private void OnDrawImage(EVFDataSet evfDataSet) { IntPtr evfStream; UInt64 streamLength; EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsGetPointer(, out evfStream); EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsGetLength(, out streamLength); byte[] data = new byte[(int)streamLength]; Marshal.Copy(evfStream, data, 0, (int)streamLength); Image img = (Image)imgconv.ConvertFrom(data); Bitmap canvas = new Bitmap(img); int iWidth = canvas.Width; int iHeight = canvas.Height; Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(canvas); g.DrawImage(img, 0, 0); // Display the focus border if displaying the entire image. if (evfDataSet.zoom == 1 && (evfDataSet.sizeJpegLarge.width != 0 && evfDataSet.sizeJpegLarge.height != 0)) { OnDrawFocusRect(ref g, ref evfDataSet, ref iWidth, ref iHeight); } g.Dispose(); if (_model.isEvfEnable) { this.Image = canvas; } else { this.Image = null; } }
// Execute command public override bool Execute() { uint err = EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EDS_ERR_OK; IntPtr evfImage = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr stream = IntPtr.Zero; UInt64 bufferSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; IntPtr evfDataSetPtr = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr cameraPosPtr = IntPtr.Zero; // Exit unless during live view. if ((_model.EvfOutputDevice & EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EvfOutputDevice_PC) == 0) { return(true); } // Create memory stream. err = EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsCreateMemoryStream(bufferSize, out stream); // Create EvfImageRef. if (err == EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EDS_ERR_OK) { err = EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsCreateEvfImageRef(stream, out evfImage); } // Download live view image data. if (err == EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EDS_ERR_OK) { err = EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsDownloadEvfImage(_model.Camera, evfImage); } // Get meta data for live view image data. if (err == EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EDS_ERR_OK) { EVFDataSet dataset = new EVFDataSet(); = stream; // Get magnification ratio (x1, x5, or x10). EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsGetPropertyData(evfImage, EDSDKLib.EDSDK.PropID_Evf_Zoom, 0, out dataset.zoom); // Get position of image data. (when enlarging) // Upper left coordinate using JPEG Large size as a reference. EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsGetPropertyData(evfImage, EDSDKLib.EDSDK.PropID_Evf_ImagePosition, 0, out dataset.imagePosition); // Get rectangle of the focus border. EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsGetPropertyData(evfImage, EDSDKLib.EDSDK.PropID_Evf_ZoomRect, 0, out dataset.zoomRect); // Get the size as a reference of the coordinates of rectangle of the focus border. EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsGetPropertyData(evfImage, EDSDKLib.EDSDK.PropID_Evf_CoordinateSystem, 0, out dataset.sizeJpegLarge); _model.SetPropertyRect(EDSDKLib.EDSDK.PropID_Evf_ZoomRect, dataset.zoomRect); int size = Marshal.SizeOf(dataset); evfDataSetPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size); Marshal.StructureToPtr(dataset, evfDataSetPtr, false); } // Live view image transfer complete notification. if (err == EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EDS_ERR_OK) { CameraEvent e = new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.Type.EVFDATA_CHANGED, evfDataSetPtr); _model.NotifyObservers(e); } // Get Evf_RollingPitching data. if (err == EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EDS_ERR_OK) { if (_model.RollPitch == 0) { EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsCameraPos cameraPos = new EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsCameraPos(); err = EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsGetPropertyData(evfImage, EDSDKLib.EDSDK.PropID_Evf_RollingPitching, 0, out cameraPos); if (err == EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EDS_ERR_OK) { int size = Marshal.SizeOf(cameraPos); cameraPosPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size); Marshal.StructureToPtr(cameraPos, cameraPosPtr, false); CameraEvent e = new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.Type.ANGLEINFO, cameraPosPtr); _model.NotifyObservers(e); } } } if (stream != IntPtr.Zero) { EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsRelease(stream); stream = IntPtr.Zero; } if (evfImage != IntPtr.Zero) { EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EdsRelease(evfImage); evfImage = IntPtr.Zero; } if (evfDataSetPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(evfDataSetPtr); } //Notification of error if (err != EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EDS_ERR_OK) { // Retry getting image data if EDS_ERR_OBJECT_NOTREADY is returned // when the image data is not ready yet. if (err == EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EDS_ERR_OBJECT_NOTREADY) { return(false); } // It retries it at device busy if (err == EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EDS_ERR_DEVICE_BUSY) { CameraEvent e = new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.Type.DEVICE_BUSY, IntPtr.Zero); _model.NotifyObservers(e); return(false); } { CameraEvent e = new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.Type.ERROR, (IntPtr)err); _model.NotifyObservers(e); } } return(true); }
