protected void AddBillboardText(string cat, int index, BillboardText text) { if (text.UIText != null) { ChartCommon.MakeMaskable(text.UIText, false); } Dictionary <int, BillboardText> addTo; if (mTexts.TryGetValue(cat, out addTo) == false) { addTo = new Dictionary <int, BillboardText>(ChartCommon.DefaultIntComparer); mTexts.Add(cat, addTo); } addTo.Add(index, text); }
private CanvasCandleGraphic CreateCandleGraphic() { GameObject obj = ChartCommon.CreateCanvasChartItem(); CanvasCandleGraphic graphic = obj.AddComponent <CanvasCandleGraphic>(); graphic.maskable = true; RectTransform rect = obj.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rect.SetParent(transform, false); rect.anchoredPosition =; rect.rotation = Quaternion.identity; rect.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); HookEventsForGraphic(graphic); return(graphic); }
protected RadarFill CreateFillObject(GameObject conatiner) { GameObject obj = ChartCommon.CreateCanvasChartItem(); ChartCommon.HideObject(obj, hideHierarchy); obj.AddComponent <ChartItem>(); obj.AddComponent <CanvasRenderer>(); RadarFill fill = obj.AddComponent <RadarFill>(); obj.transform.SetParent(conatiner.transform, false); obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); obj.transform.localPosition =; obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; return(fill); }
IEnumerable <UIVertex> getDotVeritces() { if (mLines == null) { yield break; } float z = 0f; float halfSize = mPointSize * 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < mLines.Count; ++i) { LineSegement seg = mLines[i]; int total = seg.PointCount; for (int j = mMinModifyIndex; j < total; ++j) { Vector4 magPoint = seg.getPoint(j); if (magPoint.w == 0f) { continue; } Vector3 point = (Vector3)magPoint; halfSize = mPointSize * 0.5f; ProcesssPoint(ref magPoint, ref halfSize); Vector3 p1 = point + new Vector3(-halfSize, -halfSize, 0f); Vector3 p2 = point + new Vector3(halfSize, -halfSize, 0f); Vector3 p3 = point + new Vector3(-halfSize, halfSize, 0f); Vector3 p4 = point + new Vector3(halfSize, halfSize, 0f); Vector2 uv1 = new Vector2(0f, 0f); Vector2 uv2 = new Vector2(1f, 0f); Vector2 uv3 = new Vector2(0f, 1f); Vector2 uv4 = new Vector2(1f, 1f); UIVertex v1 = ChartCommon.CreateVertex(p1, uv1, z); UIVertex v2 = ChartCommon.CreateVertex(p2, uv2, z); UIVertex v3 = ChartCommon.CreateVertex(p3, uv3, z); UIVertex v4 = ChartCommon.CreateVertex(p4, uv4, z); yield return(v1); yield return(v2); yield return(v3); yield return(v4); } } }
private CanvasLines AddLineRenderer(GameObject topObject, CanvasLines.LineSegement line) { GameObject obj = ChartCommon.CreateCanvasChartItem(); obj.transform.SetParent(topObject.transform); obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; CanvasLines lines = obj.AddComponent<CanvasLines>(); lines.raycastTarget = false; var lst = new List<CanvasLines.LineSegement>(); lst.Add(line); lines.SetLines(lst); lines.Thickness = LineThicknessLink; lines.material = LineMaterialLink; return lines; }
protected CanvasLines CreateLinesObject(GameObject conatiner) { GameObject obj = ChartCommon.CreateCanvasChartItem(); ChartCommon.HideObject(obj, hideHierarchy); obj.AddComponent <ChartItem>(); var rend = obj.AddComponent <CanvasRenderer>(); rend.cullTransparentMesh = false; CanvasLines lines = obj.AddComponent <CanvasLines>(); obj.transform.SetParent(conatiner.transform, false); obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); obj.transform.localPosition =; obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; return(lines); }
private PathGenerator CreateLineObject(GraphData.CategoryData data) { GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(data.LinePrefab.gameObject); ChartCommon.HideObject(obj, hideHierarchy); PathGenerator lines = obj.GetComponent <PathGenerator>(); if (obj.GetComponent <ChartItem>() == null) { obj.AddComponent <ChartItem>(); } obj.transform.SetParent(transform); obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); obj.transform.localPosition =; obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; return(lines); }
