コード例 #1
        // Called on the "Buy" button (the one that shows the price in the screen)
        public void Button_Buy()
            // Just to confirm that we are in the right screen when the button was pressed
            if (!mainScript.isConfirmingPurchase)
                mainScript.isConfirmingPurchase = true;

                // Getting info about the character that the player wants to buy
                CharacterSelection.CharacterSetup selectedCharacter = mainScript.GetHighlightedCharacter();

                // If the player have enough coins
                if (mainScript.IsPurchasePossible())
                    // Set the text asking if the player wants to confirm the purchase
                    mainScript.confirmPurchaseText.text =
                        "Confirm the purchase of " +
                        selectedCharacter.name +
                        " for " +
                        selectedCharacter.price.ToString() +
                        " coins?";

                // If the player doesn't have enough coins,
                // Set the text to tell how much coins is need to be able to buy the selected character
                    mainScript.confirmPurchaseText.text = "You need more " +
                                                          (selectedCharacter.price - mainScript.CoinsCollected).ToString() +
                                                          " coins to be able to buy " +
                // Olny show the "Confirm Purchase" button if the player have enough coins
                mainScript.confirmPurchaseButton.SetActive(mainScript.CoinsCollected >= selectedCharacter.price);

                // Here I am using my animation script to smoothly show the "Confirm purchase" screen
                // but you can edit it to your own way
                mainScript.confirmPurchaseScreen.GetComponent <UIAnimation>().PlayAnimation("In");