public Level(Input input, TextureManager textureManager, PersistantGameData gameData) { _input = input; _gameData = gameData; _textureManager = textureManager; _background = new ScrollingBackground(textureManager.Get("background")); _background.SetScale(2, 2); _background.Speed = 0.15f; _backgroundLayer = new ScrollingBackground(textureManager.Get("background_layer_1")); _backgroundLayer.Speed = 0.1f; _backgroundLayer.SetScale(2.0, 2.0); _playerCharacter = new PlayerCharacter(_textureManager, _bulletManager); _effectsManager = new EffectsManager(_textureManager); // _enemyList.Add(new Enemy(_textureManager, _effectsManager)); <- Removed // -1300 is bad for two reasons // 1. It's a magic number in the middle of the code // 2. It's based on the size of the form but doesn't directly reference the size of the form // this means duplication and two places to edit the code if the form size changes. // The form size and the enemy manager play area size should both get their value // from one central place. _enemyManager = new EnemyManager(_textureManager, _effectsManager, -1300); }
public EnemyManager(TextureManager textureManager, EffectsManager effectsManager, int leftBound) { _textureManager = textureManager; _effectsManager = effectsManager; _leftBound = leftBound; // Add a test enemy. Enemy enemy = new Enemy(_textureManager, _effectsManager); _enemies.Add(enemy); }
public Enemy(TextureManager textureManager, EffectsManager effectsManager) { _effectsManager = effectsManager; Health = 50; // default health value. _sprite.Texture = textureManager.Get("enemy_ship"); _sprite.SetScale(_scale, _scale); _sprite.SetRotation(Math.PI); // make it face the player _sprite.SetPosition(200, 0); // put it somewhere easy to see }