コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets blade state. If state is set to ON, set the blade to on; otherwise, set the blade to off.
        /// If bladeId is specified, change blade state to that specific blade; otherwise, the change
        /// will be made to all blades.
        /// </summary>
        protected bool SetBladeState(PowerState state, int bladeId = -1, [CallerMemberName]
                                     string testName = null)
                var message = string.Format("Set {0} to {1} state", state,
                                            bladeId > 0 ? string.Format("Blade {0}", bladeId) : "all blades");
                CmTestLog.Info(string.Concat("Trying to ", message), testName);
                ChassisResponse response;
                if (bladeId > 0)
                    response = state == PowerState.ON
                               ? this.Channel.SetBladeOn(bladeId)
                               : this.Channel.SetBladeOff(bladeId);
                    response = state == PowerState.ON
                               ? this.Channel.SetAllBladesOn()
                               : this.Channel.SetAllBladesOff();

                var result = ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success,
                                                               response.completionCode, message, testName);

            catch (Exception e)
                CmTestLog.Exception(e, testName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Command: ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp. Test case verifies:
        /// The command returns completion code success for WcsAdmin;
        /// Bad Request for WcsOperator and WcsUser
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if all check-points pass; false, otherwise.</returns>
        // [TFS WorkItem:2577] ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp: Verify all users from are able to execute the command
        public bool ReadChassisLogWithTimestampByAllUsers()

            bool testPassed = true;

            // Loop through different user types and ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp
            foreach (WCSSecurityRole roleId in Enum.GetValues(typeof(WCSSecurityRole)))
                ChassisLogResponse chassisLog;
                // Use different user context
                this.TestChannelContext = this.ListTestChannelContexts[(int)roleId];

                CmTestLog.Info(string.Format("Trying to ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp with user type {0} ", roleId.ToString()));

                chassisLog = this.TestChannelContext.ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp(DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.Now);

                if (chassisLog.completionCode != CompletionCode.Success && (roleId == WCSSecurityRole.WcsCmAdmin || roleId == WCSSecurityRole.WcsCmOperator || roleId == WCSSecurityRole.WcsCmUser))
                    CmTestLog.Failure(string.Format("Cannot Get Read ChassisLogs WithTimestamp With User {0}", roleId.ToString()));
                    testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, chassisLog.completionCode, "Received ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp for user " + roleId.ToString());

        /// <summary>
        /// Test Command: ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp. The test case verifies:
        /// The command returns completion code success;
        /// Verifies all the entries with in the time stamp
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if all check-points pass; false, otherwise.</returns>
        public bool ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp()
            bool testPassed = true;

            ChassisLogResponse cmLogReponse         = null;
            ChassisLogResponse CMLogReponseWithTime = null;

            CmTestLog.Info("!!!!!!!!! Starting execution of ReadChassisLogWithTimestampTest !!!!!!!!!");

            cmLogReponse = this.Channel.ReadChassisLog();
            testPassed  &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, cmLogReponse.completionCode, "Received for read chassis log");

            // Make sure log entries should not  be more than 50
            testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.IsTrue(cmLogReponse.logEntries.Count <= CmConstants.LogEntries, string.Format("Received {0} log entries", cmLogReponse.logEntries.Count));

            DateTime invalidStart = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
            DateTime invalidEnd   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2);

            CMLogReponseWithTime = this.Channel.ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp(invalidStart, invalidEnd);
            testPassed          &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, CMLogReponseWithTime.completionCode, "Received success for ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp");
            testPassed          &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.IsTrue(CMLogReponseWithTime.logEntries.Count == 0, "Received zero entries for invalid timestamp");

            //need to clear the chassis log so the response is not too big
            ChassisResponse response = this.Channel.ClearChassisLog();

            //Add couple more calls

            cmLogReponse = this.Channel.ReadChassisLog();

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
            DateTime end   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

