private void Btn_DeleteQuestion_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MessageBoxResult result = System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete the Question", "Delete Question", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); switch (result) { case MessageBoxResult.Yes: XmlDocument docu = new XmlDocument(); docu.Load("Questions.xml"); foreach (XmlNode x in docu.SelectNodes("ArrayOfQuestion/Question")) { if (x.SelectSingleNode("QuestionId").InnerText == Questionid.Text) { x.ParentNode.RemoveChild(x); docu.Save("Questions.xml"); } } var manageQuestion = new ManageQuestion(); manageQuestion.Show(); this.Close(); break; case MessageBoxResult.No: break; } }
private void Btn_ManageQuestions_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var mainwindow = new MainWindow(); mainwindow.Close(); var managequestions = new ManageQuestion(); managequestions.Show(); this.Close(); }
private void Btn_UpdateQuestion_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var pro = DbUtility.ReadXml <ObservableCollection <Question> >("Questions.xml"); var question = new ObservableCollection <Question>(); var qs = pro.First(f => f.QuestionId == Questionid.Text); qs.QuestionTitle = Question.Text; qs.OptionA = OptionA.Text; qs.OptionB = OptionB.Text; qs.OptionC = OptionC.Text; qs.OptionD = OptionD.Text; qs.CorectionAnswer = CorrectAnswer.Text; DbUtility.WriteXml <ObservableCollection <Question> >(pro, "Questions.xml"); MessageBox.Show("Question Successfully Updated"); var manageQuestion = new ManageQuestion(); manageQuestion.Show(); this.Close(); }