コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// A new marker associated with a counter control has been created
        /// Increment the counter and add the marker to all data structures (including the database)
        /// </summary>
        private void MarkableCanvas_AddMarker(DataEntryCounter counter, Marker marker)
            // increment the counter to reflect the new marker
            int count;
            if (Int32.TryParse(counter.Content, out count) == false)
                // if the current value's not parseable assume that 
                // 1) the default value is set to a non-integer in the template
                // 2) or it's a space
                // In either case, revert to zero.
                count = 0;

            string counterContent = count.ToString();
            this.dataHandler.IsProgrammaticControlUpdate = true;
            this.dataHandler.FileDatabase.UpdateFile(this.dataHandler.ImageCache.Current.ID, counter.DataLabel, counterContent);
            this.dataHandler.IsProgrammaticControlUpdate = false;

            // Find markers associated with this particular control
            MarkersForCounter markersForCounter = null;
            foreach (MarkersForCounter markers in this.markersOnCurrentFile)
                if (markers.DataLabel == counter.DataLabel)
                    markersForCounter = markers;

            // fill in marker information
            marker.ShowLabel = true; // show label on creation, cleared on next refresh
            marker.LabelShownPreviously = false;
            marker.Brush = Brushes.Red;               // Make it Red (for now)
            marker.DataLabel = counter.DataLabel;
            marker.Tooltip = counter.Label;   // The tooltip will be the counter label plus its data label
            marker.Tooltip += "\n" + counter.DataLabel;

            // update this counter's list of points in the database
            this.dataHandler.FileDatabase.SetMarkerPositions(this.dataHandler.ImageCache.Current.ID, markersForCounter);

            this.MarkableCanvas.Markers = this.GetDisplayMarkers(true);
            this.Speak(counter.Content + " " + counter.Label); // Speak the current count
コード例 #2
 public MarkerEventArgs(Marker marker, bool isNew)
     this.Marker = marker;
     this.IsNew = isNew;
コード例 #3
 public void RemoveMarker(Marker marker)
     int index = this.Markers.IndexOf(marker);
     Debug.Assert(index != -1, "Expected marker to be present in list.");
コード例 #4
 public void AddMarker(Marker marker)
コード例 #5
        private void ImageOrCanvas_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            // Make sure the cursor reverts to the normal arrow cursor
            this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;

            // Get the current position
            Point mousePosition = e.GetPosition(this.ImageToDisplay);

            // Is this the end of a translate operation or of placing a maker?
            // Create a marker if the left button has been released, the mouse movement is below threshold, and less than 200 ms have passed since the original
            // mouse down.
            if ((e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Released) &&
                (sender == this.mouseDownSender) &&
                (this.mouseDownLocation - mousePosition).Length <= 2.0)
                TimeSpan timeSinceDown = DateTime.UtcNow - this.mouseDownTime;
                if (timeSinceDown.TotalMilliseconds < 200)
                    // Get the current point, and create a marker on it.
                    Point position = e.GetPosition(this.ImageToDisplay);
                    position = Marker.ConvertPointToRatio(position, this.ImageToDisplay.ActualWidth, this.ImageToDisplay.ActualHeight);
                    Marker marker = new Marker(null, position);

                    // don't add marker to the marker list
                    // Main window is responsible for filling in remaining properties and adding it.
                    this.SendMarkerEvent(new MarkerEventArgs(marker, true));

            // show the magnifying glass again if it was hidden during a pan
コード例 #6
        private Canvas DrawMarker(Marker marker, Size canvasRenderSize, bool imageToDisplayMarkers)
            Canvas markerCanvas = new Canvas();
            if (marker.Tooltip.Trim() == String.Empty)
                markerCanvas.ToolTip = null;
                markerCanvas.ToolTip = marker.Tooltip;
            markerCanvas.Tag = marker;