            CMLogReponseWithTime = this.Channel.ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp(start, end);

            testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, CMLogReponseWithTime.completionCode, "Received success for ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp");

            testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.IsTrue(cmLogReponse.logEntries[1].eventTime > start, "Log entires start time");
            testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.IsTrue(cmLogReponse.logEntries[cmLogReponse.logEntries.Count - 1].eventTime < end, "Log entires end time");

            int logSize = CMLogReponseWithTime.logEntries.Count;

            if (!CMLogReponseWithTime.logEntries[logSize - 1].eventDescription.Contains("SetChassisAttentionLEDOn"))
                CmTestLog.Failure("!!!Failed to read the CM logs with a time range.");
            //This will require that the CM doesn't receive any other user commands.
            if (!CMLogReponseWithTime.logEntries[0].eventDescription.Contains("ReadChassisLog"))
                CmTestLog.Failure("!!!Failed to read the CM logs with a time range.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Test Command: ClearChassisLog
        /// Test case verifies: Completion code success
        /// Verifies Log entries count after clear chassis log and read chassislog
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if all check-points pass; false, otherwise.</returns>
        public bool ClearChassisLog()
            bool testPassed = true;
            ChassisLogResponse cmLogsResponse;
            ChassisResponse    cmResponse;

            CmTestLog.Info(" !!!!!! Started running of clearchassislogtest !!!!!! ");

            cmResponse  = this.Channel.ClearChassisLog();
            testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, cmResponse.completionCode, "Received for clear chassis log");

            CmTestLog.Info("Verifying log entries after clear the chassis logs");
            cmLogsResponse = this.Channel.ReadChassisLog();
            testPassed    &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, cmResponse.completionCode, "Received for read chassis log");

            testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CmConstants.LogCount, cmLogsResponse.logEntries.Count, "Received for log entries count");

        /// <summary>
        /// Test Command: ReadBladeLogWithTimestamp. The test case verifies:
        /// The command returns completion code success;
        /// The command succeeds even after all logs are cleared.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if all check-points pass; false, otherwise.</returns>
        public bool ReadBladeLogWithTimestampTest()

            // get all server blade locations
            int[] serverLocations;
            if (!GetBladeLocations(blade => blade.bladeType.Equals(CmConstants.ServerBladeType),
                                   out serverLocations) || serverLocations.Length == 0)
                CmTestLog.Failure("Cannot find any server blade");
            // pick up a random server blade
            var bladeId = serverLocations.RandomOrDefault();

            CmTestLog.Info(string.Format("Pick up a random server blade# {0} for test", bladeId));

            bool            testPassed = true;
            ChassisResponse response;

            // read logs from the blade
            CmTestLog.Info("Trying to read blade log with timestamp from Blade# " + bladeId);
            response    = this.Channel.ReadBladeLogWithTimestamp(bladeId, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.Now);
            testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, response.completionCode, "Logs read from Blade# " + bladeId);

            // clear the logs and read again
            CmTestLog.Info("Trying to clear the logs on Blade# " + bladeId);
            response    = this.Channel.ClearBladeLog(bladeId);
            testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, response.completionCode, "Logs cleared on Blade# " + bladeId);

            CmTestLog.Info("Trying to read logs again from Blade# " + bladeId);
            response    = this.Channel.ReadBladeLogWithTimestamp(bladeId, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.Now);
            testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, response.completionCode, "Logs read from Blade# " + bladeId);

            // end of the test
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Command: ClearChassisLog. Test case verifies:
        /// The command returns completion code success for WcsAdmin;
        /// Bad Request for WcsOperator and WcsUser
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if all check-points pass; false, otherwise.</returns>
        // [TFS WorkItem:2585] ClearChassisLog: Verify ONLY users from WcsCmAdmin are able to execute the command
        public bool ClearChassisLogByAllUsers()

            bool testPassed = true;

            // Loop through different user types and ReadChassisLogWithTimestamp
            foreach (WCSSecurityRole roleId in Enum.GetValues(typeof(WCSSecurityRole)))
                    // Use different user context
                    this.TestChannelContext = this.ListTestChannelContexts[(int)roleId];

                    CmTestLog.Info(string.Format("Trying to ClearChassisLog with user type {0} ", roleId.ToString()));

                    ChassisResponse clearChassisLog = this.TestChannelContext.ClearChassisLog();

                    testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, clearChassisLog.completionCode, "Received ClearChassisLog for user " + roleId.ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Check error is due to permission HTTP 400 bad request
                    if (ex.Message.Contains("400") && roleId == WCSSecurityRole.WcsCmUser)
                        ChassisManagerTestHelper.IsTrue(true, "ClearChassisLog returned Bad Request for user " + roleId.ToString());
                        ChassisManagerTestHelper.IsTrue(false, "Exception: " + ex.Message);
                        testPassed = false;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Test Command: SetNextBoot, GetNextBoot. The test case verifies:
        ///     The command returns a success completion code on server blades;
        ///     The command works with all blade types (except unknown type);
        ///     When set to non-persistent, the blade will lose its next boot value after restart.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if all check-points pass; false, otherwise.</returns>
        public bool SetGetNextBootTest()

