public override void Start() { // Our own timer with a higher frequency than OverlayPlugin since we want to see // the effect of log messages quickly. fast_update_timer_ = new System.Timers.Timer(); fast_update_timer_.Elapsed += (o, args) => { int timer_interval = kSlowTimerMilli; try { timer_interval = SendFastRateEvents(); } catch (Exception e) { // SendFastRateEvents holds this semaphore until it exits. LogError("Exception in SendFastRateEvents: " + e.Message); LogError("Stack: " + e.StackTrace); LogError("Source: " + e.Source); } fast_update_timer_.Interval = timer_interval; }; fast_update_timer_.AutoReset = false; FFXIVPlugin plugin_helper = new FFXIVPlugin(this); language_ = plugin_helper.GetLocaleString(); pc_locale_ = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name; var versions = new VersionChecker(this); Version local = versions.GetCactbotVersion(); Version overlay = versions.GetOverlayPluginVersion(); Version ffxiv = versions.GetFFXIVPluginVersion(); Version act = versions.GetACTVersion(); // Print out version strings and locations to help users debug. LogInfo("cactbot: {0} {1} (dir: {2})", local.ToString(), versions.GetCactbotPluginLocation(), versions.GetCactbotDirectory()); LogInfo("OverlayPlugin: {0} {1}", overlay.ToString(), versions.GetOverlayPluginLocation()); LogInfo("FFXIV Plugin: {0} {1}", ffxiv.ToString(), versions.GetFFXIVPluginLocation()); LogInfo("ACT: {0} {1}", act.ToString(), versions.GetACTLocation()); if (language_ == null) { LogInfo("Parsing Plugin Language: {0}", "(unknown)"); } else { LogInfo("Parsing Plugin Language: {0}", language_); } if (pc_locale_ == null) { LogInfo("System Locale: {0}", "(unknown)"); } else { LogInfo("System Locale: {0}", pc_locale_); } // This will be set explicitly, so if it's not set now, it will be set after reloading ACT. // Log this for now as there will likely be a lot of questions, re: user directories. if (Config.UserConfigFile != null) { LogInfo("cactbot user directory: {0}", Config.UserConfigFile); } // Temporarily target cn if plugin is old v2.0.4.0 if (language_ == "cn" || ffxiv.ToString() == "") { ffxiv_ = new FFXIVProcessCn(this); LogInfo("Version: cn"); } else if (language_ == "ko") { ffxiv_ = new FFXIVProcessKo(this); LogInfo("Version: ko"); } else { ffxiv_ = new FFXIVProcessIntl(this); LogInfo("Version: intl"); } wipe_detector_ = new WipeDetector(this); fate_watcher_ = new FateWatcher(this, language_); // Incoming events. Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.OnLogLineRead += OnLogLineRead; // Outgoing JS events. OnForceReload += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnGameExists += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnGameActiveChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnZoneChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnLogsChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnImportLogsChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnPlayerChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnInCombatChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnPlayerDied += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnPartyWipe += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnFateEvent += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnCEEvent += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); fast_update_timer_.Interval = kFastTimerMilli; fast_update_timer_.Start(); fate_watcher_.Start(); string net_version_str = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(typeof(int).Assembly.Location).ProductVersion; string[] net_version = net_version_str.Split('.'); if (int.Parse(net_version[0]) < kRequiredNETVersionMajor || int.Parse(net_version[1]) < kRequiredNETVersionMinor) { LogError("Requires .NET 4.6 or above. Using " + net_version_str); } versions.DoUpdateCheck(Config); // Start watching files after the update check. Config.WatchFileChangesChanged += (o, e) => { if (Config.WatchFileChanges) { StartFileWatcher(); } else { StopFileWatcher(); } }; if (Config.WatchFileChanges) { StartFileWatcher(); } }
