/******** Menu Methods ****************************** ****************************************************/ private void CreateCustomer() { Customer newCustomer = new Customer { FirstName = FirstName(), LastName = LastName(), Type = Type() }; newCustomer.Email = Email(newCustomer.Type); _customerRepo.AddCustomerToList(newCustomer); }
private static void AddCustomerOption() { string full_name = Input("What is the full name of this customer? "); string customer_type = ChooseCustomerType(); Customer new_customer = new Customer(full_name, customer_type); new_customer.UpdateMessage(); Console.WriteLine($"\nCustomer Email Message has been set to \"{new_customer.EmailMessage}\""); CustomerRepository.AddCustomerToList(new_customer); Console.WriteLine("\nYour customer has been added."); Input("Press enter/return "); }
private void CreateNewCustomer() { Customer newCustomer = new Customer(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the customer's first name:"); newCustomer.FirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the customer's last name:"); newCustomer.LastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter an ID number for customer:"); newCustomer.CustomerID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter the type of customer (former, current, or potential):"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "former": newCustomer.TypeOfCustomer = CustomerType.Former; newCustomer.Email = "We miss you! Would a discount bring you back?"; break; case "current": newCustomer.TypeOfCustomer = CustomerType.Current; newCustomer.Email = "We appreciate your business; here's a coupon just for you!"; break; case "potential": newCustomer.TypeOfCustomer = CustomerType.Potential; newCustomer.Email = "We currently have the lowest rates for helicopter insurance! Come check us out!"; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid response."); Console.ReadLine(); break; } _customerRepo.AddCustomerToList(newCustomer); }
public void AddtoMailingList() { Console.Clear(); Customer customer = new Customer(); Console.WriteLine("What is This Person's First Name?"); customer.FirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What is this person's Last Name?"); customer.LastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What Type of Customer is this person? Please choose" + "\n1. Potential" + "\n2. Current" + "\n3. Past"); int intput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (intput) { case 1: customer.CustomerType = CustomerType.Potenial; customer.Email = "We currently have the lowest rates on Helicopter Insurance!"; break; case 2: customer.CustomerType = CustomerType.Current; customer.Email = "Thank you for your work with us. We appreciate your loyalty. Here's a coupon"; break; case 3: customer.CustomerType = CustomerType.Past; customer.Email = "It's been a long time since we've heard from you, we want you back"; break; } _customerRepo.AddCustomerToList(customer); }
//This challenge is not at all finished static void Main(string[] args) { CustomerRepository customerRepo = new CustomerRepository(); List <Customer> customerList = customerRepo.GetCustomerList(); Customer newCustomer = new Customer(); Customer jim = new Customer("Jim", "Halpert", CustomerType.Current); Customer dwight = new Customer("Dwight", "Shrute", CustomerType.Potential); customerRepo.AddCustomerToList(jim); customerRepo.AddCustomerToList(dwight); int menuResponse = 0; while (menuResponse != 5) { //Sorts customerList alphabettically by last name. customerList.Sort(delegate(Customer customer1, Customer customer2) { return(customer1.LastName.CompareTo(customer2.LastName)); }); Console.WriteLine($"Welcome to Komodo Insurance Customer Log!\n\nWhat would you like to do?\n\t1.See list of customers\n\t2.Add new customer\n\t3.Update current customer\n\t4.Delete current customer\n\t5.Exit program"); menuResponse = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (menuResponse) { case 1: Console.WriteLine($"Here are all current customers:\nLast Name\tFirst Name\tCustomer Status\t\tSuggested Email"); foreach (Customer customer in customerList) { string email = ""; if (customer.CustomerType == CustomerType.Current) { email = "Thank you for your work with us. We appreciate your loyalty. Here's a coupon."; } if (customer.CustomerType == CustomerType.Past) { email = "It's been a long time since we've heard from you, we want you back!"; } else { email = " We currently have the lowest rates on Helicopter Insurance!"; } Console.WriteLine($"{customer.LastName}\t\t{customer.FirstName}\t\t{customer.CustomerType}\t\t{email}"); } Console.ReadLine(); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine($"Great! Let's add new customer info!