internal void MergeKey(CKey inKey) { AddComments(inKey.Comments); TakeAllValues(inKey, false); List <CKey> keys = new List <CKey>(inKey._keys); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++) { var in_sub_key = keys[i]; CKey child_key = null; if (!in_sub_key.IsArray) { child_key = FindChildKey(in_sub_key.Name); } if (child_key != null) { child_key.MergeKey(in_sub_key); } else { in_sub_key.SetParent(this); } } }
public int BinaryDeserialize(byte[] ioBuffer, int inOffset) { int offset = inOffset; offset = BinarySerializeUtils.Deserialize(ioBuffer, offset, out _name); offset = BinarySerializeUtils.Deserialize(ioBuffer, offset, out bool is_array); IsArray = is_array; offset = BinarySerializeUtils.Deserialize(ioBuffer, offset, out short size); _values.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { offset = AddValue(ioBuffer, offset); } offset = BinarySerializeUtils.Deserialize(ioBuffer, offset, out size); _keys.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { CKey child = CreateChild(this, string.Empty); offset = child.BinaryDeserialize(ioBuffer, offset); } return(offset); }
internal void CheckOnOneArray() { if (_keys.Count != 1) { return; } if (!_keys[0].IsArray) { return; } if (_keys[0].ValuesCount > 0) { return; } CKey arr = _keys[0]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr._name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_name)) { return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arr._name)) { _name = arr._name; } TakeAllElements(arr, false); arr.SetParent(null); }
static void ExecuteCommand_Delete(CKey inParent, CTokenLine line, ITreeBuildSupport inSupport) { if (line.CommandParams.Length == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.CommandParams[0])) { inSupport.GetLogger().LogError(EErrorCode.PathEmpty, line); return; } string key_path = line.CommandParams[0]; CKey start_key = inParent; int i = 0; while (i < key_path.Length && key_path[i] == '<' && start_key.Parent != null) { start_key = start_key.Parent; i++; } key_path = key_path.Substring(i); string[] path = key_path.Split(new char[] { '\\', '/' }); if (!RemoveKeysByPath(start_key, path)) { inSupport.GetLogger().LogError(EErrorCode.CantFindKey, line, $"Start key: {inParent.GetPath()}"); } }
public IKey Parse(string inFileName, string inText, ILogPrinter inLogger, object inContextData) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inFileName)) { _parsed.RemoveAll(p => string.Equals(p.FileName, inFileName)); } var supporter = new CSupportOwner(this, inLogger, inContextData, inFileName); _sentenser.ParseText(inText, supporter.GetLogger()); List <CTokenLine> lines = new List <CTokenLine>(); for (int i = 0; i < _sentenser.SentenseCount; i++) { CSentense sentense = _sentenser[i]; CTokenLine tl = new CTokenLine(); tl.Init(sentense, supporter.GetLogger()); lines.Add(tl); } string root_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inFileName); CKey root = CTreeBuilder.Build(root_name, lines, supporter); _parsed.Add(new CParsed(root, lines, inFileName)); return(root); }
public CMemoryString(string value, CKey parent, int line_number, EErrorCode error_code) { Value = value; Parent = parent; _line_number = line_number; _error_code = error_code; }
public static IKey CreateKey(byte[] ioBuffer, int inOffset) { var key = CKey.CreateRoot(string.Empty); key.BinaryDeserialize(ioBuffer, inOffset); return(key); }
public static CKey CreateChild(CKey parent, string inName) { if (!parent.CheckNameForChild(inName)) { return(null); } return(new CKey(parent, inName, false,; }
static void ExecuteCommand_Insert(CKey arr_key, CTokenLine line, ITreeBuildSupport inSupport) { string file_name = line.CommandParams["file"]; string key_path = line.CommandParams["key"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file_name) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(key_path)) { inSupport.GetLogger().LogError(EErrorCode.PathEmpty, line); } CKey root = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file_name)) { root = (CKey)inSupport.GetTree(file_name); } else { root = arr_key.GetRoot(); } if (root == null) { inSupport.GetLogger().LogError(EErrorCode.CantFindInsertFile, line); return; } if (root.KeyCount == 1 && root.GetKey(0).IsArrayKey()) { root = root.GetKey(0); } CKey key = root; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key_path)) { key = (CKey)root.FindKey(key_path); if (key == null) { inSupport.GetLogger().LogError(EErrorCode.CantFindKey, line); return; } } bool insert_parent = line.CommandParams.ContainsKey("parent"); CKey copy_key = key.GetCopy() as CKey; if (insert_parent) { copy_key.SetParent(arr_key); } else { arr_key.TakeAllElements(copy_key, false); } arr_key.CheckOnOneArray(); }
