public static string Parse(XmlNode node, int indentLevel) { if (node == null) { return(""); } string output = ""; string indentString = new string(' ', indentLevel * 4); XmlNodeList handlers = node.SelectNodes(".//*[@Key='ErrorHandlers']/ErrorHandler/Boolean[@Key='IsEnabled' and @Value='True']/.."); foreach (XmlNode handler in handlers) { string conditionType = handler.SelectSingleNode(".//ErrorConditionType/@Value").Value; string errorName = ""; if (conditionType == "Simple") { errorName = handler.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key=\"SimpleConditionErrorName\"]/@Value").Value; } else if (conditionType == "Complex") { string dummy; ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition(handler.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key=\"ComplexCondition\"]"), out errorName, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); } else { errorName = "ErrorHandlingToTxt - unknown condition type: " + conditionType; } string handlerName = handler.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key=\"Name\"]/@Value").Value; output += indentString + "catch (" + errorName + ")" + " // " + handlerName + "\r\n" + indentString + "{" + "\r\n"; XmlNodeList actions = handler.SelectNodes(".//*[@Key=\"Actions\"]/*/Boolean[@Key=\"IsEnabled\" and @Value=\"True\"]/.."); foreach (XmlNode action in actions) { string actionStr = ParseAction(action, indentLevel + 1); output += actionStr + "\r\n"; } XmlNode terminationAction = handler.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key=\"TerminationAction\"]"); if (terminationAction.Name != "Null") { string isEnabled = terminationAction.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key=\"IsEnabled\"]/@Value").Value; if (isEnabled == "True") { output += "\r\n" + indentString + " " + ParseTermination(terminationAction); } } output += indentString + "}\r\n"; } return(output); }
public static void ParseCondition(XmlNode condition, out string conditionTxt, out string left, out string operatorType, out string right) { left = ""; right = ""; operatorType = ""; conditionTxt = ""; string xml = condition.OuterXml; if (xml.StartsWith("<BinaryExpression Key=\"Left\">") || xml.StartsWith("<BinaryExpression Key=\"Right\">") || xml.StartsWith("<BinaryExpression")) { XmlNodeList operators = condition.SelectNodes("BinaryOperator"); operatorType = ConvertOperator(operators[operators.Count - 1].Attributes["Value"].Value); XmlNode Left = condition.SelectSingleNode("*[@Key='Left']"); XmlNode Right = condition.SelectSingleNode("*[@Key='Right']"); string leftTxt, rightTxt, dummy; ParseCondition(Left, out leftTxt, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); ParseCondition(Right, out rightTxt, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); conditionTxt = "(" + leftTxt + " " + operatorType + " " + rightTxt + ")"; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<CriteriaInputExpression")) { XmlNode child = condition.SelectSingleNode("*[@Key='InnerExpression']"); string dummy; ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition(child, out conditionTxt, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); } else if (xml.StartsWith("<GroupExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<BinaryExpression Key=\"Expression\">")) { XmlNode child = condition.ChildNodes[0]; string dummy; ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition(child, out conditionTxt, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); } else if (xml.StartsWith("<ConstantExpression")) { XmlNode DataType = condition.SelectSingleNode(".//DataType/@Value"); string value = condition.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Value']/@Value").Value; if (DataType.Value == "String") { conditionTxt = "\"" + value + "\""; } else { conditionTxt = value; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<StringConverterExpression")) { XmlNode child = condition.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Expression']"); string value, dummy; ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition(child, out value, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); conditionTxt = value; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<VariableExpression")) { XmlNode varxml = condition.SelectSingleNode(".//String[@Key='Name']/@Value"); conditionTxt = "{" + varxml.Value + "}"; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<ExpressionDecorator")) { XmlNode decorator = condition.SelectSingleNode("./*"); string dummy; ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition(decorator, out conditionTxt, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); if (conditionTxt.StartsWith("{") == false) { conditionTxt = "{" + conditionTxt; } if (conditionTxt.EndsWith("}") == false) { conditionTxt = conditionTxt + "}"; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<TrinaryExpression")) { } else if (xml.StartsWith("<StepResultExpression")) { XmlNode varxml = condition.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Result']/@Value"); conditionTxt = "{" + varxml.Value + "}"; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<FunctionCall")) { XmlNode function = condition.