/// <summary> /// override this method in a dervied class to add custom clearing for any chart type. default implementation deletes all chartItem components from this transform /// </summary> protected virtual void ClearChart() { mHovered.Clear(); if (TextController != null) // destroy all child text object { TextController.DestroyAll(); TextController.transform.SetParent(transform, false); // the text controller my not be a direct child of this gameobject , make it so that it is. } // destroy all child ChartItem objects ChartItem[] children = GetComponentsInChildren <ChartItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; ++i) { if (children[i] != null) { RectMask2D mask = children[i].GetComponent <RectMask2D>(); if (mask != null) { Debug.Log(mask.gameObject); } if (TextController != null && children[i].gameObject == TextController.gameObject) { continue; } if (children[i].gameObject != gameObject) { ChartCommon.SafeDestroy(children[i].gameObject); } } } // ensure the text controller has been created ( it is generated only when the graph chart is first created) EnsureTextController(); //destroy all axis components in this chart for (int i = 0; i < mAxis.Count; i++) { if (mAxis[i] != null && mAxis[i].This() != null) { ChartCommon.SafeDestroy(mAxis[i].GetGameObject()); } } mAxis.Clear(); }
protected void TransformPoints(IList <DoubleVector3> points, Rect viewRect, DoubleVector3 min, DoubleVector3 max) { DoubleVector3 range = max - min; if (range.x <= 0.0001f || range.y < 0.0001f) { return; } double radiusMultiplier = Math.Min(viewRect.width / range.x, viewRect.height / range.y); for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { DoubleVector3 point = points[i]; DoubleVector4 res = ChartCommon.interpolateInRect(viewRect, new DoubleVector3((point.x - min.x) / range.x, (point.y - min.y) / range.y)); res.z = point.z * radiusMultiplier; points[i] = res.ToDoubleVector3(); } }
private void HandleMouseDrag() { if (verticalPanning == false && horizontalPanning == false) { return; } mCaster = GetComponentInParent <GraphicRaycaster>(); if (mCaster == null) { return; } if (Application.isPlaying == false) { return; } Vector2 mousePos; var chart = GetComponentInParent <AnyChart>(); var pointer = ChartCommon.EnsureComponent <CustomChartPointer>(chart.gameObject); if (pointer == null) { return; } Vector3 checkMousePos = pointer.ScreenPosition; RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(transform as RectTransform, checkMousePos, mCaster.eventCamera, out mousePos); var cam = mCaster.eventCamera; bool mouseIn = RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(transform as RectTransform, checkMousePos, cam); if (((pointer != null && pointer.IsMouseDown)) && mouseIn) { if (mLastPosition.HasValue) { Vector2 delta = mousePos - mLastPosition.Value; MouseDraged(delta); } mLastPosition = mousePos; } else { mLastPosition = null; } }
void Update() { float opTime = Time.time - mStartTime; opTime *= TimeScale; float val; switch (Operation) { case GrowOp: FixEaseFunction(GrowEaseFunction); val = GrowEaseFunction.Evaluate(opTime); mScaleMultiplier = ChartCommon.SmoothLerp(mStartValue, GrowMultiplier, val); if (CheckAnimationEnded(opTime, GrowEaseFunction)) { Operation = NoOp; mScaleMultiplier = GrowMultiplier; } break; case ShrinkOp: FixEaseFunction(ShrinkEaseFunction); val = ShrinkEaseFunction.Evaluate(opTime); mScaleMultiplier = ChartCommon.SmoothLerp(mStartValue, 1f, val); if (CheckAnimationEnded(opTime, ShrinkEaseFunction)) { Operation = NoOp; mScaleMultiplier = 1f; } break; case GrowShrinkOp: FixEaseFunction(GrowEaseFunction); val = GrowEaseFunction.Evaluate(opTime); mScaleMultiplier = ChartCommon.SmoothLerp(mStartValue, GrowMultiplier, val); if (CheckAnimationEnded(opTime, GrowEaseFunction)) { mScaleMultiplier = GrowMultiplier; Shrink(); } break; } }
