert the octal into decimal. mantissa = ulong.Parse(System.Convert.ToString((long)mantissa, 8)); } } } if(!otherBase) { while(IsDigit(look) || look == '.' || look == 'e' || look == 'E') { if(look == '.') { if(afterPeriod) break; afterPeriod = true; } else if(look == 'e' || look == 'E') { // Set the after period flag, to make sure we output a floating point number. afterPeriod = true; // Read the exponent sign. Next(); bool pos = true; if(look == '+') { Next(); } else if(look == '-') { pos = false; Next(); } // Read the exponent. int extraExponent = 0; while(IsDigit(look)) { extraExponent = extraExponent*10 + look - '0'; Next(); } // Update the full exponent. exponent += pos ? extraExponent : -extraExponent; // Break of the loop. break; } else { mantissa = mantissa*10 + (ulong)(look - '0'); if(afterPeriod) exponent -= 1; } // Read the next character. Next(); } } // Read the suffix. int suffix = 0; if(IsAlpha(look)) { suffix = look; Next(); } // Create the token. if(afterPeriod) { // Check the suffix. int tok = Token.DOUBLE; if(suffix == 'f' || suffix == 'F') tok = Token.FLOAT; else if(suffix != 'd' && suffix != 'D' && suffix != 0) { // Invalid suffix. Error("Invalid floating point suffix '" + (char)suffix + "'"); } // Make the value. double value = (double)mantissa; int exp = exponent; if(exp < 0) exp = -exp; for(int i = 0; i < exp; i++) { if(exponent > 0) value *= 10.0; else value *= 0.1; } // Create the token. tokenValue = new FloatingPointToken(value, tok, fileName, line, column); } else { if(suffix == 'u' || suffix == 'U') { if(look == 'l' || look == 'L') { // ulong constant. Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new UIntegralToken(mantissa, Token.ULONG, fileName, line, column); } else { // Create the token. tokenValue = new UIntegralToken(mantissa, Token.UINTEGER, fileName, line, column); } } else { if(suffix == 'l' || suffix == 'L') { // Create the token. tokenValue = new IntegralToken((long)mantissa, Token.LONG, fileName, line, column); } else // Create the token, using the least capable type. { int tok = Token.INTEGER; if(mantissa > 0x7FFFFFFF) tok = Token.LONG; tokenValue = new IntegralToken((long)mantissa, tok, fileName, line, column); } } } return true; } // Check for C-string. bool cstring = false; string identprefix = null; if(c1 == 0 && look == 'c') { Next(); if(look == '"') cstring = true; else identprefix = "c"; } // Read identifiers. if(c1 == 0 && (IsAlpha(look) || look == '_' || identprefix != null)) { // Build the identifier. string identifier = ReadIdentifier(identprefix); // Boolean values has special treatment. if(identifier == "true") { tokenValue = new BoolToken(true, Token.BOOL, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(identifier == "false") { tokenValue = new BoolToken(false, Token.BOOL, fileName, line, column); return true; } // Check for keywords. int key; if(!keywords.TryGetValue(identifier, out key)) key = Token.IDENTIFIER; // Create the token. tokenValue = new WordToken(identifier, key, fileName, line, column); return true; } // Read raw identifiers. if(c1 == 0 && look == '@') { // Skip the @. Next(); // Read the identifier. string identifier = ReadIdentifier(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new WordToken(identifier, Token.IDENTIFIER, fileName, line, column); return true; } // Read literals. if(c1 == 0 && look == '"') { // Create the token. tokenValue = new WordToken(ReadLiteral(), cstring ? Token.CSTRING : Token.STRING, fileName, line, column); return true; } // Read characters. if(c1 == 0 && look == '\'') { // Skip the ' Next(); // Parse the character. char character = '\0'; if(look == '\\') { // Escape sequence. Next(); switch(look) { case 'a': character = '\a'; break; case 'b': character = '\b'; break; case 'f': character = '\f'; break; case 't': character = '\t'; break; case 'r': character = '\r'; break; case 'n': character = '\n'; break; case 'v': character = '\v'; break; case '0': character = '\0'; break; case 'x': break; default: character = (char)look; break; } Next(); if(look != '\'') Error("unclosed character literal."); } else if(look != '\'') { character = (char)look; Next(); if(look != '\'') Error("unclosed character literal."); } else { Error("empty character literal."); } // Skip the last \' Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new IntegralToken(character, Token.CHARACTER, fileName, line, column); return true; } // Check for end-of-file. if(c1 == 0 && look == EOF) { tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.EOF, fileName, line, column); return true; } // It must be an operator. int c2; if(c1 == 0) { c1 = look; Next(); c2 = look; } else { c2 = look; } // Check