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='FunctionName']"); string funcname = function.Attributes["Value"].Value; XmlNode parameters = condition.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Parameters']/*"); if (parameters != null) { string paramsTxt, dummy; ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition(parameters, out paramsTxt, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); conditionTxt = funcname + "(" + paramsTxt + ")"; } else { conditionTxt = funcname; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<IndexedVariableExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<IndexedMatrixVariableExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<MatrixSubColVariableExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<MatrixSubRowVariableExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<RangeIndexedMatrixVariableExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<RangeIndexedVariableExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<RowRangeIndexedMatrixVariableExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<MatrixRowVariableExpressionLogicalTreeProvider") || xml.StartsWith("<UnaryExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<ConcatenationExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<VectorBuilder") || xml.StartsWith("<Null")) { conditionTxt = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(condition); return; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<ParameterExpressionBinder")) { } else if (xml.StartsWith("<CriteriaInputExpression")) { } else if (xml.StartsWith("<MatrixColVariableExpressionLogicalTreeProvider")) { conditionTxt = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(condition); } else if (xml.StartsWith("<MemberExpression")) { if (condition.FirstChild.Name == "MemberExpression") { XmlNode Left = condition.SelectSingleNode(".//String[@Key='Name' or @Key='FunctionName']"); XmlNodeList Right = condition.SelectNodes(".//*[@Key='Right']"); conditionTxt = "{" + Left.Attributes["Value"].Value + "."; // +Right.Attributes["Value"].Value + "}"; int rc = 0; foreach (XmlNode r in Right) { conditionTxt += r.Attributes["Value"].Value; if (rc < Right.Count - 1) { conditionTxt += "."; } rc++; } conditionTxt += "}"; } else { XmlNode Left = condition.SelectSingleNode(".//String[@Key='Name' or @Key='FunctionName']"); XmlNode Right = condition.SelectSingleNode("*[@Key='Right']"); conditionTxt = "{" + Left.Attributes["Value"].Value + "." + Right.Attributes["Value"].Value + "}"; } } else { conditionTxt = "ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition - unidentified condition: " + condition.Name; } if (conditionTxt.Length == 0) { conditionTxt = "ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition - unhandled condition: " + condition.Name; } }
public static string Parse(XmlNode node) { string output = null; string xml = node.OuterXml; if (xml.StartsWith("<ConstantExpression")) { output = ConstantExpressionToTxt(node); } else if (xml.StartsWith("<ConcatenationExpression")) { XmlNode concatType = node.SelectSingleNode(".//StringExpressionsConcator/@Key"); if (concatType == null) { concatType = node.SelectSingleNode(".//PasswordExpressionsConcator/@Key"); } if (concatType == null) { concatType = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Null/@Key"); } if (concatType.Value == "Concator") { XmlNodeList parts = node.SelectNodes(".//List/*"); string dummy; string curpart; output = ""; foreach (XmlNode part in parts) { ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition(part, out curpart, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); output += curpart; } } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - ConcatenationExpression - unknown concatenation type: " + concatType.Value; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<StringConcatenationExpression")) { XmlNodeList parts = node.SelectNodes(".//List/*"); string dummy; string curpart; output = ""; foreach (XmlNode part in parts) { ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition(part, out curpart, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); output += curpart; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<BinaryExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<GroupExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<MemberExpression") || xml.StartsWith("<ExpressionDecorator")) { string dummy; ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition(node, out output, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); } else if (xml.StartsWith("<VariableExpression")) { output = VariableExpressionToTxt(node); } else if (xml.StartsWith("<Null")) { output = ""; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<RangeIndexedVariableExpression")) { XmlNode dimension = node.SelectSingleNode("*/@Key"); if (dimension.Value == "Vector") { string variable = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(node.SelectSingleNode("*")); XmlNode rowstart = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range/*[@Key='Start']"); XmlNode rowend = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range/*[@Key='End']"); output = variable.Replace("}", "(" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(rowstart) + ":" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(rowend) + ")}"); } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - RangeIndexedVariableExpression - unknown dimension: " + dimension.Value; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<AssignmentStatement")) { string source = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Source']")); string target = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Target']")); string operatorType = node.SelectSingleNode(".