            // get all server blade locations
            int[] serverLocations;
            if (!GetBladeLocations(blade => blade.bladeType.Equals(CmConstants.ServerBladeType),
                                   out serverLocations) || serverLocations.Length == 0)
                CmTestLog.Failure("Cannot find any server blade");
            // pick up a random server blade
            int bladeId = serverLocations.RandomOrDefault();

            CmTestLog.Info(string.Format("Pick up a random server blade# {0} for test", bladeId));

            // make sure the blade is powered on
            if (!SetPowerState(PowerState.ON, bladeId))
                CmTestLog.Failure("Cannot power on Blade# " + bladeId);

            bool allPassed = true;

            foreach (BladeBootType bootType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BladeBootType)))
                if (bootType == BladeBootType.Unknown)

                //// set next boot to persistent
                CmTestLog.Info(string.Format("Trying to set next boot to Type {0} with persistent", bootType));
                BootResponse response = Channel.SetNextBoot(bladeId, bootType, false, true, 0);
                allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, response.completionCode,
                                                               "Set persistent boot type");
                // get next boot and verify
                CmTestLog.Info("Trying to get the next boot");
                response   = Channel.GetNextBoot(bladeId);
                allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success,
                                                               response.completionCode, "Get next boot value");
                allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(bootType, response.nextBoot,
                                                               "The boot type matches what it was set to");

                //// set to non persistent
                CmTestLog.Info(string.Format("Trying to set next boot to Type {0} with non-persistent", bootType));
                response   = Channel.SetNextBoot(bladeId, bootType, false, false, 1);
                allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, response.completionCode,
                                                               "Set non-persistent boot type");
                // get next boot and verify
                CmTestLog.Info("Trying to get the next boot");
                response   = Channel.GetNextBoot(bladeId);
                allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success,
                                                               response.completionCode, "Get next boot value");
                allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(bootType, response.nextBoot,
                                                               "The boot type matches what it was set to");
                // make sure it loses its value after restart
                if (!(bootType == BladeBootType.ForcePxe || bootType == BladeBootType.NoOverride))
                    CmTestLog.Info("Trying to restart the blade and get next boot value again");
                    Channel.SetBladeActivePowerCycle(bladeId, 0);
                    response   = Channel.GetNextBoot(bladeId);
                    allPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.IsTrue(bootType == response.nextBoot,
                                                                 "The blade loses its next boot value after power cycle");

            // end of the test
        /// <summary>
        /// Test Command: ReadBladeLog, ClearBladeLog. The test case verifies:
        /// The command returns completion code success on server blades;
        /// ReadBladeLog succeeds even after all logs are cleared.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if all check-points pass; false, otherwise.</returns>
        public bool ReadClearBladeLogTest()
            ChassisLogResponse readLogResponse;
            BladeResponse      clearLogResponse;
            bool testPassed = true;

            int[] serverLocations, jbodLocations;
            if (!this.GetBladeLocations(blade => blade.bladeType.Equals(CmConstants.ServerBladeType), out serverLocations) ||
                !this.GetBladeLocations(blade => blade.bladeType.Equals(CmConstants.JbodBladeType), out jbodLocations))
                CmTestLog.Failure("Cannot find a server/ Jbod blade to execute automation against");

            if (serverLocations == null || serverLocations.Length == 0)
                CmTestLog.Warning("There are no server blades to execute the test against.");
                int bladeId = serverLocations.RandomOrDefault();
                CmTestLog.Success("Found server blade at location: " + bladeId);

                CmTestLog.Info("Power on Blade# " + bladeId);
                var powerOnResponse = this.Channel.SetPowerOn(bladeId);
                testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, powerOnResponse.completionCode, string.Format("Blade# {0} is powered on", bladeId));

                CmTestLog.Info("Read logs from Blade# " + bladeId);
                readLogResponse = this.Channel.ReadBladeLog(bladeId);
                testPassed     &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, readLogResponse.completionCode, "Received Read logs from Blade# " + bladeId);

