protected override Stream UnParse() { var s = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(s); bw.Write(this.version); if (this.commonA == null) { this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.commonA.UnParse(s); if (this.matdList == null) { this.matdList = new WallMATDEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.matdList.UnParse(s); if (this.imgGroupList == null) { this.imgGroupList = new WallImgGroupList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.imgGroupList.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.unk01); if (this.colors == null) { this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.colors.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.unkIID01); return(s); }
protected override Stream UnParse() { var s = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(s); bw.Write(this.version); if (this.commonA == null) { this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.commonA.UnParse(s); if (this.trimRef == null) { this.trimRef = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG); } this.trimRef.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.materialVariant); if (this.modlRef == null) { this.modlRef = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG); } this.modlRef.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.swatchGrouping); if (this.colors == null) { this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.colors.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.unk02); return(s); }
protected override Stream UnParse() { var s = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(s); bw.Write(this.version); if (this.commonA == null) { commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.commonA.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.hashIndicator); bw.Write(this.hash01); bw.Write(this.hash02); bw.Write(this.hash03); if (this.matdList == null) { this.matdList = new CountedTGIBlockList(this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG); } bw.Write(Convert.ToUInt32(matdList.Count)); this.matdList.UnParse(s); if (this.colors == null) { this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.colors.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.unk02); bw.Write(this.unkIID01); return(s); }
protected override Stream UnParse() { var s = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(s); bw.Write(this.version); if (this.commonA == null) { this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.commonA.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.unk01); if (this.matdRef == null) { this.matdRef = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG); } this.matdRef.UnParse(s); if (this.floorRef == null) { this.floorRef = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG); } this.floorRef.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.unkIID01); if (this.colors == null) { this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.colors.UnParse(s); return(s); }
protected override Stream UnParse() { var s = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(s); bw.Write(this.version); if (this.commonA == null) { commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.commonA.UnParse(s); if (this.refList == null) { this.refList = new Gp8references(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.refList.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.materialVariant); bw.Write(this.swatchGrouping); bw.Write(this.unk02); if (this.colors == null) { this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.colors.UnParse(s); return(s); }
protected override Stream UnParse() { var s = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new BinaryWriter(s); writer.Write(this.version); if (this.commonA == null) { this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.commonA.UnParse(s); writer.Write(this.auralMaterialsVersion); writer.Write(this.auralMaterials1); writer.Write(this.auralMaterials2); writer.Write(this.auralMaterials3); writer.Write(this.auralPropertiesVersion); writer.Write(this.auralQuality); if (this.auralPropertiesVersion > 1) { writer.Write(this.auralAmbientObject); } if (this.auralPropertiesVersion == 3) { writer.Write(this.ambienceFileInstanceId); writer.Write(this.isOverrideAmbience); } if (this.auralPropertiesVersion == 4) { writer.Write(this.unknown01); } writer.Write(this.unused0); writer.Write(this.unused1); writer.Write(this.unused2); writer.Write(this.placementFlagsHigh); writer.Write(this.placementFlagsLow); writer.Write(this.slotTypeSet); writer.Write(this.slotDecoSize); writer.Write(this.catalogGroup); writer.Write(this.stateUsage); if (this.colors == null) { this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.colors.UnParse(s); writer.Write(this.fenceHeight); writer.Write(this.isStackable); writer.Write(this.canItemDepreciate); if (this.fallbackObjectKey == null) { this.fallbackObjectKey = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } if (this.version >= 0x19) { this.fallbackObjectKey.UnParse(s); } return(s); }
void Parse(Stream s) { var br = new BinaryReader(s); this.version = br.ReadUInt32(); this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.matdList = new WallMATDEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.imgGroupList = new WallImgGroupList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.unk01 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.unkIID01 = br.ReadUInt64(); }
void Parse(Stream s) { var br = new BinaryReader(s); this.version = br.ReadUInt32(); this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.unk01 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.matdRef = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG, s); this.floorRef = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG, s); this.unkIID01 = br.ReadUInt64(); this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); }
void Parse(Stream s) { var br = new BinaryReader(s); this.version = br.ReadUInt32(); this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.refList = new Gp8references(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.materialVariant = br.ReadUInt32(); this.swatchGrouping = br.ReadUInt64(); this.unk02 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); }
protected override Stream UnParse() { var s = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(s); bw.Write(this.version); if (this.commonA == null) { this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.commonA.UnParse(s); cstlRefsSize = 25; // default version 0x0E if (this.version == 0x0D) // has smaller array { cstlRefsSize = 21; } if (cstlRefs == null) // making new resource { cstlRefs = new TGIBlock[cstlRefsSize]; } if (cstlRefs.Length < cstlRefsSize) // may have changed the version and need larger array { TGIBlock[] newcstlRefs = new TGIBlock[cstlRefsSize]; for (int i = 0; i < cstlRefs.Length; i++) { newcstlRefs[i] = cstlRefs[i]; } cstlRefs = newcstlRefs; } for (int i = 0; i < cstlRefsSize; i++) // don't write out more than we need even if we have more { if (cstlRefs[i] == null) { cstlRefs[i] = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG); } cstlRefs[i].UnParse(s); } if (this.unkList1 == null) { this.unkList1 = new UnkCSTLUintList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.unkList1.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.unk01); bw.Write(this.unk02); bw.Write(this.unk03); bw.Write(this.unk04); bw.Write(this.unk05); bw.Write(this.unkIID01); return(s); }