public void Update(Observable from, CameraEvent e) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { //The update processing can be executed from another thread. this.Invoke(new _Update(Update), new object[] { from, e }); return; } CameraEvent.Type eventType = e.GetEventType(); _model = (CameraModel)from; uint propertyID; switch (eventType) { case CameraEvent.Type.EVFDATA_CHANGED: IntPtr evfDataSetPtr = e.GetArg(); EVFDataSet evfDataSet = (EVFDataSet)Marshal.PtrToStructure(evfDataSetPtr, typeof(EVFDataSet)); this.OnDrawImage(evfDataSet); propertyID = EDSDKLib.EDSDK.PropID_FocusInfo; _actionSource.FireEvent(ActionEvent.Command.GET_PROPERTY, (IntPtr)propertyID); _actionSource.FireEvent(ActionEvent.Command.DOWNLOAD_EVF, IntPtr.Zero); break; case CameraEvent.Type.PROPERTY_CHANGED: propertyID = (uint)e.GetArg(); if (propertyID == EDSDKLib.EDSDK.PropID_Evf_OutputDevice) { uint device = _model.EvfOutputDevice; // PC live view has started. if (!_active && (device & EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EvfOutputDevice_PC) != 0) { _active = true; // Start download of image data. _actionSource.FireEvent(ActionEvent.Command.DOWNLOAD_EVF, IntPtr.Zero); } // PC live view has ended. if (_active && (device & EDSDKLib.EDSDK.EvfOutputDevice_PC) == 0) { _active = false; } } else if (propertyID == EDSDKLib.EDSDK.PropID_FocusInfo && this.Image != null) { float xRatio = 1; float yRatio = 1; m_focusInfo = _model.FocusInfo; xRatio = (float)(this.Image.Width) / (float)(m_focusInfo.imageRect.width); yRatio = (float)(this.Image.Height) / (float)(m_focusInfo.imageRect.height); for (uint i = 0; i < m_focusInfo.pointNumber; i++) { m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].rect.x = (int)(m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].rect.x * xRatio); m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].rect.y = (int)(m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].rect.y * yRatio); m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].rect.width = (int)(m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].rect.width * xRatio); m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].rect.height = (int)(m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].rect.height * yRatio); } } else if (propertyID == EDSDKLib.EDSDK.PropID_Evf_AFMode) { m_bDrawZoomFrame = _model.EvfAFMode != 2 && _model.isTypeDS; } break; } }
private void OnDrawFocusRect(ref Graphics g, ref EVFDataSet evfDataSet, ref int iWidth, ref int iHeight) { // Draw Zoom Frame if (m_bDrawZoomFrame) { int cx = iWidth; int cy = iHeight; // The zoomPosition is given by the coordinates of the upper left of the focus border using Jpeg Large size as a reference. // The size of the focus border is one fifth the size of Jpeg Large. // Because the image fills the entire window, the height and width to be drawn is one fifth of the window size. int iw = evfDataSet.sizeJpegLarge.width; int ih = evfDataSet.sizeJpegLarge.height; long left = evfDataSet.zoomRect.x; long top = evfDataSet.zoomRect.y; long x = left * cx / iw; long y = top * cy / ih; long width = evfDataSet.zoomRect.width * cx / iw; long height = evfDataSet.zoomRect.height * cy / ih; // Draw. Pen pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)); pen.Width = 3; g.DrawRectangle(pen, x, y, width, height); } Pen defaultPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)); defaultPen.Width = 3; Pen errPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0)); errPen.Width = 3; Pen servoPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(65, 148, 232)); servoPen.Width = 3; Pen justPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0)); justPen.Width = 3; Pen disablePen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128)); disablePen.Width = 3; Pen oldPenH; Rectangle afRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); for (uint i = 0; i < m_focusInfo.pointNumber; i++) { if (m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].valid == 1) { // Selecte Just Focus Pen if ((m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].justFocus & 0x0f) == 1) { oldPenH = justPen; } else if ((m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].justFocus & 0x0f) == 2) { oldPenH = errPen; } else if ((m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].justFocus & 0x0f) == 4) { oldPenH = servoPen; } else { oldPenH = defaultPen; } if (m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].selected != 1) { oldPenH = disablePen; } // Set Frame Rect afRect.X = m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].rect.x; afRect.Y = m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].rect.y; afRect.Width = m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].rect.width; afRect.Height = m_focusInfo.focusPoint[i].rect.height; g.DrawRectangle(oldPenH, afRect); } } }