private void CreateText(double x, double y, double maxWidth) { _bitmapText.Clear(); double currentX = 0; double currentY = 0; string[] words = _text.Split(' '); foreach (string word in words) { Vector nextWordLength = _font.MeasureFont(word); if (maxWidth != -1 && (currentX + nextWordLength.X) > maxWidth) { currentX = 0; currentY += nextWordLength.Y; } string wordWithSpace = word + " "; // add the space character that was removed. foreach (char c in wordWithSpace) { CharacterSprite sprite = _font.CreateSprite(c); float xOffset = ((float)sprite.Data.XOffset) / 2; float yOffset = (((float)sprite.Data.Height) * 0.5f) + ((float)sprite.Data.YOffset); sprite.Sprite.SetPosition(x + currentX + xOffset, y - currentY - yOffset); currentX += sprite.Data.XAdvance; _bitmapText.Add(sprite); } } _dimensions = _font.MeasureFont(_text, _maxWidth); _dimensions.Y = currentY; SetColor(_color); }
public Vector MeasureFont(string text, double maxWidth) { Vector dimensions = new Vector(); foreach (char c in text) { CharacterData data = _characterData[c]; dimensions.X += data.XAdvance; dimensions.Y = Math.Max(dimensions.Y, data.Height + data.YOffset); } return dimensions; }
public bool Intersects(Point point) { // Change point to a vector Vector vPoint = new Vector(point.X, point.Y, 0); Vector vFromCircleToPoint = Position - vPoint; double distance = vFromCircleToPoint.Length(); if (distance > Radius) { return false; } return true; }
private void InitVertexPositions(Vector position, double width, double height) { double halfWidth = width / 2; double halfHeight = height / 2; // Clockwise creation of two triangles to make a quad. // TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft _vertexPositions[0] = new Vector(position.X - halfWidth, position.Y + halfHeight, position.Z); _vertexPositions[1] = new Vector(position.X + halfWidth, position.Y + halfHeight, position.Z); _vertexPositions[2] = new Vector(position.X - halfWidth, position.Y - halfHeight, position.Z); // TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft _vertexPositions[3] = new Vector(position.X + halfWidth, position.Y + halfHeight, position.Z); _vertexPositions[4] = new Vector(position.X + halfWidth, position.Y - halfHeight, position.Z); _vertexPositions[5] = new Vector(position.X - halfWidth, position.Y - halfHeight, position.Z); }
public void DrawImmediateModeVertex(Vector position, Color color, Point uvs) { Gl.glColor4f(color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, color.Alpha); Gl.glTexCoord2f(uvs.X, uvs.Y); Gl.glVertex3d(position.X, position.Y, position.Z); }
public Circle(Vector position, double radius) { Position = position; Radius = radius; }
public Vector CrossProduct(Vector v) { double nx = Y * v.Z - Z * v.Y; double ny = Z * v.X - X * v.Z; double nz = X * v.Y - Y * v.X; return new Vector(nx, ny, nz); }
public bool Equals(Vector v) { return (X == v.X) && (Y == v.Y) && (Z == v.Z); }
public Vector Subtract(Vector r) { return new Vector(X - r.X, Y - r.Y, Z - r.Z); }
public Vector Add(Vector r) { return new Vector(X + r.X, Y + r.Y, Z + r.Z); }
public Vector Normalise(Vector v) { double r = v.Length(); if (r != 0.0) // guard against divide by zero { return new Vector(v.X / r, v.Y / r, v.Z / r); // normalise and return } else { return new Vector(0, 0, 0); } }
public double DotProduct(Vector v) { return (v.X * X) + (Y * v.Y) + (Z * v.Z); }
public Rectangle(Vector bottomLeft, Vector topRight) { BottomLeft = bottomLeft; TopRight = topRight; }
public void SetPosition(Vector position) { InitVertexPositions(position, GetWidth(), GetHeight()); }