                CmTestLog.Info("Clear logs on Blade# " + bladeId + " and read again");
                clearLogResponse = this.Channel.ClearBladeLog(bladeId);
                testPassed      &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, clearLogResponse.completionCode, "Logs on Blade# " + bladeId + " is cleared");

                readLogResponse = this.Channel.ReadBladeLog(bladeId);
                testPassed     &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, readLogResponse.completionCode, "Read logs from Blade# " + bladeId);

            // [TFS WorkItem: 2730] ReadBladeLog: Verify command is not valid to run on JBOD blade
            if (jbodLocations == null || jbodLocations.Length == 0)
                CmTestLog.Warning("There are no JBODs to execute the test against.");
                int JbodId = jbodLocations.RandomOrDefault();
                CmTestLog.Success("Found JBOD blade at location " + JbodId);
                CmTestLog.Info("Power on Blade# " + JbodId);
                var powerOnResponse = this.Channel.SetPowerOn(JbodId);
                testPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, powerOnResponse.completionCode, string.Format("JBOD at location# {0} is powered on", JbodId));

                CmTestLog.Info("Trying to read logs for JBOD");
                readLogResponse = this.Channel.ReadBladeLog(JbodId);
                testPassed     &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.CommandNotValidForBlade, readLogResponse.completionCode, "Received CommandNotValidForBlade to Read logs for JBOD# " + JbodId);

                // [TFS WorkItem: 2731] ClearBladeLog: Verify command is not valid to run on JBOD blade
                CmTestLog.Info("Trying to clear logs for JBOD");
                clearLogResponse = this.Channel.ClearBladeLog(JbodId);
                testPassed      &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.CommandNotValidForBlade, clearLogResponse.completionCode, "Received CommandNotValidForBlade to clear logs for JBOD# " + JbodId);

            this.EmptyLocations = this.GetEmptyLocations();
            if (EmptyLocations == null || EmptyLocations.Length == 0)
                CmTestLog.Warning("There are no Empty slots to execute the test against.");
                int slotId = EmptyLocations.RandomOrDefault();
                CmTestLog.Success("Found empty slot at location " + slotId);
                CmTestLog.Info("Trying to read logs for Empty location");
                readLogResponse = this.Channel.ReadBladeLog(slotId);
                testPassed     &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Timeout, readLogResponse.completionCode, "Received Timeout to Read logs for emoty slot# " + slotId);

                // [TFS WorkItem: 2731] ClearBladeLog: Verify command is not valid to run on JBOD blade
                CmTestLog.Info("Trying to clear logs for empty slot");
                clearLogResponse = this.Channel.ClearBladeLog(slotId);
                testPassed      &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Timeout, clearLogResponse.completionCode, "Received Timeout to clear logs for empty slot# " + slotId);
        private void VerifyReadChassisLog(ref bool chassisPassed, WCSSecurityRole user)
            string currentApi         = "ReadChassisLog";
            string logParentDirectory = @"\\" + defaultCMName + @"\c$\";

            string[] userLogPaths = new string[] { null, null };

            ChassisLogResponse chassisLog = new ChassisLogResponse();

            CmTestLog.Info("TestChannelContext user " + (int)user);
            this.TestChannelContext = this.ListTestChannelContexts[(int)user];

            chassisLog = this.TestChannelContext.ReadChassisLog();

            chassisPassed &= ChassisManagerTestHelper.AreEqual(CompletionCode.Success, chassisLog.completionCode,
                                                               currentApi + ": Completion Code success for user " + user.ToString());

            if (StartStopCmService("stop"))
                CmTestLog.Success(currentApi + ": Stopped Chassis Manager Service");
                CmTestLog.Failure(currentApi +
                                  ": Unable to stop Chassis Manager Service. Will not check log entry contents");
                chassisPassed = false;

            // Check Log entries are populated in ChassisLogResponse and not greater than 50 entries
            if (chassisLog.logEntries.Count < 1)
                CmTestLog.Failure(currentApi + ": Command does not return Log Entries");
                chassisPassed = false;
                                                currentApi + ": Stopped Chassis Manager Service");
            else if (chassisLog.logEntries.Count > 50)
                CmTestLog.Failure(currentApi + ": Command returns more than 50 Log Entries");
                chassisPassed = false;
                                                currentApi + ": Stopped Chassis Manager Service");
                CmTestLog.Success(currentApi + ": Command returns between 1 and 50 Log Entries");

            IntPtr token = IntPtr.Zero;