void DestoryBillboard(BillboardText t) { t.Recycled = false; Text uiText = t.UIText; TextDirection d = t.Direction; if (uiText != null && uiText.gameObject != null) { ChartCommon.SafeDestroy(uiText.gameObject); } if (d != null && d.gameObject != null) { ChartCommon.SafeDestroy(d.gameObject); } if (t != null) { ChartCommon.SafeDestroy(t.gameObject); } }
public virtual BillboardText AddText(AnyChart chart, MonoBehaviour prefab, Transform parentTransform, int fontSize, float fontSharpness, string text, float x, float y, float z, float angle, object userData) { BillboardText recycled = null; if (RecycleText == true) { if (mRecycled.TryGetValue(text, out recycled)) { recycled.SetVisible(true); recycled.Recycled = false; mRecycled.Remove(text); } else { if (mCached.Count > 0) { recycled = mCached[mCached.Count - 1]; recycled.SetVisible(true); recycled.Recycled = false; mCached.RemoveAt(mCached.Count - 1); } else { recycled = null; } } } BillboardText billboardText = ChartCommon.CreateBillboardText(recycled, prefab, parentTransform, text, x, y, z, angle, null, ((IInternalUse)chart).HideHierarchy, fontSize, fontSharpness); if (billboardText == null) { return(null); } billboardText.Recycled = false; billboardText.UserData = userData; if (recycled == null) { mText.Add(billboardText); } mCurrentTexts.Add(billboardText); return(billboardText); }
private CanvasCandle CreateDataObject(CandleChartData.CategoryData data, GameObject rectMask) { GameObject obj = new GameObject("Candles", typeof(RectTransform)); ChartCommon.HideObject(obj, hideHierarchy); obj.AddComponent <ChartItem>(); RectTransform t = obj.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); obj.AddComponent <CanvasRenderer>(); CanvasCandle candles = obj.AddComponent <CanvasCandle>(); t.SetParent(rectMask.transform, false); t.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); t.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f); t.anchorMax = new Vector2(0f, 0f); t.anchoredPosition =; t.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; return(candles); }
void PickLine(Vector3 mouse, out int segment, out int line) { float minDist = Mathf.Infinity; segment = -1; line = -1; if (mLines == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < mLines.Count; ++i) { LineSegement seg = mLines[i]; int total = seg.LineCount; for (int j = 0; j < total; ++j) { Vector3 from; Vector3 to; seg.GetLine(j, out from, out to); float dist = ChartCommon.SegmentPointSqrDistance(from, to, mouse); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; segment = i; line = j; } } } float sensitivity = 10f; if (mControl != null) { sensitivity = mControl.Sensitivity; } float thresh = (Thickness + sensitivity); if ((ViewRect.HasValue && !ViewRect.Value.Contains(mouse)) || minDist > thresh * thresh) { segment = -1; line = -1; } }
public void Generate(float startAngle, float angleSpan, float radius, float innerRadius, int segments, float outerDepth, float innerDepth) { WorldSpaceChartMesh mesh = new WorldSpaceChartMesh(1); float maxDepth = Mathf.Max(outerDepth, innerDepth); if (maxDepth <= 0f) { PieMesh.Generate2dMesh(mesh, startAngle, angleSpan, radius, innerRadius, segments); } else { PieMesh.Generate3dMesh(mesh, startAngle, angleSpan, radius, innerRadius, segments, outerDepth, innerDepth); } if (mCleanMesh != null) { mCleanMesh.Clear(); mesh.ApplyToMesh(mCleanMesh); MeshCollider collider = ChartCommon.EnsureComponent <MeshCollider>(gameObject); if (collider != null) { collider.sharedMesh = null; collider.sharedMesh = mCleanMesh; } } else { Mesh newMesh = mesh.Generate(); newMesh.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; if (mFilter == null) { mFilter = GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); } mFilter.sharedMesh = newMesh; MeshCollider collider = ChartCommon.EnsureComponent <MeshCollider>(gameObject); if (collider != null) { collider.sharedMesh = newMesh; } ChartCommon.CleanMesh(newMesh, ref mCleanMesh); } }
public virtual void Clear() { if (RecycleText) { for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentTexts.Count; i++) { string key = ChartCommon.GetText(mCurrentTexts[i].UIText); mCurrentTexts[i].SetVisible(false); mCurrentTexts[i].Recycled = true; if (key == null || mRecycled.ContainsKey(key)) { mCached.Add(mCurrentTexts[i]); continue; } mRecycled[key] = mCurrentTexts[i]; } } mText.Clear(); mCurrentTexts.Clear(); }
