//constructor for the main window public MainWindow() { //Initializes classes AppWindow = this; attendanceWriter = new AttendanceWriter(); //the following lines update the database //comment them out if you dont want to update on startup //uncomment them if you want to update on startup //SQLPuller sqlPuller = new SQLPuller(); //sqlPuller.pullAuthorizedCheckers(); //sqlPuller.pullEvents(); //sqlPuller.pullStudents(); pcProxDLLAPI.USBDisconnect(); //displays main window and goes to the sign in page InitializeComponent(); //uncomment the page you want to go to on startup for testing? //sign in page is the normal process for the app GoToSignInPage(); //GoToEventsPage(); //GoToScanPage(); //GoToResultsPage(); textBox1.Text = "Updated: " + attendanceWriter.getDate(); //attempts connecting the usb reader device long DeviceID = 0; if (pcProxDLLAPI.usbConnect() == 1) { DeviceID = pcProxDLLAPI.GetDID(); ushort proxDevice = pcProxDLLAPI.writeDevCfgToFile("prox_device_configuration"); MainWindow.AppWindow.textBox2.Text = "Connected to DeviceID: " + DeviceID; this.deviceConnected = true; //if the device's scan time does not match the constant set, write new //settings to device with the constant's scan time if (pcProxDLLAPI.getTimeParms_iIDHoldTO() != SCANOFFSETTIME || pcProxDLLAPI.getTimeParms_iIDLockOutTm() != SCANOFFSETTIME) { pcProxDLLAPI.setTimeParms_iIDHoldTO(SCANOFFSETTIME); pcProxDLLAPI.setTimeParms_iIDLockOutTm(SCANOFFSETTIME); Console.Out.WriteLine(pcProxDLLAPI.getTimeParms_iIDHoldTO()); Console.Out.WriteLine(pcProxDLLAPI.getTimeParms_iIDLockOutTm()); Console.Out.WriteLine("WRITING CONFIG TO DEVICE"); Console.Out.WriteLine(pcProxDLLAPI.WriteCfg()); pcProxDLLAPI.ReadCfg(); Console.Out.WriteLine(pcProxDLLAPI.getTimeParms_iIDHoldTO()); Console.Out.WriteLine(pcProxDLLAPI.getTimeParms_iIDLockOutTm()); } } else { MainWindow.AppWindow.textBox2.Text = "No device found"; } }