\n\nPlease enter their first name:"); newCustomer.FirstName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter their last name: "); newCustomer.LastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please input customer status: Potential, Current, or Past"); var customerType = Console.ReadLine(); newCustomer.CustomerType = (CustomerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CustomerType), customerType); customerRepo.AddCustomerToList(newCustomer); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("Who would you like to update?"); var updateResponse = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Would you like to:\n\t1. Change first name\n\t2.Change last name\n\t3.Change customer status"); var updateType = Console.ReadLine(); if (updateType == "1") { break; } case 4: //Only removes added customers. Not ones that are hard coded in. Console.WriteLine($"Which customer would you like to remove?\n Enter First Name:"); var removeResponse = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Last Name:"); var removeLast = Console.ReadLine(); if (newCustomer.FirstName == removeResponse && newCustomer.LastName == removeLast) { customerList.Remove(newCustomer); } break; default: menuResponse = 5; break; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { CustomerRepository customerRepo = new CustomerRepository(); List <Customer> CustomerRepository = customerRepo.GetList(); Customer customer = new Customer("Jim", "Jones", "Potential"); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Komodo Insurance"); Console.WriteLine("\n"); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to 1.Add a Customer, 2. Remove an Customer, or 3. List all Customers?"); string choice = Console.ReadLine(); if (choice == "1") { while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Enter the customer's first name:"); int firstName = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Enter the customer's last name:"); var lastName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Is this a potential, previous or current customer?"); string type = Console.ReadLine(); customer userFood = new Customer(firstName, lastName, type); customerRepo.AddCustomerToList(userCustomer); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to add annother customer?"); string theAnswer = Console.ReadLine(); if (theAnswer == "y") { continue; } else if (theAnswer == "n") { customerRepo.printList(customerRepo.GetList()); break; } } } else if (choice == "2") { Console.WriteLine("Which customer do you want to remove?"); string item = Console.ReadLine(); customerRepo.removeMenuItemFromList(item); customerRepo.printList(customerRepo.GetList()); } else if (choice == "3") { customerRepo.printList(customerRepo.GetList()); } Console.ReadLine(); foRepo.AddMenuItemToList(omelette); foodRepo.AddMenuItemToList(pancakes); foodRepo.AddMenuItemToList(blt); foodRepo.AddMenuItemToList(parfait); foodRepo.AddMenuItemToList(salad); foodRepo.AddMenuItemToList(sub); }
public void Run() { CustomerRepository customerRepo = new CustomerRepository(); Customer customer = new Customer(); List <Customer> customers = customerRepo.GetCustomerList(); bool response = true; CustomerStatus status; while (response) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Komodo Customer management!\n\nWhat would you like to do?\n\t" + "1. See all customers\n\t" + "2. Add customer\n\t" + "3. Remove customer\n\t" + "4. Update customer status\n\t" + "5. Exit"); var menuInput = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (menuInput) { case 1: List <Customer> sortedList = customers.OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("Name\t\tStatus\t\tEmail"); if (customers.Count < 1 || customers.Capacity == 0) { Console.WriteLine("It appears there aren't any customers."); } else { foreach (Customer c in sortedList) { Console.WriteLine($"{c.Name}\t\t{c.Status}\t\t{c.EmailResponse}"); } } Console.ReadLine(); break; case 2: Console.Write("Enter customer name: "); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter customer status (Current, Past, Potential): "); string statusInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); status = customerRepo.GetCustomerStatus(statusInput); customer = new Customer() { Name = name, Status = status, EmailResponse = customerRepo.GetEmailResponse(status), }; customerRepo.AddCustomerToList(customer); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the customer you would like to remove: \n\n" + "Name\t\tStatus"); if (customers.Count < 1 || customers.Capacity == 0) { Console.WriteLine("It appears there aren't any customers."); } else { foreach (Customer c in customers) { Console.WriteLine($"{c.Name}\t\t{c.Status}"); } var remove = Console.ReadLine(); customerRepo.RemoveCustomerFromList(remove); } break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("Enter the name of the customer you would like to update:"); PrintCustomerDetails(customers); var updateName = Console.ReadLine(); foreach (Customer c in customers) { if (c.Name == updateName) { Console.WriteLine($"Current Name: {c.Name}. Would you like to update?"); if (customerRepo.YesNoResponse(Console.ReadLine())) { Console.Write("Enter new name: "); c.Name = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.WriteLine($"Current Status: {c.Status}. Would you like to update?"); if (customerRepo.YesNoResponse(Console.ReadLine())) { Console.Write("Enter new status: "); string updateStatus = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); c.Status = customerRepo.GetCustomerStatus(updateStatus); } } } break; default: response = false; break; } } }