protected override IPieGenerator PreparePieObject(out GameObject pieObject) { if (Prefab == null) { pieObject = new GameObject(); } else { pieObject = GameObject.Instantiate(Prefab); } ChartCommon.EnsureComponent <MeshFilter>(pieObject); ChartCommon.EnsureComponent <MeshRenderer>(pieObject); IPieGenerator gen = pieObject.GetComponent <IPieGenerator>(); if (gen != null) { return(gen); } return(ChartCommon.EnsureComponent <WorldSpacePieGenerator>(pieObject)); }
protected void TransformPoints(IList <DoubleVector4> points, List <Vector4> output, Rect viewRect, DoubleVector3 min, DoubleVector3 max) { output.Clear(); DoubleVector3 range = max - min; if (Math.Abs(range.x) <= 0.0001f || Math.Abs(range.y) < 0.0001f) { return; } double radiusMultiplier = Math.Min(viewRect.width / Math.Abs(range.x), viewRect.height / Math.Abs(range.y)); for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { DoubleVector4 point = points[i]; DoubleVector4 res = ChartCommon.interpolateInRect(viewRect, new DoubleVector3((point.x - min.x) / range.x, (point.y - min.y) / range.y)); res.z = 0.0; res.w = point.w * radiusMultiplier; output.Add(res.ToVector4()); } }
protected override GameObject CreateAxisObject(float thickness, Vector3[] path) { GameObject obj = ChartCommon.CreateChartItem(); ChartCommon.HideObject(obj, true); if (AxisPrefab != null && AxisThickness > 0.0001f) { GameObject axis = GameObject.Instantiate(AxisPrefab.gameObject); axis.AddComponent <ChartItem>(); ChartCommon.HideObject(axis, hideHierarchy); axis.transform.SetParent(obj.transform, true); axis.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); axis.transform.localPosition =; axis.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; Renderer rend = axis.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (rend != null && AxisLineMaterial != null) { rend.material = AxisLineMaterial; } PathGenerator gen = axis.GetComponent <PathGenerator>(); gen.Generator(path, thickness, true); } if (AxisPointPrefab != null && AxisPointSize > 0.0001f) { for (int i = 0; i < path.Length; i++) { GameObject point = GameObject.Instantiate(AxisPointPrefab.gameObject); point.transform.SetParent(obj.transform, true); point.transform.localScale = new Vector3(AxisPointSize, AxisPointSize, AxisPointSize); point.transform.localPosition = path[i]; point.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; Renderer rend = point.GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (rend != null && AxisPointMaterial != null) { rend.material = AxisPointMaterial; } } } return(obj); }
/// <summary> /// used internally , adds the axis main divisions to the chart mesh /// </summary> /// <param name="parent"></param> /// <param name="parentTransform"></param> /// <param name="mesh"></param> /// <param name="orientation"></param> internal void AddMainDivisionToChartMesh(double scrollOffset, AnyChart parent, Transform parentTransform, IChartMesh mesh, ChartOrientation orientation) { double maxValue = ((IInternalUse)parent).InternalMaxValue(this); double minValue = ((IInternalUse)parent).InternalMinValue(this); double range = maxValue - minValue; double?gap = GetMainGap(parent, range); if (gap.HasValue == false) { return; } mesh.Tile = ChartCommon.GetTiling(MainDivisions.MaterialTiling); if ((MainDivisions.Alignment & ChartDivisionAligment.Opposite) == ChartDivisionAligment.Opposite) { DrawDivisions(scrollOffset, parent, parentTransform, MainDivisions, mesh, 0, orientation, gap.Value, false, -1); } if ((MainDivisions.Alignment & ChartDivisionAligment.Standard) == ChartDivisionAligment.Standard) { DrawDivisions(scrollOffset, parent, parentTransform, MainDivisions, mesh, 0, orientation, gap.Value, true, -1); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="t"></param> /// <param name="prefab"></param> /// <returns></returns> ScrollableAxisChart IMixedChartDelegate.CreateCategoryView(Type t, ScrollableAxisChart prefab) { string type = t.FullName; ScrollableAxisChart chart = prefab; if (chart == null) { if (mPrefabs == null || mPrefabs.TryGetValue(type, out chart) == false) return null; } if (chart.IsCanvas != IsCanvas) return null; GameObject obj = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(chart.gameObject); obj.transform.SetParent(transform); ChartCommon.HideObject(obj, true); chart = obj.GetComponent<ScrollableAxisChart>(); mContainedCharts.Add(chart); return chart; }