            // Impersonate remote user
            bool successLogon = LogonUser(defaultAdminUserName, defaultCMName, defaultAdminPassword,
                                          (int)DwLogonType.NewCredentials, (int)DwLogonProvider.WinNT50, ref token);

            if (successLogon)
                using (WindowsImpersonationContext context = WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(token))
                    // Verify that User Logs exist to compare log entries with ChassisLogResponse
                    if (!Directory.Exists(logParentDirectory))
                        CmTestLog.Failure(currentApi + ": Directory to User Log files does not exist");
                        chassisPassed = false;
                                                        currentApi + ": Stopped Chassis Manager Service");

                    foreach (string filePath in Directory.GetFiles(logParentDirectory))
                        Match fileMatch00 = Regex.Match(filePath, @"ChassisManagerUserLog00\.svclog");
                        Match fileMatch01 = Regex.Match(filePath, @"ChassisManagerUserLog01\.svclog");

                        if (fileMatch00.Success)
                            userLogPaths[0] = filePath;
                        else if (fileMatch01.Success)
                            userLogPaths[1] = filePath;

                    if (userLogPaths[0] == null && userLogPaths[1] == null)
                        CmTestLog.Failure(currentApi + ": Could not find user logs");
                        chassisPassed = false;
                                                        currentApi + ": Started Chassis Manager Service");

                    // Compare and match log entries in ChassisLogResponse to User Logs in Chassis Manager
                    int  entryCount       = 0;
                    bool allEntriesPassed = true;
                    foreach (LogEntry entry in chassisLog.logEntries)
                        if (entry.eventDescription == null && entry.eventTime == null)
                            CmTestLog.Failure(currentApi +
                                              string.Format(": Log Entry {0} returns no data for either eventDescription or eventTime or both", entryCount));
                            allEntriesPassed = false;

                        // Find log entry in either UserLog00 or UserLog01
                        int    userLogCount      = 0;
                        bool   userLogEntryFound = false;
                        string propertyValue;
                        foreach (string userLogPath in userLogPaths)
                            if (userLogPath == null)
                                CmTestLog.Info(currentApi + string.Format(": User Log {0} does not exist", userLogCount));

                            XmlReaderSettings xmlSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                            xmlSettings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment;

                            XmlReader userLogReader = XmlReader.Create(userLogPath, xmlSettings);

                                while (!userLogEntryFound)
                                    while (userLogReader.Read())
                                        if (userLogReader.Name == "ApplicationData")

                                    if (userLogReader.Name != "ApplicationData")

                                    // Read User Log Entry and condition both strings for comparison
                                    propertyValue          = userLogReader.ReadElementContentAsString();
                                    propertyValue          = propertyValue.Replace(@"\", "");
                                    propertyValue          = propertyValue.Replace(@"(", "");
                                    propertyValue          = propertyValue.Replace(@")", "");
                                    entry.eventDescription = entry.eventDescription.Replace(@"\", "");
                                    entry.eventDescription = entry.eventDescription.Replace(@"(", "");
                                    entry.eventDescription = entry.eventDescription.Replace(@")", "");

                                    Match eventTimeMatch = Regex.Match(propertyValue,
                                                                       entry.eventTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"));
                                    Match eventDescriptionMatch = Regex.Match(propertyValue, entry.eventDescription);

                                    if (eventTimeMatch.Success && eventDescriptionMatch.Success)
                                        CmTestLog.Success(currentApi +
                                                          string.Format(": Found eventTime match and eventDescription match for entry {0} in user log {1}", entryCount, userLogCount));
                                        userLogEntryFound = true;
                            catch (Exception exc)
                                if (exc.Message.Contains(@"Not enough )'s"))
                                    CmTestLog.Info(currentApi + string.Format(": Entry {0} throwing exception 'Not enough )'s' in User Log {1}", entryCount, userLogCount));
                                    throw new Exception(exc.Message);

                            if (!userLogEntryFound)
                                CmTestLog.Info(currentApi + string.Format(": User Log {0} does not contain entry {1}", userLogCount, entryCount));


                        if (!userLogEntryFound)
                            CmTestLog.Failure(currentApi + string.Format(": Entry {0} was not found in either user logs", entryCount));
                            allEntriesPassed = false;

                        chassisPassed &= allEntriesPassed;
                                                    currentApi + string.Format(": All Log Entries passed", entryCount));

                    // Revert back to original user
                CmTestLog.Failure("UserLogon: User failed to be created");
                chassisPassed = false;

                                            currentApi + ": Started Chassis Manager Service");