コード例 #1
        private void SetQueryParameters(string sql, OracleQuery query, bool isSpecialWhereParameters)
            // Check if sql contains any parameters
            IList <string> parameters = GetParametersInText(sql, isSpecialWhereParameters);

            if (parameters.Count > 0)
                int sequence = 1;

                foreach (string parameter in parameters)
                    // Insert the matched parameter
                    OracleQueryParameter qp = new OracleQueryParameter();

                    qp.Sequence  = sequence;
                    qp.Direction = OracleQueryParameterDirection.In;

                    // Set the parameter name
                    qp.Name = parameter;

                    // Add property to query

コード例 #2
        private void GetSelectRows(CaptureCollection captures, OracleQuery query)
            int  selectRowCount = 1;
            bool existing       = false;

            // Loop through the select rows to handle them
            foreach (Capture capture in captures)
                OracleQueryParameter qp = query.GetPropertyByTypeAndSequence(OracleQueryParameterDirection.Out, selectRowCount);

                existing = qp != null;

                if (!existing)
                    qp = new OracleQueryParameter();

                if (!existing)
                    qp.Sequence  = selectRowCount;
                    qp.Direction = OracleQueryParameterDirection.Out;

                // Set the text to the full selectrow
                qp.Text = capture.Value;

                // Parse the selectrow
                Match selRowMatch = RegexHelper.ParseGetFirstMatch(RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW, capture.Value);

                if (selRowMatch != null)
                    // First check if TABLE.COLUMN was found
                    if (selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_TABLE].Value != string.Empty &&
                        selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_COLUMN].Value != string.Empty)
                        // Check if an alias is given, in that case use that. If not then
                        // use the column.
                        if (selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_ALIAS].Value != string.Empty)
                            qp.Name = CheckSelectUniqueName(selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_ALIAS].Value, selectRowCount);
                            qp.Name = CheckSelectUniqueName(selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_COLUMN].Value, selectRowCount);

                        // Check if we can find out the real name of the table. Either it is a table or an alias
                        // in the from-statement. If the real table can't be found then we can't set the table and column.
                        string foundTableName = GetTableName(selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_TABLE].Value);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(foundTableName))
                            qp.OutColumnName = selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_COLUMN].Value;
                            qp.OutTableName  = foundTableName;
                    // Check if selectrow starts with some kind of function
                    else if (selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_FUNCTION].Value != string.Empty &&
                             selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_FUNCTIONPARAMETERS].Value != string.Empty)
                        // Check if an alias is given, in that case use that. If not then
                        // we throw an error since we need unique names.
                        if (selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_ALIAS].Value != string.Empty)
                            qp.Name = CheckSelectUniqueName(selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_ALIAS].Value, selectRowCount);
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("An alias is missing for the selectrow ({0}) containing:\n" +
                                                              "\t{1}\n" +
                                                              "\nAdd an unique alias and try again."
                                                              , selectRowCount.ToString()
                                                              , selRowMatch.Value));
                    // Unknown select row that we cannot parse more than getting the alias
                        // Check if we found a single column but no table and if we only have
                        // one table as a from table. In that case we know what table and column it is.
                        if (selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_COLUMN].Value != string.Empty &&
                            selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_TABLE].Value == string.Empty &&
                            fromTables.Count == 1)
                            // Check if an alias is given, in that case use that. If not then
                            // it has no name so set a NONAME then.
                            if (selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_ALIAS].Value != string.Empty)
                                qp.Name = CheckSelectUniqueName(selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_ALIAS].Value, selectRowCount);
                            else if (selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_COLUMN].Value != string.Empty)
                                qp.Name = CheckSelectUniqueName(selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_COLUMN].Value, selectRowCount);
                                throw new Exception(string.Format("An alias is missing for the selectrow ({0}) containing:\n" +
                                                                  "\t{1}\n" +
                                                                  "\nAdd an unique alias and try again."
                                                                  , selectRowCount.ToString()
                                                                  , selRowMatch.Value));

                            qp.OutColumnName = selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_COLUMN].Value;
                            qp.OutTableName  = fromTables.Keys.ToList()[0];
                        // Check if an alias is given, in that case use that. If not then
                        // it has no name so set a NONAME then.
                        else if (selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_ALIAS].Value != string.Empty)
                            qp.Name = CheckSelectUniqueName(selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_ALIAS].Value, selectRowCount);
                        else if (selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_COLUMN].Value != string.Empty)
                            qp.Name = CheckSelectUniqueName(selRowMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_SELECTROW_COLUMN].Value, selectRowCount);
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("An alias is missing for the selectrow ({0}) containing:\n" +
                                                              "\t{1}\n" +
                                                              "\nAdd an unique alias and try again."
                                                              , selectRowCount.ToString()
                                                              , capture.Value));
                    throw new Exception("Couldn't parse this SELECT row: \"" + selRowMatch.Value + "\". Please analyze!");

                if (!existing)
                    // Add property to query

                // Increase count
コード例 #3
        private void GetWhereRows(CaptureCollection captures, OracleQuery query, bool isSpecialWhereParameters)
            // Loop through the where rows to handle them
            foreach (Capture capture in captures)
                // Check if whererow contains any parameters
                IList <string> parameters = GetParametersInText(capture.Value, isSpecialWhereParameters);

                if (parameters.Count > 0)
                    // If there is only one parameter on a whererow then we try to find out
                    // what type it is.
                    if (parameters.Count == 1)
                        string regexString = isSpecialWhereParameters ? RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROWSPECIAL : RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW;

