コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Arranges the cards for the player's hand
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The card container</param>
        private void PlayerHandLayout(CardContainer parent)
            Rectangle parentDisplayRectangle = parent.DisplayRectangle;
            Point     nextCardLocation       = parentDisplayRectangle.Location;

            foreach (Control card in parent.Controls)
                //skip control if it is not visible
                if (!card.Visible)

                //Set the location of the current card and update the nextCardLocation
                card.Location       = nextCardLocation;
                nextCardLocation.X += card.Width;

                //If the nextCardLocation is outside the bounds of the parent's horizontal margins
                if ((nextCardLocation.X + card.Width) > (parentDisplayRectangle.Location.X + parentDisplayRectangle.Width))
                    //Reset the nextCardLocation to the beginning of the next row
                    nextCardLocation.X  = parentDisplayRectangle.Location.X;
                    nextCardLocation.Y += card.Height;

                    //If the nextCardLocation is outside the bound of the parent's vertical margins
                    if ((nextCardLocation.Y + card.Height) > (parentDisplayRectangle.Location.Y + parentDisplayRectangle.Height))
                        parent.Height         += card.Height;
                        parentDisplayRectangle = parent.DisplayRectangle;
コード例 #2
        public override bool Layout(object container, LayoutEventArgs layoutEventArgs)
            CardContainer parent = container as CardContainer;
            bool          result = true;

            switch (parent.ContainerType)
            case CardContainerType.PlayerHand: PlayerHandLayout(parent); break;

            case CardContainerType.Deck: DeckLayout(parent); break;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Arrange the cards in the deck
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent"></param>
        private void DeckLayout(CardContainer parent)
            bool   trumpPicked   = false;
            Random randGen       = new Random();
            int    xDelta        = 2;
            int    yDelta        = 2;
            int    cardsPerStack = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(parent.Controls.Count / 4)));

            cardsPerStack = cardsPerStack >= 1 ? cardsPerStack : 1;

            parent.Height = parent.Controls[0].Height * 2;
            Rectangle parentDisplayRectangle = parent.DisplayRectangle;
            Point     nextCardLocation       = parentDisplayRectangle.Location;

            nextCardLocation.Y += parent.Controls[0].Height;

            for (int index = 0; index < parent.Controls.Count; index++)
                CardControl card          = parent.Controls[index] as CardControl;
                bool        isPickedTrump = false;

                //skip control if it is not visible
                if (!card.Visible)

                //flip card over
                card.IsFaceup = false;

                //If the current card has the trump suit decide whether to
                //display it to show the user what the trump suit is
                if (card.CardBase.suit == parent.TrumpSuit && !trumpPicked)
                    //Decide randomly whether to pick this card
                    if (randGen.Next(1) == 1)
                        isPickedTrump = true;
                        trumpPicked   = true;

                //If the card is picked to be the card of the trump suit to be
                if (isPickedTrump)
                    card.IsFaceup = true;

                    //Set the trump card to the top center of the container
                    int trumpY    = parent.Height;                  //nextCardLocation.Y + ((index % cardsPerStack) * yDelta);
                    int midPointX = Convert.ToInt32(
                                + (parentDisplayRectangle.Width / 2))
                    int trumpX = Convert.ToInt32(midPointX - (card.Width / 2));

                    //card.Location = new Point(4, 0);

                    card.Location = new Point(10, 10);

                //Put card on the current stack
                card.Location = nextCardLocation;

                //If the card is the last in the current stack
                //begin a new stack
                if ((index % cardsPerStack) == cardsPerStack - 1)
                    nextCardLocation.Y -= (cardsPerStack - 1) * yDelta;
                    nextCardLocation.X += card.Width + 2;
                    nextCardLocation.Y += yDelta;
                    nextCardLocation.X += xDelta;

                //Resize the container if the card is not properly inside it
                if ((nextCardLocation.X + card.Width) > (parentDisplayRectangle.Location.X + parentDisplayRectangle.Width))
                    parent.Width          += (nextCardLocation.X + card.Width) - (parentDisplayRectangle.Location.X + parentDisplayRectangle.Width);
                    parentDisplayRectangle = parent.DisplayRectangle;

                if ((nextCardLocation.Y + card.Height) > (parentDisplayRectangle.Location.Y + parentDisplayRectangle.Height))
                    parent.Height         += (nextCardLocation.Y + card.Height) - (parentDisplayRectangle.Location.Y + parentDisplayRectangle.Height);
                    parentDisplayRectangle = parent.DisplayRectangle;
