public CaseLabel(Expression constant, AstNode children, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { this.constant = constant; this.children = children; this.block = null; }
public ConstructorInitializer(bool baseCall, AstNode arguments, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { this.baseCall = baseCall; this.arguments = arguments; this.ctorGroup = null; }
public ClassDefinition(MemberFlags flags, string name, GenericSignature genericSignature, AstNode bases, AstNode children, TokenPosition position) : base(flags, name, genericSignature, bases, children, position) { }
public MakeFunctionPointer(Expression returnType, AstNode arguments, MemberFlags flags, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { this.returnType = returnType; this.arguments = arguments; this.flags = flags; }
public EnumDefinition(MemberFlags flags, string name, AstNode children, Expression typeExpr, TokenPosition position) : base(children, position) { SetName(name); this.flags = flags; this.typeExpr = typeExpr; }
public TryStatement(AstNode tryStatement, AstNode catchList, AstNode finallyStatement, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { this.tryStatement = tryStatement; this.catchList = catchList; this.finallyStatement = finallyStatement; }
public SwitchStatement(Expression constant, AstNode cases, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { this.constant = constant; this.cases = cases; this.defaultCase = null; this.caseDictionary = new Dictionary<ConstantValue, CaseLabel> (); }
public FunctionDefinition(FunctionPrototype prototype, AstNode children, TokenPosition position) : base(children, position) { this.prototype = prototype; this.function = null; this.isGenerator = false; this.hasReturns = false; this.yields = new List<ReturnStatement> (); }
public CatchStatement(Expression exceptionType, string name, AstNode children, TokenPosition position) : base(children, position) { SetName(name); this.exceptionType = exceptionType; this.context = null; this.variable = null; }
public PropertyAccessor(MemberFlags flags, AstNode children, TokenPosition position) : base(null, children, position) { this.flags = flags; = null; this.selfLocal = null; this.indices = null; this.indexerVariables = null; }
public EventAccessorDefinition(MemberFlags flags, string name, AstNode children, TokenPosition position) : base(children, position) { SetName(name); this.flags = flags; this.eventVariable = null; this.function = null; this.selfLocal = null; this.valueLocal = null; }
public EventDefinition(MemberFlags flags, Expression eventType, string name, AstNode accessors, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { SetName(name); this.flags = flags; this.eventType = eventType; this.eventVariable = null; this.accessors = accessors; this.delegateType = null; }
public PropertyDefinition(MemberFlags flags, Expression propertyType, string name, AstNode indices, AstNode accessors, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { SetName(name); this.flags = flags; this.propertyType = propertyType; = null; this.indices = indices; this.accessors = accessors; }
public NewArrayExpression(Expression typeExpression, Expression size, AstNode initializers, int dimensions, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { this.typeExpression = typeExpression; this.size = size; this.initializers = initializers; this.dimensions = dimensions; this.objectType = null; this.initCoercionType = null; }
public DelegateDefinition(MemberFlags flags, Expression returnType, AstNode arguments, string name, GenericSignature genericSignature, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { SetName(name); this.genericSignature = genericSignature; this.flags = flags; this.returnType = returnType; this.arguments = arguments; }
public AstNode(TokenPosition position) { this.position = position; this.prev = this; = null; this.attributes = null; = null; this.module = null; this.nodeType = null; this.coercionType = null; this.nodeValue = null; }
public StructDefinition(MemberFlags flags, string name, GenericSignature genericSignature, AstNode bases, AstNode children, TokenPosition position) : base(children, position) { SetName(name); this.flags = flags; this.bases = bases; this.genericSignature = genericSignature; this.defaultConstructor = null; this.genericScope = null; }
public void AddLast(AstNode child) { if(child == null) return; if(this.children == null) { this.children = child; return; } AstNode lastChild = this.children; while(lastChild.GetNext() != null) lastChild = lastChild.GetNext(); lastChild.SetNext(child); }
public void AddFirst(AstNode child) { if(child == null) return; if(this.children == null) { this.children = child; return; } // Add my children to the end of the list. AstNode lastChild = child; while(lastChild.GetNext() != null) lastChild = lastChild.GetNext(); lastChild.SetNext(children); // Set the first. children = child; }
public void SetIndices(AstNode indices) { this.indices = indices; }
public void CheckScopeVisibility(AstNode node, Scope scope) { // Check the parent scope access. Scope parentScope = scope.GetParentScope(); if(parentScope != null) CheckScopeVisibility(node, parentScope); // Internal scopes module must be the current one. if(scope.IsInternal() && scope.GetModule() != currentModule) Error(node, "cannot access internal member " + scope.GetFullName() +" of another module."); }
public NamespaceDefinition(string name, AstNode children, TokenPosition position) : base(children, position) { SetName(name); this.nspace = null; }
public FinallyStatement(AstNode children, TokenPosition position) : base(position) { this.children = children; this.context = null; }
public Structure ExtractClass(AstNode where, ScopeMember member) { // Make sure its a structure or type group. if(!member.IsClass() && !member.IsStructure() &&!member.IsInternal() && !member.IsTypeGroup()) Error(where, "coudn't load runtime class."); // Read the type group. if(member.IsTypeGroup()) { TypeGroup group = (TypeGroup)member; Structure building = group.GetDefaultType(); if(building == null) Error(where, "unexpected type group {0}", @group.GetDisplayName()); // Prevent ambiguity of merged type group. building.CheckAmbiguity(where.GetPosition()); return building; } return (Structure)member; }
