コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates HMACSHA256 from response.
        /// This method uses
        /// <see cref="PaymentUtils.CalculateHashHMAC(byte[], byte[])"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>computed hash value in string format</returns>
        public string HashHMAC()
            string macString = "";

            string macDelimiter = "&";

            macString = this.Version + macDelimiter +   //1.
                        this.Stamp + macDelimiter +     // 2.
                        this.Reference + macDelimiter + // 3.
                        this.Payment + macDelimiter +   // 4.
                        this.Status + macDelimiter +    // 5.
                        this.Algorithm;                 // 6.

            string hashMac = PaymentUtils.CalculateHashHMAC(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(this.MerchantSecretKey),

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 9. Calculates MAC, MD5-turvatarkiste lasketaan
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>MAC</returns>
        public string CalculateMac()
            string macString = "";

            string macDelimiter = "+";

            macString = this.Version + macDelimiter +    // 1.
                        this.Stamp + macDelimiter +      // 2.
                        this.Reference + macDelimiter +  // 3.
                        this.MerchantId + macDelimiter + // 4.
                        this.Amount + macDelimiter +     // 5.
                        this.Currency + macDelimiter +   // 6.
                        this.Format + macDelimiter +     // 7.
                        this.Algorithm + macDelimiter +  // 8.

            macString = PaymentUtils.CalculateMD5HashUTF8(macString); //9.

            this.MAC = macString;

コード例 #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PaymentResponse paymentResponse = new PaymentResponse();

            paymentResponse.SetValues(merchantSecretKey, Request.Params);

            //if response valid (ok data)
            if (paymentResponse.IsValid())
                this.paymentResponseMessage.Text =
            else //invalid response (corrupt data)
                Response.Redirect("~/PaymentErrorWebForm.aspx?error=response invalid");

            //save values ready for payment status query
            //Session used just for testign
            Session["Stamp"]     = paymentResponse.Stamp;
            Session["Reference"] = paymentResponse.Reference;
コード例 #4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //testing query functionality
            Query query = new Query();

            query.InitializeValues((string)Session["Stamp"], (string)Session["Reference"],
                                   this.merchantId, (string)Session["Amount"], this.merchantSecretKey);

            //send Query to Checkout Finland
            string queryResponse = "";

                queryResponse = CheckoutClient.postQueryData(query.FormData());
            catch (WebException ex)
                //exception handling for testing
                string errorMessage = ex.ToString();
                errorMessage = (errorMessage.Length > 1000) ? errorMessage.Substring(0, 1000) : errorMessage;
                Response.Redirect("~/PaymentErrorWebForm.aspx?error=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(errorMessage));

            XDocument xmlDoc      = XDocument.Parse(queryResponse);
            XElement  statusNode  = (XElement)xmlDoc.FirstNode;
            string    statusValue = statusNode.Value;

            this.queryResponseMessage.Text =
            XElement tradeElem  = (XElement)xmlDoc.FirstNode;
            XElement statusElem = (XElement)tradeElem.FirstNode;

            this.tradeBegin.Text  = tradeElem.Name.ToString();
            this.tradeEnd.Text    = tradeElem.Name.ToString();
            this.statusBegin.Text = statusElem.Name.ToString();
            this.statusEnd.Text   = statusElem.Name.ToString();
            this.statusValue.Text = statusElem.Value;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 24. Calculates MAC, MD5-turvatarkiste lasketaan.
        /// This method uses
        /// <see cref="PaymentUtils.CalculateMD5HashUTF8(string)"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>MAC</returns>
        public string CalculateMac()
            string macString = "";

            string macDelimiter = "+";

            macString = this.Version + macDelimiter +      //1. P
                        this.Stamp + macDelimiter +        // 2. P
                        this.Amount + macDelimiter +       // 3. P
                        this.Reference + macDelimiter +    // 4. P
                        this.Message + macDelimiter +      // 5. V
                        this.Language + macDelimiter +     // 6. V
                        this.MerchantId + macDelimiter +   // 7. P
                        this.ReturnUrl + macDelimiter +    // 8. P
                        this.CancelUrl + macDelimiter +    // 9. P
                        this.RejectUrl + macDelimiter +    // 10. V
                        this.DelayedUrl + macDelimiter +   // 11. V
                        this.Country + macDelimiter +      // 12. V
                        this.Currency + macDelimiter +     // 13. P
                        this.Device + macDelimiter +       // 14. P
                        this.Content + macDelimiter +      // 15. P
                        this.Type + macDelimiter +         // 16. P
                        this.Algorithm + macDelimiter +    // 17. P
                        this.DeliveryDate + macDelimiter + // 18. P
                        this.FirstName + macDelimiter +    // 19. V
                        this.FamilyName + macDelimiter +   // 20. V
                        this.Address + macDelimiter +      // 21. V
                        this.Postcode + macDelimiter +     // 22. V
                        this.PostOffice + macDelimiter +   // 23. V

            macString = PaymentUtils.CalculateMD5HashUTF8(macString); //24.

            this.MAC = macString;

コード例 #6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IsPostBack)
                //the below creates for example
                //URL: http://localhost:53416/PaymentResponseWebForm.aspx";
                string urlBeginning = this.TestUrl();
                string returnURL    = urlBeginning + "/PaymentResponseWebForm.aspx";
                string cancelURL    = urlBeginning + "/PaymentResponseWebForm.aspx";
                string rejectURL    = urlBeginning + "/PaymentResponseWebForm.aspx";
                string delayedURL   = urlBeginning + "/PaymentResponseWebForm.aspx";

                //Create Payment
                Payment payment = new Payment();

                //set merchant data (required)
                payment.InitializeValues(merchantId, merchantSecretKey);

                //other required parameters
                payment.Stamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyyyhhmmssfff");
                string modifiedAmount = PaymentUtils.ModifyAmount(this.AmountTextBox.Text); // remove comma or dot
                payment.Amount       = modifiedAmount;                                      // 1 Euro minimum purchase (100 cents)
                Session["Amount"]    = modifiedAmount;                                      //store Amount in Session for Query (just for testing)
                payment.Reference    = "123456";
                payment.ReturnUrl    = returnURL;
                payment.CancelUrl    = cancelURL;
                payment.DeliveryDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

                payment.Language = this.LanguageDropDownList.SelectedValue; // (required param)
                payment.Country  = "FIN";                                   // (required)

                payment.Device = this.DeviceDropDownList.SelectedValue;     //HTML or XML

                payment.RejectUrl  = rejectURL;
                payment.DelayedUrl = delayedURL;
                payment.FirstName  = this.FirstNameTextBox.Text;
                payment.FamilyName = this.FamilyNameTextBox.Text;
                payment.Address    = this.AddressTextBox.Text;
                payment.Postcode   = this.PostcodeTextBox.Text;
                payment.PostOffice = this.PostcodeTextBox.Text;
                payment.Message    = this.MessageTextBox.Text;

                payment.Validate(); //optional validation (Checkout Finland validates data too)

                //Send payment data to Checkout Finland,
                //then make received payment options available
                //to the Web Form
                    this.BankPaymentOptions = CheckoutClient.postPaymentData(payment.FormData());
                catch (WebException ex)
                    //exception handling for testing
                    string errorMessage = ex.ToString();
                    errorMessage = (errorMessage.Length > 1000) ? errorMessage.Substring(0, 1000) : errorMessage;
                    Response.Redirect("~/PaymentErrorWebForm.aspx?error=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(errorMessage));

                //if device HTML (1), then use WebForm for HTML page
                if (payment.Device.Equals(Checkout.Payment.Device_HTML))
                else //WebForm for XML format
                    this.Payment = payment;