//AssignmentOperator/@Value").Value; output = target; switch (operatorType) { case "Assignment": output += " = " + source; break; case "PlusAssignment": output += " += " + source; break; case "MinusAssignment": output += " -= " + source; break; case "MultiplyAssignment": output += " *= " + source; break; case "DivideAssignment": output += " /= " + source; break; default: output += " TextfieldToTxt - AssignmentStatement - unknown operator: " + operatorType + " " + source; break; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<IndexedVariableExpression")) { XmlNode dimension = node.SelectSingleNode("*/@Key"); if (dimension.Value == "Vector") { XmlNode variable = node.SelectSingleNode("*"); XmlNode col = node.SelectSingleNode("*[@Key='Index']"); output = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(variable).Replace("}", "(" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(col) + ")}"); } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - IndexedVariableExpression - unknown dimension: " + dimension.Value; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<FunctionCall")) { string dummy; ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition(node, out output, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); } else if (xml.StartsWith("<CodeBlock")) { output = ""; XmlNodeList innerList = node.SelectSingleNode(".//List[@Key='Statements']").ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode statement in innerList) { output += TextfieldToTxt.Parse(statement) + "\r\n"; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<IndexedMatrixVariableExpression")) { XmlNode dimension = node.SelectSingleNode("*/@Key"); if (dimension.Value == "Matrix") { XmlNode variable = node.SelectSingleNode("*"); XmlNode row = node.SelectSingleNode("*[@Key='IndexRow']"); XmlNode col = node.SelectSingleNode("*[@Key='IndexCol']"); output = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(variable).Replace("}", "(" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(row) + "," + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(col) + ")}"); } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - IndexedMatrixVariableExpression - unknown dimension: " + dimension.Value; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<MatrixSubColVariableExpressionLogicalTreeProvider")) { XmlNode dimension = node.SelectSingleNode("*/@Key"); if (dimension.Value == "Matrix") { XmlNode variable = node.SelectSingleNode("*"); XmlNode rowstart = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range[@Key='RowRange']/*[@Key='Start']"); XmlNode rowend = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range[@Key='RowRange']/*[@Key='End']"); XmlNode col = node.SelectSingleNode("*[@Key='ColIndex']"); output = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(variable).Replace("}", "(" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(rowstart) + ":" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(rowend) + "," + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(col) + ")}"); } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - MatrixSubColVariableExpressionLogicalTreeProvider - unknown dimension: " + dimension.Value; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<MatrixSubRowVariableExpressionLogicalTreeProvider")) { XmlNode dimension = node.SelectSingleNode("*/@Key"); if (dimension.Value == "Matrix") { XmlNode variable = node.SelectSingleNode("*"); XmlNode colstart = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range[@Key='ColRange']/*[@Key='Start']"); XmlNode colend = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range[@Key='ColRange']/*[@Key='End']"); XmlNode row = node.SelectSingleNode("*[@Key='RowIndex']"); output = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(variable).Replace("}", "(" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(row) + "," + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(colstart) + ":" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(colend) + ")}"); } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - MatrixSubRowVariableExpressionLogicalTreeProvider - unknown dimension: " + dimension.Value; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<RangeIndexedMatrixVariableExpression")) { XmlNode dimension = node.SelectSingleNode("*/@Key"); if (dimension.Value == "Matrix") { XmlNode variable = node.SelectSingleNode("*"); XmlNode rowstart = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range[@Key='RowRange']/*[@Key='Start']"); XmlNode rowend = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range[@Key='RowRange']/*[@Key='End']"); XmlNode colstart = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range[@Key='ColRange']/*[@Key='Start']"); XmlNode colend = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range[@Key='ColRange']/*[@Key='End']"); output = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(variable).Replace("}", "(" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(rowstart) + ":" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(rowend) + "," + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(colstart) + ":" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(colend) + ")}"); } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - MatrixSubColVariableExpressionLogicalTreeProvider - unknown dimension: " + dimension.Value; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<MatrixColVariableExpressionLogicalTreeProvider")) { XmlNode dimension = node.SelectSingleNode("*/@Key"); if (dimension.Value == "Matrix") { XmlNode variable = node.SelectSingleNode("*"); XmlNode col = node.SelectSingleNode("*[@Key='ColIndex']"); output = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(variable).Replace("}", "(:," + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(col) + ")}"); } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - MatrixColVariableExpressionLogicalTreeProvider - unknown dimension: " + dimension.Value; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<MatrixRowVariableExpressionLogicalTreeProvider")) { XmlNode dimension = node.SelectSingleNode("*/@Key"); if (dimension.Value == "Matrix") { XmlNode variable = node.SelectSingleNode("*"); XmlNode row = node.SelectSingleNode("*[@Key='RowIndex']"); output = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(variable).Replace("}", "(" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(row) + ",:)}"); } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - MatrixRowVariableExpressionLogicalTreeProvider - unknown dimension: " + dimension.Value; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<RowRangeIndexedMatrixVariableExpression")) { XmlNode dimension = node.SelectSingleNode("*/@Key"); if (dimension.Value == "Matrix") { XmlNode variable = node.SelectSingleNode("*"); XmlNode rowstart = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range[@Key='RowRange']/*[@Key='Start']"); XmlNode rowend = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range[@Key='RowRange']/*[@Key='End']"); output = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(variable).Replace("}", "(" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(rowstart) + ":" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(rowend) + ",:)}"); } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - RowRangeIndexedMatrixVariableExpression - unknown dimension: " + dimension.Value; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<ColRangeIndexedMatrixVariableExpression")) { XmlNode dimension = node.SelectSingleNode("*/@Key"); if (dimension.Value == "Matrix") { XmlNode variable = node.SelectSingleNode("*"); XmlNode colstart = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range[@Key='ColRange']/*[@Key='Start']"); XmlNode colend = node.SelectSingleNode(".//Range[@Key='ColRange']/*[@Key='End']"); output = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(variable).Replace("}", "(:," + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(colstart) + ":" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(colend) + ")}"); } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - ColRangeIndexedMatrixVariableExpression - unknown dimension: " + dimension.Value; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<Boolean ") || xml.StartsWith("<Double ") || xml.StartsWith("<DataDimension ") || xml.StartsWith("<String ") || xml.StartsWith("<ReadBufferType ") || xml.StartsWith("<DllHostType ") || xml.StartsWith("<PaddingOptions ") || xml.StartsWith("<LaunchMode ") || xml.StartsWith("<Int32 ")) { output = node.Attributes["Value"].Value; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<TrimWhitespaceOptions")) { output = node.Attributes["Value"].Value; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<Password ")) { output = "\"" + node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Password']/@Value").Value + "\"" + " // (encrypted value)"; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<VectorString")) { XmlNodeList elements = node.SelectNodes(".//*[@Key='Elements']/KeyValuePair"); int count = int.Parse(node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Size']/@Value").Value); output = ""; string[] values = new string[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { values[i] = "\"\""; } foreach (XmlNode element in elements) { int index = int.Parse(element.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='HashKey']/@Value").Value); string value = element.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='HashValue']/@Value").Value; values[index] = "\"" + value + "\""; } output = "[" + String.Join(", ", values) + "]"; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<VectorNumeric")) { XmlNodeList elements = node.SelectNodes(".//*[@Key='Elements']/KeyValuePair"); int count = int.Parse(node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='ElementCount']/@Value").Value); output = ""; int[] numbers = new int[count]; Array.Clear(numbers, 0, numbers.Length); foreach (XmlNode element in elements) { int index = int.Parse(element.