void Initialize() { ffxiv_ = new FFXIVProcess(this); fight_tracker_ = new FightTracker(this); wipe_detector_ = new WipeDetector(this); dispatch_json_writer_ = new JsonTextWriter(new System.IO.StringWriter(dispatch_string_builder_)); dispatch_serializer_ = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(); message_serializer_ = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(); // Our own timer with a higher frequency than OverlayPlugin since we want to see // the effect of log messages quickly. fast_update_timer_ = new System.Timers.Timer(); fast_update_timer_.Elapsed += (o, args) => { // Hold this while we're in here to prevent the Renderer or Browser from disappearing from under us. fast_update_timer_semaphore_.Wait(); int timer_interval = kSlowTimerMilli; try { timer_interval = SendFastRateEvents(); } catch (Exception e) { // SendFastRateEvents holds this semaphore until it exits. LogError("Exception in SendFastRateEvents: " + e.Message); LogError("Stack: " + e.StackTrace); LogError("Source: " + e.Source); } fast_update_timer_semaphore_.Release(); fast_update_timer_.Interval = timer_interval; fast_update_timer_.Start(); }; fast_update_timer_.AutoReset = false; FFXIVPlugin plugin_helper = new FFXIVPlugin(this); language_ = plugin_helper.GetLocaleString(); // Incoming events. Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.OnLogLineRead += OnLogLineRead; // Outgoing JS events. OnGameExists += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnGameActiveChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnZoneChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); if (this.Config.LogUpdatesEnabled) { OnLogsChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); } OnPlayerChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnTargetChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnTargetCasting += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnFocusChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnFocusCasting += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnInCombatChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnPlayerDied += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnPartyWipe += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnDataFilesRead += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); fast_update_timer_.Interval = kFastTimerMilli; fast_update_timer_.Start(); if (is_first_overlay_initialized_) { is_first_overlay_initialized_ = false; var versions = new VersionChecker(this); Version local = versions.GetLocalVersion(); Version remote = versions.GetRemoteVersion(); Version overlay = versions.GetOverlayPluginVersion(); Version ffxiv = versions.GetFFXIVPluginVersion(); Version act = versions.GetACTVersion(); // Print out version strings and locations to help users debug. LogInfo("cactbot: {0} {1}", local.ToString(), versions.GetCactbotLocation()); LogInfo("OverlayPlugin: {0} {1}", overlay.ToString(), versions.GetOverlayPluginLocation()); LogInfo("FFXIV Plugin: {0} {1}", ffxiv.ToString(), versions.GetFFXIVPluginLocation()); LogInfo("ACT: {0} {1}", act.ToString(), versions.GetACTLocation()); if (language_ == null) { LogInfo("Language: {0}", "(unknown)"); } else { LogInfo("Language: {0}", language_); } if (remote.Major == 0 && remote.Minor == 0) { var result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(Overlay, "Github error while checking Cactbot version. " + "Your current version is " + local + ".\n\n" + "Manually check for newer version now?", "Cactbot Manual Check", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(VersionChecker.kReleaseUrl); } } else if (local < remote) { Version remote_seen_before = new Version(Config.RemoteVersionSeen); Config.RemoteVersionSeen = remote.ToString(); string update_message = "There is a new version of Cactbot is available at: \n" + VersionChecker.kReleaseUrl + " \n\n" + "New version " + remote + " \n" + "Current version " + local; if (remote == remote_seen_before) { LogError(update_message); } else { var result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(Overlay, update_message + "\n\n" + "Get it now?", "Cactbot update available", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(VersionChecker.kReleaseUrl); } } Config.RemoteVersionSeen = remote.ToString(); } } string net_version_str = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(typeof(int).Assembly.Location).ProductVersion; string[] net_version = net_version_str.Split('.'); if (int.Parse(net_version[0]) < kRequiredNETVersionMajor || int.Parse(net_version[1]) < kRequiredNETVersionMinor) { LogError("Requires .NET 4.6 or above. Using " + net_version_str); } init_ = true; if (deferred_navigate_ != null) { this.Navigate(deferred_navigate_); } }