void Parse(Stream s) { var br = new BinaryReader(s); this.version = br.ReadUInt32(); this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.trimRef = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG, s); this.materialVariant = br.ReadUInt32(); this.modlRef = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG, s); this.swatchGrouping = br.ReadUInt64(); this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.unk02 = br.ReadUInt32(); }
void Parse(Stream s) { var br = new BinaryReader(s); this.version = br.ReadUInt32(); this.commonBlock = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.hashIndicator = br.ReadUInt32(); this.hash01 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.hash02 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.hash03 = br.ReadUInt32(); int count = Convert.ToUInt16(br.ReadUInt32()); this.matdList = new CountedTGIBlockList(this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG, count, s); }
void Parse(Stream s) { var br = new BinaryReader(s); this.version = br.ReadUInt32(); this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.modlEntryList01 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.modlEntryList02 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.modlEntryList03 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.modlEntryList04 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.refList = new Gp7references(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.materialVariant = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unkIID01 = br.ReadUInt64(); this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); }
void Parse(Stream s) { var br = new BinaryReader(s); this.version = br.ReadUInt32(); this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.hashIndicator = br.ReadUInt32(); this.hash01 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.hash02 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.hash03 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk02 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.hash04 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.hash05 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unkFlags01 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.categoryFlags = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unkFlags03 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unkFlags04 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.placementFlags = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unkIID01 = br.ReadUInt64(); this.unk03 = br.ReadByte(); this.unkIID02 = br.ReadUInt64(); this.unk04 = br.ReadByte(); this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.unk05 = br.ReadByte(); this.unk06 = br.ReadByte(); this.unk07 = br.ReadByte(); this.unk08 = br.ReadByte(); this.unk09 = br.ReadByte(); this.build_buy = br.ReadByte(); if (this.version >= 0x19) { this.unk10 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk11 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk12 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk13 = br.ReadUInt32(); } this.unk14 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.refIndicator = br.ReadUInt32(); if (this.refIndicator == 0) { this.nullRefs = new Gp4references(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); } else { this.modlRefs = new Gp9references(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.ftptRefs = new Gp9references(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); } }
protected override Stream UnParse() { var s = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(s); bw.Write(this.version); if (this.commonA == null) { this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.commonA.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.hashIndicator); bw.Write(this.hash01); bw.Write(this.hash02); bw.Write(this.hash03); bw.Write(this.unk02); bw.Write(this.hash04); bw.Write(this.hash05); bw.Write(this.unkFlags01); bw.Write(this.categoryFlags); bw.Write(this.unkFlags03); bw.Write(this.unkFlags04); bw.Write(this.placementFlags); bw.Write(this.unkIID01); bw.Write(this.unk03); bw.Write(this.unkIID02); bw.Write(this.unk04); if (this.colors == null) { this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.colors.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.unk05); bw.Write(this.unk06); bw.Write(this.unk07); bw.Write(this.unk08); bw.Write(this.unk09); bw.Write(this.build_buy); if (this.version >= 0x19) { bw.Write(this.unk10); bw.Write(this.unk11); bw.Write(this.unk12); bw.Write(this.unk13); } return(s); }
void Parse(Stream s) { var br = new BinaryReader(s); this.version = br.ReadUInt32(); this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.unk01 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk02 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk03 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk04 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk05 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.swatchGrouping = br.ReadUInt64(); this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.unkRef1 = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG, s); this.unk06 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk07 = br.ReadUInt32(); }
protected override Stream UnParse() { var s = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(s); bw.Write(this.version); if (this.commonA == null) { this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.commonA.UnParse(s); if (modlEntryList01 == null) { modlEntryList01 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.modlEntryList01.UnParse(s); if (modlEntryList02 == null) { modlEntryList02 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.modlEntryList02.UnParse(s); if (modlEntryList03 == null) { modlEntryList03 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.modlEntryList03.UnParse(s); if (modlEntryList04 == null) { modlEntryList04 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.modlEntryList04.UnParse(s); if (this.refList == null) { this.refList = new Gp7references(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.refList.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.materialVariant); bw.Write(this.unkIID01); if (this.colors == null) { this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.colors.UnParse(s); return(s); }