protected virtual void ClearChart() { mHovered.Clear(); if (TextController != null) { TextController.DestroyAll(); TextController.transform.SetParent(transform, false); } ChartItem[] children = GetComponentsInChildren <ChartItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; ++i) { if (children[i] != null) { RectMask2D mask = children[i].GetComponent <RectMask2D>(); if (mask != null) { Debug.Log(mask.gameObject); } if (TextController != null && children[i].gameObject == TextController.gameObject) { continue; } if (children[i].gameObject != gameObject) { ChartCommon.SafeDestroy(children[i].gameObject); } } } EnsureTextController(); for (int i = 0; i < mAxis.Count; i++) { if (mAxis[i] != null && mAxis[i].This() != null) { ChartCommon.SafeDestroy(mAxis[i].GetGameObject()); } } mAxis.Clear(); }
#pragma warning restore 0672 void FillChartMesh(IChartMesh mesh) { UIVertex v1 = vertices[0]; UIVertex v2 = vertices[1]; UIVertex v3 = vertices[2]; UIVertex v4 = vertices[3]; v1.position += (Vector3)(normals[0] * mInset); v2.position += (Vector3)(normals[1] * mInset); v3.position += (Vector3)(normals[2] * mInset); v4.position += (Vector3)(normals[3] * mInset); Vector2 inter; if (ChartCommon.SegmentIntersection(v1.position, v3.position, v2.position, v4.position, out inter)) { v3.position = inter; v4.position = inter; } mesh.AddQuad(v1, v2, v3, v4); }
protected GameObject CreateRectMask(Rect viewRect) { //GameObject obj = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Chart And Graph/RectMask") as GameObject); GameObject obj = ChartCommon.CreateCanvasChartItem(); = "rectMask2D";; ChartCommon.HideObject(obj, hideHierarchy); obj.AddComponent <RectMask2D>(); //obj.AddComponent<ChartItem>(); obj.transform.SetParent(transform, false); var rectTransform = obj.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f); rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0f, 0f); rectTransform.pivot = new Vector2(0f, 1f); rectTransform.sizeDelta = viewRect.size; rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, viewRect.size.y); mMask = obj; return(obj); }
private CanvasLines CreateDataObject(GraphData.CategoryData data, GameObject rectMask, bool mask) { GameObject obj = new GameObject("Lines", typeof(RectTransform)); ChartCommon.HideObject(obj, hideHierarchy); obj.AddComponent <ChartItem>(); var rend = obj.AddComponent <CanvasRenderer>(); rend.cullTransparentMesh = false; CenterObject(obj, rectMask.GetComponent <RectTransform>()); // Canvas c = obj.AddComponent<Canvas>(); //c.pixelPerfect = false; //obj.AddComponent<GraphicRaycaster>(); CanvasLines lines = obj.AddComponent <CanvasLines>(); lines.maskable = true; return(lines); }
/// <summary> /// Takes a hover object out of the pool , or creates a new one if the pool is empty /// </summary> /// <param name="index">the index of the data item , this index will be assigned to the returned object</param> /// <returns></returns> public ChartItemEffect LockHoverObject(int index, int type, object selectionData) { int count = mHoverFreeObjects.Count; ChartItemEffect effect = null; if (count > 0) { effect = mHoverFreeObjects[count - 1]; mHoverFreeObjects.RemoveAt(count - 1); } else { if (mHoverPrefab == null) { return(null); } GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(mHoverPrefab.gameObject); MaskableGraphic g = obj.GetComponent <MaskableGraphic>(); if (g != null) { g.maskable = false; } ChartCommon.EnsureComponent <ChartItem>(obj); Transform parent = transform; if (mHoverTransform != null) { parent = mHoverTransform; } obj.transform.SetParent(parent); effect = obj.GetComponent <ChartItemEffect>(); effect.Deactivate += Effect_Deactivate; } effect.ItemType = type; effect.ItemIndex = index; effect.ItemData = selectionData; mHoverObjectes.Add(effect); return(effect); }