public override void Start() { // Our own timer with a higher frequency than OverlayPlugin since we want to see // the effect of log messages quickly. fast_update_timer_ = new System.Timers.Timer(); fast_update_timer_.Elapsed += (o, args) => { int timer_interval = kSlowTimerMilli; try { timer_interval = SendFastRateEvents(); } catch (Exception e) { // SendFastRateEvents holds this semaphore until it exits. LogError(Strings.SendFastRateEventsException, e.Message); LogError(Strings.Stack, e.StackTrace); LogError(Strings.Source, e.Source); } fast_update_timer_.Interval = timer_interval; }; fast_update_timer_.AutoReset = false; FFXIVPlugin plugin_helper = new FFXIVPlugin(this); language_ = plugin_helper.GetLocaleString(); pc_locale_ = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name; var ui_lang = Config.DisplayLanguage; if (ui_lang == "default") { ui_lang = language_; } if (ui_lang == "cn") { ui_lang = "zh"; } try { CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(ui_lang, false); CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = culture; } catch { // CultureInfo's constructor throws on nulls. // TODO: remove this try/catch and verify a null check is sufficient? } var versions = new VersionChecker(this); Version local = versions.GetCactbotVersion(); Version overlay = versions.GetOverlayPluginVersion(); Version ffxiv = versions.GetFFXIVPluginVersion(); Version act = versions.GetACTVersion(); // Print out version strings and locations to help users debug. LogInfo(Strings.CactbotBaseInfo, local.ToString(), versions.GetCactbotPluginLocation(), versions.GetCactbotDirectory()); LogInfo(Strings.OverlayPluginBaseInfo, overlay.ToString(), versions.GetOverlayPluginLocation()); LogInfo(Strings.FFXIVPluginBaseInfo, ffxiv.ToString(), versions.GetFFXIVPluginLocation()); LogInfo(Strings.ACTBaseInfo, act.ToString(), versions.GetACTLocation()); if (language_ == null) { LogInfo(Strings.ParsingPluginLanguage, "(unknown)"); } else { LogInfo(Strings.ParsingPluginLanguage, language_); } if (pc_locale_ == null) { LogInfo(Strings.SystemLocale, "(unknown)"); } else { LogInfo(Strings.SystemLocale, pc_locale_); } // This will be set explicitly, so if it's not set now, it will be set after reloading ACT. // Log this for now as there will likely be a lot of questions, re: user directories. if (Config.UserConfigFile != null) { LogInfo(Strings.CactbotUserDirectory, Config.UserConfigFile); } // Temporarily target cn if plugin is old v2.0.4.0 if (language_ == "cn" || ffxiv.ToString() == "") { ffxiv_ = new FFXIVProcessCn(this); LogInfo(Strings.Version, "cn"); } else if (language_ == "ko") { ffxiv_ = new FFXIVProcessKo(this); LogInfo(Strings.Version, "ko"); } else { ffxiv_ = new FFXIVProcessIntl(this); LogInfo(Strings.Version, "intl"); } // Avoid initialization races by always calling OnProcessChanged with the current process // in case the ffxiv plugin has already sent this event and it never changes again. plugin_helper.RegisterProcessChangedHandler(ffxiv_.OnProcessChanged); ffxiv_.OnProcessChanged(plugin_helper.GetCurrentProcess()); wipe_detector_ = new WipeDetector(this); fate_watcher_ = new FateWatcher(this, language_); // Incoming events. Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.OnLogLineRead += OnLogLineRead; // Outgoing JS events. OnForceReload += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnGameExists += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnGameActiveChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnZoneChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnLogsChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnImportLogsChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnPlayerChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnInCombatChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnPlayerDied += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnPartyWipe += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnFateEvent += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnCEEvent += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); fast_update_timer_.Interval = kFastTimerMilli; fast_update_timer_.Start(); fate_watcher_.Start(); string net_version_str = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(typeof(int).Assembly.Location).ProductVersion; string[] net_version = net_version_str.Split('.'); if (int.Parse(net_version[0]) < kRequiredNETVersionMajor || int.Parse(net_version[1]) < kRequiredNETVersionMinor) { LogError(Strings.RequireDotNetVersion, net_version_str); } versions.DoUpdateCheck(Config); }