static void Swap(List <CKey> keys, int left, int right) { if (left != right) { CKey temp = keys[left]; keys[left] = keys[right]; keys[right] = temp; } }
static void OnClosingKey(CKey key, EKeyAddingMode inKeyAddMode, ITreeBuildSupport inSupport) { if (key == null) { return; } if (key.IsEmpty) { inSupport.GetLogger().LogError(EErrorCode.HeadWithoutValues, key); return; } if (inKeyAddMode == EKeyAddingMode.AddUnique) { return; } CKey parent = key.Parent; if (parent == null) { inSupport.GetLogger().LogError(EErrorCode.KeyMustHaveParent, key); return; } key.SetParent(null); if (inKeyAddMode == EKeyAddingMode.Override) { var pathes = new List <List <string> >(); key.GetTerminalPathes(pathes, new List <string>()); //for correct deleting array elems for (int i = pathes.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var path = pathes[i]; RemoveKeysByPath(parent, path); } inKeyAddMode = EKeyAddingMode.Add; } if (inKeyAddMode == EKeyAddingMode.Add) { CKey child_key = parent.FindChildKey(key.Name); if (child_key != null) { child_key.MergeKey(key); } else { key.SetParent(parent); } } }
static CKey CreateNewArrayKey(CKey inParent, CTokenLine line, CBuildCommands inCommands) { var res_arr_key = CKey.CreateArrayKey(inParent, line.Position); if (inCommands.IsNextArrayKeyNamePresent) { res_arr_key.SetName(inCommands.PopNextArrayKeyName(inParent)); } return(res_arr_key); }
static SAddLineResult AddLine(CKey inParent, CKey inCurrentArrayKey, CTokenLine line, ITreeBuildSupport inSupport, CBuildCommands inCommands) { SAddLineResult result = new SAddLineResult(); if (line.IsEmpty()) { if (line.Comments != null) { inCommands.SetNextLineComment(line.Comments.Text, line.Position.Line, inParent); } result.current_array_key = inCurrentArrayKey; } else if (line.IsRecordDivider()) { result.current_array_key = null; result.WasRecordDivider = true; } else if (line.IsCommandLine()) { result.current_array_key = ExecuteCommand(inParent, inCurrentArrayKey, line, inSupport, inCommands); } else if (line.Head != null) { result.current_array_key = inCurrentArrayKey; if (result.current_array_key == null) { result.current_array_key = CreateNewArrayKey(inParent, line, inCommands); } if (line.AdditionMode == EKeyAddingMode.AddUnique && result.current_array_key.IsKeyWithNamePresent(line.Head.Text)) { inSupport.GetLogger().LogError(EErrorCode.ElementWithNameAlreadyPresent, line); } result.last_key_add_mode = line.AdditionMode; result.last_record_key = CKey.Create(result.current_array_key, line, inSupport.GetLogger()); if (inCommands.IsNextLineCommentPresent) { result.last_record_key.AddComments(inCommands.PopNextLineComments(inParent)); } } else if (!line.IsTailEmpty) { //if (!line.IsNewArrayLine && line.TailLength == 1 && !inParent.IsArray) // inParent.AddTokenTail(line, true, inSupport.GetLogger()); //else { result.current_array_key = CreateNewArrayKey(inParent, line, inCommands); result.current_array_key.AddTokenTail(line, inSupport.GetLogger()); } } return(result); }
public void SetNextArrayKeyName(string inName, int inLineNumber, CKey inParent) { if (IsNextArrayKeyNamePresent) { _logger.LogError(EErrorCode.NextArrayKeyNameAlreadySetted, _next_array_key_name.Value, inLineNumber); } else { _next_array_key_name = new CMemoryString(inName, inParent, inLineNumber, EErrorCode.NextArrayKeyNameMissParent); } }
public CKey FindChildKey(string key_name) { for (int i = 0; i < _keys.Count; ++i) { CKey k = _keys[i]; if (string.Equals(k.Name, key_name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(k); } } return(null); }
public IKey CreateChildKey(string inName) { string name = Utils.GetStringForSave(inName); if (!CheckNameForChild(name)) { return(null); } CKey child = CreateChild(this, name); return(child); }
public string PopNextArrayKeyName(CKey inParent) { if (!_next_array_key_name.CheckParent(inParent, _logger)) { _next_array_key_name = null; return(string.Empty); } string t = _next_array_key_name.Value; _next_array_key_name = null; return(t); }
public EKeyOpResult AddChild(IKey inNewChild) { EKeyOpResult res = IsKeyAddable(inNewChild); if (res != EKeyOpResult.OK) { return(res); } CKey k = inNewChild as CKey; k.SetParent(this); return(res); }
void TakeAllValues(CKey other_key, bool inClear) { List <CBaseValue> lst = new List <CBaseValue>(other_key._values); if (inClear) { _values.Clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; ++i) { lst[i].SetParent(this); } }
