private void label_Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {// Long / Old way of displaying multiple items in a text box /* MessageBox.Show($"Thank You !!!!! Your Rental Submission was Successful Mr/Mrs. : {TB_Customer.Text}. " + * $"The Car You selected is: {CB_Car_List.Text} " + * $"The Car Owner is: {TB_Owners.Text} " + * $"The Rentals date is from the: {DateRented.Text} " + * $"Until {Date_Returned.Text}. " + * $" The transaction ID is: {TB_ID.Text}. ");*/ var customerName = TB_Customer.Text; var ownerName = TB_Owners_Name.Text; var dateout = DateRented.Value; var dateIn = Date_Returned.Value; var ID = TB_ID.Text; var carBrand = CB_Car_List.SelectedItem.ToString(); double cost = Convert.ToDouble(TB_Cost.Text); var isValid = true; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customerName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(carBrand)) { isValid = false; MessageBox.Show("Please enter missing fields"); } if (dateout > dateIn) { isValid = false; MessageBox.Show("The Date u Selected is Invalid"); } if (isValid) { var rentalRecords = new CarRentalDB5Entities(); MessageBox.Show($"Thank You For Choseing McIntosh Rentals Mr / Mrs. : {customerName}\n\r" + $"The Car You selected is: { carBrand}\n\r" + $"The Car Owner is: {ownerName}\n\r" + $"Rental date Starts: {dateout}\n\r" + $"Rental Date Ends: {dateIn}\n\r" + $"Rental Cost is :{cost}\n\r" + $"Transaction Id#: {ID}\n\r" + $"Thank You For Choseing McIntosh Rentals!!!!!!!!!!"); } }
public Add_Car_Rental() { InitializeComponent(); CarRentalDB5Entities1 = new CarRentalDB5Entities(); }
public Vehicle_Listing() { InitializeComponent(); _DB = new CarRentalDB5Entities(); }