protected virtual void Parse(Stream s) { var reader = new BinaryReader(s); this.version = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(COBJResource.kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.auralMaterialsVersion = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.auralMaterials1 = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.auralMaterials2 = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.auralMaterials3 = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.auralPropertiesVersion = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.auralQuality = reader.ReadUInt32(); if (this.auralPropertiesVersion > 1) { this.auralAmbientObject = reader.ReadUInt32(); } if (this.auralPropertiesVersion == 3) { this.ambienceFileInstanceId = reader.ReadUInt64(); this.isOverrideAmbience = reader.ReadByte(); } if (this.auralPropertiesVersion == 4) { this.unknown01 = reader.ReadByte(); } this.unused0 = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.unused1 = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.unused2 = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.placementFlagsHigh = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.placementFlagsLow = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.slotTypeSet = reader.ReadUInt64(); this.slotDecoSize = reader.ReadByte(); this.catalogGroup = reader.ReadUInt64(); this.stateUsage = reader.ReadByte(); this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.fenceHeight = reader.ReadUInt32(); this.isStackable = reader.ReadByte(); this.canItemDepreciate = reader.ReadByte(); if (this.version >= 0x19) { this.fallbackObjectKey = new TGIBlock(this.RecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, "ITG", s); } }
void Parse(Stream s) { var br = new BinaryReader(s); this.version = br.ReadUInt32(); this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.unk01 = br.ReadByte(); this.unk02 = br.ReadByte(); if (s.Position < (s.Length)) { this.cblkEntries = new CBLKEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); hasCBLKEntries = true; } else { hasCBLKEntries = false; } }
public bool Equals(CatalogCommon other) { return (this.commonBlockVersion == other.commonBlockVersion && this.nameHash == other.nameHash && this.descriptionHash == other.descriptionHash && this.price == other.price && this.unkCommon01 == other.unkCommon01 && this.unkCommon02 == other.unkCommon02 && this.unkCommon03 == other.unkCommon03 && this.productStyles == other.productStyles && this.unkCommon04 == other.unkCommon04 && this.tagList == other.tagList && this.sellingPoints == other.sellingPoints && this.unlockByHash == other.unlockByHash && this.unlockedByHash == other.unlockedByHash && this.unkCommon06 == other.unkCommon06 && this.unkCommon07 == other.unkCommon07); }
void Parse(Stream s) { var br = new BinaryReader(s); this.version = br.ReadUInt32(); this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.modlEntryList01 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.modlEntryList02 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.modlEntryList03 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.modlEntryList04 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.refList = new Gp7references(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.unk01 = br.ReadByte(); this.unk02 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.materialVariant = br.ReadUInt32(); this.swatchGrouping = br.ReadUInt64(); this.slot = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG, s); this.unkList01 = new WhateverList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.unkList02 = new WhateverList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.unkList03 = new WhateverList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged, s); this.unk04 = br.ReadUInt32(); }
void Parse(Stream s) { var br = new BinaryReader(s); this.version = br.ReadUInt32(); this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, s); if (this.version == 0x0D) { cstlRefsSize = 21; } cstlRefs = new TGIBlock[cstlRefsSize]; for (int i = 0; i < cstlRefs.Length; i++) { cstlRefs[i] = new TGIBlock(requestedApiVersion, OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG, s); } this.unkList1 = new UnkCSTLUintList(OnResourceChanged, s); this.unk01 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk02 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk03 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk04 = br.ReadUInt32(); this.unk05 = br.ReadByte(); this.unkIID01 = br.ReadUInt64(); }
protected override Stream UnParse() { var s = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(s); bw.Write(this.version); if (this.commonA == null) { this.commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.commonA.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.unk01); bw.Write(this.unk02); if (hasCBLKEntries == true) { if (this.cblkEntries == null) { this.cblkEntries = new CBLKEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.cblkEntries.UnParse(s); } return(s); }
protected override Stream UnParse() { var s = new MemoryStream(); var bw = new BinaryWriter(s); bw.Write(this.version); if (this.commonA == null) { commonA = new CatalogCommon(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.commonA.UnParse(s); if (this.modlEntryList01 == null) { this.modlEntryList01 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.modlEntryList01.UnParse(s); if (this.modlEntryList02 == null) { this.modlEntryList02 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.modlEntryList02.UnParse(s); if (this.modlEntryList03 == null) { this.modlEntryList03 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.modlEntryList03.UnParse(s); if (this.modlEntryList04 == null) { this.modlEntryList04 = new SpnFenMODLEntryList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.modlEntryList04.UnParse(s); if (this.refList == null) { this.refList = new Gp7references(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged); } this.refList.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.unk01); bw.Write(this.unk02); bw.Write(this.materialVariant); bw.Write(this.swatchGrouping); if (this.slot == null) { this.slot = new TGIBlock(kRecommendedApiVersion, this.OnResourceChanged, TGIBlock.Order.ITG); } this.slot.UnParse(s); if (this.unkList01 == null) { unkList01 = new WhateverList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.unkList01.UnParse(s); if (this.unkList02 == null) { unkList02 = new WhateverList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.unkList02.UnParse(s); if (this.unkList03 == null) { unkList03 = new WhateverList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.unkList03.UnParse(s); if (this.colors == null) { this.colors = new ColorList(this.OnResourceChanged); } this.colors.UnParse(s); bw.Write(this.unk04); return(s); }
public CatalogCommon(int APIversion, EventHandler handler, CatalogCommon other) : this(APIversion, handler, other.commonBlockVersion, other.nameHash, other.descriptionHash, other.price, other.unkCommon01, other.unkCommon02, other.unkCommon03, other.productStyles, other.unkCommon04, other.tagList, other.sellingPoints, other.unlockByHash, other.unlockedByHash, other.unkCommon06, other.unkCommon07) { }