public static void OnDeleteBlockReq(Player player, MemoryStream stream) { Ultilities.Print("OnDeleteBlockReq"); CSDeleteBlockReq req = NetworkManager.Deserialize <CSDeleteBlockReq>(stream); Vector2Int chunk = Ultilities.GetChunk(req.position); bool deleted = TerrainData.RemoveBlockInChunk(chunk, req.position); CSDeleteBlockRes res = new CSDeleteBlockRes(); if (deleted) { res.RetCode = 0; res.position = req.position; } else { res.RetCode = 3; } NetworkManager.Enqueue(player.socket, ENUM_CMD.CS_DELETE_BLOCK_RES, res); if (deleted) { //同步给有该chunk视野的其他玩家 foreach (Player p in TerrainData.GetChunkViewPlayers(chunk)) { if ( != { DeleteBlockNotify(p, req.position); } } } }
public static void OnRegisterReq(Player player, MemoryStream stream) { CSRegisterReq req = NetworkManager.Deserialize <CSRegisterReq>(stream); Ultilities.Print($"CSRegisterReq,account={req.Account},req.Name={req.Name},req.Password={req.Password}"); bool hasRegistered = Redis.GetAccountData(req.Account, out AccountData accountData); //检测是否已注册 if (hasRegistered) { CSRegisterRes res = new CSRegisterRes { RetCode = 8 }; NetworkManager.Enqueue(player.socket, ENUM_CMD.CS_REGISTER_RES, res); } else { accountData = new AccountData { playerID = Redis.GetPlayerIndexAdd(), account = req.Account, password = req.Password, name = req.Name }; Ultilities.Print($"SetAccountData,playerID={accountData.playerID},account={accountData.account},password={accountData.password},name={}"); Redis.SetAccountData(accountData.account, accountData); CSRegisterRes res = new CSRegisterRes { RetCode = 0 }; NetworkManager.Enqueue(player.socket, ENUM_CMD.CS_REGISTER_RES, res); } }
public static void OnAddBlockReq(Player player, MemoryStream stream) { Ultilities.Print("OnAddBlockReq"); CSAddBlockReq req = NetworkManager.Deserialize <CSAddBlockReq>(stream); Vector2Int chunk = Ultilities.GetChunk(req.block.position); bool addSuccess = TerrainData.AddBlockInChunk(chunk, req.block); //回包 CSAddBlockRes res = new CSAddBlockRes(); if (addSuccess) { res.RetCode = 0; res.block = req.block; } else { res.RetCode = 2; } NetworkManager.Enqueue(player.socket, ENUM_CMD.CS_ADD_BLOCK_RES, res); if (addSuccess) { //同步给有该chunk视野的其他玩家 foreach (Player p in TerrainData.GetChunkViewPlayers(chunk)) { if ( != { AddBlockNotify(p, req.block); } } } }
static void Send() { while (true) { if (_message.Count > 0) { Package package = _message.Dequeue(); List <byte> bytes = new List <byte>(); bytes.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)package.type)); bytes.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes((uint); bytes.AddRange(; try { int num = package.socket.Send(bytes.ToArray()); if (package.type != ENUM_CMD.CS_PLAYER_MOVE_NOTIFY) { Ultilities.Print($"send mesage, num={num}, length={}, type={package.type}"); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("send failed"); continue; } } } }
public static void Init() { if (redis == null) { redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(""); Ultilities.Print("Redis Ready!"); } }
static void Receive(object obj) { Player player = obj as Player; while (true) { byte[] data = new byte[6]; int receive = 0; try { receive = player.socket.Receive(data); } catch { PlayerDisconnect(player); break; } if (receive > 0) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data); BinaryReader binary = new BinaryReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8); ENUM_CMD type = (ENUM_CMD)binary.ReadUInt16(); uint length = binary.ReadUInt32(); data = new byte[length]; player.socket.Receive(data); stream = new MemoryStream(data); if (type != ENUM_CMD.CS_HERO_MOVE_REQ) { Ultilities.Print($"recieved message, type={type}, length={length}"); } if (_callbacks.ContainsKey(type)) { CallBackFunction func = _callbacks[type]; func(player, stream); } } else { PlayerDisconnect(player); break; } } }
static void AddPlayer(Player player, CSPlayer playerData) { = playerData.PlayerID; = playerData.Name; player.position = new Vector3 { x = playerData.Position.x, y = playerData.Position.y, z = playerData.Position.z }; player.rotation = new Vector3 { x = playerData.Rotation.x, y = playerData.Rotation.y, z = playerData.Rotation.z }; player.inRoom = true; player.curChunk = new Vector2Int { x = (int)Math.Floor(player.position.x / 16f), y = (int)Math.Floor(player.position.z / 16f) }; TerrainData.GetChunkPlayers(player.curChunk).Add(player); players.Add(, player); Ultilities.Print($"player {}({player.socket.RemoteEndPoint}) has logged in!"); }