public void CheckMemberVisibility(AstNode node, ScopeMember member) { // Ignore placeholder types. if(member.IsType()) { IChelaType type = (IChelaType)member; if(type.IsPlaceHolderType()) return; } // Special treatment for scope member. if(member.IsScope()) { CheckScopeVisibility(node, (Scope)member); return; } // Check the parent scope access. Scope parentScope = member.GetParentScope(); if(parentScope != null) CheckScopeVisibility(node, parentScope); // Check the actual member visibility. if(member.IsPrivate()) { // Walk the scope hierarchy. Scope scope = currentScope; while(scope != null) { // Found the defining scope, stop checking. if(scope == parentScope || parentScope.IsInstanceOf(scope)) return; // Found the scope. scope = scope.GetParentScope(); } // Couldn't find scope, raise error. Error(node, "cannot access private member " + member.GetFullName()); } else if(member.IsProtected()) { // The parent scope must be a Structure derivative. Structure parentBuilding = (Structure)parentScope; // Walk the scope hierarchy. Scope scope = currentScope; while(scope != null) { // Found the defining scope, stop checking. if(scope is Structure) { Structure derived = (Structure)scope; if(derived == parentBuilding || derived.IsDerivedFrom(parentBuilding)) return; } // Found the scope. scope = scope.GetParentScope(); } // Couldn't find scope, raise error. Error(node, "cannot access protected member " + member.GetFullName()); } else if(member.IsInternal()) { if(member.GetModule() != currentModule) Error(node, "cannot access internal member " + member.GetFullName() + " of another module."); } }
protected LexicalScope CreateLexicalScope(AstNode where) { return CreateLexicalScope(where, currentFunction); }
protected LexicalScope CreateLexicalScope(AstNode where, Function parentFunction) { LexicalScope ret = new LexicalScope(currentContainer, parentFunction); ret.Position = where.GetPosition(); return ret; }
protected bool CheckGenericPlaceArgument(AstNode where, PlaceHolderType prototype, PlaceHolderType argument) { // Check for value type. if(prototype.IsValueType() && !argument.IsValueType()) TryError(where, "expected value type argument."); // Get the argument top base. Structure topBase = currentModule.GetObjectClass(); if(argument.IsValueType()) topBase = currentModule.GetValueTypeClass(); // Check for the bases. for(int i = 0; i < prototype.GetBaseCount(); ++i) { // Get the prototype base. Structure protoBase = prototype.GetBase(i); // Check for the top base. if(protoBase.IsClass() && (protoBase == topBase || topBase.IsDerivedFrom(protoBase))) continue; else if(protoBase.IsInterface() && topBase.Implements(protoBase)) continue; // Check the argument bases until hit. bool found = false; for(int j = 0; j < argument.GetBaseCount(); ++j) { // Get the argument base. Structure argBase = argument.GetBase(j); // Check the constraint. if(protoBase == argBase || (protoBase.IsClass() && argBase.IsDerivedFrom(protoBase)) || (protoBase.IsInterface() && argBase.Implements(protoBase))) { found = true; break; } } // Raise the error. if(!found) return TryError(where, "argument type {0} doesn't satisfy constraint {1}", argument.GetFullName(), protoBase.GetFullName()); } return true; }
protected bool CheckGenericArguments(AstNode where, GenericPrototype prototype, IChelaType[] arguments) { // The argument count must match. if(prototype.GetPlaceHolderCount() != arguments.Length) return TryError(where, "not matching generic argument count."); // Check each argument. for(int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; ++i) { // Get the placeholder and the type. PlaceHolderType placeHolder = prototype.GetPlaceHolder(i); IChelaType argument = arguments[i]; // Check for value types. if(placeHolder.IsValueType() && !argument.IsFirstClass() && !argument.IsStructure() && !argument.IsPlaceHolderType()) return TryError(where, "the generic argument number {0} must be a value type.", i+1); // Get the argument structure. Structure argumentBuilding = null; if(argument.IsClass() || argument.IsStructure() || argument.IsInterface()) argumentBuilding = (Structure)argument; else if(argument.IsFirstClass()) argumentBuilding = currentModule.GetAssociatedClass(argument); else if(argument.IsPointer()) { // TODO: Support pointers. argumentBuilding = currentModule.GetAssociatedClass(ChelaType.GetSizeType()); } else if(argument.IsPlaceHolderType()) { // Check the place holder. if(CheckGenericPlaceArgument(where, placeHolder, (PlaceHolderType)argument)) continue; else return false; } else return TryError(where, "cannot get class for type {0}", argument.GetDisplayName()); // Check for constraints. for(int j = 0; j < placeHolder.GetBaseCount(); ++j) { // Get the base building. Structure baseBuilding = placeHolder.GetBase(j); // If the argument is the base pass. if(argumentBuilding == baseBuilding) continue; // If the base is a class, check for inheritance. if(baseBuilding.IsClass() && argumentBuilding.IsDerivedFrom(baseBuilding)) continue; // If the base is a interface, check for implementation. if(baseBuilding.IsInterface() && argumentBuilding.Implements(baseBuilding)) continue; // The constraint couldn't be satisfied. return TryError(where, "generic argument {0} of type {1} doesn't support constraint {2}", i+1, argumentBuilding.GetDisplayName(), baseBuilding.GetDisplayName()); } } return true; }
public IChelaType ExtractActualType(AstNode where, IChelaType type) { // Extract from the meta type. if(!type.IsMetaType()) Error(where, "expected a type."); type = ExtractMetaType(type); // Use the default element from the type group. if(type.IsTypeGroup()) { TypeGroup group = (TypeGroup)type; Structure building = group.GetDefaultType(); type = building; if(building == null) Error(where, "unexpected type group {0}", @group.GetDisplayName()); // Prevent ambiguity of merged type group. building.CheckAmbiguity(where.GetPosition()); } return type; }