void TakeAllKeys(CKey other_key, bool inClear) { List <CKey> lst = new List <CKey>(other_key._keys); if (inClear) { _keys.Clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; ++i) { lst[i].SetParent(this); } }
public bool CheckParent(CKey inParent, ILogger logger) { if (Parent == inParent) { return(true); } logger.LogError(_error_code, string.Format("Name {0}. Setted inside {1}. Try to use inside {2}", Value, Parent.Name, inParent.Name), _line_number); return(false); }
static void ExecuteCommand_Delete(CKey arr_key, CTokenLine line, ITreeBuildSupport inSupport) { if (line.CommandParams.Length == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(line.CommandParams[0])) { inSupport.GetLogger().LogError(EErrorCode.PathEmpty, line); return; } string key_path = line.CommandParams[0]; string[] path = key_path.Split(new char[] { '\\', '/' }); if (!RemoveKeysByPath(arr_key, path)) { inSupport.GetLogger().LogError(EErrorCode.CantFindKey, line); } }
public EKeyOpResult RemoveChild(IKey inChild) { CKey k = inChild as CKey; if (k == null) { return(EKeyOpResult.UnnativeKey); } if (!_keys.Contains(k)) { return(EKeyOpResult.NotFound); } k.SetParent(null); return(EKeyOpResult.OK); }
public CKey FindKey(IList <string> path, int index = 0) { string need_name = path[index]; CKey key = FindChildKey(need_name); if (key == null) { return(null); } if (index == path.Count - 1) { return(key); } return(key.FindKey(path, index + 1)); }
private CKey(CKey other) : base(other) { _name = other._name; IsArray = other.IsArray; foreach (var el in other._values) { var copy = el.GetCopy(); copy.SetParent(this); } foreach (var el in other._keys) { var copy = el.GetCopy(); copy.SetParent(this); } }
public EKeyOpResult InsertChild(int inIndexPos, IKey inChild) { EKeyOpResult res = IsKeyAddable(inChild); if (res != EKeyOpResult.OK) { return(res); } CKey k = inChild as CKey; k.SetParent(this); _keys.RemoveAt(_keys.Count - 1); _keys.Insert(inIndexPos, k); return(EKeyOpResult.OK); }
//inStartLine - next of parent line static void CollectByDivs(CKey inParent, int inParentRank, int inStartLine, int inEndLine, List <CTokenLine> inLines, ITreeBuildSupport inSupport, CKey inRoot, EKeyAddingMode inKeyAddingMode) { int curr_rank = inParentRank + 1; List <Tuple <int, int> > recs_by_divs = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); CollectDividers(inStartLine, inEndLine, curr_rank, inLines, inSupport, recs_by_divs); if (recs_by_divs.Count > 1) { if (inKeyAddingMode == EKeyAddingMode.Override) { inParent.ClearAllArrayKeys(); } for (int i = 0; i < recs_by_divs.Count; i++) { int first_line = recs_by_divs[i].Item1; int exlude_last_line = recs_by_divs[i].Item2; if (first_line < exlude_last_line) { CKey arr_key = CKey.CreateArrayKey(inParent, inLines[first_line].Position); if (IsLinePresent(curr_rank, first_line, exlude_last_line, inLines)) { Collect(arr_key, curr_rank, first_line, exlude_last_line, inLines, inSupport, inRoot, EKeyAddingMode.AddUnique); } else { CollectByDivs(arr_key, curr_rank, first_line, exlude_last_line, inLines, inSupport, inRoot, EKeyAddingMode.AddUnique); } if (arr_key.IsEmpty) { arr_key.SetParent(null); } } } } else { Collect(inParent, inParentRank, recs_by_divs[0].Item1, recs_by_divs[0].Item2, inLines, inSupport, inRoot, inKeyAddingMode); } }
public static CKey Build(string inRootName, List <CTokenLine> inLines, ITreeBuildSupport inSupport) { var root = CKey.CreateRoot(inRootName); if (inLines.Count == 0) { return(root); } CollectByDivs(root, -1, 0, inLines.Count, inLines, inSupport, root, EKeyAddingMode.AddUnique); if (root.KeyCount == 1 && root.GetKey(0).IsArrayKey() && root.GetKey(0).KeyCount == 0) { root.TakeAllElements(root.GetKey(0), false); root.GetKey(0).SetParent(null); } return(root); }
public string PopNextLineComments(CKey inParent) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < _next_line_comments.Count; ++i) { if (_next_line_comments[i].CheckParent(inParent, _logger)) { if (i != 0) { sb.AppendLine(); } sb.Append(_next_line_comments[i].Value); } } _next_line_comments.Clear(); return(sb.ToString()); }
static bool RemoveKeysByPath(CKey inParent, IList <string> inPath) { CKey key = inParent.FindKey(inPath); if (key == null) { return(false); } CKey parent = key.Parent; key.SetParent(null); while (parent != inParent && parent.IsEmpty) { CKey prev = parent; parent = parent.Parent; prev.SetParent(null); } return(true); }