for multi character operators. if(c2 == '=') { int tok = -1; switch(c1) { case '<': tok = Token.LEQ; break; case '>': tok = Token.GEQ; break; case '=': tok = Token.EQ; break; case '!': tok = Token.NEQ; break; case '+': tok = Token.ADD_SET; break; case '-': tok = Token.SUB_SET; break; case '*': tok = Token.MUL_SET; break; case '/': tok = Token.DIV_SET; break; case '%': tok = Token.MOD_SET; break; case '&': tok = Token.AND_SET; break; case '|': tok = Token.OR_SET; break; case '^': tok = Token.XOR_SET; break; default: break; } if(tok > -1) { // Advance. Next(); tokenValue = new TokenValue(tok, fileName, line, column); return true; } } else if(c1 == '<' && c2 == '<') { // Advance. Next(); // The operator can be << and <<=; int tok = Token.LBITSHIFT; if(look == '=') { tok = Token.LSHIFT_SET; Next(); } // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(tok, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '>' && c2 == '>') { // Advance. Next(); // The operator can be >> or >>=; int tok = Token.RBITSHIFT; if(look == '=') { tok = Token.RSHIFT_SET; Next(); } // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(tok, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '-' && c2 == '>') { // Advance. Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.ARROW, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '|' && c2 == '|') { // Advance Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.LOR, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '&' && c2 == '&') { // Advance Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.LAND, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == c2 && c2 == '+') { // Advance Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.INCR, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == c2 && c2 == '-') { // Advance Next(); // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.DECR, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '(' && c2 == '*') { // Check for function pointer start. long oldPosition = stream.Position; if(stream.ReadByte() == ')') { // Consume the last ')'. ++this.column; Next(); tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.FUNC_PTR, fileName, line, column); return true; } else { // Restore the position. stream.Position = oldPosition; } } else if(c1 == '!') { // Create the token. tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.LNOT, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '&') { tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.BITAND, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '|') { tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.BITOR, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '^') { tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.BITXOR, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '~') { tokenValue = new TokenValue(Token.BITNOT, fileName, line, column); return true; } else if(c1 == '<') { return CheckGenericStart(); } else if(c1 == '>' && genericStack.Count > 0) { int lastIndex = genericStack.Count - 1; int tokenId = genericStack[lastIndex]; genericStack.RemoveAt(lastIndex); tokenValue = new TokenValue(tokenId, fileName, line, column); return true; } // Single character token. The token itself is his value. tokenValue = new TokenValue(c1, fileName, line, column); return true; }
public Lexer (string fileName, Stream stream) { this.fileName = fileName; = stream; this.line = 1; this.column = 0; this.tokenValue = null; this.keywords = new Dictionary<string, int> (); this.definitions = new Dictionary<string, bool> (); this.preprocessorStates = new List<bool> (); this.ignoring = false; this.ignoreCount = 0; this.hasBeenTruePrep = false; this.start = true; this.genericStack = new List<int> (); // Look the first character. Next(); // Set the keywords. this.keywords.Add("bool", Token.KBOOL); this.keywords.Add("byte", Token.KBYTE); this.keywords.Add("sbyte", Token.KSBYTE); this.keywords.Add("char", Token.KCHAR); this.keywords.Add("uchar", Token.KUCHAR); this.keywords.Add("double", Token.KDOUBLE); this.keywords.Add("float", Token.KFLOAT); this.keywords.Add("int", Token.KINT); this.keywords.Add("uint", Token.KUINT); this.keywords.Add("long", Token.KLONG); this.keywords.Add("ulong", Token.KULONG); this.keywords.Add("short", Token.KSHORT); this.keywords.Add("ushort", Token.KUSHORT); this.keywords.Add("object", Token.KOBJECT); this.keywords.Add("string", Token.KSTRING); this.keywords.Add("size_t", Token.KSIZE_T); this.keywords.Add("ptrdiff_t", Token.KPTRDIFF_T); this.keywords.Add("void", Token.KVOID); this.keywords.Add("vec2", Token.KVEC2); this.keywords.Add("vec3", Token.KVEC3); this.keywords.Add("vec4", Token.KVEC4); this.keywords.Add("dvec2", Token