private void CommitToDatabase(List <AsinProductData> asinData) { using (var db = new CheapeesEntities()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < asinData.Count; i++) { var a = asinData[i]; AmazonListing dbEntry = new AmazonListing(); dbEntry.Asin = a.Asin; dbEntry.BuyBox = a.BuyBoxTotalPrice; dbEntry.CurrentlyOwnBuyBox = a.CurrentlyOwnBuyBox; dbEntry.Date = DateTime.Now; dbEntry.SalesRank = a.SalesRankTopLevel; if (db.AmazonListings.Where(o => o.Asin.Equals(dbEntry.Asin) && o.Date.Equals(dbEntry.Date)).Count() == 0 && db.AmazonListings.Local.Where(o => o.Asin.Equals(dbEntry.Asin) && o.Date.Equals(dbEntry.Date)).Count() == 0) { db.AmazonListings.Add(dbEntry); } if (i % 1000 == 0) { this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Committing to database - {0:0.00}% ({1}/{2})", i * 100.0 / asinData.Count, i, asinData.Count); this.StatusPercentage = i * 100 / asinData.Count; db.SaveChanges(); } } db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void CommitToDatabase(List <AsinPrepData> asinData) { using (var db = new CheapeesEntities()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < asinData.Count; i++) { var a = asinData[i]; if (db.AmazonPrepInstructions.Where(o => o.Asin.Equals(a.Asin)).Count() == 0 && db.AmazonPrepInstructions.Local.Where(o => o.Asin.Equals(a.Asin)).Count() == 0) { AmazonPrepInstruction dbEntry = new AmazonPrepInstruction(); dbEntry.Asin = a.Asin; dbEntry.Labelling = a.Labelling; dbEntry.PrepRequired = a.Prep; db.AmazonPrepInstructions.Add(dbEntry); } else { AmazonPrepInstruction dbEntry = db.AmazonPrepInstructions.Where(o => o.Asin.Equals(a.Asin)).SingleOrDefault(); if (dbEntry != null) { dbEntry.Labelling = a.Labelling; dbEntry.PrepRequired = a.Prep; } } if (i % 1000 == 0) { this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Committing to database - {0:0.00}% ({1}/{2})", i * 100.0 / asinData.Count, i, asinData.Count); this.StatusPercentage = i * 100 / asinData.Count; db.SaveChanges(); } } db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void CommitToDatabase(List <InventoryItem> inventory) { using (var db = new CheapeesEntities()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < inventory.Count; i++) { var item = inventory[i]; var entity = db.Inventories.Where(o => o.Sku.Equals(item.Sku)).FirstOrDefault(); if (entity == null) { entity = new Inventory(); entity.Asin = item.Asin; entity.Sku = item.Sku; entity.Title = item.Title; db.Inventories.Add(entity); } else { entity.Asin = item.Asin; entity.Sku = item.Sku; entity.Title = item.Title; } if (i % 1000 == 0) { // Save every 1000 records this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Committing to database - {0:0.00}% ({0}/{1})", i * 100.0 / inventory.Count, i, inventory.Count); this.StatusPercentage = (i * 100) / inventory.Count; db.SaveChanges(); } } db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void CommitToDatabase(List <FbaInventoryQuantity> fbaQuantities) { using (var db = new CheapeesEntities()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; // Clear table first db.AmazonFulfilledInventories.RemoveRange(db.AmazonFulfilledInventories); db.SaveChanges(); for (int i = 0; i < fbaQuantities.Count; i++) { var qty = fbaQuantities[i]; AmazonFulfilledInventory dbInv = new AmazonFulfilledInventory(); dbInv.Asin = qty.Asin; dbInv.FbaSku = qty.Sku; dbInv.Fnsku = qty.Fnsku; dbInv.FulfillableQuantity = qty.FulfillableQuantity; dbInv.InboundReceivingQuantity = qty.InboundReceivingQuantity; dbInv.InboundShippedQuantity = qty.InboundShippedQuantity; dbInv.InboundWorkingQuantity = qty.InboundWorkingQuantity; dbInv.TotalQuantity = qty.TotalQuantity; db.AmazonFulfilledInventories.Add(dbInv); if (i % 1000 == 0) { this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Committing to database - {0:0.00}% ({1}/{2})", i * 100.0 / fbaQuantities.Count, i, fbaQuantities.Count); this.StatusPercentage = i * 100 / fbaQuantities.Count; db.SaveChanges(); } } db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void CommitServiceStatus() { using (var db = new CheapeesEntities()) { var entry = db.ServiceStatuses.Where(o => o.ServiceId.Equals(this.ServiceId)).SingleOrDefault(); if (entry != null) { entry.LastSuccessfulUpdate = this.LastUpdated; } else { ServiceStatus status = new ServiceStatus(); status.ServiceId = this.ServiceId; status.LastSuccessfulUpdate = this.LastUpdated; db.ServiceStatuses.Add(status); } db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void CommitToDatabase(List <ChannelAdvisorSale> sales) { using (var db = new CheapeesEntities()) { foreach (var sale in sales) { if (db.MerchantFulfilledSales.Local.Count(o => (o.Invoice.Equals(sale.Invoice) && o.Sku.Equals(sale.SKU))) == 0 && db.MerchantFulfilledSales.Count(o => (o.Invoice.Equals(sale.Invoice) && o.Sku.Equals(sale.SKU))) == 0) { MerchantFulfilledSale dbSale = new MerchantFulfilledSale(); dbSale.Invoice = sale.Invoice; dbSale.Marketplace = sale.Marketplace; dbSale.OrderTime = sale.OrderTime; dbSale.Quantity = sale.Quantity; dbSale.Sku = sale.SKU; dbSale.UnitPrice = sale.UnitPrice; db.MerchantFulfilledSales.Add(dbSale); } } db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void CommitToDatabase(List<InventoryItem> inventory) { using (var db = new CheapeesEntities()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < inventory.Count; i++) { var item = inventory[i]; var entity = db.Inventories.Where(o => o.Sku.Equals(item.Sku)).FirstOrDefault(); if (entity == null) { entity = new Inventory(); entity.Asin = item.Asin; entity.Sku = item.Sku; entity.Title = item.Title; db.Inventories.Add(entity); } else { entity.Asin = item.Asin; entity.Sku = item.Sku; entity.Title = item.Title; } if (i % 1000 == 0) { // Save every 1000 records this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Committing to database - {0:0.00}% ({0}/{1})", i * 100.0 / inventory.Count, i, inventory.Count); this.StatusPercentage = (i * 100) / inventory.Count; db.SaveChanges(); } } db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void CommitServiceStatus() { using (var db = new CheapeesEntities()) { var entry = db.ServiceStatuses.Where(o => o.ServiceId.Equals(this.ServiceId)).SingleOrDefault(); if (entry != null) entry.LastSuccessfulUpdate = this.LastUpdated; else { ServiceStatus status = new ServiceStatus(); status.ServiceId = this.ServiceId; status.LastSuccessfulUpdate = this.LastUpdated; db.ServiceStatuses.Add(status); } db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void CommitToDatabase(List<AsinProductData> asinData) { using (var db = new CheapeesEntities()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < asinData.Count; i++) { var a = asinData[i]; AmazonListing dbEntry = new AmazonListing(); dbEntry.Asin = a.Asin; dbEntry.BuyBox = a.BuyBoxTotalPrice; dbEntry.CurrentlyOwnBuyBox = a.CurrentlyOwnBuyBox; dbEntry.Date = DateTime.Now; dbEntry.SalesRank = a.SalesRankTopLevel; if (db.AmazonListings.Where(o => o.Asin.Equals(dbEntry.Asin) && o.Date.Equals(dbEntry.Date)).Count() == 0 && db.AmazonListings.Local.Where(o => o.Asin.Equals(dbEntry.Asin) && o.Date.Equals(dbEntry.Date)).Count() == 0) { db.AmazonListings.Add(dbEntry); } if (i % 1000 == 0) { this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Committing to database - {0:0.00}% ({1}/{2})", i * 100.0 / asinData.Count, i, asinData.Count); this.StatusPercentage = i * 100 / asinData.Count; db.SaveChanges(); } } db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void CommitToDatabase(List<ChannelAdvisorSale> sales) { using (var db = new CheapeesEntities()) { foreach (var sale in sales) { if (db.MerchantFulfilledSales.Local.Count(o => (o.Invoice.Equals(sale.Invoice) && o.Sku.Equals(sale.SKU))) == 0 && db.MerchantFulfilledSales.Count(o => (o.Invoice.Equals(sale.Invoice) && o.Sku.Equals(sale.SKU))) == 0) { MerchantFulfilledSale dbSale = new MerchantFulfilledSale(); dbSale.Invoice = sale.Invoice; dbSale.Marketplace = sale.Marketplace; dbSale.OrderTime = sale.OrderTime; dbSale.Quantity = sale.Quantity; dbSale.Sku = sale.SKU; dbSale.UnitPrice = sale.UnitPrice; db.MerchantFulfilledSales.Add(dbSale); } } db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void CommitToDatabase(List<FbaInventoryQuantity> fbaQuantities) { using (var db = new CheapeesEntities()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; // Clear table first db.AmazonFulfilledInventories.RemoveRange(db.AmazonFulfilledInventories); db.SaveChanges(); for (int i = 0; i < fbaQuantities.Count; i++) { var qty = fbaQuantities[i]; AmazonFulfilledInventory dbInv = new AmazonFulfilledInventory(); dbInv.Asin = qty.Asin; dbInv.FbaSku = qty.Sku; dbInv.Fnsku = qty.Fnsku; dbInv.FulfillableQuantity = qty.FulfillableQuantity; dbInv.InboundReceivingQuantity = qty.InboundReceivingQuantity; dbInv.InboundShippedQuantity = qty.InboundShippedQuantity; dbInv.InboundWorkingQuantity = qty.InboundWorkingQuantity; dbInv.TotalQuantity = qty.TotalQuantity; db.AmazonFulfilledInventories.Add(dbInv); if (i % 1000 == 0) { this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Committing to database - {0:0.00}% ({1}/{2})", i * 100.0 / fbaQuantities.Count, i, fbaQuantities.Count); this.StatusPercentage = i * 100 / fbaQuantities.Count; db.SaveChanges(); } } db.SaveChanges(); } }
private void CommitToDatabase(List<AsinPrepData> asinData) { using (var db = new CheapeesEntities()) { db.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; db.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < asinData.Count; i++) { var a = asinData[i]; if (db.AmazonPrepInstructions.Where(o => o.Asin.Equals(a.Asin)).Count() == 0 && db.AmazonPrepInstructions.Local.Where(o => o.Asin.Equals(a.Asin)).Count() == 0) { AmazonPrepInstruction dbEntry = new AmazonPrepInstruction(); dbEntry.Asin = a.Asin; dbEntry.Labelling = a.Labelling; dbEntry.PrepRequired = a.Prep; db.AmazonPrepInstructions.Add(dbEntry); } else { AmazonPrepInstruction dbEntry = db.AmazonPrepInstructions.Where(o => o.Asin.Equals(a.Asin)).SingleOrDefault(); if (dbEntry != null) { dbEntry.Labelling = a.Labelling; dbEntry.PrepRequired = a.Prep; } } if (i % 1000 == 0) { this.StatusDescription = string.Format("Committing to database - {0:0.00}% ({1}/{2})", i * 100.0 / asinData.Count, i, asinData.Count); this.StatusPercentage = i * 100 / asinData.Count; db.SaveChanges(); } } db.SaveChanges(); } }