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='HashKey']/@Value").Value); int value = int.Parse(element.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='HashValue']/@Value").Value); numbers[index] = value; } output = "[" + String.Join(", ", numbers) + "]"; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<MatrixString") || xml.StartsWith("<MatrixNumeric")) { XmlNodeList vectors = node.SelectNodes(".//List[@Key='Vectors']/*"); string curpart; output = ""; int c = 0; foreach (XmlNode vect in vectors) { curpart = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(vect); curpart = curpart.Substring(1, curpart.Length - 2); output += curpart + "; "; c++; } if (output.Length == 0) { output = "[;]"; } else { output = "[" + output + "]"; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<RangeEndExpression")) { output = "end"; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<SessionInfo")) { if (node.SelectSingleNode(".//Guid/@Value").Value == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") { output = "null"; } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - SessionInfo - unhandled session with id"; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<NamedParameterInfo")) { string name = node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Name']/@Value").Value; string value = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Value']")); output = name + " = " + value; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<VectorBuilder")) { XmlNodeList cells = node.SelectNodes(".//*[@Key='Cells']/*"); string dummy; string curpart; output = ""; int c = 0; foreach (XmlNode cell in cells) { ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition(cell, out curpart, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); output += curpart + (c < cells.Count - 1 ? ", ":""); c++; } output = "[" + output + "]"; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<WhileStatement")) { XmlNode codeblock = node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='CodeBlock']"); XmlNode condition = node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Condition']"); bool isDoWhile = bool.Parse(node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='IsVerifyAfter']/@Value").Value); if (isDoWhile) { output = "do" + "\r\n"; output += TextfieldToTxt.Parse(codeblock); output += "while" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(condition) + "\r\n"; } else { output = "while " + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(condition) + "\r\n"; output += TextfieldToTxt.Parse(codeblock) + "end" + "\r\n"; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<ForStatement")) { XmlNode codeblock = node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='CodeBlock']"); XmlNode index = node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Index']"); XmlNode binary = node.SelectSingleNode(".//BinaryExpression"); output = "for (" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(index) + " = " + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(binary) + ")" + "\r\n"; output += TextfieldToTxt.Parse(codeblock) + "end" + "\r\n"; } else if (xml.StartsWith("<IfStatement") || xml.StartsWith("<ConditionedCodeBlock")) { XmlNode codeblock = node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='CodeBlock']"); XmlNode condition = node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Condition']"); XmlNode elseblock = node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Else']"); XmlNode elseifs = node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='ElseIfs']"); output = "if " + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(condition) + "\r\n"; output += TextfieldToTxt.Parse(codeblock); if (elseifs != null && elseifs.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlNode item in elseifs.ChildNodes) { output += "else" + TextfieldToTxt.Parse(item); } } if (elseblock != null && elseblock.Name != "Null") { output += "else" + "\r\n"; output += TextfieldToTxt.Parse(elseblock); } if (xml.StartsWith("<IfStatement")) { output += "end"; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<UnaryExpression")) { string target = TextfieldToTxt.Parse(node.SelectSingleNode(".//*[@Key='Expression']")); string operatorType = node.SelectSingleNode(".//UnaryOperator/@Value").Value; if (operatorType == "AutoIncrement") { output = target + "++"; } else if (operatorType == "AutoDecrement") { output = target + "--"; } else if (operatorType == "Negate") { output = "-" + target; } else { output = "TextfieldToTxt - UnaryExpression - unknown operator: " + operatorType; } } else if (xml.StartsWith("<MatrixBuilder")) { XmlNodeList lists = node.SelectNodes(".//*[@Key='Cells']/*"); string dummy; string curpart; output = ""; int c = 0; foreach (XmlNode list in lists) { XmlNodeList cells = list.SelectNodes("./*"); foreach (XmlNode cell in cells) { ConditionXmlToTxt.ParseCondition(cell, out curpart, out dummy, out dummy, out dummy); output += curpart + (c < cells.Count - 1 ? ", " : ""); c++; } output += ";"; } output = "[" + output + "]"; } else { return("TextfieldToTxt - unidentified xml: " + xml); } if (output == null) { return("TextfieldToTxt - not implemented xml: " + node.Name); } return(output); }