.KDVEC2); this.keywords.Add("dvec3", Token.KDVEC3); this.keywords.Add("dvec4", Token.KDVEC4); this.keywords.Add("ivec2", Token.KIVEC2); this.keywords.Add("ivec3", Token.KIVEC3); this.keywords.Add("ivec4", Token.KIVEC4); this.keywords.Add("bvec2", Token.KBVEC2); this.keywords.Add("bvec3", Token.KBVEC3); this.keywords.Add("bvec4", Token.KBVEC4); this.keywords.Add("mat2" , Token.KMAT2); this.keywords.Add("mat2x3", Token.KMAT2x3); this.keywords.Add("mat2x4", Token.KMAT2x4); this.keywords.Add("mat3x2", Token.KMAT3x2); this.keywords.Add("mat3" , Token.KMAT3); this.keywords.Add("mat3x4", Token.KMAT3x4); this.keywords.Add("mat4x2", Token.KMAT4x2); this.keywords.Add("mat4x3", Token.KMAT4x3); this.keywords.Add("mat4" , Token.KMAT4); this.keywords.Add("dmat2" , Token.KDMAT2); this.keywords.Add("dmat2x3", Token.KDMAT2x3); this.keywords.Add("dmat2x4", Token.KDMAT2x4); this.keywords.Add("dmat3x2", Token.KDMAT3x2); this.keywords.Add("dmat3" , Token.KDMAT3); this.keywords.Add("dmat3x4", Token.KDMAT3x4); this.keywords.Add("dmat4x2", Token.KDMAT4x2); this.keywords.Add("dmat4x3", Token.KDMAT4x3); this.keywords.Add("dmat4" , Token.KDMAT4); this.keywords.Add("imat2" , Token.KIMAT2); this.keywords.Add("imat2x3", Token.KIMAT2x3); this.keywords.Add("imat2x4", Token.KIMAT2x4); this.keywords.Add("imat3x2", Token.KIMAT3x2); this.keywords.Add("imat3" , Token.KIMAT3); this.keywords.Add("imat3x4", Token.KIMAT3x4); this.keywords.Add("imat4x2", Token.KIMAT4x2); this.keywords.Add("imat4x3", Token.KIMAT4x3); this.keywords.Add("imat4" , Token.KIMAT4); this.keywords.Add("typedef", Token.KTYPEDEF); this.keywords.Add("class", Token.KCLASS); this.keywords.Add("delegate", Token.KDELEGATE); this.keywords.Add("event", Token.KEVENT); this.keywords.Add("interface", Token.KINTERFACE); this.keywords.Add("enum", Token.KENUM); this.keywords.Add("namespace", Token.KNAMESPACE); this.keywords.Add("struct", Token.KSTRUCT); this.keywords.Add("operator", Token.KOPERATOR); this.keywords.Add("public", Token.KPUBLIC); this.keywords.Add("internal", Token.KINTERNAL); this.keywords.Add("protected", Token.KPROTECTED); this.keywords.Add("private", Token.KPRIVATE); this.keywords.Add("extern", Token.KEXTERN); this.keywords.Add("kernel", Token.KKERNEL); this.keywords.Add("virtual", Token.KVIRTUAL); this.keywords.Add("static", Token.KSTATIC); this.keywords.Add("override", Token.KOVERRIDE); this.keywords.Add("abstract", Token.KABSTRACT); this.keywords.Add("sealed", Token.KSEALED); this.keywords.Add("const", Token.KCONST); this.keywords.Add("readonly", Token.KREADONLY); this.keywords.Add("unsafe", Token.KUNSAFE); this.keywords.Add("partial", Token.KPARTIAL); this.keywords.Add("__cdecl", Token.KCDECL); this.keywords.Add("__stdcall", Token.KSTDCALL); this.keywords.Add("__apicall", Token.KAPICALL); this.keywords.Add("break", Token.KBREAK); this.keywords.Add("case", Token.KCASE); this.keywords.Add("catch", Token.KCATCH); this.keywords.Add("continue", Token.KCONTINUE); this.keywords.Add("default", Token.KDEFAULT); this.keywords.Add("do", Token.KDO); this.keywords.Add("else", Token.KELSE); this.keywords.Add("finally", Token.KFINALLY); this.keywords.Add("fixed", Token.KFIXED); this.keywords.Add("for", Token.KFOR); this.keywords.Add("foreach", Token.KFOREACH); this.keywords.Add("goto", Token.KGOTO); this.keywords.Add("if", Token.KIF); this.keywords.Add("in", Token.KIN); this.keywords.Add("lock", Token.KLOCK); this.keywords.Add("return", Token.KRETURN); this.keywords.Add("while", Token.KWHILE); this.keywords.Add("using", Token.KUSING); this.keywords.Add("switch", Token.KSWITCH); this.keywords.Add("throw", Token.KTHROW); this.keywords.Add("try", Token.KTRY); this.keywords.Add("null", Token.KNULL); this.keywords.Add("this", Token.KTHIS); this.keywords.Add("base", Token.KBASE); this.keywords.Add("bitand", Token.BITAND); this.keywords.Add("bitor", Token.BITOR); this.keywords.Add("compl", Token.BITNOT); this.keywords.Add("xor", Token.BITXOR); this.keywords.Add("and", Token.LAND); this.keywords.Add("or", Token.LOR); this.keywords.Add("not", Token.LNOT); this.keywords.Add("sizeof", Token.SIZEOF); this.keywords.Add("typeof", Token.TYPEOF); this.keywords.Add("is", Token.IS); this.keywords.Add("as", Token.AS); this.keywords.Add("new", Token.NEW); this.keywords.Add("heapalloc", Token.HEAPALLOC); this.keywords.Add("stackalloc", Token.STACKALLOC); this.keywords.Add("delete", Token.KDELETE); this.keywords.Add("reinterpret_cast", Token.REINTERPRET_CAST); this.keywords.Add("checked", Token.CHECKED); this.keywords.Add("unchecked", Token.UNCHECKED); this.keywords.Add("ref", Token.KREF); this.keywords.Add("out", Token.KOUT); this.keywords.Add("params", Token.KPARAMS); }