public void Start() { string[] days = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", }; string[] daysNum = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" }; string[] daysAlpha = { "s", "m", "t", "w", "h", "f", "a" }; Console.Clear(); Station.WriteLine("Memory is tricky, here you'll learn"); Station.WriteLine("to memorize the whole calendar from the year 1600 to 2399"); Station.WriteLine("first memorize the code for the week days\n"); Station.WriteLine("Sunday = 0 i.e None day"); Station.WriteLine("Monday = 1 i.e One-day"); Station.WriteLine("Tuesday = 2 i.e Twos-day"); Station.WriteLine("Wednesday= 3 i.e W looks like 3"); Station.WriteLine("Thursday = 4 i.e Fours-Day"); Station.WriteLine("Friday = 5 i.e Five-Day"); Station.WriteLine("Saturday = 6 i.e Six-Turday"); Station.WriteLine("Once You've Memorized this press C to continue"); Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.C) { Drill1 q = new Drill1(); int score; do { score = q.Level1Drill(days, daysNum, daysAlpha, 7, 28, 70, true, true); if (score == -1) { Console.Clear(); Station.WriteLine("Sorry but you did not complete the drill in time"); Station.WriteLine("You would have to start again"); Station.WriteLine("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); } }while (score == -1); Station.WriteLine("Congratulations your score was " + score.ToString()); Station.WriteLine("press any key to proceed"); Console.ReadKey(true); Level1Stage2(); } else { Start(); } }
private void Level1Stage2() { string[] days = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; string[] daysNum = { "6", "2", "2", "5", "0", "3", "5", "1", "4", "6", "2", "4" }; string[] daysAlpha = { "j", "f", "m", "a", "y", "u", "l", "g", "s", "o", "n", "d" }; Console.Clear(); Station.WriteLine("Next you have to learn the codes for months\n " + "This will enable you in your journey"); Station.WriteLine("first memorize the code for the Months\n"); Station.WriteLine("January: 6 i.e WINTER has 6 letters"); Station.WriteLine("February: 2 i.e February is 2nd month"); Station.WriteLine("March: 2 i.e March 2 the beat."); Station.WriteLine("April: 5 i.e APRIL has 5 letters(&FOOLS!)"); Station.WriteLine("May: 0 i.e MAY - 0"); Station.WriteLine("June: 3 i.e June BUG(BUG has 3 letters)"); Station.WriteLine("July: 5 i.e FIVERworks"); Station.WriteLine("August: 1 i.e A - 1 Steak Sauce at picnic"); Station.WriteLine("September: 4 i.e FALL has 4 letters"); Station.WriteLine("October: 6 i.e SIX or treat!y"); Station.WriteLine("November: 2 i.e 2 legs on 2rkey"); Station.WriteLine("December: 4 i.e LAST(or XMAS) has 4 letter"); Station.WriteLine("Note: It's important to note that, in leap years, \n" + "January reduces by one to 5, and February reduces by one to 1. \n" + " The other months don't change in leap years.\n"); Station.WriteLine("\nOnce You've Memorized this press C to continue"); Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.C) { Drill1 q = new Drill1(); int score; do { score = q.Level1Drill(days, daysNum, daysAlpha, 36, 0, 70, true, false); if (score == -1) { Console.Clear(); Station.WriteLine("Sorry but you did not complete the drill in time"); Station.WriteLine("You would have to start again"); Station.WriteLine("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); } }while (score == -1); Station.WriteLine("Congratulations your score was " + score.ToString()); Station.WriteLine("press any key to proceed"); Console.ReadKey(true); FinalStage(); } else { Level1Stage2(); } }
public void FinalStage() { string[] days = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; string[] daysNum = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12" }; string[] daysAlpha = { "j", "f", "m", "a", "y", "u", "l", "g", "s", "o", "n", "d" }; Console.Clear(); Station.WriteLine("Finally The months in this application are\n " + "asked in numbers hence lets make sure youre familiar"); Station.WriteLine("with say what the fifth month or seventh month is\n"); Station.WriteLine("January: 1 "); Station.WriteLine("February: 2 "); Station.WriteLine("March: 3 "); Station.WriteLine("April: 4 "); Station.WriteLine("May: 5 "); Station.WriteLine("June: 6 "); Station.WriteLine("July: 7 "); Station.WriteLine("August: 8 "); Station.WriteLine("September: 9 "); Station.WriteLine("October: 10 "); Station.WriteLine("November: 11 "); Station.WriteLine("December: 12 "); Station.WriteLine("\nOnce You've Memorized this press C to continue"); Console.CursorVisible = false; ConsoleKeyInfo key; key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.C) { Drill1 q = new Drill1(); int score; do { score = q.Level1Drill(days, daysNum, daysAlpha, 0, 24, 80, false, true); if (score == -1) { Console.Clear(); Station.WriteLine("Sorry but you did not complete the drill in time"); Station.WriteLine("You would have to start again"); Station.WriteLine("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); } }while (score == -1); Station.WriteLine("Congratulations your score was " + score.ToString()); Station.WriteLine("press any key to proceed"); Console.ReadKey(true); PassedLevel1(); } else { FinalStage(); } }