                        Match parameterMatch = Regex.Match(capture.Value, regexString);

                        if (parameterMatch.Success &&
                            // Get the added parameter
                            OracleQueryParameter qp = query.GetPropertyByTypeAndName(OracleQueryParameterDirection.In, parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_PARAMETER].Value);

                            if (qp == null)
                                throw new Exception("Property with the name \"" + parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_PARAMETER].Value + "\" doesn't exist.");

                            if (parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_TABLE].Value != string.Empty &&
                                parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_COLUMN].Value != string.Empty &&
                                parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_PARAMETER].Value != string.Empty &&
                                string.IsNullOrEmpty(qp.OutTableName) &&
                                // Set the text to the full whererow
                                qp.Text = capture.Value;

                                // Check if we can find out the real name of the table. Either it is a table or an alias
                                // in the from-statement. If the real table can't be found then we can't set the table and column.
                                string foundTableName = GetTableName(parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_TABLE].Value);

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(foundTableName))
                                    qp.OutColumnName = parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_COLUMN].Value;
                                    qp.OutTableName  = foundTableName;
                            // Special case if there is only a column without a given table but there is only one table
                            // in the from statement then we know what table and column it is anyway.
                            else if (parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_TABLE].Value == string.Empty &&
                                     parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_COLUMN].Value != string.Empty &&
                                     parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_PARAMETER].Value != string.Empty &&
                                     fromTables.Count == 1 &&
                                     string.IsNullOrEmpty(qp.OutTableName) &&
                                // Set the text to the full whererow
                                qp.Text = capture.Value;

                                qp.OutColumnName = parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_COLUMN].Value;
                                qp.OutTableName  = fromTables.Keys.ToList()[0];
                            else if (parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_FUNCTION].Value != string.Empty &&
                                     parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_FUNCTIONPARAMETERS].Value != string.Empty &&
                                     parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_PARAMETER].Value != string.Empty)
                                // Set the text to the full whererow
                                qp.Text = capture.Value;
                                // Set the text to the full whererow
                                qp.Text = capture.Value;
                        // Can atleast set the text for the single parameter
                            // Get the added parameter
                            OracleQueryParameter qp = query.GetPropertyByTypeAndName(OracleQueryParameterDirection.In, parameters[0]);

                            if (qp == null)
                                throw new Exception("Property with the name \"" + parameters[0] + "\" doesn't exist.");

                            // Check if this is a row where a table.column is compared to a function where the parameter
                            // is somewhere within the functions parameters.
                            // Example: ITESTOTMP.WSID = nvl(:WSID_I,ITESTOTMP.WSID)
                            //if (parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_FUNCTION].Value != string.Empty &&
                            //    parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_FUNCTIONPARAMETERS].Value != string.Empty &&
                            //    parameterMatch.Groups[RegexConstants.SQL_WHEREROW_PARAMETER].Value != string.Empty)

                            // Set the text to the full whererow
                            qp.Text = capture.Value;
                    // More than one parameter on the same row.
                    // Check if information is found for every parameter already. In that case
                    // skip it. Otherwise atleast set the text for the parameter.
                    else if (parameters.Count > 1)
                        foreach (string parameter in parameters)
                            // Get the parameter
                            OracleQueryParameter qp = query.GetPropertyByTypeAndName(OracleQueryParameterDirection.In, parameter);

                            if (qp == null)
                                throw new Exception("Property with the name \"" + parameter + "\" doesn't exist.");

                            // Now check if information is already set.
                            // If not then set the text.
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(qp.OutColumnName) &&
                                String.IsNullOrEmpty(qp.OutTableName) &&
                                qp.Text = capture.Value;
コード例 #4
        private void FindDataTypes(OracleQuery query, string oracleConnectionString, bool isSpecialWhereParameters)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oracleConnectionString))
                // If special where parameters then there could be parameters on the format :XXXX.YYYY
                // which Oracle doesn't like. So we fix these before doing the call to get
                // the datatypeinfo.
                string sql = TrimComments(query.SQL);

                if (isSpecialWhereParameters)
                    sql = Regex.Replace(sql, @":(([A-Za-z]\w*)\.?){1,2}(?!\.)", ":param");

                OracleDataTypeInfoList odti = OracleSchemaInfo.GetDataTypeInfo(oracleConnectionString, sql);

                if (odti != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < odti.Count; i++)
                        OracleQueryParameter qp = query.GetPropertyByTypeAndSequence(OracleQueryParameterDirection.Out, i + 1);

                        if (qp != null)
                            qp.DbDatatype = odti[i].DataType;

                            if (qp.DbDatatype == "NUMBER")
                                qp.Precision = odti[i].Precision;
                                qp.Scale     = odti[i].Scale;

                                if (qp.Scale.HasValue)
                                    if (qp.Precision.HasValue)
                                        // Scale cannot have a higher value than the precision.
                                        if (qp.Scale > qp.Precision)
                                            qp.Scale = qp.Precision;

                                        // And scale (decimals) should maximum contain 9 numbers as highest
                                        if (qp.Scale > 9)
                                            qp.Scale = 9;
                                        qp.Scale = null;
                                qp.Precision = null;
                                qp.Scale     = null;

                            if (qp.DbDatatype == "VARCHAR2" ||
                                qp.DbDatatype == "CHAR")
                                qp.Length = odti[i].ColumnSize;
                                qp.Length = null;