public CandleChartData.CandleValue InterpolateCandleInRect(CandleChartData.CandleValue candle, Rect viewRect) { CandleChartData.CandleValue res = new CandleChartData.CandleValue(); res.Open = ChartCommon.interpolateInRectY(viewRect, candle.Open); res.Close = ChartCommon.interpolateInRectY(viewRect, candle.Close); res.High = ChartCommon.interpolateInRectY(viewRect, candle.High); res.Low = ChartCommon.interpolateInRectY(viewRect, candle.Low); if (res.High < res.Low) { double tmp = res.High; res.High = res.Low; res.Low = tmp; tmp = res.Open; res.Open = res.Close; res.Close = tmp; } double candleEnd = candle.Start + candle.Duration; candleEnd = ChartCommon.interpolateInRectX(viewRect, candleEnd); double start = ChartCommon.interpolateInRectX(viewRect, candle.Start); double duration = candleEnd - start; if (start > candleEnd) { double tmp = start; start = candleEnd; candleEnd = tmp; } if (ThicknessMode == CandleThicknessMode.Constant) { Deflate(ref start, ref duration, ThicknessConstant / duration); } res.Start = start; res.Duration = duration; return(res); }
public static void Generate2dMesh(UIVertex[] mesh, Vector2[] normals, float baseX1, float baseX2, float baseSize, float slopLeft, float slopeRight, float height, float startV, float endV) { float halfHeight = height * 0.5f; float halfWidth = baseSize * 0.5f; slopLeft = -Mathf.Clamp(slopLeft, -90, 90) + 90; slopeRight = Mathf.Clamp(slopeRight, -90, 90) + 90; float tanLeft = (1f / Mathf.Tan(slopLeft * Mathf.Deg2Rad)) * height; float tanRight = (1f / Mathf.Tan(slopeRight * Mathf.Deg2Rad)) * height; float leftPos = baseX1 + tanLeft; float rightPos = baseX2 + tanRight; leftPos = Mathf.Clamp(leftPos, 0, baseSize); rightPos = Mathf.Clamp(rightPos, 0, baseSize); if (leftPos > rightPos) { leftPos = rightPos = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Lerp(leftPos, rightPos, 0.5f), 0, baseSize); } UIVertex v1 = ChartCommon.CreateVertex(new Vector3(baseX1 - halfWidth, -halfHeight), new Vector2(0f, startV)); UIVertex v2 = ChartCommon.CreateVertex(new Vector3(baseX2 - halfWidth, -halfHeight), new Vector2(1f, startV)); UIVertex v3 = ChartCommon.CreateVertex(new Vector3(leftPos - halfWidth, halfHeight), new Vector2(0f, endV)); UIVertex v4 = ChartCommon.CreateVertex(new Vector3(rightPos - halfWidth, halfHeight), new Vector2(1f, endV)); normals[0] = ((Vector2.up + ChartCommon.Perpendicular(v3.position - v1.position).normalized) * 0.5f).normalized; normals[1] = ((Vector2.up + ChartCommon.Perpendicular(v2.position - v4.position).normalized) * 0.5f).normalized; normals[2] = ((Vector2.down + ChartCommon.Perpendicular(v3.position - v1.position).normalized) * 0.5f).normalized; normals[3] = ((Vector2.down + ChartCommon.Perpendicular(v2.position - v4.position).normalized) * 0.5f).normalized; mesh[0] = v1; mesh[1] = v2; mesh[2] = v3; mesh[3] = v4; }
void FitCanvas() { RectTransform trans = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); GameObject fixPosition = new GameObject(); mFixPosition = fixPosition; ChartCommon.HideObject(fixPosition, hideHierarchy); fixPosition.AddComponent <ChartItem>(); fixPosition.transform.position = transform.position; while (gameObject.transform.childCount > 0) { transform.GetChild(0).SetParent(fixPosition.transform, false); } fixPosition.transform.SetParent(transform, false); fixPosition.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); float widthScale = trans.rect.size.x / WidthRatio; float heightScale = trans.rect.size.y / HeightRatio; float uniformScale = Math.Min(widthScale, heightScale); fixPosition.transform.localScale = new Vector3(uniformScale, uniformScale, uniformScale); fixPosition.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-WidthRatio * uniformScale * 0.5f, -HeightRatio * uniformScale * 0.5f, 0f); mLastSetSize = trans.rect.size; }