public override void Start() { // Our own timer with a higher frequency than OverlayPlugin since we want to see // the effect of log messages quickly. fast_update_timer_ = new System.Timers.Timer(); fast_update_timer_.Elapsed += (o, args) => { int timer_interval = kSlowTimerMilli; try { timer_interval = SendFastRateEvents(); } catch (Exception e) { // SendFastRateEvents holds this semaphore until it exits. LogError("Exception in SendFastRateEvents: " + e.Message); LogError("Stack: " + e.StackTrace); LogError("Source: " + e.Source); } fast_update_timer_.Interval = timer_interval; }; fast_update_timer_.AutoReset = false; FFXIVPlugin plugin_helper = new FFXIVPlugin(this); language_ = plugin_helper.GetLocaleString(); var versions = new VersionChecker(this); Version local = versions.GetLocalVersion(); Version remote = versions.GetRemoteVersion(); Version overlay = versions.GetOverlayPluginVersion(); Version ffxiv = versions.GetFFXIVPluginVersion(); Version act = versions.GetACTVersion(); // Print out version strings and locations to help users debug. LogInfo("cactbot: {0} {1} (dir: {2})", local.ToString(), versions.GetCactbotPluginLocation(), versions.GetCactbotDirectory()); LogInfo("OverlayPlugin: {0} {1}", overlay.ToString(), versions.GetOverlayPluginLocation()); LogInfo("FFXIV Plugin: {0} {1}", ffxiv.ToString(), versions.GetFFXIVPluginLocation()); LogInfo("ACT: {0} {1}", act.ToString(), versions.GetACTLocation()); if (language_ == null) { LogInfo("Language: {0}", "(unknown)"); } else { LogInfo("Language: {0}", language_); } // Temporarily target cn if plugin is old v2.0.4.0 if (language_ == "cn" || ffxiv.ToString() == "") { ffxiv_ = new FFXIVProcessCn(this); LogInfo("Version: cn"); } else if (language_ == "ko") { ffxiv_ = new FFXIVProcessKo(this); LogInfo("Version: ko"); } else { ffxiv_ = new FFXIVProcessIntl(this); LogInfo("Version: intl"); } wipe_detector_ = new WipeDetector(this); // Incoming events. Advanced_Combat_Tracker.ActGlobals.oFormActMain.OnLogLineRead += OnLogLineRead; // Outgoing JS events. OnForceReload += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnGameExists += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnGameActiveChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnZoneChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnLogsChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnImportLogsChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnPlayerChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnTargetChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnFocusChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnInCombatChanged += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnPlayerDied += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); OnPartyWipe += (e) => DispatchToJS(e); fast_update_timer_.Interval = kFastTimerMilli; fast_update_timer_.Start(); if (remote.Major == 0 && remote.Minor == 0) { var result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( "Github error while checking Cactbot version. " + "Your current version is " + local + ".\n\n" + "Manually check for newer version now?", "Cactbot Manual Check", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(VersionChecker.kReleaseUrl); } } else if (local < remote) { Version remote_seen_before = new Version(Config.RemoteVersionSeen); Config.RemoteVersionSeen = remote.ToString(); string update_message = "There is a new version of Cactbot is available at: \n" + VersionChecker.kReleaseUrl + " \n\n" + "New version " + remote + " \n" + "Current version " + local; if (remote == remote_seen_before) { LogError(update_message); } else { var result = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show( update_message + "\n\n" + "Get it now?", "Cactbot update available", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(VersionChecker.kReleaseUrl); } } Config.RemoteVersionSeen = remote.ToString(); } string net_version_str = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(typeof(int).Assembly.Location).ProductVersion; string[] net_version = net_version_str.Split('.'); if (int.Parse(net_version[0]) < kRequiredNETVersionMajor || int.Parse(net_version[1]) < kRequiredNETVersionMinor) { LogError("Requires .NET 4.6 or above. Using " + net_version_str); } }