            // Create a marker
            Ellipse mark = new Ellipse();
            mark.Width = Constant.MarkableCanvas.MarkerDiameter;
            mark.Height = Constant.MarkableCanvas.MarkerDiameter;
            mark.Stroke = marker.Brush;
            mark.StrokeThickness = Constant.MarkableCanvas.MarkerStrokeThickness;
            mark.Fill = MarkableCanvas.MarkerFillBrush;

            // Draw another Ellipse as a black outline around it
            Ellipse blackOutline = new Ellipse();
            blackOutline.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
            blackOutline.Width = mark.Width + 1;
            blackOutline.Height = mark.Height + 1;
            blackOutline.StrokeThickness = 1;

            // And another Ellipse as a white outline around it
            Ellipse whiteOutline = new Ellipse();
            whiteOutline.Stroke = Brushes.White;
            whiteOutline.Width = blackOutline.Width + 1;
            whiteOutline.Height = blackOutline.Height + 1;
            whiteOutline.StrokeThickness = 1;

            // maybe add emphasis
            double outerDiameter = whiteOutline.Width;
            Ellipse glow = null;
            if (marker.Emphasise)
                glow = new Ellipse();
                glow.Width = whiteOutline.Width + Constant.MarkableCanvas.MarkerGlowDiameterIncrease;
                glow.Height = whiteOutline.Height + Constant.MarkableCanvas.MarkerGlowDiameterIncrease;
                glow.StrokeThickness = Constant.MarkableCanvas.MarkerGlowStrokeThickness;
                glow.Stroke = mark.Stroke;
                glow.Opacity = Constant.MarkableCanvas.MarkerGlowOpacity;

                outerDiameter = glow.Width;

            markerCanvas.Width = outerDiameter;
            markerCanvas.Height = outerDiameter;

            double position = (markerCanvas.Width - mark.Width) / 2.0;
            Canvas.SetLeft(mark, position);
            Canvas.SetTop(mark, position);

            position = (markerCanvas.Width - blackOutline.Width) / 2.0;
            Canvas.SetLeft(blackOutline, position);
            Canvas.SetTop(blackOutline, position);

            position = (markerCanvas.Width - whiteOutline.Width) / 2.0;
            Canvas.SetLeft(whiteOutline, position);
            Canvas.SetTop(whiteOutline, position);

            if (marker.Emphasise)
                position = (markerCanvas.Width - glow.Width) / 2.0;
                Canvas.SetLeft(glow, position);
                Canvas.SetTop(glow, position);

            if (marker.ShowLabel)
                Label label = new Label();
                label.Content = marker.Tooltip;
                label.Opacity = 0.6;
                label.Background = Brushes.White;
                label.Padding = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0);
                label.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0);

                position = (markerCanvas.Width / 2.0) + (whiteOutline.Width / 2.0);
                Canvas.SetLeft(label, position);
                Canvas.SetTop(label, markerCanvas.Height / 2);

            // Get the point from the marker, and convert it so that the marker will be in the right place
            Point screenPosition = Marker.ConvertRatioToPoint(marker.Position, canvasRenderSize.Width, canvasRenderSize.Height);
            if (imageToDisplayMarkers)
                screenPosition = this.ImageToDisplay.RenderTransform.Transform(screenPosition);

            Canvas.SetLeft(markerCanvas, screenPosition.X - markerCanvas.Width / 2.0);
            Canvas.SetTop(markerCanvas, screenPosition.Y - markerCanvas.Height / 2.0);
            Canvas.SetZIndex(markerCanvas, 0);
            markerCanvas.MouseDown += this.ImageOrCanvas_MouseDown;
            markerCanvas.MouseMove += this.MarkableCanvas_MouseMove;
            markerCanvas.MouseRightButtonUp += this.Marker_MouseRightButtonUp;
            markerCanvas.MouseUp += this.ImageOrCanvas_MouseUp;
            markerCanvas.MouseWheel += this.ImageOrCanvas_MouseWheel; // Make the mouse wheel work over marks as well as the image
            return markerCanvas;