public static void OnChunksEnterLeaveViewReq(Player player, MemoryStream stream) { CSChunksEnterLeaveViewReq req = NetworkManager.Deserialize <CSChunksEnterLeaveViewReq>(stream); Ultilities.Print("CSChunksEnterLeaveViewReq," + req.EnterViewChunks.Count + "," + req.LeaveViewChunks.Count); bool leaveView = true; bool enterView = ProcessChunksEnterView(player, req.EnterViewChunks, out List <CSChunk> enterViewChunks); List <Vector2Int> leaveViewChunks = null; if (enterView) { if (req.LeaveViewChunks.Count > 0) { leaveView = ProcessChunksLeaveView(player, req.LeaveViewChunks, out leaveViewChunks); } } if (enterView && leaveView) { CSChunksEnterLeaveViewRes res = new CSChunksEnterLeaveViewRes { RetCode = 0 }; res.EnterViewChunks.AddRange(enterViewChunks); if (leaveViewChunks != null) { res.LeaveViewChunks.AddRange(Vector2Int.Vector2IntList_To_CSVector2IntList(leaveViewChunks)); } Ultilities.Print("CSChunksEnterLeaveViewRes," + res.EnterViewChunks.Count + "," + res.LeaveViewChunks.Count); NetworkManager.Enqueue(player.socket, ENUM_CMD.CS_CHUNKS_ENTER_LEAVE_VIEW_RES, res); } else { CSChunksEnterLeaveViewRes res = new CSChunksEnterLeaveViewRes { RetCode = 4 }; Ultilities.Print("CSChunksEnterLeaveViewRes," + res.EnterViewChunks.Count + "," + res.LeaveViewChunks.Count); NetworkManager.Enqueue(player.socket, ENUM_CMD.CS_CHUNKS_ENTER_LEAVE_VIEW_RES, res); } }
public static void OnSendMessageReq(Player player, MemoryStream stream) { CSSendMessageReq req = NetworkManager.Deserialize <CSSendMessageReq>(stream); //Console.WriteLine($"OnSendMessageReq,content={req.Content}"); int retCode = player.inRoom ? 0 : -1; if (player.inRoom) { Ultilities.Print(req.Content,; } CSSendMessageRes res = new CSSendMessageRes { RetCode = retCode }; NetworkManager.Enqueue(player.socket, ENUM_CMD.CS_SEND_MESSAGE_RES, res); MessageNotify(, req.Content); }
public static void Start() { string ip = Ultilities.GetIpv4Address(); //string ip = new WebClient().DownloadString(""); //ip = ip.Substring(0,ip.Length-1);//remove the \n character Socket _socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ip), port); try { _socket.Bind(endPoint); } catch (Exception ex) { Ultilities.Print("bind socket failed"); Ultilities.Print(ex.ToString()); return; } _socket.Listen(0); Ultilities.Print($"server started, ip = {ip}, port = {port}"); Thread sendThread = new Thread(Send); sendThread.Start(); while (true) { Socket client = _socket.Accept(); Player player = new Player(); player.socket = client; Ultilities.Print($"{player.socket.RemoteEndPoint} connected"); Thread receiveThread = new Thread(Receive); receiveThread.Start(player); } }
public static void OnLoginReq(Player player, MemoryStream stream) { CSLoginReq req = NetworkManager.Deserialize <CSLoginReq>(stream); Ultilities.Print($"CSLoginReq,account={req.Account}"); //检测是否已注册 bool bAccountExist = Redis.GetAccountData(req.Account, out AccountData accountData); //Ultilities.Print($"bAccountExist={bAccountExist}"); if (!bAccountExist) { CSLoginRes res = new CSLoginRes { RetCode = 6 }; NetworkManager.Enqueue(player.socket, ENUM_CMD.CS_LOGIN_RES, res); } else { //检测是否已登录,防止顶号 bool hasLoggedIn = players.ContainsKey(accountData.playerID); //Ultilities.Print($"hasLoggedIn={hasLoggedIn}"); if (hasLoggedIn) { CSLoginRes res = new CSLoginRes { RetCode = 5 }; NetworkManager.Enqueue(player.socket, ENUM_CMD.CS_LOGIN_RES, res); } else { //检查密码是否正确 bool bCorrect = req.Password.Equals(accountData.password); //Ultilities.Print($"req.Password={req.Password},accountData.password={accountData.password},bCorrect={bCorrect}"); if (!bCorrect) { CSLoginRes res = new CSLoginRes { RetCode = 7 }; NetworkManager.Enqueue(player.socket, ENUM_CMD.CS_LOGIN_RES, res); } else { bool hasData = Redis.GetPlayerData(accountData.playerID, out CSPlayer playerData); //Ultilities.Print($"hasData={hasData}"); if (!hasData) { //如果是第一次登陆,则写数据库 playerData = new CSPlayer { PlayerID = accountData.playerID, Name =, Position = new CSVector3 { x = 0, y = 30, z = 0 }, Rotation = new CSVector3 { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 } }; Redis.SetPlayerData(playerData.PlayerID, playerData); } AddPlayer(player, playerData); //Ultilities.Print($"playerData,playerID={accountData.playerID},account={accountData.account},password={accountData.password},name={}"); //Ultilities.Print($"player,id={},name={}"); CSLoginRes res = new CSLoginRes { RetCode = 0, PlayerData = playerData }; NetworkManager.Enqueue(player.socket, ENUM_CMD.CS_LOGIN_RES, res); MessageNotify("system", "player " + + " has logged in, current number of player : " + players.Count); } } } }
static void PlayerDisconnect(Player player) { Ultilities.Print($"player {} disconnected"); player.socket.Close(); GameLogic.RemovePlayer(player); }